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Posts posted by Lojo613



    Audi benigne Conditor

    AUDI, benigne Conditor,
    nostras preces cum fletibus,
    sacrata in abstinentia
    fusas quadragenaria.

    Scrutator alme cordium,
    infirma tu scis virium;
    ad te reversis exhibe
    remissionis gratiam.

    Multum quidem peccavimus,
    sed parce confitentibus,
    tuique laude nominis
    confer medelam languidis.

    Praesta, beata Creator,
    concede, simplex Unitas,
    ut fructuosa sint tuis
    haec parcitatis munera. 


    Oh Merciful Creator hear!

    O MERCIFUL Creator, hear!
    To us in pity bow Thine ear:
    accept the tearful prayer we raise
    in this our fast of forty days.

    Our hearts are open, Lord, to Thee:
    Thou knowest our infirmity;
    pour out on all who seek Thy face
    abundance of Thy pardoning grace.

    Our sins are many, this we know;
    spare us, good Lord, Thy mercy show;
    and for the honor of Thy name
    our fainting souls to life reclaim.

    Give us self-control that springs
    from discipline of outward things,
    that fasting inward secretly
    the soul may purely dwell with Thee.

    We pray Thee, Holy Creator,
    one God, unchanging Unity,
    that we from this our abstinence
    may reap the fruits of penitence. Amen.



    Dominus illuminatio mea

    Dominus illuminatio mea et salus mea:

    quem timebo?

    Dominus protector vitae meae:

    a quo trepidabo?

    Dum appropriant super me nocentes

    ut edant carnes meas:

    qui tribulant me inimici mei

    ipsi infirmati sunt et ceciderunt

    Si consistant adversum

    me castra,

    Non timebit cor meum.

    Si exsurgat adversum me proelium,

    in hoc ego sperabo.



    The Lord is my light

    The Lord is my light and my salvation:

    whom shall I fear?

    The Lord is the guardian of my life:

    before whom shall I tremble?

    When the wicked rush against me,

    to eat my flesh:

    they who trouble me, my enemies,

    themselves have weakened and fallen.

    If armies encamped

    should stand against me,

    my heart will not fear.

    If the battle should arise against me,

    in this shall I be confident.



  3. Free Will


    GOD knows all things, and has shaped all things to be just the way they shall. This is why we forgive, because nobody can truly be held accountable for their actions. One may come to the conclusion that Free Will does not truly exist, and they would be right, but that does not mean our experience is falsified as well. We experience Free Will or choice because GOD has deemed it necessary so that we may learn a lesson by such a decision, these include, but are not limited to; brotherhood, forgiveness, kindness, and compassion. Thus, in our understanding, the culmination of mortal knowledge is what truly matters, and the knowledge we gather from our choices is more valuable than the worldly and physical outcomes of such decisions.


    To conclude, one could argue that Free Will does exist, because GOD does not inhibit or promote your choice directly, but the outcomes of such decisions matter little due to the omnipresence and predetermination of GOD's will, and due to the fact that your bias is based on past experiences and personality, which GOD does influence, it can be interpreted that Free Will in a physical sense is false, and in a grand sense is predetermined as well.





    The Church exists as a divine institution, and such must work to the same ends as GOD. Thus they encourage the idea of Free Will as a wholly mortal choice in nature. The experience of the individual clergy do not reflect the beliefs of the Church as a whole and every thesis stands to represent a single members individual journey and relationship with GOD.

    Non Nobis Domine


  4. IC

    Name: Dargrind Floreck


    Service: Unknown

    Why do you wish to assist the Church?: To continue my service to GOD, and rejoin the holy of Vailor

    Anything else?: My name is Dargrind Floreck, and I am already a priest. Or at least, I believe so. Whether a vast rearranging of the church has taken place or not, I am lost. A good while ago, I do not remember the date of my departure, my beloved brother died. At this time I was apart of the Synod, but had to take a leave to attend my good brother's funeral. My family does not live in Vailor you see, and I was forced to board a ship in order to reach them. Unfortunately, a terrible storm marooned me upon a vast expanse of sand.With little food or water, I wandered the desert, a dying man. Just when I thought I was gone, I prayed to GOD, and he redeemed me. An Oasis. I lived there for some time, enjoying GOD's gift. I was satisfied, but not truly happy. It was not a strong feeling at first, but as the days wore on, it gnawed at me. I felt empty, unfulfilled. I prayed to GOD once more, begging for an answer to this strange feeling. The next day it came, a small trunk, washed ashore. Inside, I was shocked to find navigation equipment, a compass, and a crudely drawn map, along with a sextant.

