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Posts posted by Drak3

  1. *A figure dressed in darkened robes. Lined with crimson streaks laced around the hood and sleeves of the attire moves towards her goal. Only partial sight of a woman's face is seen. Showing only up to the brim of her nose as she stops after entering the location agreed on meeting at. Looking up at a tall figure of what seems to be a clown in greeting. After listening to him, she pulls the overhanging hood back to stare up at the oddly dressed man. She looks over to what seems to be a large, cloaked Lich that stands near by. Bowing her head towards it with a single gesture. Turning to do the same towards Gravelord Ordos. Looking back to the clown after, she finally begins to speak with a low, though clear voice.*


    "G.. Greetings.. I.. I have c.. Come here on a.. Accordance o.. Of the summoning.. T.. Though a.. At this time, I have n.. Nothing to s.. Speak on a.. As I w.. Wish to hear w.. What you a.. All have t.. To say on such s.. Subjects.. F.. For now, I.. I shall l.. Listen a.. And d.. Discuss on things t.. That are b.. Brought up.."


    *After finishing her short speech to the others, she quickly turns to head over to a nearby chair to take a seat. Brushing the hair that loosely fell into her eyes back, tucking the crimson strands evenly behind her left ear while listening.*


    MC name: NatetheGreat237

    Timezone: EST

    Skype: Primrose (Better if I find you, mine's really common)

    Why do you want to play a Ghoul: I believe it is a wonderful idea and I wish to try out an idea I have been playing with for some time now. 

    Do you understand & agree to hold the bounds: I fully understand



    Zig Zig The Animal of Broken Love:


    As loyal as he was in life as he is in death. Zig Zig a now a never stopping hungry ghoul. once a peaceful necromancer's pet alligator.

    He loved to be fed the flesh of all his master's failed subject's, and his master loved his disposal system. Until one day when a stray lightning bolt stuck Zig zig causing him to drop dead. His master so sad tried to rise him back from the dead only to have him become a ghoul instead. Zig zig Peaceful alligator now raised never satisfied eating machine out on the hunt for the flesh of the living to fill his ever decaying stomach.




    MC name: NT_Killer4life

    Timezone: EST

    Skype: nateshotgun1

    Why do you want to play a Ghoul: I want to play a ghoul so it may open up more roleplay opportunities  for me and I have always wanted to play an undead being.

    Do you understand & agree to hold the bounds:

    Yes, I understand and I agree to hold the bounds.

    Description: The ghoul used to be an angry Dwarf that has always hated all races, including his own. The ghouls can hobble with impressive speed, he eats anything he sees. The dwarf ghoul has tattered iron armor with the symbol of the Dwarven legion on it, his body has gashes and cuts streaming down its body. The Dwarf ghoul drags an axe every where he goes, he movement is quiet but if somebody's ears are keen his foot steps can be heard. He likes to yell so he may intimidate his prey so he may be able to kill his prey as it runs away.




    MC name: NatetheGreat237

    Timezone: EST

    Skype: Primrose (Better if I find you, mine's really common)

    Why do you want to play a Ghoul: I believe it is a wonderful idea and I wish to try out an idea I have been playing with for some time now. 

    Do you understand & agree to hold the bounds: I fully understand



    Zig Zig The Animal of Broken Love:


    As loyal as he was in life as he is in death. Zig Zig a now a never stopping hungry ghoul. once a peaceful necromancer's pet alligator.

    He loved to be fed the flesh of all his master's failed subject's, and his master loved his disposal system. Until one day when a stray lightning bolt stuck Zig zig causing him to drop dead. His master so sad tried to rise him back from the dead only to have him become a ghoul instead. Zig zig Peaceful alligator now raised never satisfied eating machine out on the hunt for the flesh of the living to fill his ever decaying stomach. 




  5. A hooded figure stops before the colored parchment. The individuals hood lifts to gaze upon the glowing words, two emerald green eyes staring out from the guise as they sweep through the lines with ease. After finishing with reading, the thin outline of a person kneels to take out a small piece of parchment. Along with a rolled up cloth that houses a small quill and inkwell. After getting situated, the unknown figure begins to write on the parchment. dabbing the tip of the quill into the inkwell to refresh the amount set with every stroke of the instrument in hand.



    "Greetings to whom wrote this letter. I'm responding to your request of seeking apprentices of the arcane arts.

