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Posts posted by Soggy365

  1. ~=~ Clan Wakebeard ~=~


    Clan Wakebeard is a unique clan of dwarves with a rich and diverse culture quite different to that of their cousins. Founded by an unknown dwarf in Aegis, the clan remained isolated from the Kingdom of Urguan, living on the coasts. The Wakebeards only resurfaced in The Fringe, when they traveled inland to meet their kin.


    Clan Profile:
    Prime Historical Forbringing:
    Name: Wakebeard
    Forefather: Unknown
    Founding Lord: Aumi Wakebeard
    Patron God: Anbella
    Origin: Cliff-dwelling dwarves brought together by Aumi Wakebeard in The Fringe.
    Clan Status:
    Commoner Clan
    Gathering Type: Family
    Marriage Restrictions: None
    Blood line Restrictions: None
    Clan Appearance:
    Icon: A carbarum trident.
    Colors: Primary White, Secondary Blue
    Clan Beast: Shark
    Clothing Style: Comfortable, simple
    Armor: Leather or none, unless in times of war
    Organization: Democratic

    ~=~ History ~=~

    Nobody knows exactly how the Wakebeards came to be, but an ancient legend suggests an answer. It tells of a young dwarf who had a great love for water. He would wallow around in the shallows of a river near his mountain home. One day, he was caught in a current and carried by the river all the way to the distant coast. This is the evidence most Wakebeard scholars use when attempting to solve the mystery of the clan's past.

    ~=~ Appearance ~=~

    Wakebeards look quite different from their mountain and cave dwelling relatives. Their diet has led to them becoming shorter. Years of exposure to the sea has left them with larger arms, hands and feet for swimming. They also have broader chests, which have adapted to house their larger lungs, which they use to hold their breath underwater. 

     Wakebeards commonly have black beards, becoming snow-white in old age. They often dye their beards a navy colour using the juice of berries which grow nearby the edges of the cliffs they inhabit. Beards are usually relatively short and very curly, to stop interference when swimming. Male Wakebeards are usually bald, a result of the years their ancestors spent working in the sun.

      Wakebeard dwarves' skin tends to be tanned and tough, after years of exposure to salt water. Their eyes are pale blue, deep blue or sea-green, because this is considered an attractive trait. The eyes are protected by extremely bushy eyebrows, to stop sea spray from stinging the eyes.

    ~=~ Culture ~=~

    As stated above, the culture of clan Wakebeard is rich and diverse. All members retain the beliefs and characteristics of their unknown founding father; a passionate love for the sea, fishing and sailing. 

     All Wakebeards share what is known as the "Sea's Call." This is an intense love of water, especially the sea. They are content to stand still in the water, allowing it to lap at their ankles. It is considered a therapeutic and refreshing pastime.

    Most Wakebeards are also passionate about sailing and fishing. They hollow out the trunks of trees to form roughly-hewn canoes, adding canvas sails and wooden oars. With these primitive boats they will catch fish; sailing in a horizontal fleet with underwater nets stretched between each ship.

    Wakebeards also brew and cook. Into their ale and recipes they add the character of the sea by filling them with immense amounts of salt and sometimes seaweed. Most other dwarves cannot stomach these salty meals, but Wakebeards consider them a delicacy.

    ~=~ Clothing ~=~

    Wakebeards dress in simple, comfortable clothing. Males will usually wear light-coloured shirts, rolling their sleeves up to the elbows. They wear knee-length shorts, leaving their feet bare to keep them tough for wading in the sea. Females will wear simple dresses of pale blue, green, yellow or white. They too keep their feet bare.

    ~=~ Architecture ~=~

    Wakebeard architecture is a sight to behold. Wealthier members of the clan will burrow into the sides of cliffs, opening eccentric balconies and windows overlooking the sea. This has led to the clan calling themselves "Cliff Dwarves", as they do not know whether their founding father was a mountain, cave or forest dwarf.