    I departed the next week, preparing a raft, sail, supplies, and a small, wooden cross.

    It took months, but using what information I had, I returned back to Vailor.

    I wish to rejoin my fellow churchmen.



    Minecraft Name:Dargrind

    Skype Name:dragonblooddwarf





    Deus, Deus meus

    The Chant

    1. Deus, Deus meus, réspice in me: quare me dereliquísti?

    2. Longe a salúte mea verba delictórum meórum.

    3. Deus meus, clamábo per diem, nec exáudies: in nocte, et non ad insipiéntiam mihi.

    4. Tu autem in sancto hábitas, laus Oren

    5. In te speravérunt patres nostri: speravérunt, et liberásti eos.

    6. Ad te clamavérunt, et salvi facti sunt: in te speravérunt, et non sunt confusi.

    7. Ego autem sum vermis, et non homo: oppróbrium hóminum et abjéctio plebis.

    8. Omnes, qui vidébant me, aspernabántur me: locúti sunt lábiis et movérunt caput.

    9. Sperávit in Dómino, erípiat eum: salvum fáciat eum, quóniam vult eum.

    10. Ipsi vero consideravérunt et conspexérunt me: divisérunt sibi vestiménta mea, et super vestem meam misérunt sortem.

    11. Líbera me de ore leónis: et a córnibus unicórnium humilitátem meam.

    12. Qui timétis Dóminum, laudáte eum: univérsum semen Horen, magnificáte eum.

    13. Annuntiábitur Dómino generátio ventúra: et annuntiábunt coeli justítiam ejus.

    14. Pópulo, qui nascétur, quem fecit Dóminus



    1. O God, my God, look upon me; why hast Thou forsaken me?

    2. Far from my salvation are the words of my sins.

    3. O my God, I shall cry by day, and Thou wilt not hear; and by night, and it shall not be reputed as folly in me.

    4. But Thou dwellest in the holy place, the praise of Oren.

    5. In Thee have our fathers hoped; they have hoped, and Thou hast delivered them.

    6. They cried to Thee, and they were saved; they trusted in Thee, and were not confounded.

    7. But I am a worm, and no man: the reproach of men and the outcast of the people.

    8. All they that saw Me have laughed Me to scorn; they have spoken with the lips and wagged the head.

    9. He hoped in the Lord, let Him deliver Him; let Him save Him, seeing He delighteth in Him.

    10. But they have looked and stared upon Me; they parted My garments amongst them, and upon My vesture they cast lots.

    11. Deliver me from the lion's mouth, and my lowness from the horns of the unicorns.

    12. Ye that fear the Lord, praise Him; all ye the seed of Horen, glorify Him.

    13. There shall be declared to the Lord a generation to come; and the heavens shall show forth His justice.

    14. To a people that shall be born, which the Lord hath made.


  6. MC Name: Dargrind


    IC Name: 'Titan'


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: n/a 


    Transformed Form: Golem 


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]:


                MC Name: Dizzy771


                IC Name: Dizzy Irongrinder


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    What are they?   Golems are stone constructs controlled by a usually cubic, fragile core in the center and animated by runes which allow it to move, speak, see, and control hands/feet. The core is usually covered with runes on all faces except for one, where it is believed the Golem writes it's memories in a script unable to be seen by mortals. Golems are bound to obey the orders of their Impera. Golems are extremely dim witted, have no capacity to understand metaphors, creatively think for themselves, or act without orders of their Impera. Golems are split into two personality types, Red and Blue. Blue doing it's best to fulfill it's Impera's commands, and Red doing it's best to ensure that it technically fulfills the command, but causes as much chaos and trouble it can in the process (Like a genie).


    How are they made? Golems are created two ways; Soulbinding which takes the soul of a living being and imbues it into the golem core, thus powering it. This either destroys the personality of the soul completely, or, if the person was strong, creates a living hell for the creature now trapped within the golem. The original personality of the soul may still leak through but essentially the person is limited by the golem body, trapped forever in a waking nightmare. The Second way of creating a golem is to use a thannhic core. This draws heat from the air and converts it into mana, powering the core. Golemancer do not truly understand how a Golem works, but create them none the less by following carefully copied recipes handed down through the generations.


    Where do they come from? The Golem was created by the ancient race known as the Karik. Originally believing it to be a form of necromancy which could make them live forever, they soon realized that the Golem was incompatible with the minds they were putting into it, and were not infact the original beings whose souls were put into the golem. The karik were destroyed by the Drakes, and all knowledge of the Golem was thought to be lost, that was until the Braveaxes figured out how to create one in Aegis. This Golem was used for war by the dwarves, and when the undead took hold of it, it was used against the people of Aegis. 