    I find myself being drawn with interest to the words you have placed on this parchment. Firstly, I'd like to

    explain that I'm well versed in being reading, writing and speaking to others that would allow

    for such advancements in understanding how people think, act and go about on their daily actions. I'm not a violent person. I don't take pleasure in hurting others. Though I still seek to understand more of the potential of the various arts of magic. That being said, I'd be willing to commit such actions to grasp the knowledge you write of, if one would be willing to pass on such information with time. You ask for my values, as you shall have them listed. I'm a simple person. I don't seek many things in the world around us, though one thing is certain of myself. I love knowledge. Information. Anything that pertains to the past, magical or even that which creates the cycles of nature in itself. I'm not one to care for the events of politics. Rather staying to my own studies within the comfort of my home. As in what I know now, I have multiple skills that I study in the arcane arts. Though I'm not one to list such things in detail for any to see whom pass by. If you wish to write or speak on this subject, then you may send word, or leave a note attached to this letter if wishing to contact me on discussing this further."



    The figure fans the note after. Allowing the fresh ink to settle and dry. Bending the paper into a single fold, the hooded outline of a woman tacks the letter up by the original. After gathering the inkwell and quill up to hurry with packaging them does she stand to walk away from the noticeboard at the Temple.


    ((Coloring of the letters broke. Sorry.))

  6. Bathing in gold could be an option. But not to look too into it. Maybe just wearing a suit of golden armor, or going way overboard on wearing jewelry could do the trick on keeping the spooky ghosts out. A lot of good ideas to make it so the player themselves have the ability to knock a ghost out if they have the mind and knowledge of how so. Otherwise. The individual would most likely be a confused mess over the whole thing. 

  7. So on Golden apples. i did some research and it seems you're right. Though there were two types that were around. The first. Which was from a tree in Asulon. The other is made with alchemy. The one you speak of is coated with Arcarum. Or better known as magegold. Either way one looks at it. They're still consuming a small amount of would have close resemblances to actual gold. Both links I'll place below for further examining if you wish to. As for gold dust just being a ward, ghosts are affected the same by gold in any of its forms. Powder. Liquid or solid. It still carries the same effects on our ghostly pals floating about the Fringe. It still causes a ghost to de-manifest if gold is brought into contact with them for a certain period of time. Or if the gold they're in contact with, is in a great enough amount. Even if gold was to be placed against the body of the victim of who's possessed may have a slight effect on the ghost housed inside of them.






  8. Actually. a small amount of gold would only be needed I think to have an effect on a ghost. As I remember correctly, even a thin line of gold dust on a floor makes it so a ghost can't even step over it. Thus. Just being close to gold would make a ghost uneasy. Surely if even, lets say a small vial of gold shaving were put into someones drink. And they drank it. It would most likely cause the ghost to de-manifest if it was inside the person at that time. Golden apples from my knowledge, actually don't contain any gold itself. It's just their color to show their magical potency. I could be wrong though on that as I'm not entirely sure. And the last part. The scratching that causes bleeding. So being said that it has nothing to do with actual hemorrhaging of the body. That i'm fine with. So long as these injuries can't actually damage vital organs and such.

  9. What if the one possessed was to consume gold. Would that not have the same effect as having a golden sword impaled through the individual? as for the whole hemorrhaging effect, I don't see how a ghost would be able to cause any real physical harm such as this to be done. Scratches and bite marks are fine. But to cause blood to pump from someones nose, ears and mouth would need more then just some magical creature willing it to happen. There would be no physical explanation for blood to flow from the body without harm. Anyway. Just some pointers on what I thought of from reading this over. Other then that, I think it may be neat for those who role play ghosts to have this ability. Though some more tweaking to this is needed IMO.

  10. I've known Augor for some time now and he's shown me that he's a really chill person. I haven't seen anything negative to announce here and he seems to have a firm grip on the server's lore. As I've found myself asking him for details on certain aspects of the server at times too. I for one believe he'd do an excellent job at holding the title and responsibilities of the Application Team.

  11. MC name: cneyele

    Timezone: EST

    Why do you want to play a Ghoul: I've been playing my main character and only character for some time now. In saying this, I'd like to try to open my horizons a bit to make room for another perspective on role play.

    Do you understand & agree to hold the bounds: I understand and agree on how Ghouls are played as well as the rules put in place for them.

    Description:   ((Edited))







    The shambling remains, once that was human. Though proud in life and well off in some ways. Though it was cut short after a run in with a necromancer. After his body was cast aside by the individual's feeding session. But not without tampering with the corpse. Sending just enough life force back into the lifeless heap to make it slightly mobile. Only to have it stand and dance with odd moves as the necromancer said mocking things to the puppet. After the man discarded control over the corpse, it sat in a nearby swamp. Rotting away for some time till it regained a small spark of life force within it's body. Rising once more to seek out it's only real motivation to continue it's damned existence of constant pain it endures. Runkur will follow it's creators for a chance to gain a meal for it's aid. Though that's all the keenness it possesses on it's near mindless struggles.

  12. Stella sits at the Cloud Temple. Staring at a small crowd that gathered near the large structure where others came and went to get a drink and talk away their daily stresses. Twiddling her fingers from her left hand around a strand of hair that hung down in front of her own face. Oblivious to what has transpired at the Horen Crypt, she continues with observing others in their daily activities.


