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Everything posted by Wytchrose

  1. MC Name:starwarsdude34 Age:19 Race:Wood elf Specific Skill Set? (e.g. Archery) He mainly uses his bow from a distance but isn't afraid to use a sword. Characters Short Background:He grew up in the Conclave with his parents. His father taught him how to use a bow and a sword at the age of 15 his mother taught him how to cook. When he left the conclave being only 16 he wasn't expecting the harsh and treacherous land of Anthos. Hes been looking for work ever since he left the conclave. Why do you wish to join? I wish to join because i have been looking for work, with my skill on sneaking i think i could be of use for this group.
  2. Name ((and MCname)):Cryus- starwarsdude34 ((Skype name)):littleethan001 Age and race:112 dark elf Motives for joining: He lusts for power. His family was taken by the scourage a couple years ago. After Cryus realized that the scourage cannot be beat. After seeing the power of the scourage, He came to want the same power and to aid the scourage...And him knowing this couldnt happen...He wanted to still try. Do you wish to get blessed? ((If yes, you are agreeing to the above OOC statements of blessing.)):Yes ((If you betray the Scourge and are caught, do you agree with a PK’ing clause? You don’t have to answer yes.)):yes. Copy this as well please: (If my character intentionally betrays the Scourge and is caught, or is expelled due to IC actions, I agree with a loss of IC information clause. This meaning that my character will forget all information about the Scourge, and that all books and documents that my character had written for himself about them will be destroyed or did not exist.):
  3. - OOC: MC Name:starwarsdude34 - RP: Name: Alimorel Race:Elf Age:19 "I Alimorel pledge myself to the creed of the Nightwalkers and swear to uphold clan values and would die defending our cause. I agree that I cannot leave the clan without being hunted until death." -
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