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Posts posted by Fishy

  1. Thomas Andrew sat awake the night of the pyre, unable to remove himself from the windowsill that had overlooked the spot the bonfire had once been held, now a smoldering heap of charcoal and ash. Water in his eyes, whether from the irritation of the smoke or the pain of a parent outliving their child, his heart ached yet again. It was the same black void of the night that swelled over the land like all those years ago, first his mother on the eve of the Nordling War decades past, then his beloved wife Leopoldine some five years ago, and now finally one of his youngest, Daphne, a daughter and a laughter that would no longer bring mirth to his halls, gone now too.
    Smiles were now all gone from the man, lost with the passing of that winter moon. All he could bring himself to offer now was the tortured expression of a cursed, haunted beast. That was all that Thomas Andrew could now offer the smallest of his children, Laurentina, a girl so young she never even knew of the mother that had born her. That winter would be a harsh one, he had thought, watching as the hours passed and the hoarfrost grew upon his window and the drums of war stirred in his ear. 

  2. 46 minutes ago, Pureimp10 said:




    Through Our Apostolic Authority, and with the approval of a majority of the College of Cardinals, We hereby Beatify and Canonize the following:



    Patron Saint of Archers, the Forest, and Servitude.


    St. Arianne Helvets was born in 1729 in Ves, the capital city of the Kingdom of Kaedrin, to King Adrian Helvets and Queen Annabelle Lorin Sparrow. She was kept within the palace for a majority of her time, and often wreaked havoc among the palace staff with her little childish shenanigans and fiery spirit. To the displeasure of her mother and amusement of her father, Arianne often dirtied her dresses with her roughhousing or wild adventures in the royal gardens. She was a curious and lively child; there was hardly anything that could keep her from having her fun.


    Despite Arianne’s ungovernable behavior, she was a good and loving daughter.  Her love for her parents and her siblings is immense, and shall always remain that way. Arianne’s parents ensured that she was raised with proper education on etiquacy as well as other arts, which the young princess did her best to follow; not wishing to disappoint her mother and father. As Arianne came of age, she was betrothed to Prince Andrik Petyr, the son and heir of King Andrik III of Haense. In time, Arianne would have become Queen of that country when Prince Andrik acceded to the throne of Haense.


    Arianne’s path led her elsewhere, however, as she disappeared a few years after the betrothal was announced. No one truly knows where she was during these years, but when she returned, her archery and woods skill had significantly increased. By this time, Prince Andrik had become King Andrik IV and married Maya of Muldav and Arianne, feeling guilty for having missed her opportunity to become Queen, swore her life in service to Haense.


    The rest of her life was devoted to doing good wherever she could, volunteering as a medic with the Haeseni army during the time of the Scyfling invasion, showing kindness to Scyfling refugees and assisting them with integrating into Haeseni life, and protecting the Barbanov children. In 1768, Arianne Helvets died shielding Princess Amelya Barbanov and Prince Godfric Alimar from Scyfling arrows. It is said that in her last moments, she prayed on the Lorraine Cross she wore around her neck, one that her mother had given her as a child.


    Miracle 1:


    A Haeseni woman, a mother, discovered that she had lumps in her stomach that could not be removed without killing her. Resigning to her fate, a death by illness, she prayed to Arianne Helvets that her death be quick and painless, and that her children would not suffer much after her passing. The next morning, when the woman went to be checked by a medic, the lumps had vanished entirely and the woman was cured.


    Miracle 2:


    In the years following the Scyfling War, a Scyfling hunter in the Wickwood was hunting when a Haeseni moose charged him. With no chance of escape and his death seeming imminent he prayed to Arianne Helvets, whom he had met when he was a young boy, and the moose stopped in its tracks. Instead of killing the hunter, the moose fell to the ground dead, and the hunter was able to take the carcass back to his family to feed them for many weeks.



    Thomas Andrew Helvets celebrates with his family!

  3. "It is good to know that my family resides so rent freely in the heads of these gossipers." The Duke said with a scowl, casting the paper into the flames. He eyed the urn above the mantle of his fireplace, resting his forehead to it. "If only you were here now..." He solemnly sighed, a sorrowful expression haunting his demeanor, thoughts of his family and their welfare raced in his mind. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Fie said:

    "THOMAS!" bellowed Leopoldine as she ran throughout the estate, jumped down a set of stairs and burst into the Duke's office. She held the Gossip Column before him, her finger pointing directly at the section that declared their own daughter, Francesca, and that Haenseni Prince, that had caused a ruckus in Oren before, a couple"This is unacceptable - Francesca is way too young to think about love and courtships! We must talk to her, we must put an end to this... GODAN, our children make my hair go grey already!"



    uh oh

  5. 13 hours ago, Fie said:

    Upon shuffling through the mail that came in on a daily basis, an overjoyed squeal escaped Leopoldine. Immediately, the duchess plucked fresh sunflowers from the nearby fields and rallied her husband and children. Whilst pressing one into each of their hands, she explained; "We must wear them for our cousin's wedding! Even you, Thomas. Don't give me that look."

    @Fishy @PerfectlyPeachy @clonky 

    Thomas hisses

  6. 1 hour ago, Fie said:

    Every now and then, Leopoldine thought about and tried to imagine where her cousin by marriage had gone. Travelling  without telling her family where she'd go and when she'd be back seemed highly unlike the Dame - however Leo did not know where her path may have led her to. 


    As time came and went, Leopoldine one day declared to her family at home: 


    "It seems as though it is only us again. Let us pray I am mistaken, let us pray that she will one day visit us as she had promised."



    @PerfectlyPeachy @clonky @Fishy

    "She's probably fine," Said Thomas, "Knightly duties or some such, perhaps we should send a letter?"

  7. Thomas Andrew found himself sat in Providence's grand cathedral, idly listening to the lengthy sermon and hymns that reverberated throughout its hall. Bored... The Duke had thought, So, bored... The young Duke turned soldier had never been particularly pious, observing only great turmoil within the faith in his upbringing, instead it was simply duty that had brought Thomas into a pew today. 

    Soon enough an urgent letter found its way through the congregation, How anomalous, Thomas thought, only to find himself as its recipient. The words in both his throat and head stopped, replaced only with the non-descript inking that had lined the page. Mother, location that was all that Thomas could process as he sat there for a time, frozen, shaken to his core. Before long, Thomas stood amid the mass, fingers crumpling the letter, quickly departing to find his sister and share his grief. A single thought passed through his mind as he exited the city to perform the grim duty, why?

  8. 9 hours ago, ShannonLeigh said:

    The Duchess-Dowager sat at her desk, an oil lamp giving off a faint yellow light as she read yet another gossip column. She stared at it, one thumb idly pressed against her lips. As she finished reading, she tossed it down, quickly rising from her chair. "Thomas!" she cried out, making for the hallway, sure to deliver yet another mild scolding and a slew of advice to the moody teenage duke.

    Thomas locked his door and blasted his tunes. Indignant of his mother's lecturing, he rocked around his room, his auburn mullet fluttering with each bob of his head.


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