     Poorer members, however, build on the surface above the cliffs. The materials used tend to be sandstone and oak logs.

    ~=~ The Trials ~=~

    Wakebeards, like many other clans, have a set of trials that they complete when they feel ready to take a more important role within the clan. Upon completion of The Trials, a Wakebeard is to be respected above regular clan members, and may attend and vote at clan meetings.


    The Trial of Courage


    As the name suggests, this trial is intended to test the courage of the individual. Participants must walk into the sea until the water has reached their chin. Then, they must dive beneath the water and take back one item, fish or plant of value to the clan. They must then locate and kill a shark, weaving its teeth into a necklace. Its meat will be cooked at the feast at the end of The Trials.


    The Trial of Brawn


    This trial tests the skill and strength of the individual. Participants must fell a tree and use it to carve their very own fishing canoe.


    The Trial of Creativity


    The trial tests the creativity of the individual. Participants must create their own cliff home or surface home, depending on their social class. Unique homes are favoured over bland ones.


    The Final Trial


    The Final Trial is kept secret from all but the Wakebeards who have completed their Trials. It is considered a great honour to reach this  stage of the Trials, and upon completion a feast will be held to celebrate.

    ~=~ Clan Relics ~=~

    The Trident- A carbarum trident thought to have been owned by the Founding Father of the clan.

    ~=~ Clan Members ~=~

    Clan Father- Aumi Wakebeard ((Soggy365))

    Clan Elders-

    Clan Members-

    Deceased Members-

    Missing Members-


    ~=~ Clan Relations ~=~

    Ireheart: Neutral

    Grandaxe: Neutral
    Doomforge: Neutral
    Irongut: Neutral
    Goldhand: Neutral
    Frostbeard: Neutral
    Starbreaker: Neutral
    Strongbrow: Neutral
    Irongrinder: Neutral
    Tunnelsmasher: Neutral
    Treebeard: Neutral

    ~=~ Apply ~=~

    MC Name-
    RP Name-

  2.   Like I said, this is not a subrace. As Lago explained, it doesn't work that way. It is, as you suggested,  more of a unique clan or culture. I'll take your "unknown founding father" idea; I hadn't realised the "no more sons of Urguan" discussion was had. As for the evolution thing, this is what I wrote in the lore. The founding father wasn't physically akin to his descendants, but he had their love for the sea and cliffs. The physical traits only appeared after years of adaption to life on the coast.

  3. I wouldn't call a new dwarf clan with a unique culture a "big surprise." We've already established that this is not a subrace, just a prototype culture. If we get a few players, it'll be a unique clan. If we get a few more, it'll be a unique culture. But, let's be honest, the chances of this becoming a subrace are quite slim.

  4. Go make it! :)


    It falls completely with the Mechanical Standard lore rules so you don't need any kind of acceptance from LMs or GMs or anyone else. The reason we changed the lore rules is so that you could just go and do it.

    However, you won't be added to the official subrace list and thus won't get plugin benefits or Cliff Dwarf as a character card option.

    Subraces can't be "approved". Most groups with subrace potential don't survive the death of the group that created them. The way you become a subrace is to become adopted into the wider community. The Snow Elves, for example, are not. The Snow Elves are all part of or connected to the Princedom of Fenn, and it's looking like the death of the Princedom might kill them off. If we destroyed Haelunor, the High Elf city, High Elves would still be around. They're more than just their nation. When people make characters of your subrace who have nothing to do with your group whatsoever, that's when they're getting there. Once they're no longer "yours" or your group's and are just another bit of the server, then they're getting there.

    There have been plenty of groups that have been at some point a de facto subrace but not an official one. Dalidriad and the Snow Elves are two examples. Both of these were physically and culturally distinct. They didn't get subrace status because they were only really adopted by one group, the group that made them. When the Dalidriad's "nation" group died, so did they. The Snow Elves are also facing their first test of racial endurance with their nation in strife and on the verge of destruction. If the obliteration of the Princedom kills them off, then we're vindicated in not making them a subrace. If they endure, then that's a sign that they might just make the cut.