    A Thesis on Pilgrimage

    Note, that I do not in any attempt accuse the people of Oren to be of little faith, or the church to be failing in it’s duties. I simply attempt to justify  

    In my 213 years of life, I have seen no greater act of faith than pilgrimage. To set aside days, weeks, months, or even years of one’s life, simply to visit a shrine, city, or Cathedral would seem insane to most Orenians. But, perhaps, this insane idea might be key to the loyalty and devotion of Oren, solve a few of the Church’s financial and tourist troubles (especially relating to Luciensport), and reinvigorate interest in religious life.


    The people of Oren claim they are devout. And they rightly may be, going to attend every mass, fighting for GOD, going to confession, and helping others. Yet, majority exist in some sort of half-loyal state of mind. They do not actively listen in mass, ignore the needs of the poor, and feel no real belonging in the religion, treating it as one might one’s name. You were born with your name, but it has always been yours, and if the circumstances ever required or looked more favorable, you would change it. As a convert, I see the trials, the struggle, and the requirements it takes to become a Canonist, but not everyone goes through this, and thus do not appreciate or care for the Church or GOD. This state of half-belief is very dangerous, and, in my opinion, may inhibit those who are afflicted from entering the afterlife. To take a pilgrimage is not merely to take a trip, but to take a JOURNEY. It is this journey, both spiritual and physical, which instills true loyalty and devotion to GOD. No longer is one simply born saved, but must earn his salvation. Thus, as a warrior who earns his name shall never drop it, as it was his blood and tears which forged it, so does a pilgrim never lose his zealotry, for in his sweat and time he ascended to salvation.


    Pilgrimage is not only a good way to inspire devotion, but it really brings in much needed Alms to the poor around the area and drums up tourism for holy cities like Luciensport. As it stands, non-clergy really have no reason to visit Luciensport. They do not see it as a place of deep holiness, but simply a gathering place for the holy leaders. Thus Luciensport’s economy is missing out on a large amount of capital that could be redirected into church activities, such as the promotion of art, architecture, science, and missionary work. Shrines also have this same effect on the local economies, bringing capital from one point in Oren to another which one would have never really bothered to visit. Those impoverished in the areas of Shrines may be lifted out of such, and find happiness in the travelers that arrive. It almost seems that GOD is rewarding not only the faithful, but the church, and others for the act of Pilgrimage.


    In Oren, I admit that there are already saintly shrines which people do make short journeys to visit, but, they are rarely in locations of importance, and rarely are people encouraged to visit them. As seen with the Uruks and their totems, If shrines were left in both obvious, and important locations, rather than a back alley in Felsen, the faithful will make a journey to place forth offerings and prayers for the Saints. Thus slowly but surely improving and bringing the people ever closer to salvation. As the shrines stand now, they are not worth a pilgrimage to by anyone except the neighbors, and could use a good update if they wish to inspire the poor to religious acceptance..

    It is practiced by many different groups, the idea that a land could hold some special significance, and that traveling to such brings one closer to GOD. Perhaps, as it brings joy and wealth to the people who endorse, participate, and are affected by it, it is the wish of GOD that we also endorse such actions.

  8. Brutus blinks... Taken aback by all the manner of things which unfolded before him. A great book, once closed and bookmarked, left on a shelf in his great library of events and not to know his touch hence, has been opened wide and placed at his feet. Never have such feelings of hatred for the monster responsible for the death of Augustus of Alsace, of his brother in law, burned so fervently. He rose. And with a mighty roar slammed his fist onto the wall next to him. "BRUTUS SHALL AVENGE!"

  9. *the application is written in a strange red liquid, probably blood, although, a wonderful lavender and thistle perfume with hints of rosebud does emanate from the page* 

    Name: Brutus 'SKULLCRUSHER' Augur
    Gender: male
    Are you of the Faith? Yes! Brutus also has scrolls from his brother! Brutus loves the Creator, AND HOPES TO ONE DAY GO TO HEAVEN AND SPAR WITH HIM!
    Previous Theological experiences: BRUTUS ONCE RIPPED A DEMON IN HALF TO GET A RARE CRIMSON HYDRANGEA FOR PERFUME (Brutus also had a priest brother)
    Previous Militaristic experiences: BRUTUS HAS RIPPED SOLDIERS IN HALF
    ((OOC Information))
    Mc Name: Dargrind
    Skype (Can PM):  on the church chat already fam

  10. As the rain fell down upon the Dour watch, a feeble, starving, ill, and injured middle aged priest hobbled to the front of it.

