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Posts posted by gandalfo

  1. "Wot 'ereseh!? Ah do nae loike deh Kaz'Ulrah Kengdom as much as deh next dwed, But dis beh nae excuse!? CANONISM? Nae dwed should ever accept dat. Deh Brathmordakin beh deh proper faith. Ah great mistake 'as been made t'day lads. Dese are nae dwed, dese just beh short humans. Ah can nae recognize deh Confederation uf Hammers, as dwed.' Atandt Irongrinder states in anger.



    Edition #5


    Frostbeard Eats Dwarven Babies


    Local Frostbeard, Nerak Frostbeard, the ‘High Prelate’ of the religion of the Kaz’Ulrah Kingdom, eats babies for religious ceremonies. Never in a thousand years in dwarven history has any religious official ate babies. DNN has checked various sources also and has confirmed there are no such rituals written down in scrolls either. It would appear that Nerak Frostbeard is a cannibal and a child murderer and is part of the problem of the declining dwarven population. DNN could not reach Nerak Frostbeard for comment because he was busy preparing his next meal.


    Kaz’Ulrah Intends to Enact Prohibition At Next GA Meeting


    Many dwarves are outraged as an anonymous tip has come out of the Kaz’Ulrah leadership this week about a intent to ban the sale of ale world wide. The DNN believes that the Kaz’Ulrah leadership is intending to make a bootlegging service as the Kaz’Ulrah state has gone very deep into debt. The Kaz’Ulrah state not only plans to form this service but plans to destroy any other service that might also want to provide ‘illegal’ ale to the people of Atlas. Dwarves all over Atlas are shocked as this intention is heresy as it stops dwarves from the sacred right to drink.


    Famous Dwarf Saves Burning Waggon Full of Puppies


    Famous figure, Charles the Bald, a prominent figure in dwarven society saved a waggon full of puppies this week. The waggon, full of puppies, was heading towards the Kaz’Ulrah capital, as the Kaz’Ulrah leadership have started puppy fights to try and bring revenue to the State. Charles the Bald has gone missing in action and the DNN believes it might’ve been Kaz’Ulrah taking him out. Charles the Bald although a very famous figure in all dwarven states, costed the Kaz’Ulrah state tens of thousands of minas by this heroic action. Garrond Frostbeard, head of Kaz’Ulrah and the puppy fighting club would have very good reason to take the hero out. DNN prays to the Brathmordakin that the Dwarven Hero is safe.


    The Dwaven News Network is a donation funded only business. The DNN fights the good fight, the real right.

  3. 57 minutes ago, Raomir said:


    I don't understand why you think your better than everyone else. You act all snotty to every single person on here that isn't your friend. Than you literally make fun and harass players. I don't even understand why you mention this


    58 minutes ago, Raomir said:

    It wasn’t Gandalf doing religious stuff, it was dsdevil. 

    Never once, had Dsdevil and I been both doing religious activities at the same time. I held weekly sermons, I did religious ****, but you had already 'succeeded' and left and sworn you fealty to Haense I believe.


    You make fun of ShiX for living secluded in the desert but yet he still came to the city actively every single day I was online. Also what the **** is up with this five man rally stuff, Are you literally talking about how we rallied like 12 people for a warclaim we decided to go to that day about 3 hours before? You make fun of us for that but I can go find that warclaim video and literally prove we had the same amount as you. What reason did Urguan have showing up in a HUMAN war, it was because we found out the little vassals of Haense had decided to show up. 

    You say that you have honor and offered to make it a DWARF VS DWARF war when you already had become a vassal of a HUMAN. SO from the very beginning was it never going to be dwarf vs dwarf. 


  4. 20 hours ago, MCPancakes said:

    [!] A letter is penned in response. "I will submit myself to trial by holy fire of the Ascended. I am not undead so I fear nothing." -Gror Ireheart 

    Commisar Atandt shouts out to the fellow comrades. " GROR IREHEART IS A FOCKIN UNDEAD! 'e died and was pronounced dead for 3 stone weeks and we 'ad a funeral for him. So your tellin' me now that 'e suddenly came back? HE DIED IN A FOCKIN BOMBING IN THE SENATE CHAMBERS! GROR IS A UNDEAD AND LET THIS BE KNOWN!"

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