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545 Legendary

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  • Character Name
    Rickard Vladov | Jorik Grandaxe
  • Character Race
    Human | Dwarf

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  1. Rickard Vladov proudly casts his and his house's vote for Stefan. "Long live Adria".
  2. Rickard Vladov oversees his guardsmen as they begin construction of a training yard. “At last, a home for our people.”
  3. Bring back rain and snow to the server 2k19

  4. Chaw

    boom boom darling?

  5. Plasma

    1. Kanadensare


      do you get so few kills that you have to flex about killing an AFK person and an RPer?


      omg lorraine btw...

  6. Free Mickael

  7. An hour and a half of Urguan owning all the roads around Oren. Not a single rally. Starting a war that no one wants to fight eh?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Haseroth


      shitposting is against the good clause agreement @Telanir please arrest this pvp flay troll

    3. Telanir


      true, also, i’ve been getting pings that some sides may be showing up in large numbers, this is just a warning in advance not to do that at settlements or you risk penalties, other places are okay

    4. Kanadensare


      we were just on the roads big man no worries


      sad that ves didnt want to skirm us tho ?

  8. The sheer tension bois

  9. Never really been a fan of big restrictions on raiding. With proper RP, I feel like cool downs are a pain and unneccesary unless it’s become toxic. If it’s good RP let it be. Some the most fun wars were in the Fringe when players could actually fight it out without getting threatened a ban for breaking one of the million rules surrounding conflict.
  10. Seems familiar bs tbh, but back before in other wars with the same certain people, the shilling didn’t work. Guess it did now. Completely appalling lmao


  11. A letter would be sent back to the man "Veris is always looking for aspiring business owners to take host within our walls. Should you be interested, come to our newly built city and return this bird." Lord Marshal Dardanus Valmaron ((joenaj))
  12. There was no need to respond to that app and try to provoke me

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