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Posts posted by frankdh

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Malii'evarir Ame'narnir


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  2. Upon reviewing this appeal and discussing it, moderation team would like to inquire of you:


    • What will you do differently to avoid defaulting back to this behavior?


    • Players have expressed that you repeatedly messaged them and followed them places in-game, whilst displaying these kinds of unsettling behaviors. Is there anything you'd be able to say to put them at ease that this behavior would not continue?
  3. 17 hours ago, HazelWazel said:

    I know we try our best to assure our brothers and sisters reach their fullest potential, but there are some I know who are out there that have slipped between our fingers. Forgotten druid who perhaps have given up and believe they have passed the time where they can learn. This, I promise you, is not true.


    I reach out to you now, to offer you a path to your fullest potential. You need not be ashamed, for I too was once lost. Please seek me or send a letter, for the only way to begin is by beginning.


    While drifting across Aevos in one of his stoner journeys, Earnest would come across a duplicate of this parchment in the jungles of Balian. "... man, what the-" He clicked his tongue in aggravation. "These damn dense druii, hypocrites- all'a them," he grumbled, crumbling up the parchment. But, not wanting to be a litter-bug, the greying old elf simply stuffed it into his pocket. "Anyone with a shred'a smarts would know not ta learn from 'em, they'll all just leave you with a lott'a hurt in th' end." 

    The ghostly black cat, that had followed him ever since his expulsion from the Eternal Forests, slinked its way out from behind a tree. If a man grumbles in the middle of a jungle, did it ever truly happen?, the figment of his imagination would hum, blue eyes looking to him in an annoyingly cheeky manner. Why do you bother talking to yourself?

    "I don't, 'm talkin' to you," Earnest retorted, carrying on his way. The sounds of his stomping on layers of dead leaves followed him as he went, the cat weaving its way through the trees behind him.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Phandelver / Freddy


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Bardmancy [S+A]


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  5.    An Opposition Against Emotional Suppression

    136 SE




        The culture of the silver elves is one heavily reliant on centuries’ old traditions, where the word of ancient figures is the closest they have to holy texts. However the interpretation of these figureheads’ words shift and change with the currents of time. Such is inevitable, as progress is by nature malleable, and therefore must be amenable to the needs of the mali’thill, and adaptable to the world around them. One such tradition is in the nature of one’s emotions, as outward expression is often recognized as damaging, and a hindrance to the silver elves, who view themselves above such. However, this hesitation only proves to be negative, acting against the pillars of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. The suppression of emotion only hinders the growth of the individual, denying a mali’thill’s capability to reach their full potential.

        The origin of such a mentality can be referred to within Lucion Sullas’ book series “M&H,” Parts 1, 2, and 3, where he records what knowledge he has of the mali’thills’ ancestry and then clarifies the practice of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya: progress and health. In Chapter 6 of the third and final book in the series within the Eternal Library, “On Emotion and Aversion to It”, Sullas states that “it is beneath an adherent to act by the whims of emotion– it shows a lack of self control, and would likely offend those around yourself” (p 21). As such, the high elven generations have grown increasingly concerned about being painted the fool by their peers.


    One can discover the echoes of such a cultural impact within The Silver Law, reinstated by Haelun’or in 12th of Malin's Welcome, Year 61 of the Second Age. The majority of these articles are pragmatic in nature, dissuading the romantic pursuit of oem’iian, highlighting the importance of consent, etcetera. However, it is Article 3 of these laws that has the greatest day to day impact on the citizenry:


    ARTICLE 3.   The Blessed Residents of The Silver State of Haelun’or shall not participate in public fraternization of an intimate nature.

    A disrespect of peers and the City’s dignity itself, those who violate this covenant of Haelun’or’s sanctity deserve not to walk her halls.


        In short, this article within the Silver Law advocates against public displays of affection between partners. However, the lack of clarification, as it pertains to official boundaries of what constitutes as such, when coupled with a culture that already advocates against emotional expression, only leads to mundane, small joys being snuffed: The holding of hands, for example, or a kiss on the cheek. Such things are remarkably mild and perfectly common in the world we live in, but within Haelun’or’s walls, it is deemed questionable and obtrusive. 


        Such a statement is further reinforced by the officially published manual A Mali’thill’s Guide to Courtship, written by one Puerir’arche in the 35th year of the Second Age. Within the pages of this handbook, public displays of affection are denied in the first, second, and even third stages of courting (that is, both before and after marriage), describing it as “quite improper and degenerate” (Chapter V, Article V).  Instead, bizarrely anonymous letters, works of art, and scientific research are valued as the cultural standard. While it can surely be agreeable that acts of dedication are admirable, why should the mali’thill deny themselves the simplicity of a brush of a hand, or a dance under the stars? Should not these works of art be for one’s partner, rather than the State, as this guide prioritizes? 


        For this denial and rejection will not create the wise, “proper” silver elves that these ideals advocate for, but instead shame-riddled, socially underdeveloped adults with no sense of individuality. It stands against the very words proudly chanted: Progress and health, as hindrance of growth is only the opposite of progress in of itself.




  6. do you feel that rebinding a soulstone to a new pillar at CT is easier for travel? did our old system with hubs simply work better? or, would you prefer a warp sign placed on each pillar instead?


    are the current timers for soulstone-based travel too long in your opinion? if so, should timers be lowered, or should we have more soulstone slots?


    i have no true power here i am just curious mostly

  7. hello gamerz


    last couple of days I've been noticing player requests for items that don't appear to be accessible through resource island or shops in cloud temple (like cobwebs and spore blossoms, for example)


    are there any other items that we're missing? pls let me know so this can (hopefully lol) be fixed !!! 

  8. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Regina Rostampur


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Adrian I


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?




    A courier-based letter delivery service



    It would appear the birds in Aevos are not as well equipped to deliver our mail as the Almarian kind. Fortunately, there is now a solution! 

    The Mayflower Postal Service is a courier based letter delivery service that strives for efficiency and speedy delivery. Managed by Cornelis of Brasca.


    How does it work?


    On the envelope of your letter, please write:
    To: Name (and username in parentheses) 
    City of residence: 


    Please sign your letter with /notes sign in the event the letter needs to be returned to you. 
    To start a new line on your letter, type /notes write /n/ and push enter
    ((**To note: I will be functioning under the assumption that all letters handed to me in roleplay are letters in sealed envelopes. I will not metagame what you have written, and as such it’s unlikely I’ll bother to read it at all.**))






    There will be a few donation chests placed throughout Aevos in different settlements, always beside their aviary. As I expand, I will list those settlements here for convenience. The Mayflower warns against using our service in cases of emergency


    Our Mailboxes can be found in:

    • Haense
    • Balian


    ((and as always, my discord is frankdh))

  10. chad response @itdontmatta


    I should remark here that moderation is not punishing Crevel and Jihnyny for trying to bring a concerning matter to our attention, but instead HOW it was brought to our attention. Rally-calling and moral-showboating doesn't earn you any bonus to your social reputation, especially when it involves exposing even more of the playerbase to the explicit content you searched for. 

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