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Posts posted by Gnomemancy

  1. [!] The following document would be found attached to the Instrument of Coronation issued by the Crown Prince-Regent in 1760:




    8th of Harren’s Folly, 1760






    It has pleased the Royal Throne to reward the service of Our loyal subject, REGULUS STAUNTON, with a tenure in fealty to Our Royal Crown. Accordingly, with the grace of God and the counsel of Our court, We do enfeoff REGULUS STAUNTON to the BARONY OF CALIXBURY as Baron, a role that he and his descendants shall hold in trust to Our Royal Throne for the duration of their loyal service. They are enjoined to maintain the law of Our realm, to abide peacefully by Our rule, and to rise to Our defense when necessary. In return, and as a sign of Our august graciousness, We do privilege their head to levy law and taxes upon their vassals. 





    With Knowledge Comes Power,

    HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Tobias of the House of Staunton, Crown Prince-Regent of the Kingdom of Courland.cD6OR0bt2enpKiDm5wWsHtG8mp2-lY7qvU7C1p2Y_u9xAu4l1l2mmSoEQ_tPLSudHiXuqHXmZCCPKfTU4UoNpZID10EZ9M3nwOMQUHhQ8dp9GEh6y2VUQ_G6RQUKTZJR-67Tx5w7


  2. Spoiler



    Office of the Bishop of Jorenus

    Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska

    Month of the Aenguls of GOD


    Mass of the Aenguls

    Celebrating The Three Hallows of the Celestial Ranks




    In our Canonist Tradition we venerate many Saint and Blessed who ascended the mortal ranks to take part in the deific plan of our most beloved Creator. However, little attention is oftimes put on those who occupy the Skies along with our mortal kin, the Aneguls. 


    These messengers of GOD have done great deeds for our people, serving GOD diligently and wholly. Aeriel, Artifai, and the Wanderer represent three Aengulic forces which deserve great merit for their service to Humanity at the direction of our Eternal Father.




        I see it right and just  that we, sons and daughters of the Most High within Haense, acknowledge their service. 


    AS SUCH,


        In a spirit of jubilance- in this one thousand, seven hundred, and sixtieth year of Our Lord I do decree a great celebration within the Diocese of Jorenus to celebrate the Three Hallows. 


    The celebration will begin with the consecration of the new Church of Reza recently constructed and sanctified with previous masses. It shall be branded as the Metropolitan Cathedral of Reza of the Three Hallows, moving the See of Jorenus back to the Capital.


    Therein we will learn Aengulic history in an effort to better understand our Most Holy Scrolls.


    Food and festivities will follow, along with an almsgiving by Bishop Bram which will award every Haensian family over a hundred mina in tithes.


    I formally invite all within Haense to venture to our blessed capital and engage with us in these festivities.



    ((Mass / Fest will be tomorrow Monday 23rd at 5 PM EST!))


    May the Grace of the Holy Light shining radiantly from the Godhead enlighten you.


    His Grace,


    Bishop Bram Virgillis Calistovich 


    Bishop Bram Virgilius Calistovich, PH.D, dr.iur.can, D.S.Th, Utriusque Juris Doctor, O.E.Csi.





  3. Spoiler



    Office of the Bishop of Jorenus

    Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska

    Month of the Paschaltide of St. Julia


    B l e s s    G O D








    Faithful of the Diocese of Jorenus, of the Kingdom of Haenseti - Ruska, of the yolk of Joren and Tara- give glory to our maker. Receive this blessing.


    Through my own hand, as Bishop of the Diocese of Jorenus, spiritual Father blessed and ordained in the oil and laurels of Owyn of the Priesthood of Evaristus and Clement I issue this exhortation:





    A Saint’s week ago I sat in the confessional, in prayer, thumbing the chotki of Blessed Vladimir ‘the Golden hand’ when a young man entered. He, light with the innocence and grace of his youth, did not sins confess. Instead, speaking to me in a hushed tone he spoke of his concerns, his fears- those that are perhaps shared among some men and women of this blessed city of Reza.


    For too long have we been idle. For too long have we allowed apostates to draw breath so close to our tabernacle. I speak now of the “r u b e r n i t e s.”


    It is unacceptable that those who commit the sin of regina-fillacide have dwelled together without some sort of earthly terror overtaking them.


    Brethren, their flesh must meet the same fate as their souls, the same fear and torment must inspire them to seek atonement before the dread judgement of their souls commences.


