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Posts posted by Cpt_Noobman

  1. Fili places a note on the grandaxe notice board. It reads "To my fellow kin of the clan grandaxe, I Clan Father fili grandaxe call a meeting for the seventh day of the next elven week. I request as many grandaxes as can be available to attend. Bring all of your concerns, suggestions, and ideas for the clan to this meeting. I hope to see you there."

    ((Grandaxe clan meeting. Sunday  2/16/14 1pm est. Meet at the grandaxe clan hall.))

    ((edited, sorry, I put wrong date the first time, 16 is correct


    ((edited, time is now 1pm est, 6 gmt

  2. A strange figure walks up to the poster. He seems to lumber about awkwardly, and his

    footsteps sound like sticks. His footsteps left in the mud appear to

    be but small holes, as if left by sticks. He wears a mask and a large overcoat

    and looks around nervously as he leaves this application on the poster.

    The Form: -Bring this with you-

    Name: F- I mean, Ronald...Longarm?

    Age: 300- I mean, 30


    Why do ye wish to Join us: To kill dwarf scum

    Skills: I use a claymore

    Skill Rank: ? tank?

    Magic : ((If you are applying for skill rank Mage))

    Do you understand that we fight for Equality? N-I mean yes

    ((OOC Form:))

    ((IGN (In Game Name) Cpt_Noobman

    ((Skype if Possible))

    ((That’s All))

  3. MC Name: Cpt_Noobman

    Character Name: Grunmundwingimdukr Stormhammer

    Character Age: 300

    Profession: Warrior/Smith/Battle Mage

    Appearance: He is average sized with brown hair, black eyes, and light skin.

    Bloodline(Feel free to contact Igor (Lefty_Bojengles),Dreek(30326) or Olaf (MuckyD121): Line o Igor

    Define who you shall be related to inside the bloodline (E.g, Son, grandson etc) Son of Onar Ireheart

    Do you have Teamspeak?: Yes

    Do you have Skype? (If yes put in your skype name or send it to me through a pm): Cpt_Noobman

    Image of the skin you intend to use N/A

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V84STSWVp3g


     The battle raged on, as an onslaught of catapult fire rampaged through Thoringrad, the dwarves were forced to retreat ever deeper into the defenses they had created. They were safe in their fort, stabbing foolish enemies through small cracks in the floor, chanting to Dungrim and Yemaker that they may die with honor.

       They're plan was simple. Survive underground and kill all who entered until they either won or died, however, they could not let their king die again. yes again. Two dwarves were sent to create an escape route through the earth, so they tunneled as dwarves do.

       They continued the defense as best as they could as seemingly unlimited catapult rocks burst into their ruined fort. They heard rocks landing above them and were happy to know that rocks could not dig many feet into the earth. Then all of a sudden the ground exploded and thousands of humans poured in.

       The dwarves scurried for a way out, but the king and his advisors ran for the tunnel. The king and few remaining dwarves escaped to their home of Kal'Ithrun, where they could be safe. the flags adorning thoringrad fell, but across the valley, dwarven flags rose. As all should know, you cant keep a dwarf down.



       Across from Gronkkston, there lay an abandoned fort. Before this horrible battle had raged, the dwarves had made a secret purchase, and this fortress was now theirs. It is another station on the war path, so even if Kal'ithrun falls, the dwarves would have a place to survive. Dwarven flags fly proudly over the fort, where they have a place to rebuild.


    MC Name: 


    Character Name:

    Borin Grandaxe

    Character Age:





    Brown hair with a long brown beard, entwined to his beard are maroon beads and plated designs. His eyes are a dark brown and he wears thick leather clothes to protect him from the heat of a forge.

    Bloodline and relation to other clan members (Feel free to contact me for guidance):

    Brother of Ognar Grandaxe and son of Thorin Grandaxe. 

    Short Biography:

    He was born in the halls of Kal'ithrun. He grew up a warrior with his brother Ognar and he was taught to forge and smith at the request of his father.

    The role you expect to take in the clan:

    A clan father someday hopefully

    An image of the skin you intend to use:

    You have seen it




    MC Name:Mobchicken

    Character Name:Nidro Grandaxe

    Character Age:250

    Profession: soldier

    Appearance:orange hair brown eyes

    Bloodline and relation to other clan members (Feel free to contact me for guidance):brother to Fili and Fimlin Grandaxe

    Short Biography:

    The role you expect to take in the clan:

    An image of the skin you intend to use:


  7. MC Name: karenfourie

    Character Name: Balorn

    Character Age:117

    Profession: Applied to The Legion Manifest

    Appearance: Firey red beard done in silver jewelry. A stern face and powerful build. A proud beard and chest while wearing a red and silver helmet and tough animal hide armour

    Bloodline and relation to other clan members (Feel free to contact me for guidance): Brogon was the father but died in the seige of Kal'Karik

    Short Biography: Mountain dwarf by birth Balorn was always a capable fighter and always wanted to be a fine warrior when his age was right. Balorn trained under his father Brogon. In the seige of Kal'Karik Balorn lead a fierce defense but sadly his father and family passed away, spending a large time afterwards learning the craftsmanship of cave dwarves and being an axe for hire Balorn moved on to roam the lands in search of adventure.