    In brief, nobody can make a physically distinct culture into a subrace. It's a state they have to reach themselves. You become an official subrace when you're one already.

    Does that make sense?

    Ah, I understand now. Thanks for clearing this up Lago.

    If anyone reading this thread is interested in playing one of these characters, shoot me a PM. I'll make things more official later, this is just to get started up.

    ((Written on a phone, sorry for any mistakes ))

  5. I would quite enjoy this as a culture, but maybe not a subrace. We don't really need anymore subraces, and you saw what happened to the Forest Dwarves. Also, I would really enjoy if sailing was incorporated into their culture, making them a manly sort of sea dwarf. 


    Anyhoo, just make sure that you have the playerbase to support this, and make sure that the dwarves have the playerbase to support another split off before doing this. 

    I had the same idea with the boats and all, I'll add it later. As for the playerbase, I could try and get non-dwarves to play as the Cliff Dwarves, and to have some sort of road or railway connecting their land to the capital. This way, the dwarf playerbase would be increased rather than split off.

    I reckon all you have to do is get an LM to acknowledge this and then proceed with it in RP, which is the best way to make things happen. Don't propose ideas, make them happen through role-play ;)

    I'd love to see this happen, but that's up to the LM's, I suppose. We'll have to wait and see,  but thanks for the advice.



    No more sons of urugan

    Can I ask why?

  6. This would be great if we had more players. The races are split up as it is, each sub-race will only end up to have few members.

    Actually, this works out well for the Cliff Dwarf idea. Considering they would be so isolated from the other dwarves, there would only be one Cliff Dwarf clan, so minimal members would be needed to play them.

  7. Before we begin, I'd like to just mention that I'm not sure whether my Cliff Dwarf idea would be considered a subrace or a culture, but I'll let the community give their own opinions on the matter.


                                ~=~ Cliff Dwarves ~=~


         In the early days of The Fringe, a selection of ancient dwarven legends were rediscovered by the Remembrance Guild. One legend, which many thought to be mere fiction, described the story of one of Urguan's lesser known sons. 


        Aumi Wakebeard, a son of Urguan, was strange compared to his other brothers. He was intrigued by water, and loved to wade in the cool shallows of a river nearby his mountain home. He earned his name from the way his beard grew: curls reaching down like waves crashing on distant shores.

       Urguan often scolded his son for his "exotic" behavior, but Aumi refused to listen. He relished the feel of river-smoothed rocks beneath his feet, of the refreshing water lapping his knees. One day, as he wallowed about in the shallows as usual, he smelled a strange thing.

      It was salt, borne down the wind from the sea far away. Even though he had never heard them, Aumi imagined the cries of gulls over the bays and beaches on the coasts. His blue eyes sparkled with delight as he pictured the beautiful scenes by the sea. He took a step eagerly towards the tangy, salty smell, but his foot caught on a loose rock.

      The unfortunate dwarf was soon fully beneath the water, floundering like he was stark. He could not fight the mighty power of the river, and before long, was being carried along on the current. Urguan heard the young dwarf's wails and ran out of his underground home to locate him, only to see his son as a black dot in the distance. He sobbed and begged Yemekar to save Aumi, but it was too late. His son's terrified screams filled the air as he was cast over the edge of a thundering waterfall. The Father of The Dwarves fell upon his knees, tears streaming from his eyes and becoming entangled in his beard.


      The legend ends here, and was originally thought to be a warning for the dwarves against the dangers of water. Little did anyone know that it was actually a true story, until Aumi Wakebeard's descendants arrived in Kal'Arkon.


                                                         ~=~ Introduction ~=~


      What are Cliff Dwarves, and what do they have to do with this legend? As you read above, my idea is to have Aumi Wakebeard, a long-lost son of Urguan, establish a new kind of dwarf. But he must have died Soggy? Wrong. Aumi was carried by the river down to the sea.