    As such, through my apostolic authority, I declare that those who are known as the “r u b e r n i t e s” are banned from our holy presence, rejected from the Communion of Holy Mother Church as disciples of Iblees, slayers of souls, outside of the faith, heretics and ARE HENCEFORTH ANATHEMATIZED. 


    The entire region of Ruebern is placed under direct Anathema by the Diocesean See of Jorenus indefinitely, their ranks recognized as illegitimate.


    Sons of Haense go forth, do GOD’s work, I invite you to seize any and all of Ruebern dispensing with these contemners with full authority under GOD’s Skies.


    Sons of Rubern, if thou but suffer GOD to guide thee and hope in Him through all thine ways, you shall be spared. There is no security in your inward thoughts, repent or suffer true death, death of the soul. Listen, heed, a Choir of Daemons now sings for your souls, thirstily.


    May the Grace of the Holy Light shining radiantly from the Godhead enlighten you.


    His Grace,


    Bishop Bram Virgillis Calistovich 


    Bishop Bram Virgilius Calistovich, PH.D, dr.iur.can, D.S.Th, Utriusque Juris Doctor, O.E.Csi.




  4. Spoiler


    Office of the Bishop of Jorenus

    Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska

    Month of the Paschaltide of St. Julia


    Greetings and Apostolic Benediction:


    It is the intention of my Diocese along with the Canonist Church at large to provide a shelter for those Faithful within the Sutican region. 


    In an effort to make all territories equally inclusive under the fold of GOD’s light, on behalf of all Faithful, I am requesting a meeting with a Steward of Sutica for the purpose of planting a Chapel within the Trade City. 


    May the Grace of the Holy Light shining radiantly from the GODhead enlighten you.


    His Grace,


    Bishop Bram Virgillis Calistovich 


    Bishop Bram Virgilius Calistovich, PH.D, dr.iur.can, D.S.Th, Utriusque Juris Doctor, O.E.Csi.




  5. Spoiler



    Office of the Chaplain of House Barbanov

    Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska

    Month of the Paschaltide of St. Julia



    lovis Solisque Cultu et sepulcri violate





    O Fratres et Sorores! Vide!


    The shrouded, irreverent, and somber practice of reanimation at present lacks much territorial reign, glory be to GOD. While those who engage in this form of diabolism are few in number it is important that the Faithful understand this practice and its implications.


    The Desecration of the Sepulchre


    In order for any necromantic acts to be performed a copious supply of bodies are requisite. For this purpose necromancers will oftentimes take up residence where a multitude of corpses are available such as cemeteries and battlegrounds. 


    For their work they employ the bodies of the dead who are animated through their godless power, a power exemplified at length within the Holy Scrolls. It is encouraged that all Canonists practice cremation of their loved ones with the blessing of their Pastor in an effort to avoid unwanted and condemned reanimation.


    The Signs of Hosting


    It is fairly obvious when a neglectful necromancer has taken up residence in a specific region. A noticeable dread will be present as well as blight about the land where their godless acts transpire. They far too often choose to reside in all the same places: dark forests, swamps (especially swamps), dark towers… Rarely will you find a beach-side necromancer. 


    It is also important to note that necromancers prefer regions that are most conducive to their art. For example, they would not want to be in plain sight within a city so they are likely to be in a region far off- however, they avoid the cold as it interferes with their corpses.


    The Ritual


    If you in your travels about these isles come across a bloody altar in some swamp or forest it is best, first, to hightail it out of there. Secondly, it is important to report this information to your local Holy Ser who should investigate what is transpiring. 


    In explanation- the rituals and rites of the necromancer are not too detached from our rites within the Church. They reverse and pervert our Holy Mass, a source of spiritual life when they perform their masses of death devoid of all good. The Holy Mass was formed to praise GOD for the elevation of Man to the Skies while the rites of the necromancers were formed for the express purpose of self glorification, a selfless exaltation of Man, a vile offence before GOD.  





    So then- be well informed on those forces which seek to pervert what is pure and good on this Terra and work actively to expunge them from it. May the blessings of Almighty GOD descend down on all creatures of GOD and continue in their tireless effort to promote all that is sanctioned by Divinity and condemn that vile viper Iblees and all his deception.


    Saint Julia, patroness of Exorcists - Ora pro nobis.


    Reverend Bram Calistovich,

    O.E.Csi, PH.D, dr.iur.can, D.S.Th, Utriusque Juris Doctor.


