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Posts posted by overlord2305

  1. Right so, 

    Names are awsome, gotta give you that.

    But it seems you accidentaly introduced a bug where players dissapear at random. When a player relogs it places a static namesless npc at their position, this npc also had their skin. relogging yourself seems to fix the latter issue and show the player, briefly before it acts up again. 

    Not sure if this is something with my instance specificly due to data corruption or whatever but it seems to affect a few others aswell so I doubt it.


    P.S. it happened for me @ http://prntscr.com/g3url7 this alley

  2. Why is the function for plugin programmers called 'coder' rather than you know, programmer. 


    Also when are we getting a PROPER responsive version of the forums for mobile?


    Why did programming staff decide to release buffs one at a time rather than the more responsible option of holding them back until all biffs were done. I know it has become a standard practise in the industry to release applications in independent 'modules' that form one larger application but that usualy doesn't go for games and parts there of.


    Why does the programming staff (and some other teams aswell) have the ability to perform actions like (for example) locking a forum thread despite this being the domain of another team? Doesn't this effectively mean there are no checks and balances on staff?

  3. MC Name: overlord2304

    RP Name: Albright

    Race: Mali'aheral

    Do you have teamspeak? (You will need to be on teamspeak during battles): Yes, ofcourse

    Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): The one 98% of the european continent uses (+1)

    Professions: Nothing currently, appearently @Lhindir_ scammed me good

    Do you swear loyalty to Veris, and it’s reigning High Prince: Yah

  4. MC Name: overlord2304

    RP Name: Albright 

    Race: mali aheral

    Current Occupation (or preference to be placed in the future): guard

    Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): not a clue

    Address (if currently residing in Veris): can't remember

    Do you wish to be contacted with job opportunities and open positions?: no thanks

  5. While I'd like to see equipment, personality, strengths etc modify dice rolls somehow I don't think it would work.

    Now this doesn't include all situations, rolls to see if a interaction with say a object or mental challenge where there is no one oposition are fine (like a olog lifting a rock to look under it). The trouble however starts when you are rolling against someone, because there is (unfortunately) the chance that you and he / she will get into a argument about wether or not a charachter is or is not as strong / fast / dexterous etc as they are claimed to be. Even if this argument is solved you're likely to run into the same argument again but for the other charachter(s) involved.

    To summarize : partial implementation is fine for "opositionless" actions but I would reccomend keeping it to that to avoid OOC arguments.

  6. Just now, Niccum said:


    If the United States Federal Government were put in charge of the Sahara Desert, there would be a shortage of sand in five years.


    And if each time you said something uninformed about how goverment works a lead atom appeared most of the server would have died from lead poisoning by now

  7. Just now, Niccum said:


    I suppose then there is no use having a discussion because this dilemma obviously does not exist.


    No, because there is a dilemma, because you are saying that net neutrality is bad for the internet, while it is infact the main thing that is keeping the entire f***ing thing from collapsing in on itself

  8. 5 minutes ago, Niccum said:

    So what you're saying is that the 50 million Americans who are subscribed to Netflix who consume 37% of the national bandwidth is not a problem to the 236,942,362 other people who have access to the internet? Or, in other words, 17% of American internet users consume 37% of the American bandwidth.


    Yes, that is exactly what I am saying for like the twentieth time now, how much clearler do you want me to make it that THAT, ISN'T, HOW, IT, WORKS.

  9. On 7/13/2017 at 8:44 AM, Jaeden said:


    Still counts under the beastiality rule. That's also admin-confirmed.


    Why does any of this count as beastiality to begin with, all the species are clearly on the same level of sentience as one another and they're all humanoid shaped, and as far as we're aware they also have similar genitals (I dare you to prove me wrong LT), so how comes that's still beastiality despite there seemingly being no valid reason for it?


    P.S. @Lark calm your s***, I was just asking what the logic behind it is out of sheer curiosity

  10. 1 hour ago, Niccum said:



    I'll ask you this, then. Is the writer wrong when he suggests that video and streaming services put a heavy burden on broadband networks? The basis of his argument is that sites like LoTC are essentially being shafted because of sites like Netflix, which alone consumes 37% of bandwidth in the United States. You as a programming student probably has to realize at some point that bandwidth isn't infinite. Since Net Neutrality forces all websites to pay for the same broadband speed, all connection speeds in return are slower because of a select few sites. 


    Is this a non-problem?


    This is not how a connection works, the only thing that causes your connection to a specific page or application or god knows what to slow down is having several other 'things' ((applications downloads websites loading videos streaming etc) being active at the same time. You pay for a set speed, the more 'things' you have going at once the more this speed has to be split, if the server from which say a video is being streamed only has a ten MB connection and ten people connect to it at once they will (usualy) each take up a mb of that server's connection, meaning it will also take up a MB of your connection each second, this video could be a 8k stream and it still wouldn't 'slow down' your connection more than any other 'thing' that had the same 'maximum speed' regardless of what that thing is. the same more or less applies in reverse.

