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Posts posted by CombatRolePlay

  1. 6 minutes ago, DISCOLIQUID said:


    yeah i agree with that 100%, but your system addresses the concern of 'people powergaming' (in my eyes) by giving other people an excuse to powergame


    because here you're saying that "well if the system i propose may give right to powergaming players, that's the players who are the issue, not the system" which I 100% agree with actually; however, let me turn this around and say that if the system now without your ranks (in your eyes) promotes powergaming, than that's a problem with the players, not the system.


    ergo, i don't think any system is going to change that people are going to want to powergame, and we should keep the simplistic way things are run now.


    the other points on your post, imo are fine, i'm neutral towards their implementation 

    thats a fair point.
    theres a lot of Ifs in the system that probably wont change much and just cause more problems but maybe it wont , we wont know until we try it. But since the whole bounty boards thing has just been recently implemented i agree that  we should probably keep it simple for now.

  2. 1 minute ago, DISCOLIQUID said:


    No, I really really really really really really really do not want this

    you just encourage powergaming from fucks with no class 

    "yeah well I'm a marked men who's done THREE A RANKED MISSIONS!!!! you can't possibly win against me, Mr. ET!!!!"


    I had a marked man basically tell me OOC that because I was playing a creature that was sort of monstery, i had to basically let him 1 shot me with golden weaponry


    this would just add to this "well i'm a professional monster hunter so i can't lose" attitude that so many players have when I run events for them


    no thanks.

    more so a problem of that player rather than the system. A better rank just means youve just put more effort into it. Being a professional monster hunter doesnt mean you cant die.

    Just now, AGiantPie said:


    I dont agree with you, but i respect that.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tirenas said:

    That's certainly a fair concern, but moreso in the domain of the Game Moderation and Administration teams. On the Event Team, our goal is to bring roleplay to the widest array of players and thus it is not exactly beneficial for us to make a 'ranking' system to prevent newer players from having fun. I for one, recently held an event, and found that people were willing to change up how they were emoting in order to better follow the flow of the circumstances.

    I havent been part of any recent events so maybe im just out of touch and people have actually changed. Hopefully it as you say and people learn to cooperate with ETs instead of wanting to be the hero that slayed the beast while ruining everyone elses experience.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Tirenas said:

    I think bounties with aforementioned PK warnings are fine. As for the rest, it's mostly been implemented. ET ought to just make sure that they put a lot of thought into the RP and mementos acquired from events, which should sort out your other concerns. The ranking system is pretty unnecessary as it hinders dynamic roleplay; people who go to bounties unprepared will not succeed.

    I agree, Its just that I've had too many experiences with someone just randomly joining a calm and organized RP fight and turning it into an ooc sh*t fest because he tries to explain why he could dodge my swing with a blackflip while simultaneously slicing my neck.

    3 minutes ago, Stanley Opar said:

    I like the ideas, and as Tirenas said above, a lot of this is already implemented. We already have recommended party numbers, and those are pretty on point in the sense that if you under prepare, there is a good chance you will be in a bad position and if you overprepare, loot will be spread out among more people, and the bounty simply won't be a challenge. To give an analogy, Billy the Kid wouldn't have been a threat or legend as he is today in American western 'mythology' if the United States had sent their entire army after them.

    In a status I posted just an hour before, tomorrow I plan on implementing a more direct system of ranking for the different bounties, to clarify just how easy or difficult a bounty is in a clear sense, as well as describing what each ranking on the meter means. A guild system referring to rank-ups in bounties is possible, but you must understand that the system has been implemented now for one week, and we are not even an entire team, but merely a fraction of it. We are doing our best to provide an immersive experience with the materials available, and as we are only now really preparing to leave the 'experimental' stage, you can expect some deeper things available to those who seek higher rewards, tougher monsters or the opposite. 


    Finally, in the Bounty Board section we have a thread regarding suggestions, such as these, and it is a thread I personally read daily and try to respond to relevant concerns/ideas. 






