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Posts posted by LatzMomo

  1. 8 hours ago, FireTruckBoy420 said:

    McName: FireTruckBoy420

    RpName: Pistachio Greenwood

    Skype:(Pm if you desire.) FireTruckBoy69

    Profession: Letherworker

    TeamSpeak:(Not required but highly encouraged.] FireTruckBoy420


    Time-Zone: EST


    Accepted, Report to Seahelm for your armor and armaments.

  2. 8 hours ago, superAawsome said:


    RpName:Peter Quinn

    Skype:(Pm if you desire.)superaawsome


    TeamSpeak:(Not required but highly encouraged.)Yes I have ts



    7 hours ago, lordiasd said:


    RpName:Luis Nilsen




    Time-Zone:GMT +2


    4 hours ago, DanDan420 said:

    RpName: Judas Agnarsson

    MCNAME: Lather_Me_Up

    Skype:(Pm if you desire.) Daniel.Hanzchanzuno6

    Profession: Adept Tinkerer, Proficient Blacksmith, Proficient Miner

    TeamSpeak:(Not required but highly encouraged.) Dandan420 ya'll know me anyway, I'm always active on TS

    Time-Zone: GMT+1


    Accepted, Report to Seahelm for your arms and armaments.

  3. 4 hours ago, NicktheRed20 said:

    McName: NicktheRed20

    RpName: Nicolas 'Nikolai" Headsted

    Skype:(Pm if you desire.) You got it

    Profession: Enchanter

    TeamSpeak:(Not required but highly encouraged) Yessir

    Time-Zone: PST (GMT -7)


    4 hours ago, Draiden said:

                  The call to arms rang out across Norland, echoing off of the mountains and through the dense forests of the snow-covered landscape. Gareth hears the horn from his humble home in Cresthelm. He stands up and scratches his beard in thought as he reaches for his torn cloak. "Hm..." He mutters stoically as he opens his door to the crisp cold afternoon air. He trudges his way through ankle-deep snow and thinks to remind himself to shovel it out of the roads later, grabbing his felling axe and sliding it into his belt as he treads down the mountain towards Seahelm.


                  When he arrived at Seahelm, he was made aware of the situation. "I see... A new levy." He said before cracking a wide grin. "Well count me in. Norland's my home and by the All-Father I'm gonna defend it tooth and bloody claw." he declared, laughing and cracking his knuckles. "So when do we get started?"


    McName: Draiden_Kaid

    RpName: Gareth Furetto

    Skype: [PM as I desire]

    Profession: Lumberjack

    TeamSpeak: [Got]

    Time-Zone: Pacific Standard


    1 hour ago, Saradunan said:

    *Saradunan hears the horn within his house* "This should be good"

    McName: Saradunan

    RpName: Saradunan Steelfist

    Skype: Rhysmiester1

    Profession: Miner/Blacksmith

    TeamSpeak: Nope (I'LL get it)

    Time-Zone: AUS

    Accepted, Report to Seahelm for your arms and armament.

  4. tumblr_n2cej7DRo11t26my0o1_1280.jpg

    The Seahelm Warband



    Amongst the icy fields of Seahelm, Valkryia, and Cresthelm a call to arms is heard, demanding that all able lads report to Seahelm to join the Warband and defend her and her people from the scum that would threaten her.


    And so the men gathered, they guarded the gates and their people, they assaulted the enemy and their lands and they did not yield.


    • The Warband is led by the Captain, a proven Veteran of battles and combat, he obeys the true Lord of Seahelm and gives him military guidance when the time comes.

    • All who join the Warband shall be given food, water and shelter, and will be provided with arms and armor to defend their home and comrades.

    • Should the Warband succeed in battle they will dine in the great hall with any allies present, this often leads to drunken brawls, speeches and promotions.

    • EVERY able bodied man living in Norland is expected to join the Warband.





    • You may not harm another member of the Levy.

    • You may not harm Seahelm or her people.

    • Follow all orders from your superiors, this is to keep unity and a level head.


    Ranks and infrastructure



    the Captain reports directly to the true Lord of Seahelm, he leads the levy during battles and keeps the men equipped, and in shape, he rallies the men and makes sure they’re trained and competent.



    Thanes and Huscarls lead the levy in the absence of the Captain, they keep the armory stocked and help the Captain with his responsibilities, Thanes are landed, while Huscarls are not.


    Battle Brother

    The Battle Brothers makes up most of the levy, they’re foot soldiers that obey and diligently carry out orders for Seahelm and her people.



    Initiates are men in training, they’re learning the ways of war and combat, they’re often found patrolling the lands as guards or training with the Captain or Veterans.







    Skype:(Pm if you desire.)


    TeamSpeak:(Not required but highly encouraged.)


  5. It is now official, on the 17th of the Amber Cold in the year 1540 that the Red Brothers have been disbanded, all members are free from their oaths and all deserters need not worry any longer, for they will no longer be hunted.

    -Eirik Ruric

    -Vykk Volaren

  6. On December 26, 2015 at 11:20 AM, huntrey said:

    MC-Name: _pepin_

    RP-Name: Pepin Voyage

    Skype: (Pm if you desire) hunterhenham

    Profession: None, at the time being.

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.)  Yes

    Time-zone: UTC+ (00:00) London, Dublin etc.

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: Yes

    Accepted, Welcome Brother!

