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Posts posted by Naj

  1. Seems to always stay out of the salt tests that plague most of the server. He is a perfect applicant for GM because of the fact that he cares about the health of the server but doesn't involve himself too heavily with one side or the other.


    Hes also just a chill dude so... yeah +1

  2. A quick postage is put up in response to the propaganda 


    "There was once a time when the Wood Elves called out. They called out for anyone to help them in an effort to preserve their sovereignty. The call was answered by the realm of Dwarves and they immediately took aid to those in need. Now at one point I called this man, Artimec Camoryn, a friend. I dined with him and so did many of my brothers. I stood by him against overwhelming odds as I defended his people and taught them to fight."


    "Artimec was a good man, but as with many of us, he was not without faults. The effort turned sour as the defense was turned against him. A single loss at a fortress caused Art to become afraid. He immediately surrendered to the forces that sought to conquer him and left the people who had come to his aid out in the water."


    "He promised to right the wrongs he had caused us as a looming war descended upon the dwarves. This war however, was not by our doing. The war was to defend who we considered friends and some even kin."


    "Artimec Camoryn is a coward who would seek to denounce those who defend their homeland when he failed to defend his."


    The postage ends 


    A personal letter sent to Artimec Camoryn arrives on his doorstep


    "I care not for the lazy babbling and propaganda from wherever. However, do not, ever, insult my people as you intend to. Whatever the result of this war. I guarantee you. You will hurt."

  3. 23 hours ago, Zhulik said:

    "Though I don't necessarily have the right to comment, it angers me greatly when individuals use scapegoats. Let us... not forget the tale of Midgor. Before he perished, he spoke to me. The war was not entirely his decision, for his people followed him and some even rallied for it. 

    Circulating ideals of finally reaching that long-sought-out victory over humanity since the days of Anthos has been ever present in Urguan, thus this war is not solely placed upon the shoulders of Midgor. Furthermore, similar scenarios occurred during the Schismatic war, the Zion war, the Fringe wars and so on.

    My Grandpappy once told papa Taranis of his deeds during the many dwed wars- and one thing was certain; he never fought alongside Urguan except in the final days of the Zion War where Franz unfortunately met his untimely end by the hands of the Decterum due to the shillings of the church which he served. Interestingly enough, that key moment was when he realized Dwarven the true face of dwarven tactics. Rushing into Mount Augustus blindly without orders lost the Zionists the day, as did the retreat from the infamous bridge in Athera for the Schismatics. Urguan, despite the apparent kindness of the average citizen, is notorious for making the WORST martial decisions both politically and in the field.  And truthfully, it's tiring. 


    My grand pappy was never the same after the fringe wars, the constant calls of 'Dwarves at Vekaro, RALLY!' must've been dreadful to hear day in and day out. The dwed are persistent and prideful; even in the face of defeat they still shout 'victoreh' which merely eggs on humanity to hit them harder the next time.


    I, myself, was recently placed in a similar situation as the Orenian emperor when dealing with the Red Brothers.

    A leader, backed by his loyal patrons, assaulted a nation in its building stages. Once war was declared, said leader dropped out of society and the people offered peace. This parallels Urguan immensely, for it was not solely the leader's fault yet the people blamed their former lieges.

    My papa once told me, 'who's more foolish- the fool or the fool who follows him?'. Likewise, my mother always said 'If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?'.

    As an primary outsider in this conflict, the continued addition of motivation in favor of Oren merely strengthens the fact that Oren is just in this conflict. Perhaps if the average Dwarf understands and admits their mistakes with a willful acceptance of punishment, peace could be made. However, this is an idealistic approach as I believe patriotism will ultimately triumph over reason."



    We sought forgiveness through reparation. We sought an end to conflict. We sought to pay and more than make up for the few lives our King took. We were only met with resistance. "All of your lands and titles" they said and rejected our outreach. We are open to the realization that we are on our heels. But how can a man remotely proud of his people accept total and utter releases of everything his father and his father's father have built? The Dwedmar are a proud people that is correct. However, what most do not understand is that we are a kind people too. Talk to us and we realize our mistakes. We offer pay for our mistakes. But the absolute destruction of our heritage? That is impossible.

  4. Jorik stands tall with the legion at his back with a pride that the rebels were torn down by the very kin they forsook.

    ​"Dwarf hands brought this rebellion down the humans were but a side note in one of the deepest wounds this kingdom will face"

    Jorik would put on a grim look on his face and walk back towards his hold.

  5. =(Election Ballot of Urguan)=-

    Place an X next to the candidate of your choice.

    Your Name ((RP and MC)): Jorik Grandaxe ((joenaj))

    Race: Dwarf


    Kalion Grandaxe (Dashing_Knight)

    Lathros Irongrinder (Lathros)

    Verthaik Frostbeard (Kralek)

    Skippy Irongut (Skippy369) X

    Fili Grandaxe (Cpt_Noobman) 

  6. Jorik is thrown off the ship and quickly turns around swimming frantically towards the sinking mass. He watches as his King for many years sinks into the water. Screams out it frustration.


    "DAMMIT BALEK! Donnae' gu' t'is way mate!"


    He reaches the boat just as the top mast sinks into the water. Jorik would look down into the dark water with a grim look on his face.


  7. If Octavianus Bracchus were to hear such a thing, he would let out a hearty chuckle before shaking his head!

    "Of course the King has the right to interfere with his vassals, you old fool. The king can do whatever he damn well pleases, because he's the ruler of the kingdom. If you are looking for such a baseless system, in which the lords are not required to adhere to the orders of their rightful monarch, then you should find yourself right at home in the lands of the dwarves, or perhaps one of the other lesser races."

    Jorik would chuckle if hearing this wondering what year he's in

  8. (( Dervas is not a language of the dwarfs. It was the term that Hansetians used in Aegis and Asulon to describe dwarfs. I think I am the only one who still uses the term. Dwedmar wasnt ever used when I was playing in Hanseti. Its an ancient language that is honestly forgotten. This isnt about dwarfs and their use of their tongue. Its about my character using his native tongue to describe a dwarf, which was Dervas. ))

    ((Whatever floats your boat then I suppose))

  9. (( Very odd that they would be adopted by ET when the language was made in Aegis, before there ever really was an ET. When did you "adopt" that into being an ET only thing? A few maps doesnt give any clear insight. Edit: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/52251-important-loretha-discovery-av-dwarves-in-asulon/?hl=dervas ))

    ((Here's the link for the dwarf language https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/89930-dwarven-language/ I believe dervas are used to describe a certain group of dwarves))

  10. (( Dervas was used as a term to describe dwarfs in Hansetian culture. Doomforged lived in Hanseti. They were dwarfs. I use it as an ancient term to say dwarf rather than... dwarf.))

    ((Dwedmar would be more correct... Dervas were adopted as a name for ET dwarves across the past few maps. They are slightly different from us and to my knowledge are not played by anyone besides ET.))

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