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Posts posted by WoodenApples

  1. Hey, thanks to everyone who has left feedback.

    Regarding the whole bias accusations, all I can really say is that I've attempted to keep any bias in any of the wiki pages I wrote to a minimal. As I've said before on the wiki discussion pages, I'm more than happy to work with people (on and off the wiki team) to reduce any possible bias, as I only really know one side of the story in most cases.

    In regards to what Pyro said, perhaps you could elaborate? I've worked very hard to improve the human side of the wiki, and I was unaware that anyone stopped bothering with the wiki simply because I wrote a few pages.

  2. MC name: Wapples


    Forum name: WoodenApples


    Discord Name and Tag: WoodenApples#2060


    What is your timezone?: GMT


    How do you wish to work on the wiki? (Writing, updating lore, etc): Would like to write interesting and informative information on significant human rp events, and write bios for any relevant human characters. 


    Have you worked on the, or any wiki before?: Yes, for I think roughly a year.


    Which lore are you most familiar with?: Human lore, I’m honestly not very clued up on much else.


    Please provide an example of a wiki page you are not satisfied with and list aspects that could be improved:


    This page could be improved by including an intro, explaining the reasons for why the battle occurred etc. Adding detail as to what actually happened during the battle would also improve the page, though the basics including factions and the result of the battle are listed.


    Please provide an example of a wiki page you see as a model example and list your reasoning:


    This page has an incredible amount of detail, and is very well structured. The page contains relevant pictures/paintings and gives a player a good understanding of John’s life and the history during that time.


    Please showcase your abilities with either:

    A.  A short writing on the subject of your choosing.

    B.  An example of an 'other' (Already completed wiki pages are a plus!)








  3. Regency of 1613


    On the seventh day of the Deep Cold, in the year of our Lord 1613, It is hereby written, that Oliver Richard shall be named Kings-Regent. All tasks, duties, titles, authorities, and holdings associated to the Kings-Regent shall be hereby reserved and bestowed to Oliver Richard until such time as the rightful King Joseph returns to his throne.


    All Vassals, Gentry, Commons, and Marshal forces shall recognise Oliver Richard’s regency, and will uphold the commands, orders, and decrees until such time as King Joseph’s ends the regency.




    His Royal Majesty, King Joseph I


    His Highness, Prince Oliver Richard, Kings-Regent



  4. Courlandic Elections, 1613: Aleksandria Mayoral Race




    All eligible citizens of Aleksandria may now cast one vote, from the following candidates;


    Mithius Dalma


    Tyroth Rharn


    Augustus of Anhalt




    The winner of this election will be announced in one saint day, and inaugurated immediately following the publication of the results.

  5. The Kingdom Of Courland: Aleksandria Election, 1613




    His Majesty, King Joseph I,  has decreed that an election is to be held in the year 1613 after the resignation of Maer Gilonir. This Referendum shall take place in the Capital of Aleksandria, to determine who will hold the privilege of Maership. It is the belief of his Majesty that a connection between Crown and People is of imperative importance. The individual who succeeds in this feat shall be the voice of all Aleksandrians.


    Election Rules

    • Those who desire to stand for election, must be a citizen of Aleksandria

    • The Individual must have reached their twenty first name day

    • All voters, must hold citizenship in Aleksandria

    • Any votes which are derived from those not found on the electoral register shall be nullified.



    The Maer is the chosen representative and voice of the people of Alexandria. Therefore, a Saint’s weekly meeting will be held between the Monarch and Maer to convey the concerns of the people. Maers must work closely with the Stewards in order to meet a demand for housing and businesses. Alongside these tasks, they must arrange festivities and maintain activity within the City.


    It is by order of his Majesty, for all hopefuls to declare their candidacy within a Saints Day.



    ((Comment your




    Sponsors (Has anyone important endorsed you?):

    Political Party Name:

  6. I really dislike this. Why would people come to the Asul docks with 4 nations/groups (two I haven't heard of before) whilst the other has like what, 12? Courland has already seen a drastic decrease in rp because of this, can you at least join these fast travel hubs so that it's fair for every nation? I'm also confused as to why so many minor settlements have fast travels. Metterden? You can take the north ft.

