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Posts posted by Drak3

  1. I've read through this a few times to get a good understanding of how they'd function if this lore passes and the existence of both the ash wraiths and harbingers in the past. Well written and a good choice of music selected. What would the strength of a Wraith be based or comparable to?

  2. 3 hours ago, drfate786 said:


    You plagiarised this from HP lovecraft. This is unacceptable, if your going to quote lovecraft then give him credit ffs.


    It's a quote from Xionism as well.


    A female dwarf laughs while almost spilling a mug of alcohol. the news being tossed around by loosened tongues of strangers in public.


    One thing subtly passes from the woman's mouth.


    "More nonsense ta be purged in time.. I be sure someone will off them all soon enough.." 


    She'd slam down the remaining liquid to then let her thoughts roam on the latest news heard.




  4. I've really grown disinterested in giving people reputation now a days. Though this individual has certainly earned my opinion on how he always strives to keep the flow on LotC smooth and enjoyable. Aerial has also shown he's capable and active enough to hold such a position with the experience he has gained.




    Plain & Simple




    MC Name: _Drak3_


    IC Name: Duruh


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Uruk


    Transformed Form: Eidola


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: Zarsies, Ebonsquire


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    The creation of Eidola is a complex ritual that is usually carried out by a single Mystic and Wight. The two go through with dousing the individual that is intended to be transformed with something called Deadbreath. With the target being saturated The soul is anchored to a jagged hunk of stone known as a Menhir. After this. This acts as the location in which the being re emerges after being defeated for whatever reason. It’s possible for the Wight that created it to relocate the bound soul to another location if it were ever needed. The Eidola are slow, though very powerful fighters. Matching up to the size and strength and size the DreadKnights. Though being equally as slow. For the very material that makes up the Eidolas form is made of a hardened stone material. It taking shape to match the soul’s self-identified nature. Which makes them very heavy and durable. Though they’re weakened to gold, holy magic, Fi mojo, Shamanism and alteration. These can bring these foes down with much more ease than regular attacks being made against them.


  6. So then. Where to begin here. I'll just be straight forward in with this I suppose. So some time back, you had constructed the idea, put forth hidden lore for a large, large event that took place and  was known as the Harvester Event. This being one of the few things I will openly point out here what had struck me oddly. I'll freely list another problem I see on an ooc scale. Something that really needs to be pointed out. With the Harvester Events, I had been informed that indeed the events were oocly performed with your own bias held firmly in place.


    I'll even ask as how it's possible for a character of yours to become an Ascended, when he was extremely manipulative and doomed hundreds to a pool of acid. Though somehow you have your high elf become part of them. It just strikes me funny in this happening. I may only be picking at a few things here which stick out in otherwise me supporting this application. But they happen to be very good points to speak on IMO.


    Sadly I'm going to have to -1 This.


    MC Name: _Drak3_

    IC Name: Ognuar

    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: N/A

    Transformed Form: Construct/Golem

    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: ImCookiie - Eloh'ra Siil'crux

    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    A being known as a Golem are crafted through the use of Golemancy. Their creator, or Impera as they are known to by the Golems themselves are bound to their will of command. A Golem can be made out of many materials, though the most famous would be stone as it’s a strong and durable material to work with. They are sentient, though only understand simple, basic phrases or sentences. Upon being created, a Golem will take in information at an extremely fast rate. Allowing for the construct to take on tasks that their creator designs them for in a relatively short amount of time. All Golems are run on a core, which can be powered by various means. If the core is exposed and struck, it would shatter like glass or cause it to turn red. Which would throw the Golem into a fit of endless rage and insanity if red and if shattered, the Golem would be rendered useless and broken without a source of power.