    ((Loved the post on this. Well written and very quick to grab one's attention on how it's put into words.))


  13. I've had the chance of role playing with candy and I must say. I'm impressed with how the role play was handled in all the situations that I've been a part of. I personally believe that he'd be a good addition to the ET for more events that would take on a more mysterious nature. More then just fighting and combat role play in general. He has my support on this app.~ 

  14. The farther I read through this post. The more I have to agree with what's typed out. Since the recent removal of the VA system. Evil acts have increased drasically. I've seen alot of good role play come from this. Though I really hope that everyone takes into consideration that some people really try to avoid combat and stay alive. In saying, people should be thoughtful whenever going  to kill for a senseless reason. Even if their character is a lunatic who walks around gutting anyone who's has their back turned. Anywho. Excellent job on putting this together Birdwhisperer. It's really well thought out and crafted to show the diffrent kinds of villainous acts we expect to see in Anthos.

  15.  Several months have passed since the incident in the grove that resulted in the death of Kefi. A certain quietness is all around the collage now as the absence of one of the children that was adopted by the Druidic circle seems to have vanished. The young red-headed elven child seems to be nowhere In sight. No longer happily playing in the caverns below the collage or seen waddling around Malinor's main square. Leaving no trace of her disappearance. Where has the young Stella gone?

  16.    Stella sits on her bed, hours after the incident. Her eyes red and puffy from the constant crying. Her body trembling from witnessing Kefi's demise as she continues to whimper endlessly. Still trying to make fact from fiction on what she seen. Still not saying a word after seeing Kefi laying in a blood of her own blood. The image burned into her memory for the rest of her life.

  17. Stella Evaglno

    Nicknames: Too many to keep track of.

    Age: Somewhere in her late 70's.

    Gender: Female

    Race: Fjarriauga 

    Status: Cursed, original knowings thought to be missing or dead.


    Height: 5’10”

    Weight: Around a hundred IBs

    Body Type: Thinly built. Though still carrying curves to her frame.

    Eyes: glowing, pale blue eyes

    Hair: White
    Skin: Grey

    Markings/Tattoos: a slight scar on her left wrist from when Isabella performed surgery, two other scars from a cannibalistic dark elf that bit her. Taking a chunk from her left shoulder and left forearm. She also has a deep scar on the forehead in the shape of a jagged skull. Permanently engraved from the PaganKing. The bottoms of her feet were also burned severely. Resulting in permanent nerve damage. Her entire body is now littered with scars. Ranging from her face, to her feet. As result from a Gravelord binding her in a cocoon of thorn bound tendrils.

    Health: Chilled to the bone.

    Personality: Judgmental, cautious, level headed. Though can have a temper if pushed or angered enough. She's more of a planner of things with her actions and choices when it comes to whatever she sees fit.
    Inventory: A sack of mysterious meat, usually an extra sheathed dagger, a rapier at her right side and cloth wrappings for any usage while out and about.
    Further Details: The main suit Stella usually wears has two layers. An undercoating of chain mail is layered beneath pressed leather and cloth that make it up.

    Life Style

    Alignment*: Neutral / Lawful Evil

    Deity*: None

    Religion: None

    Alliance/Nation/Home: Frost Witch Coven, Servant of the Gravelords.

    Job/Class: Enchantress / Sorceress / Witch

    Title(s): Weaver, Witch, Mistress of the Dead

    Profession(s): Runic Enchanting.

    Special Skill(s):  Can sculpt, draw and write very well.

    Flaw(s): Small, physically weak from practicing magic for most her life, her body can be shattered, or splintered if hit with enough blunt force. Dry, hot locations, such as a desert prove to be fatal just being in for Stella. She'd lose consciousness in a matter of a minute if exposed to any large amount of heat. Though when being in a cool, or cold location. She'd be most at home by the unnatural curse that lives in her body. Making for an ideal place to live/fight in.

    Current Status:  

    Arch-type: Illusion, Alteration, life force manipulation, Fjarriauga.

    Sub-Type: Telekinesis, Mental Magic, Necromancy, Fjarriauga.

    Rank:  Telekinesis, Mental Magic,and Necromancy have all been mostly mastered in the learning process. Stella has slowly started to gain a footing on her Fja magic abilities. Now able to form snow and ice with a little more haste. As well as the shaping and manipulation of snow and ice itself.

    Weakness(es): All spells use up mana. That's the major downfall of using any spell. Whether if it's a simple task, or one calling upon a great amount, causing a lot of strain on Hakav. Constant use will ultimately lead to Hakav becoming winded and unable to continue if pressure is applied to her defenses. That be voidal, Frostie usage. Necromancy can weaken her if she doesn't have a source to 'refuel' from.

