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Everything posted by hammer01

  1. ((...i stumbled on it...))
  2. ((just because you lack knowledge IC doesn't mean you can use the OOC information to even remotely influence IC... but i could be wrong... you should ask a mod or something...))
  3. ((even if you do find it through ooc, you cant find it IC... that would be Mete-gaming...))
  4. ((yes... they let me in, knocked me out, and tried to feed me to a squid. i managed to fend it off, but then the mages stabbed me and put me back in... so im going self taught...))
  5. ((I managed to find the college, but nobody would let me in... so i sorta just sat by the entrance for a while until a lich came by, hit me over the head with his cane, knocked me senseless and pushed me off the edge of the cliff.... I lay there while the good lady come by and tried to get in.... I eventually died of exposure...))
  6. ((yeah i know, just wondering if there is even a chance of me joining...))
  7. ((i don't have a magic application... looking to become an apprentice...))
  8. ((is this the place where i post that i want to join?))
  9. Is the server crashing or is it just me?

  10. Really considering going self taught with this magic stuff... it seems unlikely that i get into the mages guild at this point...

  11. So frustrated.... i have been trying to get into a magic guild ever sense the new application system for magic came out... and i have been denied without anyone telling me why...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hammer01


      ... i have already tried them... and failed...

    3. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      Maybe try to go there directly? See about them putting you on reserve or something.

    4. hammer01


      ...I cant find the arcane delvers place and i already went to the mages guild place... but ill try it again...

  12. Actually, it is rocket science.

  13. Yes... i think you should add that to "Meet the coward" Or you could add a mentally unstable...
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