      What happened then? Well, Aumi was immediately in love with the sea. He built his home into the side of a cliff (The first Cliff Dwarf), with windows opening over the water. He became an excellent fisherman and swimmer and, over time, his lifestyle and that of his descendants adapted to life on the sea shore. Nobody is sure how his children came to be. Some say he met a female dwarf on one of his rare travels inland, others that he fell in love with a beautiful sea creature. Though Aumi is long deceased, his kinsmen continue his way of life.


                                                          ~=~ Appearance ~=~


      Cliff Dwarves are quite different to their cousins. They have broader chests, which house larger lungs that developed to allow them to hold their breath longer underwater. They also have much larger arms, used for swimming against the powerful waves of the sea. 

      Cliff Dwarves generally have black hair, which becomes snow white in old age. They often die it a deep navy colour by using the juices of berries that grow on bushes on the edges of their cliff homes. Most male cliff dwarves are bald on the top of their heads, probably because of the long years their ancestors spent working with the hot sun beating down on them. Their beards are shorter than those of their cousins, which stops them from interfering with swimming. They are very curly like Aumi's, and years of contact with salty water has left them stiff and wiry. Their eyebrows tend to be very bushy, which keeps the salt water from stinging their eyes. Their eyes are usually light blue, deep blue or sea-green, because they prefer to marry dwarves with these characteristics, as it reminds them of the sea. Their skin is tanned from exposure to the sun, and often tough and care-worn because the salt has dried it out.

       Cliff dwarves are shorter than mountain and cave dwarves, which is thought to be because of their diets. They live mainly off fish and bread, into which they add seaweed and sea salt. Their ale can barely be stomached by the other dwarves, because it generally contains an immense amount of salt.


                                                          ~=~ Architecture ~=~


      Cliff Dwarf architecture is a sight to behold. The wealthier dwarves burrow into the inland sides of cliffs, opening windows overlooking the sea. Poorer Cliff Dwarves build homes on the land above the cliffs, using sandstone and oak logs as their main materials.


                                                          ~=~ Occupations ~=~


     Cliff Dwarves tend to stray towards jobs as fishermen, brewers and bakers. As mentioned above, into their food they incorporate the characteristics of the sea; most of it containing salt and sometimes seaweed. They also make very talented sailors; their experience as fishermen and swimmers allowing this.




     Well, that concludes my lore idea for Cliff Dwarves. I'd be happy to hear your opinions, positive or otherwise. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I know this lore is quite short, but hopefully I can add your suggestions and beef it out a bit. Thanks for reading,


  8. *High Remembrancer Aldal Ireheart nails documents all around the city of Kal'Arkon*



     ~=~ The Remembrance Guild Needs Your Suggestions! ~=~


     Many dwarves will barely recognise the work done by our dying guild. Beardlings may not even realise the guild exists! Therefore, it is a necessity that we improve the Remembrance Guild in every possible way. Please attach your suggestions on ways to improve the guild below this document.


    Suggestions To Be Used by The Guild - ((The suggestions that will be implemented))


    Planned Improvements - "Point" system that rewards active members by allowing them to use their collected points to purchase items and awards. Points will be distributed based on work completed by members.


    Quests to ancient burial sites, castles, etc. to salvage important manuscripts and artefacts.


    Sponsorship to copy documents and write new ones. Sponsorship will be paid using the new points system.


    A new task system that means members will always have something to keep them busy, such as researching topics, organising museum exhibits, writing legends, etc.

  9. *Aldal Ireheart stands on a podium, addressing a large crowd of dwarves. He coughs into his hand, beginning to speak*


      "With deh recen' promotion o' Balek Irongut from High Remembrancer teh Lord, deh Remembrance Guild wus left withoot a leader. Ah enqoired aboot deh position, an' Lord Balek 'as koindleh chosen meh as 'is successor. Ah intend teh fulfill mah new dutehs teh deh best o' mah abilitehs.


