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Imam Faiz Kharadeen

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Posts posted by Imam Faiz Kharadeen

  1. 2 hours ago, DPM said:


    hjalnar steps forward, grabbing faragrma by the arm "halt there sand scoon, you're under arrest" many other doomforged bomb squad members begin to crowd around faragram, holding him down to disable his vest 



    "Eheheh, ye fools are fools!" he'd cackle madly as the ticking noise was nae coming frm his chest, but from his inseparable helmet, the very helmet that was melted onto his face. "FER THE GREAT RICHARD REVLIS, MAY HE GUIDE ME TO STRENGTH!" He'd shout before his helmet would emit a thick mustard gas smoke, covering the surrounding area which allows for faragram to make his escape to breach into the city! 

  2. 2 minutes ago, DPM said:


    doomforged bomb squad move in on faragram's position, desperately hoping to halt him before he reaches urguanite civilians

    Faragram is confronted by the doomforged bomb squad, causing him to halt miles out from the city of urguan


    "Oi, move out da way, ahm 'ere tu claim mah roightful sea' in da senate!"

  3. Faragram Irongrinder shuffles within his disgusting armor, physically unable to ever take it off. A old and grotesque Vet Dunamian reads him a stolen copy of the letter, causing the mentally ill dwarf to cackle awkwardly within his helmet.


    "Dey wan' tu tussle, du dey? AHM AN IRONGRINDING DORF! AH WILL NAE GIVE UP MAH POSITION UF MAH SEAT IN DAT..." he stops, thinking off for a moment before remembering what he was talking about "Ahma ge' dem! Ahma du it!" 


    Faragram then gets atop his pony Donkles and rides north to claim his rightful seat in the senate.

  4. Decreed upon the 20th of the Grand Harvest, 1591,


    Upon this beautiful day the Grand Kingdom is no more. The former government has been dissolved as a new one rises.


    The Sultanate of Urguania




    The newly proclaimed Sultan, Rakim Yar, has hereby declared that all dwarven clans must reaffirm loyalties with the crown of Urguania. Those who refuse to reaffirm vows are hereby enemies of the Sultanate, and will have their beards shaven in retaliation.


    Relations with the Sultanate of Haria has also been established as an alliance is currently in the making, may Allah guide us so.



    Subhanallah. May Allah bless the Sultan and Urguania!




    Grand Sultan Rakim Yar, Sultan of Urguan, conquerer of the frozen alps and dwedmar, follower and protector of GOD's holy word

  5. i think the admin team are pretty cool lads and lasses who are unbias and have good family family values


    i also think lotc should remove  about 70% of nexus


    i also think that i look good in a sweater, but not in shorts. my calves are bad and i should feel bad


    someday, i will take over lotc and give everyone little hats that say "i like faiz a lot"


    and then i will continue to tell everyone admins are good people





    and also reminder everyone to stop treating this game so ******* seriously. be like me, OPEN YOUR MIND UP! this is a MINECRAFT server made for ROLEPLAYING with blocks. just chill


    i think thats it i dunno, if u wanna fight hmu on skype ***** lips - kfaizk

  6. Just now, 吳憾戰士14 said:

    It's not a forum glitch. This thread and Aerial's thread were both in the feedback forum, and neither were shown on recent threads. But, as soon as I moved it to off-topic, it showed up. It's not a glitch. The feedback forum's been censored so threads posted in it dont show up on the recent bar.

    you win this round brown man.... 

  7. 1 minute ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:

    Nope. I refreshed the main page of the forums multiple times over the course of about ten minutes, and this thread didn't appear on the "Recent threads" bar until I moved it out of the feedback forum, and into off-topic.

    im pretty sure its a glitch on the forums boss man, cuz i saw it on the side when it was at 2 minutes posted in.

  8. 3 minutes ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:

    I just want to point something out.



    u kno threads sometimes takes a few mins to appear on the right hand bar right? i've posted topics thats taken like 5 mins b4 it decided to end up on the recent topics bar


    unless ur on about something else



  9. pius should be unbanned



    drunkenbagel deserves freedom too


    and marcos


    is csalz banned? if so unban him


    pito444 should be made admin of the server


    and @DPM should be perma banned because he doesnt wanna hang out with me in scotland

  10. uQwp7r5G1vHkHN9DnBpN0sDTtMD76pxHkWDbW5hk

    Notice of Regency


    On 1589, it is decreed by His Excellency, the Sultan Arlen Kharadeen, that a regent be placed in his stead due to recent health matters. The Sultan has chosen Yusuf Al-Nabeel, to take the mantel of Regent of Haria, to run the nation respectfully in place of the Sultan. (MC name : _Aquaticwolf_)


    The Regent of Haria holds all power upon the council, he may summon council meetings whenever seen fit. Any dire important decisions MUST be brought to the attention of the Sultan

    The Regent may set up trade agreements but requires the Sultan's signature for any matters of alliances or pacts. The regent may NOT declare any hostilities towards any nation or faction, the decision relies solely on his Excellency the Sultan.


    If the Sultan should find himself unable to carry on his duties as supreme leader of Haria, he will appoint a successor to the throne. If no successor is appointed, the next in line for Sultan is Fakhri Kharadeen, first born son of Arlen Kharadeen.


    All previous matters that'd be brought to the attention of the Sultan must be brought to the attention of the Regent Yusuf Al-Nabeel until the Sultan Arlen Kharadeen returns.







    His Grace, Arlen Kharadeen, Sultan of Haria, Emir of al-Khaleed, Defender and Follower of al-Iiman Rashidun, Son of the First Caliph, Imperial Sultan of Aethermore, Barrowhaven, Farfolkia, Tyravik, Springs Grove, Mt. Sofia, Hibat Allah, Grand Amir of the Eternal Mubarizun. Protector of Khalestine and the Sword of Allah.

  11. Just now, Aelthir said:

    לעת עתה

    الاستماع إلى لي أنت قزم الثلوج الكلب. سوف فلسطين الحصول على مزيد من الأرض من ما لديك دائما. كنت أدنى. أنت لا شيء في مقابل جبروت فلسطين وإله. العاصفة ركوب الخيل الشمال، سوف الرمال تغطي جميع المغناطيسية من الثلوج. فقط الشعب العربي سيقف على الهيئات المنحل الخاص بك. الله أكبر.

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