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Posts posted by overlord2305

  1. 13 minutes ago, A Moongazer said:

    Felix Fitch merely removes the poster penned by one so rude and not noble at all. Afterall she thought interupting and having multiple outbursts at the coronation and open court, that was no way a noble man or woman would act. 


    It would be of note none of the notes would be signed, and there wouldn't be any documents with similar handwriting available for comparison, making it near impossible to trace said notes back to any one person beyond reasonable doubt. Though one might be able to guess ofcourse.

  2. Parchment would be placed in several locations surrounding the imperial barracks in Mardon and at the entrance to the local recruiting office. The parchment reads as follows : 


    "Noble men living under the empire, I greatly respect your will to keep safe the innocent peoples of our cities, yet I must ask you, lay down your spears, your bows and arrows and your sword and board. You must not serve a emperor that will not defend you and you must not die for a land not your own, thus I ask of you, return to your lands of birth instead and take up arms there for they are truely the ones you should defend and care for. "

  3. "Yet the 'dragon' at the coronation seemed to have had himself muzzled, his teeth pulled his claws dulled and it's wings clipped with a vile heathen whipping it as it pleased. " *Basillia grumbled angrily*


  4. 13 hours ago, zaezae said:

    The outcome of defeat for a villain is almost invariably death too so...is this a villain thing?


    The way I see it this is probably because people fear some sort of (imidiate) retaliation if they let tge oponent live, meaning some sort of rule discouraging this might help to try and diversify the outcomes of villain rp more.

  5. Family Member 

    Ign; overlord2304

    Gender Desire( what you want to rp as) ; female (though male might also be fun)

    Age Desire; 5-20

    Do you have issues with any players?; Every staff member ever (no)

    Timezones; GMT+! (?) (Amsterdam time, I think we're gmt +1 atm, but you know, summertime)

    Have you partaken in any families prior?; yes

    Questions?; Nope

    Skype and/or Discord : You got me on skype already

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