  6. [!] Around the City of Reza numerous copies of the Pastoral Letter would be posted for citizens and travelers to read [!]






    Pastoral Letter Concerning the Remedy for 

    Inward & Outward Spiritual Despair



    Ad regnum Haensae ET Canonistae Orbis Terrarum




    Brethren of Reza:


    Yestersaintsday at the Council of Lords Spiritual and Temporal I delivered a speech before our pious King Andrik, the Vicar of GOD- His Holiness Pontian III, His Imperial Majesty Peter III, my brother clergymen, and many other Men and Women of great distinction within our Empire.


    Although I was hesitant to speak before this great magnitude, considering my position as a humble pastor here in our great city [after a great deal of nudging from His Eminence Cardinal Rodrigo] I did deliver this speech before the gathered congregants. . .


    Consider-well a story of great regard among the farmers and craftsmen of the North, of Haense my kingdom dear:


    Once there was a woman wrought with fear and confusion wholly unsure of her salvation. She was known by her village to be pious mother oftentimes praying and distributing alms… something outside of the norm for the common publican, no? She attended mass regularly and went through all the motions of religiosity… However she felt within her great guilt for the sins of her past. 


    She had been an adulteress and a concubine of several married men. Her confessor, a clergyman of ill repute lacking in skill as a pastor had heard her confession, commented not on her depravity and freely administered the Sacrament of Reconciliation to her person, shouting her sins expunged from her soul with no penance- no medicine or balm to heal the spiritual wounds this life had inflicted upon her. 


    This speedy absolution given at whim did not her mind console while her soul it did heal.


    This is the condition that we find our Church in on this day. We lack not Spirit as GOD has given us only virtue in an institution that can not be dimmed. Yet- our hearts are lacking of True Ministry.


    I believe we must enter into a peninential age, an age not of discipline but of pastoral care. Furthermore,  I believe we must be moved by our leaders, represented among us this day to engage in our Faith 

    In Haense that is what I seek to give, as all pastors throughout this Holy Canonist Church should, give the people true ministry… console their hearts as well as their souls… that will be our comeback. 



    So then, dear brethren of Reza in whose salvation you intrust into me as your Pastor- I implore you: Visit our Church of Bl. Jude, engage in the sacraments of the Church- especially Penance. 


    I vow before you this day, I will be available for as long as my ministry lasts in this dear city to hear confessions, and as such have constructed locations for citizens to confess their sins before GOD and myself His servant preacher. 


    Let this be your formal invitation.




    Reverend Bram Calistovich,

    O.E.Csi, PH.D, dr.iur.can, D.S.Th, Utriusque Juris Doctor.




  7. Spoiler



    The Liturgical Library of

     Elphius of the Immaculate Throne

    Blessed Jude, Pontiff





    The collection, compilation, revision, and promulgation of liturgical texts is central to the life of the Holy Canonist Church. Through Divine Liturgy, the Sacraments of the Church are communicated to Her faithful efficaciously. 


    Inspired by this truth, the Liturgical Library of Elphius of the Immaculate Throne has been established within the City of Helena. The function of this institute and archive is to collect, study, and build upon the liturgical traditions of the past in an effort to renew the timeless history of the Holy Canonist Church.



    Blessed High Pontiff Jude I, known by his lay name Elphius Stem was a prolific author throughout his Pontificate. Not only did the High Pontiff author numerous liturgical texts- from Rites on Abjuration of the Ungodly to Flexian Funerals- His Late Holiness rediscovered a treasure trove of documents from the early church. Documents such as the High Mass of St. Clement the official high liturgy of the Church employed now and always. 


    In his Pontifical Encyclical “Sacerdotii in Nostra Ecclesiae”  His Late Holiness insists that “the source and summit of the parish priest is his commitment to regularly celebrate the liturgy, in essence bring to the faithful the celebration of the Mass. The priest must facilitate in bringing to the forefront of his ministry in presiding over the highest form of worship in the Church, reciting the litanies and prayers most pleasing to GOD.”  In a spirit of obedience to this portly Pontiff this liturgical library hopes to strengthen the ministry of Priests throughout the ages through liturgics.


    The Elphian Canons

    Ordo Canonus Elphianem de Sedem Immaculata


    Men of the Cloth who wish to enter into the fraternity of the library are welcomed to do so. Official members, dubbed Elphian Canons must first obtain a Degree in Liturgics with classes being offered through the library itself. Upon completion, a symbol of their academic and spiritual commitment to liturgy will be conferred onto them with the mark of the order, a degree in its own right being added to their suffix (O.E.Csi).





