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Status Updates posted by indiana105

  1. guys what do you mean you're taking a shower xan just died!!

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Hunnic


      @ScreamingDingoIm no haense shill, but that wasn't a mic drop bro. Haense doesn't need your activity or rp considering its got plenty of players in it all the time 😭


      No disrespect on the Azdro/Xan thing, I literally didn't know about it but now hearing that it ended and its effects on the world make me sad I missed out on it.
      I do agree nations need to be more involved, but most people legit didn't know. 


    3. Werew0lf


      don’t personally care if people don’t acknowledge it if the minority who did the eventline had fun. not forcing nations into events that they won’t care about anyways. 

    4. ScreamingDingo



      sounds like a haense shill to me.

      viva la poop throwing raev

  2. lock all machine magic to dwarves

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