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Posts posted by Fishy











    Issued and Confirmed 9th of Snow’s Maiden, 1725






    “Onward, Canonist Soldiers!” Unknown Soldier of the Eighteen Years’ War, 1536


    With the march of dwarfkind upon the Realms of Man, honor demands that all of mankind uphold our moral and legal obligation in opposing these invaders. Thus the Serene Duchy of Cathalon and the Golden City of Ves issue forth a call to arms to all able-bodied men and subjects of the realm to defend the patrimony of mankind. Let none claim ignorance and let no grudge prevent sons of Horen from honoring the sacred duty of our ancestors.


    Hereby does his Serene Grace, Helton Hadrian Helvets, Duke of Cathalon and Captain & Defender of Liberty call upon the service of his vassals;


    The Right Honorable, Count Richard de Reden
    His Lordship, Baron Simon of Ba’as


    Hereby does his Serene Grace, Helton Hadrian Helvets, Duke of Cathalon and Captain & Defender of Liberty plead for the blessings of the following Saints;


    High Pontiff, St. Daniel I of Abresi, Patron Saint of Scholarship, Canonist Coalitions, Fidei Defensors, and Literature,

    St. Thomas of Gaekrin, Patron Saint of Virtuous Leadership, Discipline, Frontiersmen, and Kaedreni Peoples,

    St. Peter of Gaekrin, Patron Saint of Military Orders, Victory in Battle, and Plight against Heathens,

    St. Emma of Woldzmir, Patron Saint of the Schism War, Soldiers, Loyalty, Valour against Odds, and Adrians,

    St. Catherine of Felsen, Patron Saint of Integrity, Innocence, Refugees, and the Vessian People.

    Hereby does his Serene Grace, Helton Hadrian Helvets, Duke of Cathalon and Captain & Defender of Liberty issue that those who serve beneath the banner of Cathalon and receive baptism shall be awarded a home and the status of Freemen within the Golden City of Ves. In addition, properties owned by soldiers of Cathalon shall not be taxed for the years that they campaign.

    Let all who would declare for the Pax Orenia rejoice in the solidarity of mankind!




    His Serene Grace, Helton Hadrian Helvets, Duke of Cathalon and Captain & Defender of Liberty

  2. CATHALON RISING (or How Helton Hadrian Brought Down the Republic)




    12th of Owyn’s Light, 1724


    Twas the 9th of Owyn’s Light when the Seventeenth Assembly was called. Delegates from around Ves attended within the Great Hall of the Prince’s Palace, and to many, it would have simply been another normal assembly meeting. However, this would not be the case, for it would be a monumental day in the history of the assembly.


    Helton Hadrian arose, calling forth a quorum amongst the delegates only to realize that four seats had been left vacant from departures to the demon-hive that was Llyria. And so, like the assemblies before it, a raffle was conducted. Only six came forth, offering their honorably-acquired gains to purchase tickets. The raffle was conducted, and so four new assemblymen rose to take the place of those who abandoned the Republic. GOD bless Caleb Crider, Jayce Lancefeld, Caius Rhodes, and Robert Rovin.


    Only one issue was brought forth to the assembly that day, a petition - a plea - issued by the Prince Regent Helton Hadrian Helvets. He sought order.


    “There have been tea ceremonies in Ba'as more able in government than this worthless pit of gossip.” Simon of Bass remarking on the state of the Serene Republic of Ves, 1724.


    “Within the past year alone, our Republic has fallen victim to all manner of vice and debauchery. The Beets began their insurrection, decimating the defenses of our Golden City. Were that not enough, our most Serene Prince, Ide Haraccus has abandoned his post, fleeing to Llyria whilst our people were stricken with the ratman menace!”


    The assembly frowned - not because of the honorable Prince Regent - but instead due to the feeling of betrayal. The rowdy assemblymen who had dedicated their lives to Ves’s Military boo’d, cursing the name and the deeds of corruption. In the crowd, one could hear Assemblyman Rovin shout “Drain the Swamp!” Helton, ultimately, continued.


    “I ask you, of the assembly, is this what our people deserve? In the past few years he was the second Prince to abandon Ves. Are we to hold ourselves as servants to this craven and that, over and over again?” He paused for some time, allowing the assembly to digest what was being said.


    “I will tell you all of where I, as Prince-Procurate, have been since Ide abandoned the Republic! I was in the streets, fighting alongside the Caer Bann as the Beets sought to usurp our Republic! I fought and bled alongside the people of Ves as the ratmen besieged us from within our very walls!”


    Those who were patriotic boomed at this, for they knew that the Prince did not simply talk the talk but instead walked the walk. The Regent had bled for his people, more than could be said for the previous heads of state. “Praise Helvets!” could be heard from the plethora of assemblymen, with claps and unruly cheers echoing throughout the hall.


    “And I will tell you, my assembly, that we have won! The Beets have fled the realm, the ratmen lay broken and defeated! All while our supposed Prince has hid himself away in Llyria.”

    “Helvets, Helvets, Helvets!” repeated those with patriotic fervor, becoming inspired by the speech.


    “What I ask you now is the gravest of all favors. The PRINCE has FAILED. The REPUBLIC has FAILED. I ask you, the ASSEMBLY, to JOIN with me and reorganize Ves into THE FIRST DUCHY OF CATHALON!” Helvets exclaimed. His voice rang through the room, being heard by all. A pause was evident, for not even a rat’s squeak could be heard in the dead silence of the chamber. Helvets inhaled, concluding “For a safe and secure society…”


    Those present knew; as did the populace, that Helvets was correct. There was need for change, and so, the hall was called to a vote. An overwhelming majority was reached, Seven patriotic men voted in Favor of the Duchy, No one dared object, and only Three Abstained. Thus, with a Two-Thirds Majority, the motion was passed, and so, the Republic was reorganized into the Grand Duchy of Cathalon. CATHALON INVICTA!


    “I love Democracy...” said Helvets with a beautiful, elegant smile. And all bar those who slithered in grass knew from this day forward Ves would be on the incline, rather than the decline.



  3. 4 minutes ago, yopplwasupxxx said:




    xx. The Murder of Gottfried Helvets without Trial

    • Gottfried Helvets, a citizen of Adelburg, was killed while protecting and successfully saving Frederick Victor from execution by the soldiers of the Pertinaxi rebels.



    Gottfried John Helvets finally finds peace in the Seven Skies.

  4. 1 hour ago, _Jandy_ said:



    Orcs are immortal just as every other nonhuman race is. 400 is given as a high point in longevity given the culture and lifestyle they lead. Orcs physically age in response to their societal status and stress. Being past their prime, an orc should grow weaker and weaker until something else manages to kill them, never dying of age itself.

    This has been the interpretation and intention since 2012.

  5. The issue is resource inflation not the lack of a skills plugin. There is no scarcity in the economy and resources such as iron can be extracted ad infinitum for free from public sources. This is why the average iron price is roughly 1-3 minas and also why it never went above 10 minas for all of Nexus' implementation. 


    On another note, Nexus was one of the most horrid experiences for player involvement due to the excessive amounts of grinding it required to even achieve a competitive level. While I didn't particularly dislike things such as pikes, lances, and the pets plugin, the complexity the plugin introduced was unnecessary. If any plugin that modifies crafting is made, it should purely add on to rather than restrict the crafting system.

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