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Status Updates posted by Wytchrose

  1. So, for some odd reason. I cannot change my profile picture. It keeps saying "Failed to set new photo"

  2. Tell me your secrets of setting gifs as your profile pictures..;-;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wytchrose


      I tried, and i failed. Lol

    3. DecoLamb


      I had ever do it for me.. I'm too dumb to do it..

    4. Primrose


      I did it first try dont even know how :P

  3. The 19th of this month marks my one year anniversary thingy on the server :3

  4. Well uhm, hello everybody...I'm back. After a few months, how is everybody? Whats changed? Ect...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ark


      Welcome back, uh.. pretty much every nation is under different leadership. Elves under a democracy, Humans back in the power of Carrions, Orcs(have no idea tbh), and the dwarves' city is now taken by the undead, also undead are back !!

    3. Wytchrose


      Thanks for the update Ark, :P

    4. Ark


      No problem! If you have any further questions pm on the forums, i'm always happy to help.

  5. Well. I've been thinking about getting into some kind of art, any suggestions on free programs i should use?

    1. HurferDurfer1


      id recommend using some paper….and pencil, you know, the old fashion way

    2. Giga


      For a free software similar to Photoshop, I'd recommend Gimp. Although it's a little less user-friendly than Photoshop, and has less features, for starting out it is pretty good.

    3. Wytchrose


      Alright thanks,

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