  8. This lore is quite balanced after reading through all the changes that have been implemented over the last month. I still really don't understand why it would be called OP when there are entities out in LotC that could easily crush them. They have a weakness to gold and can be killed like any other mortal. The constant bashing of this in saying it's copied from something else, or that it doesn't drain the strength of a dark arts user at all is just ridiculous. It's already been stated on how most other beings that were like the Wraiths, who essentially you couldn't even kill by normal means, say with the stab of an iron sword would do nothing. Now with this being said, most dark beings are actually weaker then holy arts and normal people. So it's not like there would be a ton of people running around as these creatures. I'm just disappointed when I see some individuals lashing out with their own personal dislike for something that fits so well into the lore of LotC.


    Aside from that, this gets my full support.

  9. Minecraft name/s:

    Cneyele, _Drak3_



    Time zone and availability:

    EST, I mainly work earlier in the day, so that gives me a broader time to step in around the evening.


    Ask through a PM if needed please, though some of you have it already.

    What is something you have always wanted to change on the server?:

    I have nothing in mind that directly comes to thought that would have dire needs of changing. The set rules and guidelines are all balanced and allow for players and staff alike to enjoy LotC at their own level of role play.

    What are your finest qualities?:

    I’m very active on the server if this can be looked at as a plus, I like to think I’ve also become much more patient and understanding then I had first joined the server. I have a firm grasp on the rules and how to follow them too. I’d like to think I’m a good listener and can cope with problems players might have between themselves, or how rules are upheld on the server.

    What are your worst qualities, and how could you improve these aspects?:

    I know that I have been brash and bull headed at times with having arguments with players in the past over petty things. I’d have to say that this is the main problem I’ve had in all the time I’ve role played on LotC. Though since joining the ET, I’ve put a great amount of tempering to alter how I deal with things on a general aspect.

    What members of the Staff could you look to for guidance?:

    I’d consult with the following if having any issues or questions, though I’d also seek others out who have experience as well. Zerechial, Geoboy66, Freema5, Discoliquid and Wrynn would be those I’ve had the most contact with in regarding the GM branch. So they’d be my first choices if able to get ahold of them.

    Who do you not get along with on the current team?:

    I have no ill feelings for any of the current staff members, believe it or not. In truth, I hardly know a great deal of them.

    How much free time do you have? Will this change in the foreseeable future?:

    I am currently working partly through the days of the week. So it gives me an ample amount of time to work with when it comes to dumping hours into the server. I could say at least an hour and a half a day could be put to the duties of the Global Moderator’s responsibilities. It’s not clear if this will change, but if it does. I’d let those in charge know if any alterations came to pass.

  10. Out-Of-Character Information
    What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?:

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:

    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?:
    Yes, I do.

    Do you understand you cannot be on both of these accounts at once? This will result in a ban if you are caught!:
    I understand this.

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?:

    How long have you been on LotC?:
     This coming September will be three years

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?:
    Just my main at this time...

  11. MC name: Cneyele


    Character's name and age: Zafirah, eighteen years of age.


    Character’s Race: Half Uruk.


    What magic will you be learning?: Xan Paladin mojo.


    Who will be teaching you?: Astartestemplar

    Do you have a magic you are dropping, due to this app? If so, link it: This character currently uses no magic. So that is a negative.

  12. AAAAAAA.png.b22f15d339c8eea48354de0c9e11                   


     Entering through the spanning hallway of the Dragur library would be that of a human woman. Jet black hair that curled with an untamed flow being met with a pale skin complexion. Garbed in worn and weathered leather with cloth. Both materials sporting small abrasions and tears along where each have been stitched together with multiple passing's of a needle. With a single cast of her vision, she'd take in all that are present before moving to an empty seat without a word spoken to any.





    Minecraft name(s): Cneyele


    Skype ID: Ya’ll already have it.


    Time zone: EST


    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report:


    I have not.


    Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions?:


    In all the time I’ve role played on LotC, I’ve never applied or held any staff positions.


    What MMORPG/video games have you / do you play? (Past and Present):


    Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition,(Still learning the finer qualities of the game.) Dragon age, Dragon age 2, Elder scrolls Oblivion, Skyrim.(Oblivion is better IMO) Warcraft 3, reign of chaos & the frozen throne. Diablo, Diablo 2, Arma 2 and Arma 3. And I used to play World of Warcraft years ago but I’ve given it up since it’s lost it’s flavor of excitement.