    Every breath he takes becomes heavier and heavier, laced with coughs of blood, and cries of pain.

    As he neared the Dour, his vain, last attempt to return to his cell for his trial, he fell.

    His old, broken legs gave out him, he was infected, starved, freezing, and mentally broken.

    "Dear GOD... please" He coughed up more blood "Don't let me..."

    He pauses, staring into the cold and freezing rain

    "Wh- W....." tears flow to his eyes "Please.. please.. not yet.. I-I have two sons!"

    He pauses again, still staring into the rain

    "You... promise me... th-" He lets out a large, hacking, bloody cough "Th- That they will be safe....."

    A grim smile comes across his face, his tears dry, and  he turns his vision to the sky

    "Th-Then I sh-shall perform my final mass?" He shivers, then coughs once more "Yes my king..."

    He lies down onto the gravel road, pulling out his cross, and taking his wooden one from around his neck

    "Attende Domine, et miserere, quia peccavimus tibi." tears begin to stream from his eyes, his voice cracks "At-Attende Domine, et miserere, quia pec-Peccavimus tibi." his jaw is shaking, and he lets out a cough long, hacking cough, before continuing "Ad te Rex summe, oculos nostros sublevamus flentes: exaudi et exaltabitur, supplicantum preces." As he opens his mouth to sing once more... his eyes widen "N-No m-m- more time, I must finish quickly" 

    "Blessed is our GOD, in every age and every era"

    "Blessed is His Grace and His Light, which brings all Creation"

    "Blessed is His Canon, His Word bound by truth"

    He pauses as if waiting for some invisible congregation to say Amen

    "My scripture?" He is silent, simply staring into space for a few minutes, before taking his will from his pocket, and placing it upon his chest "This shall be it"

    He takes his crosses, and, with one in each hand , lies, making his own body into a cross

    "We have heard His Truth, and we are bound by His Grace. Let us be blessed by Him, by emulations of the waters bountied upon the prophets, the waters of Gamesh."

    He begins to sob and cough intermittently as he nears the end of his prayer

    "Non..." he stops, continuing to sob "N-Non Nobis, Domine Non Nobis"

    He is now sobbing, barely able to finish his words

    "Non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam"

    As he finishes, tears flowing from his eyes, he lets out a long, sad sigh, before.. smiling

    "Mass has ended... I will walk with GOD"

    And thus, he died, will upon his chest, body, a cross, and within his hands the two crosses, finalizing the journey, of Augustus of Alsace



    His will, which was made public by the scribes it's copies were sent to




  11. A Thesis on the state of The Church of Canon

    The place of the priest in society has been ever dwindling. Long ago, a town would not dare call a council without a priest present, everyone within that town would fall upon the man of GOD for guidance, and the priest would hold himself as a judge of the moral capacity of the town. This, is wholly due to three issues, which wholly are bringing the death of the church. These issues are; the church's lack of a papal seat of power, the church’s lack of priests to minister the multiple parishes which reside around Oren, and the church's lack of power within individual governments.

    The church currently stands as a loose confederation of priests, and ever dwindling. With no real physical seat of power, no true major cathedral, where bishops hold council and the pope resides, it stands to never gain any real power. Acolytes, deacons, and priests require a quiet religious environment to pray and study in, and the people of Oren need to see the power of the church, the glory of GOD represented upon the physical realm. Due to this major failure of the church, less Acolytes wish to study, local governments no longer account priests as an important part in their politics, and the faith of the masses in priests and the church to uphold GOD’s will has fallen.


    There was once a time when a young man would consider his options, and many a time the vocation as a priest was included. As the church's power continued to weaken, less young men considered a priest of GOD as a serious vocation. With less priests, comes a terrible cycle of demoralization and damnation of the people of Oren. With less priests, comes less children born and baptized under GOD and the church, with less priests, comes towns without the will of GOD. With less priests, comes heathenism, and debauchery, as without the priest to view and condemn in GOD’s name, the people remain lost and turn to the will of the Daemons. Unless the church seriously attempts to show that they remain in power, many innocents who simply are lost, will be damned to the Nether.


    The church lacks power within individual governments. Priests are no longer held as the moral leaders of communities, and towns no longer see the church as a force of power within Oren. Long ago, if a town was acting heretical, the church would organize an inquisition, crusade, or simply for the heathens to be hung. Now, in contrast, a town committing heathenism will simply exclude a priest from it’s social structure, as it knows the church no longer holds the power and sway it once did to force those that turned their backs upon GOD to recant their heresy. The age of the religious order’s, military or otherwise is slowly ending, as more children are raised without priests (As addressed earlier), less see the church as the glorious bastion of morality and faith it once was, and as such, no longer wish to support it’s orders, the backbone of the church’s power.

