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The Dragon Knight

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    why should i tell you? :P

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    (i'm waiting on application)

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  1. i give up on applying! i waited and worked my butt off on the applications. mrgeene said i used the wrong format. on my second application, i fixed that, but then cruz the penguin mage looked at it, and HE said a whole bunch of other things were "wrong", and personally, i DENY the fact that they were wrong! so, i hate to say it, but... good-bye, LOTC... cruz, if you're reading this, please reconsider the denial...

    1. saromon50


      I am sorry you feel that way man. I took the liberty of reading your application, and I hate to say I can understand why it was denied. You can always try again, and do your best on it! (aka providing everything asked for in the app)

    2. JtPv


      Oh, don't give up! It took most of us around 3 times to get it! Instead of raging, try to improve by listening to what the AT has to say. Use proper grammar, lore, and DETAILS! I cannot stress this enough, the more detail, the higher the chance of acceptance. Remember, your application is your first impression on the server. And, you ALWAYS try and make a good first impression. But, I understand why you would be frustrated. Remember, you can also ask around for help on your ap...

    3. Dizzy771


      I feel kinda bad now..... I got in easily on my first try.....

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