    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member?


    I have my frost witch, who is my main. And a half orc that I recently had created. I would be willing to sacrifice my third character who is a full blooded orc if this position is given a serious thought of being offered.


    What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain.


     I would attempt to distribute events evenly amongst the races. Though I’d personally say the types of events I’d create would be more focused on a 3-5 group numbering. That amount just being an example of course as well. They’d be directed towards bringing diverse experiences and development to their characters. I’d try to aim more for dungeoneering and monster hunting. First going through to create multiple branches for stories written.


     So considering on what actions a group of adventurers carry out. It would play through without any general stalling and unneeded time consumption.Though I’d be interested in bringing group fights. Either by spawning in a certain amount of mobs for them to PVP, or by having it carried out by turn based emotes. Which would be discussed with the players on whichever they’d enjoy more.


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?  



    I’d say one key factor to having a successful event is by having the players who joined along to be captivated and intrigued by the progression of what unfolds before them. Whether it be exploring an ancient ruin, trying to figure out a difficult puzzle that may lead to uncovering potential loot. Or battling against a horrid creature that attempted to ambush a group of travelers. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. And it’s good to cover all aspects on what players enjoy for the best effect of ensnaring their fascination.



    This in my mind would be a large part of having enjoyable events produced. Whether it’s surveying regions of players to what they like, or randomly spawning a small event for a three person group of adventurers.. Having a basic structure of what is in mind and working to flesh out how the setting and circumstances that have befallen whoever would be partaking. In having an organized plot, a beginning sequence would be ushered out. Which then conflict in any form, that can be such as having been led to an old ruined tower. Within holding a puzzle in which the player(s) would have the chance of solving in a peaceful setting. Or even to the extreme of being ambushed by a mammoth creature in an abandoned underground mines.. It would be up to the player(s) to make choices on the final outcome. But having a good idea on how the story could end should be heavily thought upon.


    Freedom of Choice:

    I think this would be a great way to bring flexibility to events. Allowing players themselves the choice of altering the given event by any means of reaction. Does one wish to pull a level that could potentially set a trap off in some foul manner? Or would they attempt to tamper with something else in the location in hopes of possibly evading in operating the potentially rigged gadget altogether. Such an example is perfect for defining what a good adventure should be. Bringing mystery and suspense as their actions decide on what the final outcome could be. And possibly the fate of their character. (In that instance. Hue)


    When was the last time you saw a event?:


    The last event I had seen was the Harvester event outside the Mali’ame city.


    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?:


    I’d say my understanding in LotC’s general lore is pretty good. Though I’m no expert. And as for organizing, I could be a positive asset when it comes to putting events together, or aiding in other team members ideas and conducting events. Whether that is portraying a character or effect from that occurrence, or casting out regional emotes so players can find their way to a certain location.


    Why do you want to be part of the ET?


    I’ve always enjoyed seeing events played out and that had lasting effects on my characters. Whether they were good or bad, it didn’t matter. And from that, my interest of the team had grown since I had joined the server and seen what can be produced from creative thinking. And with that, I wish to expand and finally try to bring these same types of experiences back for the player base to enjoy and be a part of.


    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the Managers and Raelplayer, not to the community. Note: Not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.


    1) For 1-3 person:




    The Murmering Talisman


    A merchant garbed in thick vibrant colored robes enters into a random town. In which he would instantly begin to try and bargain off a seemingly normal amulet. The chain in which it hangs from is held by an aged and tarnished silver. The head of the amulet would have an encased eight-sided ruby set into golden frame that anchors the gem firmly in place. The shady man would begin to shout out. Calling for anyone who thinks they have a valuable trade to offer. Mattering on who would present themselves and what is offered. (Nothing really valuable as to progress the event along.) The merchant would exchange the amulet for a ‘fair’ trade. He’d then make an attempt to leave the establishment after the trade was finished.