      Fehr years, our beardlin's 'ave wandered our streets 'appileh, but without knowledge o' our culture, our 'istoreh or our traditions. Ah want teh change this. With meh as yehr High Remembrancer, yeh can expect a new age: an age o' culture; a revoival o' deh ancien' ways o' our proud people. But 'ow will ah bring aboot this? Well, ah intend teh revoive deh teachin's o' old, teh seek toime-worn manuscripts an' bring 'em back inteh deh loite. Deh wroiters may 'ave passed inteh deh 'alls o' Khaz'A'Dentruum, but ah wish fehr their legacehs teh live on.


      Ah ask fehr yehr support todeh, noble sons an' daughters o' Urguan. Ah ask fehr yeh teh 'elp meh in mah quest. Turn aweh from warfare an' deh greed Khorvad cursed upon us. Look upon our culture an' traditions 'unce again. Our roots are rich with tradition an' culture. Behcome smiths, brewers, merchan's, politicians, anefin! Weh need teh reintroduce these importan' roles inteh our citeh! If weh take a momen' teh turn aweh from deh hustle an' bustle o' everyday loife, weh can begin teh undertake deh roles o' our forefathers 'unce again. 


     An' remember this message: "An' 'ouse without pillars will fall, but an' 'ouse with deh roite support will swell with loife an' behcome an' 'ome fehr maneh." Whut do ah mean? Our culture is deh support o' our great kingdom. Embrace et, an' weh will throive. Thank yah fehr listenin'."


    *Aldal takes a step back from the podium, gazing around the crowd below*

  10. OOC:

    MC Name: Soggy365


    RP Name: Aldal Ireheart



    How skilled are you in regards to smithing? I trained under Farren Starbreaker in the art of weapon smithing, in which I have become quite knowledgeable. I have no knowledge of armour smithing, but I understand the techniques of smithing small items such as rings and ingots.


    How skilled are you with your weapon of choice? My weapon of choice would be either the axe or bow. I am very skilled with a bow, and am considered a master axeman within my clan.


    Reason for Joining/Bio (at least 1 paragraph): As I have learned the basics of weaponsmithing from Farren Starbreaker and grown talented at it in my own time, I would like to expand my knowledge into the other areas of smithing, instead of just smithing weapons.


    What Will You Add to the Guild? To the guild I will add my loyalty, determination and passion for smithing. 


    How active are you on the server? With exams this year, I can't be online as much as I used to, but I can still be quite active and online most nights.

  11. *Aldal Ireheart hears about the upcoming election, and that many of the people of Urguan favour Hogarth as the new king. He slings his travel bag over his shoulder, returning to Kal'Arkon. "Ah cannae miss a reign loike this 'un," he says, smiling.*




    Name: Aldal Ireheart

    ((MC Name)): Soggy365


    Hogarth Irongut ((Jordan1921)) X

    Charles "The Bald" Ireheart ((Toto798))

    Thelkan Grandaxe ((Goldrim))

    Zahrer Irongrinder ((Josh3738))

  12. *Aldal Ireheart shakes his head sadly as he leaves Kal'Arkon, a small bag of supplies slung over his back. He looks over his shoulder once more at the great city which he had loved so much, as he marches further and further away. He had left a small letter in the mailbox of the Grand King and in that of his friends and relatives. The various notes, all written in neat, swirling handwriting, would read:*


    "To whomever reads this letter,


       It is with great sadness that I choose to leave this city and pursue interests of my own. My time among such fine dwarves has been too short, and hopefully in the future I will have many more years among you. However, for the foreseeable future, I have decided to leave. With my departure, I step down from all of my positions of importance.

       If I may make some suggestions as to who should take over these positions. As High Prophet, I suggest Chase Irongut. He would be a greater High Prophet than I ever was or will be, and is very active within the clergy. As Clan Father, I nominate Onar Ireheart. As Clan Councillor, I nominate Bastian Ireheart. The position of Grand Adviser should be filled by whoever you deem necessary, but my suggestion would be Balek Irongut.