    Overall, the church is slowly dying due to it’s lack of power, it’s lack of members, and it’s lack of a centralized papal seat. All hope is not yet lost, as a papal seat can easily be constructed, or decided upon, and upon a resurgence of faith and churchly orders (along with a good inquisition) membership should rise. If the church unites once more, and looks towards the future, it can return to the greatness of it’s past.


  12. The following paintings were completed by Augustus Falkenrath. These pictures are of the humble and beautiful town of Alsace as it is nearing it's completion after three Saint's Days of labor. These paintings shall tour whoever views this gallery through the town, giving descriptions of the location and building. 



    When one first steps off the cart, they are greeted to this sight



    From the bottom of the hill, walking into town, in the corner, one may see our little harvest scarecrow



    Facing the direction of the cart, standing in the central square, one can see the tavern and smithy up close



    From here, one can see clearly see the military district, with the wealthy mercenaries guild on the left flank, and the town garrison taking the center



    The Merchant district, containing the regional office of the Istriot Mercantile Guild



    And last but not least, the church, whose casts the aura of the tall, silent guardian of the faith


    The town of Alsace thanks you, should you ever wish to visit, whether to stay or just have a drink, our arms are open! Have a wonderful day!


  13. This is the slippery slop of only letting nations decide build perms for an entire region, and the "special snowflakes" die out


    If you make nations the whole and complete deciding factor in what is built, therefore determining what groups arise, you would take out the need for the feudal system, as there would be no place for banditry to occur and therefore no reason feudal lords should exist with levies, as trade would increase throughout the nations. Once trade increases and the feudal system of defense for food is made obsolete, the kings would no longer give land to the largest armed force, but the most wealthy citizen, merchants, who are almost always VIP, creating a large VIP upper class and basically mimic the Renaissance of IRL Europe. Once the nations no longer have internal conflict and it is possible for simple conquest of land for resources, the true empires of Lotc will arise, will only the few wealthy factions, rich upperclass, power.

    In the wake of this downfall of the Feudal system, Oren will break into two or more factions since the feudal system is built upon war, and once all the small nations who "create conflict" with Oren die due to build perm bs, Oren will fight the other races, then once they are gone, will have only itself to fight. Lords must create conflict to create reason for them to be there. So be afraid Oren lords.

    Humans would dominate the server until the civil war, giving rise afterwards to a bunch of different human nations which will die or become empires in themselves



    Name Alarica Diari
    Current skill in your profession: ~~~~~
    What you want to be registered as in the guild (Miner, smith, or merchant) Merchant.
    ((Are you VIP if you are applying for merchant, or do you have the ability to travel and make sales, specify)) Yes I do Have VIP.
    What region, guild, or house are you currently working for or are apart of? My Own Region.
    Are you willing to make weapons for the Dystovs? I'm a low level smith, but sure! ^-^

    *A black crow pecks at your window, when you open the door, it flies away, leaving only a note reading "Welcome to the Pick and Hammer Guild of Owynswood. You have been accepted as a registered merchant, and as such, will be expected to sell your goods in your region as well as ours. While you may be more liberal with the pricing in your region due to it's own economy, remember to keep in mind that the guild has the best interested of not only Owynswood, but all regions affiliated with the guild or it's members. Report to Dargrind Floreck for a brief in rules and regulation"

  15. Name sean_desed (Alexandre Cossete)

    Current skill in your profession Blacksmith/leatherworker

    What you want to be registered as in the guild (Miner, smith, or merchant) Smith

    ((Are you VIP if you are applying for merchant, or do you have the ability to travel and make sales, specify)) I travel the map quite a bit, however I'm not good with the names of certain areas.

    What region, guild, or house are you currently working for or are apart of? I work for the Roost Family and I live in Leuvaarden.

    Are you willing to make weapons for the Dystovs? Sure

    *You are building for the roosts when a black crow lands on your shoulder with a note in it's mouth, the note reads "Welcome to the Pick and Hammer Guild of Owynswood. Being of a non Dystovian house, I request that you make your donation of weapons to Baron Brennan Roost, telling him it is from the guild while doing so. This will boost relations with him, and help in the future. Thank you for your cooperation with your special circumstances, please report to Dargrind Floreck for a briefing on special ambassador rules and regulations "

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