    Soon after the man leaves. or not. The holder of the amulet would begin to feel its effect. The holder would soon begin to have the compulsion to put the amulet on. And it would grow stronger in time the more they hold it. If putting the amulet on, the wearer would soon begin to hear the faint whispers. The voice echoing with the tone of an elderly man. Weak and full of strain in every word, the voice would attempt to compel the wearer to dance. That’s right. It would continue to whisper to the victim until it drives them to remove the amulet. Unless kept on. It wouldn’t cease it’s endless goading. Thus being a horrible trade off from an unknown swindler.



    2) For a group of 5-10:




    Wallbound Golem

    ((Designed for 5 player encounter.))

    This event would start by an old hermit appear along the main road leading to the Wood Elven capital. The hunched figure would carry a few small trinkets, though nothing of real use if the players were to frisk, steal or kill the hermit. If conversing with the individual. The players would be given the opportunity of being led to a small cavern. In which the hermit would give a vague description on what was inside. After, the players would have the choice of entering the cave.

    In doing so, they would be greeted by a Golem, though the body of the stonebound creation would seem to have been fashioned as a part of the very wall. It’s torso covered in patches of  thick green moss. It would speak in a metallic tone to the adventurers. Asking that in return for it’s release from the wall, the golem would trade them a secret hidden cache hidden within the cave.


    If accepting, the players would be pointed in the direction. And told to gather an old staff used by the deceased golemancer. If traveling into the farther depths of the cave, they’d encounter a large room in which only has one exit. The area would be dust covered. Tables and chairs lay strewn about in broken bits and the remains of crushed skeletons. Those being of Dwarven kind. Their shortened heights of their frames and dust ridden remnants of beards clung to the semi shattered skulls being proof of such. After investigating around the room, the players would be given the chance of finding the needed item for the trade. As well as the chance to uncover some other minor artifacts to take home. If finding the golemancer's staff hidden inside a buried chest, it would bring upon the conflict stage. The only hallway would be darkened unless a torch was lit.


    Faint sounds of wood creaking would be heard. If the player or players happen to hear the noise, they’d have four wooden constructs enter the room in which they had entered through. All being the same height, which stand at eight feet tall. The right arm on all the wooden golems have wooden spikes attached at the right side. And the left having a three pronged claw tipped with iron studdings with be fashioned in place. The players would have the option of trying to evade, or do battle with the constructs. Though being tall. The players would most likely have the upperhand in facing the lesser golems. Their bodies easily smashed to bits from blunt force, rendering a free path back. Once returning the golem in the wall. It would silently demand the stand be given to it by ushering out it’s left arm. The right fashioned into the wall at the elbow. If the players agree and give the staff, the golem would place the tip of the staff against it’s own head as a shimmering aura would overtake it’s form. Within a second a blast of unseen energy would be sent in a short distance from the golem.


    If hit by the invisible wave of energy, the players would only be sent to a stumble at most. The golem in the wall would growl while torqueing it’s body. The crumbling stone around it’s frame would break free to release the 9 foot tall Golem. It would thank the players, stepping aside to show a small, hollowed out room built behind where the golem was once trapped. Inside would be a small chest containing a few pieces of valuable loot. As soon as the items were taken, the golem that was freed would suddenly topple over and cease to be powered by it’s core. Ending the adventure for the players to choose on what to do with the loot and remains of the construct.




    3) For a group of 20+:




    Wyvern Nesting Ground

    ((20 player design, segregated into 3 groups, two of six and one of eight.))


    Billboards would be filled with notices of a recent scout spotting. If any who passed by, it would read and tell of a large nesting ground of Wyrms that had settled in an uninhabited valley far north of the Dwarven capital. The notices would report that a hefty reward would be given if proof is shown of their slaying. And that only the most well trained warriors should attend such a battle. After a large group gathers and heads to the location described. They’d be confronted by two female wyrms after gaining sight on the den. Past group lay around in half eaten states.


