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Status Updates posted by pfmaz

  1. Can someone tell me why kharajyr still exist. i have yet to see one online and they have not even lay a block in the area we gave them in gronkkston... I have never seen one online there

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Aislin


      Now they're basically the Khajeet. Wandering cats that nobody really likes. I like this version of the Kha a lot better.

    3. Lathros


      I've tried m8

    4. Cyndikate


      You need to be out more if you haven't seen at lease 1 Kha.

  2. R. Lotheranica, Beggin_Alex, Royim, Cracerjacer, Tony F., Lord Prince Meleas of Malinor, Lord of The Nords Soren 1, el_bishop, AiiNus, B.M Phartz, Beggin_Bill

    1. pfmaz


      Beggin_Alex is actually really funny joke. if u understand right

    2. Esterlen


      R. Lotheranica reporting for duty

    3. _pok_


      so what are your aiims or the kingdom of oren

  3. Fingers crossed I can get my old account back!

  4. Really in need of someone who can purchase me Sons of Abraham for CK2.

  5. what is working lotc ip now

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