    Reverend Bram Calistovich,

    O.E.Csi, PH.D, dr.iur.can, D.S.Th, Utriusque Juris Doctor.

  8. A letter would be sent out to the various Diocese addressed from the office of Rev. Bram Calistovich


    “ The following liturgical formula was promulgated by the Reverend Bram Calistovich as an alternative method for the consecration of the waters of Gamesh in a chalice as opposed to the traditional situla. It is to be used before the asperges and following the sermon.”


    Calistovian Formula 

    Missa Lecta



    (Congregants Kneel)


    “O Beneficent Creator eternal, a Priest of GOD worshipfully calls upon Thee in the presence of this congregation, entreating the enaction of spiritual power on this altar high.”  


    “Lord: we ask Thee, we pray Thee, we supplicat Thee imbue this common water set forth within this chalice with Divine Presence, spiritual power, and a wealth of grace- making it the Waters of Gamesh.”


    “According to Thine power and Thine unspeakable providence, We Thy suppliants, bear witness to this outpouring and through it are made holy.”


    [The following Flexio formula is whispered and heard only by the Priest] 

    “Creator: Pater hominis, sisterent vinum sacramenti. Ita dico omnes sumus.”


  9. Thesis on the Liturgy or Mass of the Holy Canonist Church with an Eye to the Element Offered.



    De spiritualibus Elementa C. Dominus vobiscum.





    Following the inception of the Creatorist Faith, the shepherds of the religion crafted a means by which the devout may communicate their praise for the Almighty and Ever-living GOD of the Holy Scrolls.


    We know that the Exalted Horen, Owyn, Godfrey, and Siegmund communicated their worship through an Aengulic Communion, through reception of the Scrolls in a time of prayer and fasting within the Waters of Gamesh. As such, when we, the descendants of these spiritual fathers offer worship to the same Lord as we consecrate Waters of Gamesh to bless our congregants we are reliving that experience. 


    The reception of the Waters of Gamesh by the Faithful congregants through sprinkling from as aspergillum takes us all back to the acceptance of the Scrolls and the Blessing of the Exalted while we are firmly implanted within the pews of a holy sanctuary. It is a timeless key of worship that must be observed with great reverence by both Faithful and Celebrants alike. 


    The consecrated water therefore, the Principal Element of Benediction within the Mass should therefore be pure, as the Waters of Gamesh are liquids of extreme spiritual value and significance which signaled Divine presence and Aengulic reception. They must be sourced from a fitting spring as we are calling to mind Divine Presence by their consecration. 


    This water makes Prophets, Kings, and Saints. Let us offer praise to our Maker and thank him for delivering to us such a simple yet timeless and awe-inspiring sacramental gift, the Waters of Gamesh.


    Oh Lord, abide in me as the Prophets did abide in Thine Hallowed Waters,

    Fill me with a spiritual drink,

    Wash away my iniquity & cleanse me of sin.



    Acolyte Bram Calistovich

  10. Hey there ? 


    I’m leaving. . .  FOREVER ? See ya’ll on the flip side :) Was fun!


    Thanks ,



    Special mentions: _Tudjman_ | lolzboi| Piov | ReveredOwl | Jistuma | Ventusyr | EPICBEAST | Aegis_Lima | & many others. . .

    Thanks for making this fun❤️



  11. 11 hours ago, Barlaam said:


    *Reverend Doctor Ludolfus would ‘clap back’ following a moment of prayerful discernment*


    Valliant Canonist:


        How this missive reached you, as you are surely not a member of the Episcopacy nor a member of the Senior Clergy is unbeknownst to me. However, I will engage with you for the purpose of preserving the veracious fight for sound theology.


    Your first claim that these writings are contradictory to Scripture is wholly false. The very idea that it is untrue that only Horen’s kin were promised the Seven Skies is a violation of the first quotation within the Confession:


    So Aeriel came among them, and by GOD’s will the brothers were alleviated of the pains of their imperfections. And thus Krug’s wrath was tempered with honor, Malin’s impotency with sanctuary, and Urguan’s greed with strength of will. But at the command of GOD, Aeriel did not alleviate Horen’s pain. For to Horen, the Lord promised the Skies. And Horen was assumed into them...” Godfrey, 2:17


