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Posts posted by Skylez

  1. tumblr_ou6ozmz3YS1vdek42o2_400.gif

    MC Name:


    Character's Name: 



    Character's Age: 

    Somewhere in his 40s?


    Character's Race: 



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. Rhysten Smithy




    Raymond of Rhysten, owner.
    Klara Amsel, employee.



    In the coming days new sounds soon sounds ring out from within the Capital of Man. The clatter of metal upon metal, the sizzle of a quenched project. A new craftsman took to his work within the capital, a smith of some foreign, largely unknown practices.


    Worker of both metal and beast.

    Hailing from the northern reaches of Gwynon, Aeldin, Raymond and brother, Vincent, made way to Atlas years ago in order to further refine their craft as well make an earnest living. Situated now within the Capital of Man, Carolustadt. The smithy is located on Owyn lane.



    General Pricing:
    Pricing can be negotiated as sometimes materials are more in the need than coin.

    Members of the Legion will be given a discount of 20%.


    Metals (Mina per ingot used):

    Ferrum - 150

    The most basic of metals utilized by the Rhysten Smithy.


    Steel - 200

    A proper alloy for proper arms and armor, pieces constructed of this refined metal is sure to last with proper care and maintenance.


    Aurum - 200

    A relatively soft metal only truly viable as a means of ornamentation. Armaments of only Aurum are sure to falter and break from even little use.


    Slayer Steel - 300

    An alloy suited for the likes of hunting the supernatural. Unlike Aurum, Slayer Steel sports a durability that can be likened to tempered Ferrum.


    Other specialized alloy - Varying


    Imbued Properties:

    Utilizing the Aeldin-based techniques of beastsmithing certain properties can be imbued onto metals during creation.


    Varies on availability and property in question.


    Drakesmithing - complimentary

    A trademark of Gwynon, drakesmithing revolves around heating the tempered metal in question at extremely high temperatures for an elongated period as well some other intricacies. Drakesmithed metal appears as though the fires themselves have imprinted onto the piece, producing flame-like hues.



    An example of Rhysten weaponry- 



    Finished works from the Rhysten Smithy can be identified by either a stamp into the leather grip of weaponry or a small engravement upon the metal of armor. Both simply read ‘Rhy’.

    (Armor orders will likely come with their MC skin representations, should time permit to make them)


    Orders can be placed via letter, or in person. Stop by to learn about our full stock.

    For any queries contact; Raymond (Skylez1) or Klara (Celebear).

    Discord: Skylez#7187

  3. Minecraft Account Name(s) Skylez1

    Discord Skylez #7187

    How long have you played on LoTC? Since Anthos

    Timezone and Availability CST, I can give a few hours a day.


    What lore are you versed in most?

    Voidal-based magics (Unfortunately!) Mainly evocations and alterations, atronachs, and artificery in general.
    Alchemy - symbols, what potions/concoctions can and cant do, homunculi, etc.
    A good majority of dark magics, Necromancy, Mysticism, Blood magic, and the associated creatures.
    Humans - history, culture, so forth.


    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC

    AT for a few months in 2015
    ET for a bit over a year under Arockstars, Squirtguns and Xarkly's tenures.
    ET Manager underneath the entirety of Squirgun's tenure and a few months of Xarklys.


    Have you ever written lore for LoTC?

    Yes, I have written a small handful of things, mainly revolving around alchemy.
    The Afflicted are my magnum opus and I'd like to think I have curated some amount of originality and an interesting piece. (as much as one can on a mineman server)

    Other than that I have written and helped with a few other things here and there, ET projects, fleshing out event lines, collaborating with other ET Actors.
    I played a hand, although a minor one, in the construction of Mordskov's backstory/lore. Mordskov being a relatively well known and even successful event line that was used a lot of special lore we created specifically for that eventline. Muh ritualism comes to mind.


    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?

    Yeah one, back in Vailor for some retarded downing with no RP type deal, one week.


    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?

    No one really, I know a good majority of the people and have no issues with them.

  4. Madman incarnate.


    When it comes to the ET and all that pertains to it I will vouch for Joel anytime. He is direct, straightforward and does not sugarcoat things, take that as you will. I am glad to have had the pleasure to learn and work alongside him. While I can not see him being accepted with the current ET management, who knows.



  5. A few small notices dot the various boards and posts of populous settlements



    Well met, those of Atlas.

    I simply come to you as a seasoned soldier of conflicts past, looking for lodgings and perhaps a few coins.
    I can serve as a simple soldier, bodyguard, instructor, or whatever is desired.