      I leave my possessions to the Stormhammer Clan. It is my last wish as Clan Father that my sword, a fine blade named Grimforge, be kept as a relic within our clan.

      I cannot express enough my sadness upon leaving, but I feel it must be done. Perhaps I will return one day, and when I do, it will be a time of happiness and celebration. To the Stormhammer Clan: I thank you sincerely for my time among you, my kinsmen. I couldn't have received a more outstanding family than yourselves. To the Legion: You are a powerful militia of incredible dwarves, and I thank you for including me in your ranks for many joyful years. To the general public: I will miss you all greatly, and have made some true friends over the years. Do not lose hope. When all seems lost, I may ride into our stone halls once again.


                                                                                                           Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                                                   Aldal Ireheart."


    *The notes seem to be dotted with the marks of Aldal's tears*


    ((This is genuinely sad for me. I've had such an amazing experience with the dwarves, but it's time for me to let go. With exam pressure mounting, I can't get online enough. I'm not leaving the server, and have decided to play in a more relaxed manner as a halfling for the time being. I intend to return eventually, perhaps when all my exams are finished and I can give enough time to the community again. But for the next few months, I will not be returning. I feel that I've met some really nice people OOC'ly as well as in RP. It's the dwarven community that kept me coming back to the server for so long. I'm sure in my absence, many things will change, but I sincerely hope that all the current dwarf players can stick together and continue being the brilliant community that they are. With that, I'm signing off. Bye guys, and may you have a really good time over the next few months. -Soggy365 ))

  13. *A letter is written in response*


    "Unfortunately, it seems that I won't be able to attend this meeting. However, I will seek out Lord Dizzy Irongrinder and discuss the matter with him.

                                                                                                    -Aldal Ireheart, High Prophet"


    ((I've been very inactive lately, and I apologize. Luckily, Easter holidays are starting from now, so I'll be very active again for the next two weeks. I have my Junior Cert. Exam just after the holidays, so my schoolwork has been relentless and I have only been able to get online at the weekends.))

  14. *Aldal Ireheart, Jarl of Vaerhaven, leads a large host of citizens towards the gate of the hold. They ride along on mules and horses, their belongings hanging from the sides of their mounts*


     "Bah order o' deh Grand Kingdom o' Urguan, this 'old is teh beh evacuated immediateleh. Gather yehr belongin's, an' come along with us teh Kal'Ithrun, where yeh will beh offered refuge. Ah may nae longer beh responsible fehr deh people 'oo remain in this 'old, but ah'm still responsible fehr deh former citizens, until such a day as weh may return. Therefore, ah ask yeh teh stick together in Kal'Ithrun, fehr Urguan will 'ave need o' yeh greatleh in deh comin' years."

  15. *Aldal Ireheart hears of the meeting*


    "Ah may ehr may not beh able teh attend. If ah cannae, Kardel can speak on behalf o' Vaerhaven, Onar on behalf o' our clan an' Farren on behalf o' deh clergeh. 'Owever, this may nae need teh 'appen, as there is still a chance ah may beh able to attend."


    ((I most likely can attend, but these are just precautions in the case that I can't))

  16. *Aldal Ireheart shakes his head as he reads the letter. He quickly writes a reply*


    "Dear Chairman,


     In my opinion Lord Council meetings should be kept between the Lords. It is not our position to intervene. However, I do have a suggestion. Perhaps whenever there is a Lords Council meeting, a member of the Clan Council may attend and speak on behalf of the Clan Council? If necessary, I could fulfill this role, as I am already the Grand Adviser and attend such meetings.


