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Posts posted by CombatRolePlay

  1. Just now, Sharky~ said:

    It's constructive criticism and you're trying to use sarcasm against it. To say the least, I'm disappointed to see such feedback knowing that you are fully capable of defending your own points. 

    honestly dont need to defend anything on an art thread 

  2. 1 minute ago, Sharky~ said:


    Beast, I'm a friend of yours and I personally have no idea what you're siding with because the positions are obscurely changing with each turn. I'd take Darksalvo's MAIN point into heart that there has been a very clear powercreep on the server since Anthos for reasons that I believed to be inconsistency from the upper eons on the server. 


    The fundamental purpose of every server introduced PVP or RP items should be to encourage entertaining, unique and satisfying experiences for the entire playerbase, and its clearly evident that the server needs to start dumbing down from its powercreep and instead embrace a more 'fair' increases rather than flat out net positives like Magic Guns and other ET items. 


    Seriously? Weren't they supposed to be drawbacks to power?....Now it just feeds into powerhungry mindsets. 

    Sarcasm is hard to detect when its in the forums sadly

  3. 7 minutes ago, Salvo said:


    It does have its limitations, which I won't deny, but it's better than just having people say "you lose" because they are an Archon, a Golem, a Dragon, a Necrolord or whatever **** there is, or because they wave around their descripted item.


    PvP is not perfect, but people, myself included, have actively been trying to keep it balanced by having bow velocity reduced, weapon dmg nerfed, archer armor nerfed, enchants being capped at 1 (including your bow that you currently cannot use) and other stuff, unlike in RP at the moment. The server has went through an IMMENSE power creep, and I'm not saying that RP items shouldn't be widespread, but that they shouldn't be used as a thing to cheaply win RP fights




    @The Beast mod Orodreth


    beast i am merely exposing my concerns why are you so mad :>


  4. 1 minute ago, Jaeden said:

    This thing took me literally an hour to make. I got extremely lucky with the Power III and 67%.
    Because of how quick it took, I decided to make a RP thread for it; because I felt so bad with how OP it was.



    Its balanced jaeden. pvp is superior to rp and rp items are useless.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Salvo said:


    it's not the fact that it's lore approved, it's the fact that from my experiences all RP fights other than knight vs knight become a matter of who has the most powerful RP items/has partecipated in more events/has more magics approved


    At this point it's honestly some sort of **** waving competition, with people that have friends in the ET being able to overpower other players because they have hehe xd you lose items, such as seen a while ago with aegis "my hammer disintegrates things in one hit" lima


    Plus, the rarity of said items has been going down because more and more people ask for OP **** at the end of an event, and ET creatures are either retardedly powerful and/or need a very particular set of skills to defeat (the Destroyer in Vailor or some paladin tailor-made enemy), or are defeated by any and all random passerbyes because players ***** when they don't win. So, due to more items entering the circle more people can press the "I win just cuz" button and win fights against other players. 


    Lore approval doesn't mean much because as with everyone else LMs are players and are thus subjected to bias and whatnot etc etc


    Combining all of this together makes for an unfun enviroment to RP in. One example I could make is Ascended fire that basically instakills Undead, or Phil's magic crossbow that can pierce basically anything from what I recall. The powercreep got out of hand, but PvP is still balanced as you need actual skill to be recognized as a good warrior, instead of just hoarding items with descriptions




    RP fights need no skill right. ok. haha

  6. its good to see my art thread has 4 pages of replies.


    48 minutes ago, ShannonLeigh said:

    I need an event right now right this instant at once


    ;w; plz do me an event sometime thats hecking glorious

    also if a normal player like me can make armor out of Jakols scales , gold swords that are as hard as carbarum , and an almost unbreakable skad. exoskeleton chest plate, i think RP item compensation wouldnt be that hard. Heck, I'd even volunteer to make Rp items out of the RP materials gained from the bounties. Doesnt need to be ET spawned in, Proper crafting RP to make said RP item rewards would be fine too.

  7. 6 minutes ago, First Enchanter said:



    That could work.

    maybe have a little silly trinket shop to trade tokens for heads or a small mina bag or a casket etc.

    Theres a thread for suggestions, this is a good one. Post it there so it gets implemented

  8. 11 minutes ago, First Enchanter said:


    If you get players who want to be jerks to the people running their events why don't you just blacklist them from bounties..??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    This. Theyd have a hard time getting to A if they're asshoels like that anyways

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