    Their bodies badly chewed and even severed randomly from what could only be from the wyrms. As conflict would begin to erupt. another wyrm would appear. This one being a male and much larger than the other two. It would be up to the players on how they’d want to go about and accomplish the task placed out. After the battle. They’d simply have to return to the docks to collect their reward as well as collecting anything from the slain Wyrms. That being if they’re able to succeed. There would also be a small chance at finding loot from previously slain would-be heroes. Though it wouldn’t be set in stone as to if anything would be found or not.




    How long do you plan to stay in the ET?:


    If accepted to the team, then for as long as I am held to a positive standing with the position’s upkeep.


    Tell me a joke:


    My sleep schedule.

  14. Recently been having issues with enchanting and the item after not even being in the enchanting table. Nothing. It consumes the materials used plus whatever is trying to have the enchant placed upon it.As an example, I had set up sharpness to finish around the time I woke up today. Logged on and there was nothing inside the table itself.

  15. MC name: Cneyele


    Character's name and age: 88ish, Stella Evaglno


    Character’s Race:  Fjarriauga.


    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/126605-stella-evaglnos-frostie-student-ma/


    What magics do you desire to teach?: Frost Witch Mojo.


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:

    The Fjarriauga are cursed beings. Something that can not be unbound by any simple means. The cource of it’s magic latches onto the soul itself. Binding the witch to the frost mother they were marked by. It’s entirely unclear from where the curse originated from, though a woman named Brunhylde brought it’s chilling boon to Asulon after being marked. There it spread out and onto what it is today. Their numbers at their peak ranged so large at one time that it was said frost witches claimed small chunks of land as their own. Swallowing up any who ventured into their territories with the harsh freezing elements. Only to either be devoured, marked if being a woman or simply killed for food or intrusion altogether.


    Their numbers now known to be largely dwindled compared to such days in the spanning past, frost witches are creatures that thrive in the frozen areas of the world. Constantly seeking out their next potential prey. The very curse compelling them to rip the flesh from any unlucky or unwitted man that crossed their path. It’s one price they pay in order to control the very ice and snow around themselves. It’s there where the frost witch is most at home. Her unnatural body attuned to stay unaffected by the harshest of winter climates that most would succumb to and perish from its unrelenting grip.


    With the curse’s demand of the hunger for flesh, comes a constant threat from heat. The amount produced around or upon the Witch matters on how long she can withstand it before her disguise collapses, which then the frost witch would begin to lose consciousness. After that death would shortly follow. Frost Witches do not bleed from most cuts, unless one was to strike them with tremendous force. In which their skin would crack and splinter. A witch can also meld ice and snow to an injury, temporarily stabilizing them, so long as whatever trauma they had sustained wasn’t fatal.


    Only a frost mother can mark women, as such. They are able to control the winter’s element with more ease than their daughters. Influencing and bending to manifest the snow from the moisture in the air. With this, they carry the title and responsibility of training their new daughters on how to manipulate the snow and ice. As well with transforming their very bodies into any shape that mimics the four races. Uruks, elves, humans and dwarves. With time, a witch can even change their skeletal structure, though this is largely limited and only works by bending and shaping. Often only providing a few inches of growth or shrinking with height differences from their original forms.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):


    The lesson would involve learning how to form ice from the moisture in the air itself. A more difficult process to accomplish if in drier environments. The student Frostie would be brought to a location in which it was humid, though non fatal. As it would make it much easier to form ice or snow from the dense moisture in the air. My character would then instruct them in how they’d have to focus and will the change to happen.


    Just as if they were altering their own physical makeup in order to blend in more efficiently. I’d first have my character form a small hunk of ice to show how it’s produced. Only to have them make an attempt. It would be based on the student player if they’d want to do a /roll attempt. Though in most cases, frost witches are naturally attuned and can bend the chilling snow and ice to their whim. Though time would still be needed to learn and build upon it.  

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