  7. I would like a Skype group set up, however considering this is a rebellion, of a small county, we have the right to insta-siege the fortress. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what was going to happen during the coalition war when we took control of Ostwick, even though it was a huge ass fortress. On top of that, we won't be accepting allies. This is an internal rebellion, you are surrounded by the greyspine to your south and the duchy of Akovia to your north, and... we will not be accepting /any/ one day alts https://gyazo.com/7cb1708bf813fb45448a6aea018f95f5   that is your region list, we're not prepared to fight oren/haense again as per usual, we're gona be sticking with realistic rp and only allowing those on the region list, who probably rp in metterdern, to help in the defence


    Keaton's region list - https://gyazo.com/c586de4d303df2dc3255471ba0e28949

  8. A Royal Response to the ‘Act of Annexation, 1611’  

    5th of Malin’s Welcome, 1611


    The hostile annexation undertaken by the House Ruthern on the House Roswell are hereby declared illegal by the Crown. The House Ruthern’s ownership and ruling of the County of Istria is hereby declared illegitimate. The House Roswell acted without the approval or consent of the Crown or the Grand Duke of Akovia, in pursuit of their own interests, thusly this response is formally issued.


    Given the transgressions by the House Ruthern on the House Roswell and by extent, the Grand Duchy of Akovia and the Crown, the following terms of surrender are hereby issued by the Crown, with the consultation of His Grace, the Grand Duke of Akovia, to the House Ruthern.


    • The House Ruthern will surrender all lands and titles gained by their transgressions against the House of Roswell.

    • The House Ruthern will cease their aggressions against the Grand Duchy of Akovia and by extent, the Crown.

    • The House Ruthern shall be allowed to retain their current titles and lands with exemption of the titles and lands formerly possessed by the House Roswell.

    • The House Ruthern shall pay a sum of 7,000 minas to his Grace, the Grand Duke of the Akovia.

    • The House Ruthern shall issue a formal apology for their crimes to the House Roswell, the Grand Duchy of Akovia and the Crown.


    The Crown hereby issues the County of Istria and all of its lands to his Grace, the Grand Duke of Akovia for him to, at a further date, issue to whom he see’s fit, in accordance with the laws and interests of the Kingdom of Courland.


    Should the House Ruthern fail to comply with these generous terms of revocation, the House Ruthern shall be branded as traitors to the realm and rebels. Thusly, they shall be met with whatever means necessary in securing the lands and titles of the Kingdom of Courland.



    HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Joseph Alexander Staunton, King of Courland, Hanseti, Ruska, Duke of Eastbourne, Courland, Eruthos, the Heartlands, Frederica, Cascadia, Count of Aleksandria, Riga, Westmark, Beauclair, Sundholt, Wett and Eastmark, Lord of Mt. St. Tobias, the Rightful Protector of the Heartlanders and the Highlanders



    HIS GRACE, Franz Josef Kovachev, Archduke of Akovia, Count of Karovia, Vsevograd,

              Baron of Vsenk, Godansk, Laval, Warden of the North




    Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”


    -Frederick Staunton-Baden, addressing the Nation Leaders of Axios.






    An assembly of the Nation Leaders of Axios, Curonburg Palace

    Circa; 1609





    The news came upon the men of Courland as a hot knife, seering the hearts and wills of all that it came to learn of it. The great Westward Kingdom had fallen, the undead scourge pouring into Bastion, the slaughter of the innocents there, and the fall of the Westerlands. As letters still came, with descriptions of the horror and merciless pillage of these lands, did the sky above Aleksandria become darkened from the sheer number of birds soaring across the warm summer air. Each bearing the same message, sealed in the same wax, and stamped with the Privy seal of King Joseph Staunton.


    Over the skies of the Citadel of Acael, Taliyna’maehr, Al’Khaleed, San’Torr, Linandria, the Rexdom, and Metz did the birds fly, while others passed through the tunnels of Kal’Omith. Each finding their way to the elven, dwarven, Orcish and human rulers, their message simple:


    “A call to arms, the undead have come”


    And with each bird sent, did a host of Men, Elves, and Dwarves come. Each bearing the letter destined for them, and each dressed in the splendid and fearsome regalia of war.

    The throne room filling ever more with each passing moment, until the very walls of the castle groaned under the sheer might of the regal attendance.


    Rising from his throne, the fine autumn green and midnight black of his robes dancing through the movement, did King Joseph Staunton face the magnificent assembly. His action bringing the assembled Royalty, Nobility, and Gentry of the realms to an idyllic quiet.


    Through this, did the young King speak,


    “Those who stand here before me, with the might and the will of the mighty Kingdoms of this world, hear my call. A threat has come unto our great Kingdoms, lands, peoples, and very children. The Undead have risen, their corrupt and foul presence being held back no longer!