    The role you expect to take in the clan: I wish nothing more than to start at the bottom and prove my mettle and skill and rise in ranks.

    An image of the skin you intend to use:http://img850.images...0/9629/xtub.png





    MC Name: trolol504


    Character Name: Hrodjvir 


    Character Age:  28


    Profession: Soldier


    Appearance:  Red hair and blue eyes, the average Braveaxe height and in fit condition. Would appear as though he had recently been in a brawl.


    Bloodline and relation to other clan members: Braveaxe bloodline / Would like to contact you about relations.


    Short Biography: Hrojvir greq up training to fight.Hrojvir is less literately inclined than most of his Braveaxe kin, yet the reason behind this is his fascination with battle tactics, he excels greatly in battle tactics and combat, he aspires to be a high up military figure to bring honor to his kin, and is  very anxious to prove himself through way of trial.


    The role you expect to take in the clan: A loyal fighter aspiring to make a name for himself  as an honorable dwarf.


    An image of the skin you intend to use:   


  9. As Fili begins dozing off, patrol duty at the throne room as usual, light dawns. He walks right in to the center of the Lords council meeting like a badass. Suddenly he shouts. "Me haves an idear!" He throws down a large piece of parchment to the floor, and takes out a lump of coal, and begins to sketch out a brilliant plan. "Furst, weh need da people who make magic water. De hmm.... erm.. ALCHERMILISTS!" Aye, t'ats what dey am! Dey will make vereh moch exploding water. Da alchermininstreetist foire water. Aye? Good plan? T'ats not all!" He begins to sketch, what appears to be a poorly drawn trebuchet. "Den weh get ginormous trebuchet! Un beggir dan urk uns!" Draws a large ball. He the draws little waves inside of it, to indicate it is filled with liquid. "Den smit's make giant metal ball. We den fill et wit' magic fire." Fili then draws another trebuchet, and the ball loaded into it "We load fire ball into trebuchet. Den we roll it to da north, er where ever else weh wan'. Den weh foire da treb, an' make evil spookmen, er 'umans go boom!" smiles wrily and walks back to his legion duty, leaving the stunned lords, and king to marvel over his master plan "Ahrm so guud at meh job" he mutters to himself

  10. Fili takes a seat in the clan hall and looks out at the few of his kin that could attend the meeting. "Lads. Ahrm sorreh ter say we 'ave lost our clan fadder. Bazian has gone missin'. Ah presume 'im ter beh dead." says a silent prayer to Dungrim. "Weh need a new clan fadder. Ah propose ma self fer et, as ahrm da las' remainin' elder. If yer t'ink yer 'ave w'at it takes to be a clan fadder, dan please speak now." sits back in his chair and waits to see if any of his kin will speak up.

    ((k, after 3 days i'll be clan father. If you think you want to be it, or have a suggestion for someone to be it, than please reply to this thread. -Thanks All

  11. Taxes

    -The purpose of taxes is to create a stable, constant source of income for

    the benefit of the kingdom

    -All dwarves, and non dwarves living within the border of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan

    are required to pay a weekly tax to the Grand Merchant, who then deposits it

    in the Kingdom Vault


    Currently, all taxes within the kingdom follow the prices stated below.

    House: All houses within the city cost 100 minas in tax per week. Dwarves

    are allowed to own as many homes as they wish, but are expected to pay

    for them all.

    Shop: All shops within the city cost 50 minas in tax per week for guild members only. Non members must pay 100 minas per shop per week. Dwarves are allowed

    to own as many shops as they wish, but are expected to pay

    for them all.

    A Ledger In a Locked Display Case Lies Here



    The taxes in the hold of Barbek are at the discretion

    of the Jarl.

    Quota: The hold of Barbek is required to pay a weekly quota to the kingdom of:

    A chest of miscellaneous food; carrots, potatoes, meats, bread, etc.

    And in the future a certain amount of wood


    The purpose of the merchants guild is to strengthen the dwarven economy by;

    increasing trade, and relations with other nations;

    creating a constant source of profit to increase the wealth of the kingdom;

    and bring goods to citizens through trade which otherwise would be unavailable.


    All merchants within the city of Kal'Ithrun are Required to be a merchant in

    the guild. All violator's shops may be revoked!


    Grand Merchant

    The Grand Merchant is the head of the guild, and is in charge of

    collecting tax, and evicting former citizens who refuse to do so.

    High Merchants

    The duties of the high merchants is to sell homes, shops, and vaults to any

    citizens who wish to purchase them while the Grand Merchant, and King, are



    The merchants are the Dwarven citizens within the kingdom that

    own a place of business. The duties of a merchant is to provide

    trade and commerce to those who seek it.


    Grand Merchant:

    Fili Grandaxe

    High Merchants:



    MC name:

    RP name:


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