  7. 8 hours ago, Killerzaz202 said:

    MC-Name: Killerzaz202

    RP-Name: Bjørn Olsen Nilsen

    Skype: (Pm if you desire) Heljar.nilsen

    Profession: Warrior?

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) Killerzaz202

    Time-zone: Europe/Norway

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: Yes i agree

    Accepted, Welcome Brother.

  8. On December 24, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Lockez said:

    MC-Name: Lockez

    RP-Name: Holden

    Skype: (Pm if you desire)

    Profession: farmer/chef

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) yes

    Time-zone: EST

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: yes

    Accepted, Welcome Brother!

  9. 16 hours ago, shadowtail00 said:



    RP-Name:Christian Thulbrok

    Skype: (Pm if you desire) shadowtail00

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) Yes


    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?:Yes


    PK Clause

    To join the Red Brothers, you must agree to a PK-Clause upon dishonorable desertion, betrayal, or any other form of rule-breaking. (With appropriate RP backing this.)  We don't do this to limit RP, we do this to enforce an environment akin to what we expect of any of our lads joining, and to ensure our rules are followed.  You can always leave the Brotherhood. and may do so if you desire.  This will only be done if you break our rules.

    Accepted, Welcome Brother!

  10. 16 hours ago, graciep11 said:

    MC-Name: graciep11

    RP-Name: Sarai Azor

    Skype: (Pm if you desire) grassiponder

    Profession: cook

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) Yes

    Time-zone: EST

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: yes

    Accepted, Welcome Brother!

  11. 5 hours ago, Saradunan said:

    MC-Name: Saradunan

    RP-Name: Saradunan

    Skype: rhysmiester1 (Pm if you desire)

    Profession: blacksmith/miner

    Have you teamspeak?: yeah (It's not optional.)

    Time-zone: Aus

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: yes

    Accepted, Welcome Brother!

  12. 16 hours ago, ninjaclimb1 said:

    MC-Name: ninjaclimb1

    RP-Name: Maxwell

    Skype: (Pm if you desire) I'll pm

    Profession: Don't have any really.

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) Yes.


    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: Yes

    Accepted, Welcome Brother!

  13. On December 23, 2015 at 7:16 PM, LittleKnights said:

    MC-Name: LittleKnights

    RP-Name: Akron Skorpani

    Skype: (Pm if you desire) littleknights42

    Profession: none (I haven't chosen anything yet, but im willing to choose what is needed)

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) Yes

    Time-zone: Eastern Standard Time (Canada ON Oshawa)

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: Yes


    Brother has been beheaded, Contract Terminated.

  14. Eirik "The Savage" Thorsson will be stepping down as Champion, Vykk "Longshot" Volaren will become temporary Champion of the Red Brothers while another is chosen through a Tournament, to be Eligible for this tournament you will have to pass the following criteria:


    • You must be a respected and proven member of the Red Brothers and Blooded.
    • You must live in Norland.
    • You must be an Active member of the Norlandish community, or willing to be.
    • You must be able to shout orders and lead the Brothers! (TeamSpeak 3.)

    The Champion of the Red Brothers is a responsible and trusted warrior, who can both lead and fight better than most, think carefully before joining the tournament!

  15. 6 hours ago, Lynax said:

    MC-Name: Lynax_

    RP-Name: Lucius Woodfield

    Skype: kerimkocak34

    Profession: Farmer, Chef

    Have you teamspeak?: No.

    Time-zone: GMT +3 (Ankara, Turkey)

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: Yes, I Agree.

    Accepted, Welcome Brother!

    (Get TeamSpeak 3 Right away!)

  16. 3 hours ago, Katona said:

    MC-Name: Trusser

    RP-Name: Estek Mlodzik

    Skype: (Pm if you desire) katonawubs

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) Indeed

    Time-zone: PST

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: I do.

    Accepted, Welcome Brother

  17. MC-Name: Aedrabani

    RP-Name: Olaf Thorsson

    Skype: (Pm if you desire) blackbeardfortwo

    Profession: Fisher

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) Ye

    Time-zone: PST

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: Ye

    Accepted, Welcome Brother!



    MC-Name: NicktheRed20

    RP-Name: Nicolas 'Art' Fireblade

    Skype: (Pm if you desire) nickblake11

    Profession: Enchanter, Farmer, Chef

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) Yes

    Time-zone: PST

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: Yes


    Eirik Thorsson hands a copy of this application to all of the red brothers, instructing them to bring the head of Nicolas 'Art' Fireblade to the mead hall to answer for his crime of Desertion.

  19. MC-Name: u000069

    RP-Name: Aeldin of Foltest.

    Skype: (Pm if you desire): ForTemeria77979797.

    Profession: Godsent breeder.

    Have you teamspeak?: (It's not optional.) I don't.

    Time-zone: GMT+2.

    Do you agree to our PK Agreement stated below?: No, I do not.

    A letter is sent in return to the applicant by bird, it reads: "Fock off Milk Drinker." DENIED

  20. On this day, the 20th of the Snows maiden, 1538 Aywen Morin, a Veteran of the Red Brothers and Thane of Cresthelm has received the title "The Duelist" due to his outstanding actions and favor of the All Father, he has been granted a weapon, named "the Glacial Bow" to commemorate this tremendous achievement, Congratulations, Brother.

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