    The Westerlands has fallen to this threat with Bastion claimed by these monsters, even as the defenders still breathed did the city come to an end. So hear me this day!


    Fakhri Kharadeen, Ikur Seregon,  Arthur Horen, Aelthir Tundrak, Odo d’Amaury, Bastion Ireheart, Rex Gurak'Yar, Peter Sigismund, Tristin Tresery, I call on you and your noble vassals. Join with my family once more, to end this threat as we have done to the others.”


    And as the roar of approval swept through the air of Aleksandria, did the hammering of armour and sharpening of swords drown it out.


    The cleansing of the Westerlands had come.




    Tier Chosen (This cannot be changed after the first warclaim is held): 1


    Type of battle: Skirmish


    Date And Time: May 7th, Sunday 3pm EST, 8pm GMT


    Side A: The United Front


    Side B: The Scourge of Mordring + Allies


    Location and boundaries:


    Direct Area:



    Surrounding area of battlefield for reference to location:



    Terms of Victory


    Upon Victory For...


    Victory for the Attackers: All Mordring and allied forces are killed, flee the battlefield.

    Victory for the Defenders: All United front forces are killed or flee the battlefield




    Offensive Victory: The United Front may go on to siege Bastion.

    Defensive Victory: The Scourge of Mordring may go on to siege a nearby location.




    • No status switching.       

    • All LoTC rules.       

    • No golden apples.       

    • No one day alts.       



  10. The Second Treaty of Aleksandria, 1609




    Joseph and Maria.jpg


    -Joseph Alexander and Marie Therese Circa; 1609


    With the marital union of Joseph I of Courland and Maria Theresa of Lotharingia, the union of two Kingdoms - that of Courland and Lotharingia - are hereby placed into full-effect post-haste. The following terms are thusly placed between the rightful Monarchs of both nations, and are expected to be upheld mutually by each individual party:


    From hereon, both Kingdoms shall;

    • Accept a call to arms from one another regarding wars of both offensive and defensive nature, wars of an offensive nature not used in treacherous disrespect of past treaties.

    • For all conflicts concerning the state, a dialogue will be opened most immediately to address any issue to arise from therein.

    • Coordinate efforts to thwart any attempt against the rightful rule of either Kingdom, and affirm the support the legal ruler in either land.

    • Provide delegates whence called upon on issues abroad, showing solidarity on issues of foreign policy.

    • Affirm their determination to undermine Imperial ambitions in which these nations may be forced to confront, and do so with unmatched ardour.


    Our history repeats itself, as the ambition crumbles in the face of comradery. May this be declared with pride to these nations peoples, and have said pride be mutual to those that receive these words.



    HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Joseph Alexander Staunton, King of Courland, Hanseti, Ruska, Duke of Eastbourne, Courland, Eruthos, the Heartlands, Frederica, Cascadia, Count of Aleksandria, Riga, Westmark, Beauclair, Sundholt, Wett and Eastmark, Lord of Mt. St. Tobias, the Rightful Protector of the Heartlanders and the Highlanders


    HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Odo I d’Amaury, King of Lotharingia, Prince of Savoy and Metz, Archduke of Lorraine, Margrave of Kaedrin, Count of Amaury, Lord of the Goldfields, Defender of the Heartlanders and Warden of the South









    7th of the Sun’s Smile, 1609






    Issued and Confirmed by His Majesty the King Joseph Alexander Staunton of Courland.


    In recognition of loyal vassalage and service to the Crown, we choose to reward the honorable Jacques  of House Halcourt de Vasile  with the Baron’s title & lands of Relouria, nestled in the south-eastern County of Trier -  on which his tribe and all Relourian men alike may choose to settle once again. Whilst endowed certain autonomy, all vassals must maintain the King’s peace and follow the laws of his country. The title of Baron of Relouria will be one House Halcourt de Vasile and their legitimate issue shall hold for the duration of their existence. In return for their loyal service, the Crown does also promise to enforce the laws of succession decided upon by the House of Halcourt de Vasile, and protect them from all threats, both domestic and foreign in nature.




    With Knowledge Comes Power,




    HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Joseph Staunton, King of Courland, Hanseti, Ruska, Duke of Eastbourne, Courland, Eruthos, the Heartlands, Frederica, Cascadia, Count of Aleksandria, Riga, Westmark, Beauclair, Sundholt, Wett and Eastmark, Lord of Mt. St. Tobias, the Rightful Protector of the Heartlanders and the Highlanders

    Halcourt Arms Small Wiki-min.png59tM3tPdR1gwq9PXksSJVqIk9FyTs5_CHf_tB7TgTUnAnz7xhggaGpWCbpDK_iq62XEZfbMUZSWTB0NjR43SM3JtZt1GTx_G9inko4TSHpoBIOAjHHYZLgTO-q9cOD5cpiU_FhEv




    Redacted, “Coronation of Joseph Alexander Staunton” [7th Sun’s Smile, 1608].