                                                                             Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                    Aldal Ireheart

  17. *Aldal Ireheart, Jarl of Vaerhaven hears of the order, addressing a letter to Fimlin*


    "Lord Fimlin,


       I cannot stress enough how unnecessary this evacuation is for the citizens of my hold. The majority of these citizens are not even dwarves, and have no desire to live in Kal'Ithrun. Vaerhaven is positioned further away from the north than Kal'Ithrun, so we are safer there than we would be in the capital from scourge attacks. At the minute Vaerhaven is not a scourge priority, as Kal'Ithrun and all other nation capitals obviously are. I ask you to revoke this decision, as it is unnecessary and is more harmful than positive for the citizens of Vaerhaven.


                                                                                                            Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                                            Jarl Aldal Ireheart"

  18. *Aldal Ireheart, Jarl of Vaerhaven, strokes his beard as he leans back in his chair while reading the letters of reply to his registry. He shrugs, stooping low over a piece of parchment as he begins to create new posters*


    "Greetings citizens of Vaerhaven!


       As many of you may know, over the past elven weeks a registry has been put in place to account for all citizens and business-owners in our glorious hold. I have been lenient and have given more than enough time for people to write letters of reply, and I believe that I have accounted for the majority, if not all, of the citizens who wish to remain active in our town. Therefore, all houses and businesses that have not registered themselves will be made vacant and have their belongings confiscated. These houses and businesses will then be distributed to new citizens and all belongings will be put into storage. IMPORTANT NOTE: Any citizen who's belongings have been confiscated will have a period of TWO ELVEN WEEKS to appeal and have their belongings returned. After this period, all confiscated items will be kept for the betterment of Vaerhaven and the Kingdom of Urguan.

     I hope that you will all see this in the way that I do, as a method of improving life within our hold and creating an influx of "new blood". If you should happen to have any queries on this matter, please address a bird to myself ((Soggy365)). However, if I am not available, address birds to either of our Councillors, Rosso ((Jistuma)) and Kardel ((Ziko99)), or our Commander, Fili Grandaxe ((Cpt_Noobman)).


    *The Jarl then issues some beardlings with copies of the message to post all about the hold, while he and various other people begin the process of confiscating belongings and making houses and businesses vacant.*




    ~=~ Application ~=~


    Whut beh yehr name?- Wulfgar Grandaxe, son ov Morgrim, son ov Valen, Grand King ov Urguan.


    'Ow active are yeh in our Kingdom? ((How long you are online each day/week))- Ah 'am t'e Grand King... Suh aye, mah presence in t'e Grand Kingdom is tu beh expected.


    Whut god do yeh worship deh most? (( Who is your patron god? Please read up on the relevant information under "The Brathmordakin".))- Mah worship is primarileh dedicated tu mah patron goddess, t'e Aengul Anbella.


    *The High Prophet reads over the application, beaming as he does so. He quickly writes a reply to the Grand King*


    "Grand King,


        Your application into the clergy has been accepted. It is an honour to have such an important dwarf among our ranks. I regretfully have to give you the position of "Initiate" for the time being, which I apologize for. In order to keep definitive regulations within the order, I have to maintain the current rules on ranking up within the clergy, no matter who is applying.


                                                                                                            Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                                          High Prophet Aldal Ireheart



  20. *Aldal Ireheart appears in the Clan Hall, looking around at the faces of his kin*


    "Storm'ammers, Irehearts. Weh 'ave come to ah decision. Ah 'ave been chosen as deh new Clan Father o' deh Stormhammers an' Irehearts. 'Twill beh difficul' fillin' deh shoes o' such an' amazin' predecessor, but ah will give it mah all. May deh Brathmordakin look with favour on Igor's fruitful an' long term as Clan Father. Ah 'ave maneh 'opes fehr our clan.


     First o' all, ah will beh introducin' a vast amount o' new Trials to deh clan, which will give us a more rich culture an' set o' traditions. Weh will beh seekin' oot an' collectin' deh clan's ancien' relics, storin' 'em in oor display room. Weh will alsuh beh 'elplin' Odin with 'is leatherworkin' business, if 'e will accept us. That is all ah 'ave teh say fehr deh momen'."


    *Aldal raises a large mug of ale*


    "Ah propose a toast."





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