    Strength(s): Uses her surroundings against her targets. Can drain the very land dry of life around herself. Can place a few curses she knows on any whom she comes in physical contact with for a short amount of time. Hakav can tamper with her target's thoughts by use of mental magic. Either by making the person flip out by horrid illusions summoned in their thoughts. Or making them believe they've suffered a mortal wound.
    Current Spell(s): Many

    Fighting Style: Promotes backstabbing & attacking when opponents least expect it.

    Trained Weapon: A rapier at her side. As well as a dagger at her belt line.

    Favored Weapon: Rapier.

    Archery: Telekinesis-based attacks. Anything from using her surroundings, to snatching weapons from her enemies hands.


    Parents: Asella(Mother) Valruv(Father), Blood Parents. Adopted Parents, Elwen and Naeri. Gabrielle, Frost Witch Mother.

    Siblings: None

    Children: None

    Extended Family: Frost Witch Coven, Necromancer's Coven.
    Pet(s): A Ghoulified Tarantula she uses to send messages to those she needs to contact.



    *Stella was born in the wilds along the coast of Anthos.*

    *Blood-parents killed by what seemed to be bandits.*

    *She was adopted by the Druidic Order after being found in old Maliner. *

    *Raised by Isabella and Ouity Deathsbane until the age of twelve.*

    *Was then lawfully inducted into the Evaglno family after eating a Golden Apple.*

    *Moved frequently at a younger age from the dangers of the North across the land*
    *Stella was captured and enslaved by an Uruk by the name of Grut'Lur.*
    *Traveled from Anthos to the Fringe. Which she and her family eventually left for Athera.*

    *Stella was in a relationship with Oropher Deathsbane since she was a teenager.*

    *She was to marry Oropher until he lashed out and tried to kill Stella’s adopted mother.*

    *Stella and Oropher broke up while she was pregnant with his child.*

    *Stella and Oropher’s child died during birth from complications.*

    *After years of staying underground. Stella finally came out to wander the land.*

    *While out one day, Stella had a run in with a Lich by the name of the PaganKing. This run-in changed her. Causing her to have a curiosity in Necromancy.*

    *Stella, after some time. Has a run in with a Necromancer. *(Name not given, sorry. :D)

    *After time of Stella being an acolyte. She was made into a Necromancer.*

    (I’ll add more on the fleshing-out of the story in the near future.)

    (Note these are pictures of Stella before she was cursed.)
    Artwork above done by Firestar.

    Artwork done by Birdwhisperer. Showing Gabrielle and Stella.




    Nicknames: none

    Age: 62

    Gender: Female

    Race: Uruk

    Status: Alive and healthy.


    Height: 7’5” while standing with a hunch.

    Weight: 421 IBs

    Body Type: Thick & muscular.

    Eyes: Dark blue.

    Hair: Jet black.

    Skin: Forest green.

    Markings/Tattoos: Scarred arms & face from training while growing up, The tattoo of a blood cresent is on her shoulder as well.

    Health: Very good.

    Personality: Honorable, hardly caring for other races outside her own. Determined and headstrong.

    Inventory: Hunting knife to her side as well as usually has either a double sided battle axe, or a two handed warhammer on Duruhs back. Rotten bread for filling her ever hungering stomach.

    Further Details: -

    Life Style

    Alignment*: Chaotic/Lawful Good.

    Deity*: Krug

    Religion: Krug

    Alliance/Nation/Home Uruks / War Uzg / War Uzg

    Job/Class: Warrior / Listed on Professions.

    Title(s): Wargoth of the gorkil clan.

    Profession(s): Animal Breeder / Leatherworker

    Special Skill(s): Can heave spears with deadly accuracy. As well as shoot a war bow if needed. Skilled in a defensive stance while carrying her weapon in both hands. Making for a tougher fight, even in close quarters combat.

    Flaw(s): Heavy, can be tripped if one knows how to counter Duruhs weight properly. Bloodlust also a negative on how it clouds her thoughts once brought into a rage.


    Current Status: -

    Arch-type: -

    Sub-Type: -

    Rank: -

    Weakness(es): -

    Strength(s): -

    Current Spell(s): -


    Fighting Style: Defensive while carrying a weapon, though if given the proper opening. Zekka may take to the offense. Heaving her weapon forward to try and skewer or decapitate her target.

    Trained Weapon: War Spear/battle axe/warhammer, War Bow and carving at her target with a hunting knife.

    Favored Weapon:Two handed warhammer.

    Archery: Usage in handling a War Spear to heave. As well as a War Bow.


    Parents: Unknown on her blood parent, Zekka was adopted by one of the old Uruk Rexs under the name of Dura, which was later changed for her taking on a new life with the War Uzg.

    Siblings: None that are known of.

    Children: None.

    Extended Family: War Uzg, Uruks.





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