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Posts posted by Malgonious

  1. Application:


    Godan-given name(OOC):  Malgonious

    Given name(RP):  Niklaus Polyakov

    Occupation:  Military Strategist & Strannik of the Host

    Titles if applicable:  Strannik of the Host

    Oath of Fealty:


    "I, Niklaus Polyakov swear fealty to Borislav of House Ivanovich, and the Host of Ivan. In God’s name I swear to keep allegiance and honor the pact of fealty. In battle, in crisis, in sickness, and on God’s wrath shall I uphold my oath."


  2. Just now, Chorale_ said:

    I enjoy professions, and the system. However, I think that humans should get some kind of racial profession. I am thinking, a blacksmith, leatherworker, fisher, stonemason, or alchemist, possible even an alchemist. Another change that I think should take place would be — I think that if you do not choose a profession, and have them all available, that you should be able to level up a little bit past adept.

    Please stop yourself right there, 

  3. Everyone please be careful when voting on this.  Last time we had a poll similar to this, it was justified we wanted 1.9 PvP, the retention of undesired profession and Nexus crafting, and continued hindrance on our server's integrity.  Vote for the removal of everything, and nothing else.  Your secondary vote could be used to justify something we definitely don't want.  Don't make the same mistake twice.


    Malgunuz would slowly drift through the desecrated soil that was San'Kharak, the dunes overtaking much of the crude sculpture that was the residence of his brothers.  His peerage would take him before the Rex's throne, once his seat of domination, now holding the skulls of three very familiar faces atop it's greatness.  Malgunuz took clutch of a very familiar shaped skull, holding it close as he presses it against his forehead, emotion overtaking the aged Uruk.


    Upon the collection of the three remains, Malgunuz draped the burlap robe around his shoulders, and trode out into the direction of the Jungle.  "Latz bi wid da zpiritz nuwh, buht mi wull nub leht latz zakrifize bi ihn veihn."


    Malgunuz would slowly approach a rather large pool, sitting down in a deep state of meditation and reflection.



    "Ihn time, bruddaz, ihn time."

  5. 25 minutes ago, Xi'dius said:


    You are wrong, the Worst state of the Uzg started when you became Rex.

    And don't even try bashing Hedge's Pinkie teaching, The Roleplay is Great, and look where it is now, with their numbers they have Actual protection within their camps. 

    They Readied for your Rexdom to Destroy the Uzg.

    You're a bit dull so let me explain it to you, The Uzg had fallen when you gave Oren casus beli to take your **** with the previous disease Smaw spread last map, and with raiding them alongside dreadlanders.  It's not really accurate to say my Rexdom ended the orcs as there were hardly any orcs there when I came to power.  I started a civil war alongside Deano to generate RP and lead to a unified force and spur RP and activity. This was soured by the Oren warclaim, but nothing you can really do about that. I wanted to give you guys the chance, the hope we could win against a force we clearly weren't going to beat.  The chance to go down as a real orc should.


    Trying to scapegoat this races problems onto specific people isnt going to help at all, but I think looking back we can see whenever we had a shitty Rex, orc RP died and we've been taken advantage of by any superior power.  When we have a strong Rex, rp picks up and orcs become active. 


    Smawton has complained time and time again about how the old orcs ***** and moan but he's literally alienated anyone that used to play an Orc with his poor decisions and national design.  He should never have been Rex, he doesn't have the backbone nor the capacity to run this race. And we clearly saw that during his tenure.


    Moral of all of this:. It isn't this races lore that needs rework, its the people running it.

  6. 5 hours ago, Smaw said:


    Don't worry about it. These things happen, and it's an unfortunate fact of life.


    At this stage the Orcs are doomed to eternal stagnation, because they can't do anything without Older Orcs complaining or otherwise asserting aggressively that nothing new or unique can be added, often deterring any new people.


    They think they can do everything better, but there's evidence to counter that in almost every circumstance. I had to wade through the bullshit every time I made a decision when I was Rex, and I pity the next leader for the same reason.


    You need only see what Pok's influence did to the Uzg after I left, and then what the combined efforts of Malg and Deano did to finish it off.


    Were these great ideas all round that helped progress the Uzg? No.


    I'm not wrong about the current idea of ancient lore, which makes more sense. Unfortunately there's some ignorance (through no fault of their own) due to the past LT not performing properly and telling people of these changes.


    As it stands the old series of events doesn't mesh with current lore either, so it's anyone's guess. I'm hoping they will make an alternative history with the currently accepted notion of Ancient Aegis and the surrounding isles that can contradict my own and (hopefully) fit better.