    Below is a small summary of my martial experiences, pen a letter or leave one upon this notice- I’ll check back soon enough.

    Veteran Reiter, joined in Calais, Axios.

    -Cavalryman in the Battle of Jornheim Fields.

    -Archer in the Battle of the Bloody Road.

    -Cavalryman in the Battle of Rochdale.

    -Breacher in the Siege of Vjorhelm.

    -Two excursions into the damned city of Mordskov, along with the Manticore initiative.


    Sol guide, Adelhardt of Endaen 



    OOC: Looking to get back into the server and do something mainly rp-wise, don’t mind a good clickin’ here and there. Give me a shout here or on discord, I don’t mind.

  6. 24 minutes ago, GrimReaper98 said:

    you literally picked one of the worst rp’ers for this sean come on

    I know I just really really wanted to disappoint you joel

  7. A few handwritten notices are pinned upon boards of populated settlements within the lands of Atlas




    A quickly procured painting is attached to these notes, depicting a middle-aged Southeron, labeled: “Maaz Vallero.”


    “Well met, humans, orcs, dwarves, elves, and all. I’ll keep this short- I do not hail from this land, though I am drawn here in search of my kin, the whereabouts of them at least.
    I seek a man named Maaz Vallero, a relative of mine by blood. It has been some time since I have heard from Maaz, years upon years- eventually our family insisted I come look for him in person, and so I am.
    If any person has genuine information about this man then I plea you write back to me posthaste, or leave a note below my own writing.  I’ll be checking them over in the coming days. Your information will be repaid in some form, whether it be minae, labor, or some other compromise.”


    - Zahal Vallero




    A final sketch is left upon the notice, presumably the writer.

  8. On 10/6/2018 at 8:22 PM, TheDragonsRoost said:

    Form of interest:

    Your full name: Karren Myrsta
    Race: High Elf
    Magical knowledge: None
    Other knowledge or experience: Some martial, basic medical, no alchemical
    (Martial, medical, alchemical, etcetera)

    Discord (for coordination): TheDragonsRoost#0516

    Adrian purses his lips, eventually deciding to pen a letter in response.

    "Come by Belcrest to be screened, do know this is primarily a human region."


    - Adrian Richter, Arcane Overseer


    55 minutes ago, Jentos said:

    Form of interest:

    Your full name: Wieslaw MARow
    Race: MaN
    Magical knowledge: Limited
    Other knowledge or experience: Have seen many things, is good man of GOD. God has granted me all.
    (Martial, medical, alchemical, and etcetera, list anything noteworthy.)

    Discord (for coordination): Ostrog Ivanovyy, BelvITz, cApital of Man



    Scratching his head from the note he'd eventually take up stationery, penning a reply.

    "Stop by Belcrest in order to be screened."


    - Adrian Richter, Arcane Overseer


  9. On 10/4/2018 at 10:17 AM, HortonHeardAWho said:

    Form of interest:

    Your full name: Zrarly'RAGUK
    Race: Goblin-ish
    Magical knowledge: Gruk how to spot a buurz'shaman and me have common sense
    Other knowledge or experience: Gruk shipwrighting, bit of smithing, and overall a tinkering fool
    (Martial, medical, alchemical, etcetera)

    Discord (for coordination): Horton#4181


    "Unfortunately we are barred from having Orcs."

    Adrian writes, sighing out as he sends the letter off.


    5 hours ago, Chthonian_ said:

    Form of interest:

    Your full name: Adolar Weider
    Race: Human
    Magical knowledge: Enough to kill any mages that pose a threat.
    Other knowledge or experience: Over thirty years in the Empire's military.

    Discord (for coordination): you already have it


    "Glad you've interest to keep serving the Empire, come to Belcrest to be screened."


    - Adrian Richter, Arcane Overseer



    1 hour ago, Tidemanno said:

    Your full name: Hadvar af Blackwood
    Race: Highlander
    Magical knowledge: Good friend o' mine used to be a master at fire evocation. I picked up a thing or two from him. Also known within the art from experience with rogue magi.
    Other knowledge or experience: Martial, this has pretty much been me job for a while. Huntin' beasts, dark arts users, dark creatures an' rogue magi. Alchemical, even gone as far as to create me own unique potion, with some small help of course. I've the base of Medical knowledge. I also do hold a great amount o' knowledge on beasts an' such, their weaknesses, behaviour an' ways to counter 'em.
    (Martial, medical, alchemical, etcetera)

    Discord (for coordination): Tide#2323



    "Good to see the Blackwoods are still around, Feremyr learned Alchemy under me. Come to Belcrest to be screened, another location can be arranged if need be."


