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Everything posted by Amayonnaise

  1. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Accepted
  2. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Under Review Congratulations, you have been accepted onto the server. Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC. The server IP is mc.lotc.co and the version is 1.18.2 To get started, you are welcome to explore and interact with other players however you would like, or feel free to ask a Community Team member to introduce you to roleplay by doing; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me? If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance: Discord Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions, or to receive a server tour from a Wilven Monk. Here are some links to help you learn more about the roleplay realm of LotC: Settlement Guides Nations & Major Settlements Lastly, here is the New Player Hub, I recommend you look over it: New player hub Another New Player Guide Have fun role playing!
  3. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Accepted
  4. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Pending Congratulations, you have been accepted onto the server. Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC. The server IP is mc.lotc.co and the version is 1.18.2 To get started, you are welcome to explore and interact with other players however you would like, or feel free to ask a Community Team member to introduce you to roleplay by doing; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me? If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance: Discord Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions, or to receive a server tour from a Wilven Monk. Here are some links to help you learn more about the roleplay realm of LotC: Settlement Guides Nations & Major Settlements Lastly, here is the New Player Hub, I recommend you look over it: New player hub Another New Player Guide Have fun role playing!
  5. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Accepted
  6. Amayonnaise


    Congratulations, you have been accepted onto the server. Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC. The server IP is mc.lotc.co and the version is 1.18.2 To get started, you are welcome to explore and interact with other players however you would like, or feel free to ask a Community Team member to introduce you to roleplay by doing; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me? If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance: Discord Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions, or to receive a server tour from a Wilven Monk. Here are some links to help you learn more about the roleplay realm of LotC: Settlement Guides Nations & Major Settlements Lastly, here is the New Player Hub, I recommend you look over it: New player hub Another New Player Guide Have fun role playing!
  7. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Under Review
  8. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Denied
  9. Amayonnaise


    Unfortunately, your application has been denied. Your 48 hour editing period has passed. However, you are more than welcome to immediately reapply, just remember to edit and change everything listed below: - Your Powergaming response is a bit incorrect. You cannot control other players' characters, even with permission, unless otherwise state by specific magic lore. Please review our Wiki’s definition of Powergaming. Include an example if you're having a hard time writing something down or don’t know how else to word it. If you need help, please feel free to reach out. https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Metagaming_%26_Powergaming - In your Roleplay Scenario & Backstory, please make sure to include at least six sentences. If you’re stumped on what to add. I recommend saying where your character is from, how was it growing up? Maybe talk about your character’s parents? - Please remember to include backstory in the Backstory & Roleplay Scenario, even if your character doesn’t verbally talk about it. - When talking about your character’s actions, remember to use 3rd person. This means typing "He / him / his", "She / her / hers" or "They / them / theirs". - Your skin doesn't quite meet our server's standards, please change it. If you can’t find a new skin, please take a look at our skin archive: https://sites.google.com/view/lotc-skinarchive If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance: Discord Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions. If you still need help, make sure to check the New Player Hub: New Player Hub
  10. [!] A response was penned "The Maheral may not take an active role in the leadership of the Silver State, but he remains present on a daily basis, and familiarises himself with each and every citizen. His leadership is completed in a more subtle design - aiding in new Mali' integration into our society, and ensuring their bloodline and mentality is pure and correct. He is as wonderous a Maheral as the Uradir is incapable as Sohaer. Redirect your aggressions. - A concerned citizen"
  11. A pale-eyed elfess snorted as a stray missive came into her possession, turning to offer it to her companion, "How ironic, they speak of growth and unity despite the immense divide between Sohaer and Council. Growth - yet they provide no room for progression for their most dedicated and loyal citizenry? The Uradir reign will only spiral the citadel into the ground. Tarnished Silver." Her words would echo a missive she had laid eyes upon in the midst of her vacation beyond the silver state. @Keening
  12. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Denied
  13. Changed Status to Accepted
  14. Congratulations, you have been accepted onto the server. Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC. The server IP is mc.lotc.co and the version is 1.18.2 To get started, you are welcome to explore and interact with other players however you would like, or feel free to ask a Community Team member to introduce you to roleplay by doing; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me? If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance: Discord Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions, or to receive a server tour from a Wilven Monk. Here are some links to help you learn more about the roleplay realm of LotC: Settlement Guides Nations & Major Settlements Lastly, here is the New Player Hub, I recommend you look over it: New player hub Another New Player Guide Have fun role playing!
  15. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Accepted
  16. Amayonnaise