    And yes, broadband isn't unlimited, obviously, but just let me be very clear, you g****** yanks aren't even close to the limit, it's not even within sight if you used the f****** hubble space telescope for f**** sake. The argument that 37% of American broadband is used just for Netflix alone isn't even remotely relevant, because all this means, is that purely Byte wise Netflix takes up 37% of the internet traffic within the US, thats, it.


    TL;DR : What you are saying is that services like Netflix, google, amazon etc, should pay a ADDITIONAL fee ontop of the price they already pay for the internet connection their servers have, do you not see how f***ing backwards this is?


    As for you thinking that everything is better without goverment regulation, 

    I reccomend you go live in Somalia for a while, see if you still think the same after a prolonged stay.

  11. 13 hours ago, Niccum said:


    What do you think government regulation does?



    Even though my country's healthcare is a mess it is still by far better quality than most of the world, and make no mistake the United States still leads the world in medical research and development - even with its crony capitalist state and insurance subsidies. 1


    Being mildly better than something thats entirely broken doesn't mean you aren't still dysfunctional. Having enough money to attract foreign scientists also doesn't mean s***.


    13 hours ago, Niccum said:


    Education on the other hand is notoriously bad throughout the poor areas of the country, but I could hardly see how a lack of government has to do with that considering that since the establishment of the federal Department of Education and a 375% increase in funding in the last 30 years, they haven't managed to raise test scores. 1


    Having a budget doesn't count for s*** if you have no real choice in how and what to spend it on, limited choice courtesy of monopolies caused by weak regulations.


    13 hours ago, Niccum said:


    As for labor laws, if you're the "progressive labor law" type like I think you are, I'm not sure how you could even be mad considering unions are some of the strongest political forces in the country - if you're referring to minimum wage, I invite you to take a long look at Seattle, Washington.


    I'm reffering to the fact you can still lose your job at any time or that waiters are still dependant on tips because employers are allowed to assume a minimum tip and deduct it from their wage, to name just a few things.


    13 hours ago, Niccum said:


    It's a well regarded American constitutional principle that we believe in negative rights, i.e. that everyone has the right to seek out what they wish, but they have no inherent right to take it forcefully from other people


    Just because something is written into law doesn't make it moraly acceptable, take a look at some of the laws they have in various middle eastern theocracies for examples.


    13 hours ago, Niccum said:


    I'm not completely sure you actually read the same article I linked, even if you do disagree with it which you are more than welcome to do.


    The one that poisons the well and either hasn't the slightest clue how the internet works or purposefully spreads lies about it.


    13 hours ago, Niccum said:


    It's hilarious how while we fail to question the motives of other corporations, we are willing to blindly follow the will of Amazon, Google, Netflix, or Facebook because they support a vague term.


    Furthermore I would like to follow up with inviting you to hold and express your own opinion, and I encourage you to research your views and hold them in the highest manner. I'm not going to ask you to leave or to silence yourself, lol.



    I'm a programming student, I'm constantly surrounded by fellow programmers and IT students and my step dad has 30+ years of experience in the same sector, I follow tech news best I can and most conversations I have throughout the day are related to these kinds of things. Along with all that I basicly grew up on the internet.

    Basicly I'd like to think I'm well informed on the subject, and let me tell you netneutrality is VITAL to the continued existence of the internet, and free market of ideas aswell as a large part of free speech as we know them, I think most people with atleast cursory knowledge on the subject understand this.

  12. 2 hours ago, Niccum said:

    Rather than make an original extensive argument for an audience who I do not necessarily believe will take kindly to it, I will promote some alternative commentary on the subject. For the love of God, do not rush into "SAVING THE INTERNET" without knowing what you're actually doing.


    http://www.freedomworks.org/content/amazon’s-“day-action”-corporate-welfare-not-free-internet Andrew Magloughlin is a friend of mine who has written a few articles against the premise of Net "Neutrality". In his article, he links other articles that he and other writers at FreedomWorks have written on the issue. This is where I stand on the issue myself.


    I'm going to be VERY blunt about this.

    Get. Out.


    Giving corporations the ability to do as they want does not work. The only people it helps are the ISPs and their investors.

    People like you, who think goverments should gtfo and companies should do what they want are the reason your country's healthcare and education aswell as labor laws are a mess not even a 1940s soviet factory worker would want to get involved in. 

    Not only that but by supporting the removal of net neutrality you are attempting to take away OTHER PEOPLE their freedom. So even if you disagree keep it to yourself, because what you are doing is ruining your country even further.


    P.s. I find it VERY interesting how a site called freedomworks is advocating AGAINST freedom, maybe they should call themselves lobbyingworks instead.


    //rant over


    Edit : typo

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