    - Adrian Richter, Arcane Overseer


  10. xZ3betLZGN2qPWsKVF9G3eAXuiGKi9a3Mv0xez1XzE7RprUCFO3IRTKCcyv0tKnOEcP1EcSRBgWj85lcEHVye2P9rD2lkftsMW8Snzkh2Xrbs20F3zW036NpRTbkdHXuewFWN4u5



    Username Skylez1


    Discord Skylez#7187


    Timezone CST


    What group/playerbase are you most involved with? Ardennes/Lorraine, though I've been around the block a few times.


    Staff History

    2 months AT
    1 year ET Actor
    4-5 months ET Actor Manager


    Ban History 

    1 week back in Vailor for some questionable no RP killing.


    Blacklist History:

    Miss me with that


    Why do you want to join the Event Team?

    I found great enjoyment back when I was on the team, and believe I transferred some of that enjoyment onto others who participated in my events. I'm at the point on LotC where I've done just about everything I want to do as a player, but still want to contribute to the server in some fashion. The ET is an outlet for me to channel my writing into and provide some fun for others.



    Why should we accept you onto the Team?

    I've done this for over a year and know what I'm doing, as simple as that. I don't need additional training or mentoring from others in order to plan and perform events.


    What kind of events do you aspire to create?:

    Anything really, I like a wide variety of categories and realize that you have to be versatile in order to find success among different player bases. Not every group likes X type of events and so forth.


    What makes a good event? 

    Depends really, what is a ""good event"". In my opinion a good event is where the ET and players alike enjoy themselves, sometimes simple events such as hunts and pve related things are just want a group wants and find fun in. Whatever it is, the ET and the players alike should be finding fun in it, good is a subjective term.



    Create three in-depth event scenarios. I’m not looking for some prelude or whimsical idea here -- we want an indicator as to your talent and potential to be on the ET. You don’t need to write a word-for-word script, but we want a solid structure and plan as to how you’d organize and carry out an event:

    Sigh, not these again.

    I have carried out and aided in numerous events and eventlines. I'm more than sure several past and present ET members can attest to my "possible talent and potential as an ET", as that is what this question is asking examples for.

    Here are a handful of documents regarding events/eventlines that I have either headed myself or played a roll in.


    On the Helderenberg - Led by Ebonsquire


    Assault at Mordring - Massive PvE event during the Westerlands I ran on my lonesome, first big event I hosted.


    More Westerlands related events


    Mordskov; Conjunction of worlds - Led by oncenoeda and Lathebiosas, I played a hand in the planning and execution. This turned into a world event in Tahn.


    Eventline I had planned and written for the OSL, never completed finished.


    Bounty on the isle of Asul in Axios.


  11. 1 hour ago, Jake! said:

    Form of interest:

    Your full name: Gino
    Race: Human
    Magical knowledge: N/A
    Other knowledge or experience: Martial
    (Martial, medical, alchemical, etcetera)

    Discord (for coordination): Jake#6111


    "Good to see you'll be sticking around, come by Belcrest to be screened. Another location can be arranged if need be."


    - Adrian Richter, Arcane Overseer

  12. 1 hour ago, Parker said:

    Form of interest: 

    Your full name: Luther 
    Race: Human
    Magical knowledge:None
    Other knowledge or experience: Medicinal, martial. 
    (Martial, medical, alchemical, etcetera)

    Discord (for coordination): you got it


    Adrian writes from his temporary office,

    "Approved for screening, word will be sent soon for you to come by Belcrest or another location can be arranged."

    - Adrian Richter, Arcane Overseer



    1 hour ago, Its_Just_Leap said:

    Yes, can we please finally have an official group to be a foil for mages? That would actually make awesome RP and create some amazing conflict.


    I know that might sound sarcastic, but its not. This would be really fun to fight against.


    Always down for some OOCLY friendly conflict.

    If you have a group, etc and want to work something out I'm sure we could.