    Your subsequent claim out of Provenance is too wholly false and this is evident in the very writing you quote. It is enumerated that the Lord gives man and woman a place in the Skies, the Sixth to be exact - until of course the woman was sent out of the skie for love of the flesh… but I digress, to state that “Man and Woman” were of some other race than that of Man is foolish and without foundation. There is no verse within the Scrolls to support this, the idea that they were a conglomerate of the multiracial sort is abhorrent. Therefore, as we known and has been established, the kin of Horen- the only pure descendant of this coupling who was blessed  by GOD to reside in the Skies carries the only legitimacy to be assumed into them. As there are none of these... conglomerates in existence to this day – if I was to take your point as true and say they were of this nature... this would regardless mean their ascendance was a special circumstance – the ability for non Humans to attain the Skies would sill hold true


    You then state that the ability to “walk the Seven Skies” solely refers to ‘the ability to conduct in prophecy and be closest to God, particularly in the afterlife’ - A true statement - one that historically has only been used by Humans as there are no non Human Prophets and no non Human Saints…. But you then interject with your own words and opinions when you say “this is not, however, to say that non-humans cannot reach the Skies” …. This is quite confusing to me as you base a supposed Scriptural and Traditional claim on… nothing but your own interjection.


    You then question why the Prophet Owyn would preach to other races if they would not reach the Seven Skies and by this claim I begin to see you true fault, that you lack a solid theological foundation. GOD being the principle mover and progenitor of all creation, in an effort to claim all things to himself -out of no neccesity- but pure Divine Love does seek His creation to worship Him. Elves and Orcs and all the like are indeed apart of His creation, abelit they are parts which were not promised the Skies. They still have a duty to worship GOD. 


    It is quite concerning when you question “what would be the point in condemning their pagan worship and teaching them of God’s glory? It would be an utterly pointless pursuit. Did Exalted Owyn spill his ink for nothing?” The answer: Their pagan worship is pagan, they are not worshiping the one true GOD… thus they must be admonished as is states in the Scrolls. This admonishment is not pointless and such a lack of understanding of our privileged duty to show GOD to a world who would reject him is simply sad.


    You then quote: Elves VI: “Verily, brother, the Lord GOD is in all things, and He is eminent above them. And verily thou must find salvation and glory in His grace, not in His creations." to justify a belief that Elves will attain the Skies as well… well, there is no mention of attaining the Skies within this quotation nor in the context of the entire canticle. Instead, this quotation is showing a pagan Elvish race on the supremacy of GOD, His glory, His eminence… etc. To find salvation and glory in His grace is not to find salvation in His Skies… to find salvation and glory in His [to expand the meaning of grace] divine influence which inspires virtuous impulses and imparts strength to endure trial and resist temptation. That is not to say “You Elves are going to the Skies….” and as was previously mentioned if you did truly read the Confession- the other races are not barred from Salvation but the Seven Skies which are reserved for Humanity… this can not be stressed enough that partial salvation, a salvation segregated from that of the Chosen Humans is attainable to those who submit to GOD. 


    Lastly, quoting the Catechism is in effect of no importance as this work is a collection of opinions which is wholly fallible and has been edited and changed since the days of Pontiff Sixtus IV - yet you admit this in closing.


    So then- the argument you present while given in a spirit of fraternal correction holds no water before the timeless influence and teaching of the Holy Scrolls and the Sacred Tradition of our Faith.




    ☩ Reverend Doctor Ludolfus Voch-Troast

  12. Spoiler



     FAVOR THEOLOGY: Confession I.


    Priusquam te formarem in utero novi te 

    On the expression of Divine Favor on the Race of Man


     Addressed to the High Pontiff, Bishops, and Senior Clergy






    Valliant Fathers of the Canonist Faith:


        The Charism of Truth, that empowering spirit bestowed upon the Church through the graces and merits won through Her earnest commitment to the singular and unchanging theology, is in need of manifestation. 


    Brothers in faith I implore you to heed the words of our beloved Canon, to revisit the annals of Sacred Tradition, and -as in all things- to intently pray for wisdom and providence in forming a needed clarification.




    There is no issue that takes premenince to the issue of the impending judgement and fate of those souls within the Church Militant [Ecclesia Militante]. Salvation is the greatest mission that shepherds of the Flocks of Horen are called to concern themselves with. This is seen throughout Sacred Tradition most visibly with the Divine Commision received by the Prophet Owyn to set shepherds over the Faithful of Humanity- from which the Priesthood of Evaristus and Clement finds its foundation.