    Today would be the start of a new page in history.


    On summer-filled morning Aleksandria awakes to the bells of the Temple of the Diarchs. To the big bells as loud as the thunder and to the little bells soft as the psalm, it’s sounds reverberating around the streets and marketplaces, announcing a procession that began to depart from the Palace of Curonburg; Gilded men wearing bands of gold, furred silks and gem-encrusted swords held aloft. Marching to the sound of a Vanguard’s drums and trumpets, down the thoroughfare, as White doves were released from the parapets of the palace.


    The sun’s holy light beamed down upon this procession of swords held by the Courlandic Nobility, the first of which would be that of the Archduke Ostromir Ivanovich. Donning the Cap of the Hetman, the Warden of the North would look stoically forward as he was followed by Duke Abdes de Savin, himself flanked by the Barons Romanos Palaiologos, Percius Mauntel and Alexander Merentel. Their blades brightly shining alongside those of Dionysius de Savin and Rotger von Curon, flanking Lord Marshal Elias de Castro, whose armour flared flamboyant flickers along Aleksandria’s avenues. They would only be matched by the jewels of Amelia Palaiologos, obediently proceeding behind the nobility.


    Such a spectacle had never been seen before as the retinue of the future King stepped forth. His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Joseph Alexander would be surrounded by the Royal Family: His uncles, Sven Staunton-Hearth and Frederick Staunton-Baden, the Arch-Chancellor, would march up front. To his sides, The Crown Prince would be flanked by his brothers, Princes William Augustus & Oliver Richard, whilst Prince Arthur Richard would be behind him with the ten-year old Prince Alfred Henry, both grasping at the train that followed from the shoulders of Joseph.


    His Mother, Her Royal Highness the Queen Dowager, Lisette of Virdain, stepped solemnly on the steps of the Church, alongside her daughters: Princesses Elizabeth Maria and Sophia Alexandria. Elegantly dressed in glowing gowns of gold and green, with the fineries of twinkling tiaras that matched their Royal Pedigree.


    The Ferula of the True Faith was held high, like the sword before it, behind his High Holiness, Callixtus I, held by the Bishop Nikolas. Beside him would silently step the holy Sisters Gertrude and Margravine, holding the Crown and Sceptre of Courland respectively on plump green, gilded cushions. Najira Borisovich, the High Priest’s Wife, followed suit with the sacred scrolls of the True Faith.


    As the procession commenced down the nave of that most holy church of the True Faith, each man and woman would take their place. The Nobles would occupy all but the front most pews, reserved for the King’s entourage. The Queen Dowager and the Royal Princesses turned abruptly to enter the King’s box, sitting suitably in the thrones provided, as the Clergy would occupy the Altar and dias. With all in their place, Joseph Alexander knelt before the High Priest, who began the vows.


    Callixtus I shalt say, "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of this Kingdom of Courland, and the dominions thereto belonging, according to the statute laws and customs of the land?"


    Joseph Alexander, "I solemnly promise so to do."


    Callixtus I, "Will you to your power cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgements?"


    Joseph Alexander, "I will."


    Callixtus I, "Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of GOD, the true profession of the gospel and the religion of the True Faith established by law, and will you preserve unto the bishops and clergy of this Realm, and to the churches committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain unto them, or any of them?"


    Joseph Alexander, "All this I promise to do."


    After this, Joseph Alexander lays his upon the holy Gospels, and shall say,

    Joseph Alexander, "The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep: So help me God."


    Callixtus I places the Crown of Courland atop Joseph Alexander’s head, taking a few steps back before saying “Then before the sight of GOD, I give you King Joseph I of Courland. Long may he reign!”


    The Crowned Heads of Courland would take off their golden bands and raise them aloft, replying “Long may he reign!”


  13. 10 minutes ago, James/Publius said:

    "No more will a Lotharingian follow any man who isn't Canon into war, and never again against another Canon man. To be left to fight a war that was not our own is a great show of dishonour in the first place!" King Odo would boom to his council. 

    "It was literally Savoyard forces who called upon Courland to aid them, Savoyard forces from the Kingdom of Lorraine-Savoy." Comments Sven

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