    Most of the issues seem to be baseless, like asking why Krug would challenge a foreign voice, and if the Brothers would truly hate eachother. 


    In my opinion this isn't a Disney Story, and we don't need them walking off into the distance to live happily ever after.


    I'd prefer a more gritty story. But, the point of this thread was to get something out there, and to stir some creativity. I leave the rest up to the community.


    Mate your Rexdom literally put this race in the worst state it's ever been.  You did nothing but sub delegate all duties to Cakefool military wise and sat on the forums for hours making shitty lore posts instead of being a competent leader.  I came back to try and save the Uzg and the race and revive the RP and fighting spirit of the stagnant orcs.  I do recall at this point in time you had abandoned the Uzg and your brothers in favor of teaching some pinkies shamanism.  You alienated your PvP'ers with your general toxic and degrading attitude and it was ultimately you who brought this race the furthest down its been in years.  To come rek at Pok, Deano or myself is a joke compared to the travesties you've done unto this race.

  7. MC Name: Malgonious

    RP Name: Delgor

    Reasoning for Applying: Playing a Doomforged w Deaniebeanie

    Do you accept to follow the rules of playing a Doomforged? Yes!

    Bloodline: Tarumir

    Parents (Optional, only if you are playing a current member's child): 




    Under the curtain of darkness, the Waghgoff Council and many Boyz meets, their voices in hushed tones, a worry spread among them...


    "...What if we lose..."

    "How can we stand against them..."

    "...it's hopeless.."


    A sudden rush of wind blows through as a stalwart Uruk walks inward, his gaze fixated upon the Council.


    "You pups whimper like whelps fresh off the teet..."  Malgunuz would step forward, grabbing a goblin page, and lobbing him across the war-tent towards a Boy, his tusks bearing sharp.  "By now, you've all heard the Pinkiez' Rex has declared Wagh upon our domain... This is, unfortunate timing.  The Ram conflict boiling, we must divert our attention from this war-torn Jungle towards the more prominent threat."  Malgunuz would point outward, his rage bellowing forth, "The Pinkiez are dull if they think we'll stand idle while they march to us..."  Malgunuz would look to Grool'Gorkil, then to the other Wargoths and Kheshiggs, nodding.  "Rally our boyz, these Pinkiez need to be taught a lesson."


    The Boyz would suddenly burst into an uproar, the stagnant conflict with the Rams splitting their forces up, however the blood-boil that rushed through their veins at the thought of Pinkie invaders rallied the hearts of many an Uruk, a stampede of hooves would spread across Asul...."


    The Second Great Wagh had begun.


  9. Godani-Given (OOC) Name: Malgonious

    Parent-Given (RP) Name: Dunstan

    Bird (Skype) Address: Wyrmrested

    Do you hold any current allegiances? Do you agree to revoke them in favor of this here band and its lands: Yes, may Godan guide my path.
    What is your profession or trade: Blacksmith & Enchanter




    After a very close victory against their brothers on the Field of Bones, the Uzg chases the routed Sarnites into the Jungle, unknowing to both sides... Much more than meets the eye lurks within.




    Tier Chosen (This cannot be changed after the first warclaim is held): N/A


    Type of battle: Skirmish


    Date And Time:


    Side A: The War Uzg


    Side B: The Rexdom of Sarn


    Side C:  Akello's Pack


    Location and boundaries: Old Orc Capital

    Direct Area:

    -Provided Image


    Surrounding area of battlefield for reference to location:

     -Provided Image


    Terms of Victory



    Upon Victory For...


    Side A: The Rams are further routed toward their Capital, even deeper into the Jungles towards Akello's Lair...


    Side B: The War Uzg is repulsed back to the Field of Bones

    Side C: The Venators amass an even larger force from the dead, allowing up to 8 Venators in future skirmishes. Akello is unlocked as a playable Hero as well for all future skirmishes for Side C.






    -No cav aside from leadership

    -No-one aside from those we both agree on may participate.

    -No 1-day alts

    -Retreating to either blargh mean's victory for the opposing side.

  11. The battle will proceed with each leader given the ability to ride a steed, and wear protection armour and any weapon they choose (Sharp 1 maxout).  The leaders will essentially serve as hero units, with the rest of each side in iron or chain, whichever they have access to.  No enchants for regular foot soldiers.  Pots are allowed.


    The Skirmish will take place outside the Uzg Capital near the old capital bridge.


    Both sides should be ready to start PvP @ 2 pm est.  It's between the leadership to decide when PvP is on, not GMs overseeing.


    If you are a one-day alt and attempt to participate and a leader denies you, you're to be TP'd away.


    Good luck have fun.  This is a best of five. The victor is expected to post the next skirmish post.

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