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Ender VIP
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Status Updates posted by Sofetios

  1. I am looking for a piano playing partner to play the noteblock piano i made at events and in concerts with me. I can provide free lessons. please PM me if interested!


  2. Please support!



  3. Good day fellow fellows, what is the current best minecraft version to be on? Im thinking of coming back.

  4. Come to the Checkers tournament today! Sign up!



  5. Come Join a band! anyone is welcome! 



  6. I was trying to think of events to do at my bookshop. Only thing I could think of is a story/poem reading. People would bring a poem or story of theirs and read it to everyone. Feedback? also any ideas for events for my bookshop?

  7. Need a home? need work? are you near Abresi? http://tinyurl.com/k3ce6vu

  8. Anyone want to learn something? Visit the forum page for The College of Dust and see what they have to offer. (Perhaps take my creative writing class. =D ) http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/104956-college-of-the-dust-now-enrolling-students/page-1

  9. Now Hiring at Sofetios's Fiction Bookstore and Restaurant! the opening of the new bar and restaurant part is tonight at 22:00 GMT (If i get enough workers) http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/105130-sofetioss-fiction-bookstore-and-restaruant-now-hiring/ =D

  10. My Fiction Bookstore and Restaurant is now officially open now that it has ale and remodeled! =D

  11. Coming soon! The School of Abresi! We currently need teachers (and soon students), Take a look! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/105453-the-school-of-abresi-currently-in-search-of-teachers/

  12. My Bookstore is finally back up and running :D

  13. Looking for aspiring or regular authors for my fiction writing paper, The Creative Collection! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/110189-looking-for-authors-for-a-free-reacurring-paper-the-creative-collection/

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