    Discord is: Skylez#7187


    The Arcane Regulators

    Ardennes Chapter

     14th of Snow's Maiden 1684, issued by Arcane Overseer, Adrian Richter






    ((Credit to an unknown artist))

    A patrolling contingent of Arcane Regulators


    Origins and Purpose


    Originating from the order founded by Avenel Synalli during the Fifth Empire. The Arcane Regulators are made anew underneath the Ardennes, headed by Adrian Richter, a well-learned student of Avenel, GOD rest his name. These Regulators investigate and enact the disposal of any rogue magi, ungodly creatures, and the occult, though are not limited to these three. In general, they shall be dealing with things unbelonging to the lands of Ardennes, that which is not mundane.




    While prospective initiates are desired to have a basic understanding of the Arcane beforehand, it is not wholly required. Regulators will be thoroughly instructed and schooled in the Arcane and how to effectively combat and counter that which they may find on the field; whether it be an unruly fire evocationst or a dreaded Darkstalker, and all that lies in between. Arcane Regulators will also learn extensive alchemy, another great tool that they will undoubtedly rely upon.


    Upon initiation into the chapter one will begin their education and usually accompany a more experienced and sanctified Regulator. When deemed ready by their mentor they shall be trialed in both their knowledge as well aptitude, and upon successful completion - be recognized as an Arcane Regulator.




    Answering to Ardennes' privy council and Margrave Hughes D’Amaury, the Overseer ensures all Regulators carry out their duties in a proficient manner. The Regulators have say over magical matters, their duties range far beyond the simple investigation and disposal of the non-mundane. A Regulator may be tasked with educating the populace in arcane matters, investigating occult activity, creating salves and concoctions, so on.


    Judgement is dealt through the situation in question, requiring the Regulator to maintain consideration. If an unregistered magus were to invoke their powers in the defense of a Ardennes citizen they would given a small fine and instructed to register. If the magus in question were registered and permitted to utilize their magics they would simply be warned. A Regulator is able to revoke the status of a magus deemed unworthy, though this requires clearance from the Overseer.


    Impeding upon the duty of an Arcane Regulator is considered an infringement on Ardennes law, and will be dealt with accordingly by the leisure of the Regulator.




    Those wishing to be inducted into the Regulators are screened for their knowledge as well aptitude. Promising individuals are promptly initiated, given a uniform, and are assigned from there. Letter may be sent to Arcane Overseer Adrian Richter to potentially be screened.


    Form of interest:

    Your full name:
    Magical knowledge:
    Other knowledge or experience:
    (Martial, medical, alchemical, and etcetera, list anything noteworthy.)

    Discord (for coordination):





    This form should be delivered to the Regulator office in Belcrest in the coming days, the applicant will then be contacted after reviewal. ((Can be posted below or sent via private means))


    Magic Registration form:

    Your full name:
    Magics known or aspire to learn:
    Purpose for registration:
    (Write all that apply - self-defense, study, career, unlisted: give reason)
    Place of residence:


    Creature Registration form

    Your full name:

    Place of residence:


    OOC: The Arcane Regulators aim to focus on a variety of RP within the Ardennes region and beyond.

    Investigation, Alchemy, Magic, Training, Education, Events, Combat, so on.

    Big thanks to @The_Broken_God for laying the foundation to all of this.

  14. A quickly written notice finds its way upon a few noticeboards across Atlas, a sketch attached, presumably the writer.  


    Simply put, my name is Adrian Richter, one well versed in Alchemy and all that entails.


    I seek refuge, my home as well research was compromised by the Vaeyl far down in the south. I can repay you in the form of concoctions, creations, I'm sure a deal can be brokered.


    Leave a reply below if you would be so generous as to contemplate housing me, I will make my rounds in the coming days. 

  15. tMfBcrX8z_2W1Dm7KMfWxq0SIt93cuGZ8g8no2UQoB0wNlzzZHiUh0XD0-AyzHKByV9Z1f31C8zhoptuAmtgsNEhx2GzNqJi9hqsbMQS4xjjo_U0bidzM2s6yHznxo2BaP2DNdka

    MC Name



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

    Akhortep, The Horned Lord


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Zar’ei are a tier of Inferis, beings that have had their beings changed irrevocably via dark means. These creatures generally have a chaotic nature to them, appearances varying though always irregular: wings, tails, extra limbs, and furthermore are things a Zar’ei may have. These aberrants can cast malflame to a certain extent, such as balls of the demonic flame; this flame requires direct contact with flesh in order to harm the individual, burning away at the soul. Zar’ei are vulnerable to Deific magics along with Shamanism. These inferis can ascend into Zar’kiel by consuming enough souls, growing in stature and strength, physical and magical. Zar’ei are bound to a Prince.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:

    Of course


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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