    +1 you're doing great , cant wait for the ranking system.
    Also, I mostly just posted it here since my opinion is irrelevant and im really just rep farming

  5. 1 minute ago, Sythan said:


    This is a bad attitude to have tbh. Once I saw an amazing event played out. Some of the best RP I've had came out of it. And the only thing people had to say after it all was;

    ((can we get an item??

    It's disrespectful. Enjoy the RP. I know I'm not the best one to talk, but let's be real. If the only thing you OOCly strive for in RP are shinies, then a change of view should be in order. If your character only goes on hunts and such for relics, fine. But don't complain about it in OOC if the item isn't up to a standard.

    I didnt mean it like that. I meant how there should atleast be something given that has use. I dont mind if  it made sense that the monster wouldnt drop anything because it was a ghost or something similar but if it was something like a giant bear then atleast give the players the choice to skin it afterwards and collect its hide that can actually be used in RP afterwards. but thats just me.

  6. 9 minutes ago, AGiantPie said:

    disagreed; bounties are good b/c they are simple please do not muck them up by turning them into WOW raids

    you disagree on all of them? So you're okay with receiving useless named pieces of meat after hours of RP?

  7. Bounty Boards


    Just a little thread where I put what i want for the bounty boards as well as put in a small sketch to justify putting it in graphics subsection.


    what I want:

    A ranking system-

    IE. F ranks - A rank. The higher the ranks the more challenging the bounties presented to them. One can rank up by doing a set amount of bounties for example:

    F > E (2 F rank bounties) E>D (3 E rank bounties) D>C (3 D ranked bounties) C>B (4 C ranked bounties) B>A (4 A rank bounties + A trial?)

    This can prevent things such as inexperienced players from powergaming in a bounty because they have little to no experience in RP fighting  and end up ruining the experience for other players.


    Party Requirements , guilds ,and teams-

    Some bounties should require a set # of people for you to take it. This promotes players to meet each other and experiencing new things.  For example, a bounty to take down a cockatrice would require no less that 4 people while something like a wyvern would need more. Possibly even making a small team of 4-5 people and managing to make a name for themselves as

    adventurers .


    Better Loot aka. RP Items-

    Giving incentives for completing challenging tasks will give players more motivation to do more bounties. Who wants to fight a monster for an hour long and only end up with a renamed piece of monster meat that cant be used in RP at all. (im looking at you @sidmmvv )


    PK bounties aka. You die for real-

    Now hold on. before you click send on that shitpost hear me out. The more challenging the task the better the incentive. PK bounties could offer unique RP items such as Special Ore, Unique monster parts that can be used for crafting other RP items, or even in game knowledge of something like magic that would help the character to grow stronger or be more unique. This gives a more realistic feel as well as making sure that players prepare for the bounty at the best of their ability. Ofcourse the PK bounties would be need the A or B ranks to take to prevent people from just making alt characters that they could just PK anytime.


    Idk, I'll edit the post when i think of more but for now thats it. See you in the next rep farm post.

  8. 1 hour ago, Zamaru42 said:

    In order, philip frederick (emperor of oren), whoever is rex, Tristan (high prince of the dominion of malin), Tuvya staunton (leader of the rebellion and courland), Whoever is leader of the dwarves, The leader of the high elves (I forget his name)


    All of these are amazing.


  9. 3 hours ago, DizPanda said:

    Say Beast, how much is it for your art in general? Or shall we do another Art swap?

    Full prices w/o the sale:



    Sketch 3$

    Half is 7$

    Fullbody is 15$

    Group (3 people) 30$

    detailed bg is +$5

    Additional person in group img is +$5




  10. 5 minutes ago, Sir K Andruske said:

    There is no way you can get a portable t5 spell cannon haha. Medeusculors were accepted because they don't have ammo and are used just like a staff in terms of preparation. If you don't need mages to use t5 spell cannons then its to OP/not a medeusculor. GL though the art is superb.

    Its  stuck to a wall though. So its not portable..



    38 minutes ago, Heero 阴 said:

    I got u fam

    My boi

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