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Status Updates posted by Enlightenment

  1. Nice weather today

  2. Salve, how is everyone tonight

    1. UnusualBrit


      WoW iM oN a MiNeMaN sErVeR aNd I bLuRt OuT a GoOgLe TrAnSlaTiOn Of A dEaD lAnGuAgE iN mY pReMiUm RoLePlAy ExPeRiEnCe...

    2. Dtrik


      If you are saying 'Salve' but to a group, are you meaning it as you all? Because if you are, the translation should be 'Salvete' as in greetings. I would then tell you in response, 'Ego puellae ledo."

    3. Enlightenment


      Didn't know Italian was a dead language.

  3. the dominion will soon fall btw


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