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Status Updates posted by theflyingpen

  1. I can safely say my avatar just about sums up my time on the server.

    1. KarmaDelta
    2. Salvo


      Darkest Dungeon.... BEATIFUL

  2. so we have some sort of Facebook like feature? I'll be sure to possibly use it.

  3. *Fedora tipping intensifies*

    1. ToenailTickler



  4. It's cold and dark.... I want to live again.

  5. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!

  6. I absolutely love the feeling, the environment, and the RP that's happening in the refugee camp that has become new Malinor

  7. I am a t6 Antag-evocationalist

  8. I am a t6 Antag-evocationalist

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