    Congratulations, you have been accepted onto the server. Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC. The server IP is mc.lotc.co and the version is 1.18.2 To get started, you are welcome to explore and interact with other players however you would like, or feel free to ask a Community Team member to introduce you to roleplay by doing; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me? If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance: Discord Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions, or to receive a server tour from a Wilven Monk. Here are some links to help you learn more about the roleplay realm of LotC: Settlement Guides Nations & Major Settlements Lastly, here is the New Player Hub, I recommend you look over it: New player hub Another New Player Guide Have fun role playing!
  17. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Accepted
  18. Amayonnaise


    Congratulations, you have been accepted onto the server. Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC. The server IP is mc.lotc.co and the version is 1.18.2 To get started, you are welcome to explore and interact with other players however you would like, or feel free to ask a Community Team member to introduce you to roleplay by doing; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me? If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance: Discord Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions, or to receive a server tour from a Wilven Monk. Here are some links to help you learn more about the roleplay realm of LotC: Settlement Guides Nations & Major Settlements Lastly, here is the New Player Hub, I recommend you look over it: New player hub Another New Player Guide Have fun role playing!
  19. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Pending
  20. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Under Review Your application has been set to Pending for now, as we found some areas that need revising. Don’t worry though - once your changes are made, you’ll be back on track to roleplaying with us in no time. - Your Powergaming response is a bit incorrect. You cannot control other players' characters, even with permission, unless otherwise state by specific magic lore. Please review our Wiki’s definition of Powergaming. Include an example if you're having a hard time writing something down or don’t know how else to word it. If you need help, please feel free to reach out. https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Metagaming_%26_Powergaming - In your Roleplay Scenario & Backstory, please make sure to include at least six sentences. If you’re stumped on what to add. I recommend saying where your character is from, how was it growing up? Maybe talk about your character’s parents? - Please remember to include backstory in the Backstory & Roleplay Scenario, even if your character doesn’t verbally talk about it. - When talking about your character’s actions, remember to use 3rd person. This means typing "He / him / his", "She / her / hers" or "They / them / theirs". - Your skin doesn't quite meet our server's standards, please change it. If you can’t find a new skin, please take a look at our skin archive: https://sites.google.com/view/lotc-skinarchive You have 48 hours to make these changes. Once your changes are complete, please reach out to me on the forums @Amayonnaise. You can also click on my name here to find my profile. If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance: Discord Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions, or to receive help from other players with your pending application. If you need more ideas, or to research more roleplay lore, feel free to check out the Wiki: Wiki If you still need help, make sure to check the New Player Hub: New Player Hub
  21. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Accepted
  22. Amayonnaise


    Congratulations, you have been accepted onto the server. Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC. The server IP is mc.lotc.co and the version is 1.18.2 To get started, you are welcome to explore and interact with other players however you would like, or feel free to ask a Community Team member to introduce you to roleplay by doing; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me? If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance: Discord Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions, or to receive a server tour from a Wilven Monk. Here are some links to help you learn more about the roleplay realm of LotC: Settlement Guides Nations & Major Settlements Lastly, here is the New Player Hub, I recommend you look over it: New player hub Another New Player Guide Have fun role playing!
  23. Amayonnaise


    Changed Status to Under Review
  24. Changed Status to Pending
  25. Changed Status to Under Review Your application has been set to Pending for now, as we found some areas that need revising. Don’t worry though - once your changes are made, you’ll be back on track to roleplaying with us in no time. - Your Roleplay Scenario & Backstory has mentions of Powergaming. They claim to have slain a dragon on their own at the mere age of 16! Please select a smaller creature that would be a more realistic feat - such as perhaps a wolf or a bear? You have 48 hours to make these changes. Once your changes are complete, please reach out to me on the forums @Amayonnaise. You can also click on my name here to find my profile. If you need help, feel free to contact me via the forums @Amayonnaise or you can also use the LotC Discord to ask another Community Team member for assistance: Discord Inside the New Players category is a Help channel. Here, you can ping the @Community team with any of your questions, or to receive help from other players with your pending application. If you need more ideas, or to research more roleplay lore, feel free to check out the Wiki: Wiki If you still need help, make sure to check the New Player Hub: New Player Hub
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