    Remember it is Man who was and is called to be guided. The Race of Man, it must be stressed, is the only race to concern itself with the singular, life-giving Creator that we call GOD.




    Similarly, as is attested to in the Scroll of Gospel, it is Man who, through the offering of their unending Pain on this Terra, were promised the Skies above. 


    So Aeriel came among them, and by GOD’s will the brothers were alleviated of the pains of their imperfections. And thus Krug’s wrath was tempered with honor, Malin’s impotency with sanctuary, and Urguan’s greed with strength of will. But at the command of GOD, Aeriel did not alleviate Horen’s pain. For to Horen, the Lord promised the Skies. And Horen was assumed into them...” Godfrey, 2:17


    The Burden that we Men hold as descendants of the Flock of Horen is the original pain herein attested to. This Burden, this pain, when lived out will profit us Salvation. 


    Why those who would become the race of Man were chosen to receive such a gift - eternity with our GOD in the Skies above is unknown to us. I will not form any conjecture as to the root of this blessing. However, it is only logical to trace it to the deeds of our First Father- may His soul be magnified. 


    Here follows the articulations of the great Theologian, Venerable Vladimir, the Golden Hand on the results of this Truth:


    “We, the children of Horen, were awarded with a most gracious and glorious gift: salvation. The souls of the righteous humans who have worshipped God and feared Him, at the time of their death, are transported ever upwardly into the Seven Skies. Let us remember then, that, only the children of Horen were awarded with this gift. I then ask this: if only us, the kin of Horen, may partake in salvation, where does this leave the other races? What of the few, although pious children of Malin? Are they damned to eternal madness in the Void? Being tortured by Iblees purely for their birth?


    God is indeed the judges of judges, none beat His fairness or any of His qualities. Then there is only one possibility for the souls of those not of the Horenic race: partial-salvation. What does this mean? It means that those who uphold God’s law and worship Him may not feel His full grace, yet may receive it partially in a realm in the Limbo between the Skies and the Void. What does it look like? I do not know, but I know it must exist, for God is good and God is the most just.


    The mere justness of God makes it so that even non-humans may achieve partial-salvation, but, I must make some things clear: there are creations that displease Him. The cat-men which were created by an Aengul in defiance of God and any other creature not made by Him is barred from salvation, for their soul is imperfect as it was not created and crafted by Him.


    One must also renounce the thought that the ‘virtue filled pagan’ exist and go to the second skie. Those who deny God have no place in His salvation, much less a place in the second skie, especially if they are of a this also applies to men of other races. To think this is to blaspheme, for would God not break His promise? He promised the race of Man a place in the Seven Skies, not every race or every religion. We must also not base our knowledge of the Seven Skies on  a man’s hallucination.


    For God to be just there must be a realm where the creatures of which He has no covenant with dwell, neither saved nor damned. This Limbo state would be marked by some sort of reward for following Him but not the feeling of ecstasy gained by the several levels of the Skies. Certain creatures not created by Him are barred from salvation, for they were made in rebellion. No men outside the Church, no matter how pious may achieve salvation in the Seven Skies, and any men not of the Blood of Horen also cannot achieve salvation in the Seven Skies as stated prior.”


    It is my firm belief, informed through both Sacred Tradition and the Holy Canon that this articulation is sound in Theology. Therefore, with this truth made known through this installment of this present encyclical- I, a humble Vicar of the Canon do request a formal pronouncement with regard to the theology of our Venerable Father, Vladimir.  




    ☩ Reverend Doctor Ludolfus Voch-Troast

  13. Spoiler


    [!] The following sermon would be preached passionately within the marble confines of Oren’s capital Basilica by a rather austere Churchman. Transcripts would circulate about the notice boards of the city [!]

    Confession and False Teachers


    -I pray that itching ears take hold of you as I speak this day with great conviction. The saddest place on this plane is the capital of Man, where every soul has just enough Religion to send them all straight to the Nether. Enough Canonism to soothe their religious conscience while their minds are laid completely barren of the knowledge of the Faith they purport to hold.  It is a sad spectacle to see such a great multitude packing the pews of our Church’s Grand Basilica- wherein noble persons and senior social elite not engaging offer not more than a glance at a Confessional. It is an even greater shameful display that no such confessional resides in our Grand Basilica.


    -It is plain to say that sinners such as they, those who refuse to confess regardless of the physical structure, who remain unrepentant are destined for punishment. Verily I say, there exists many a soul presently kindling in everlasting torment who have sinned far less than you have done, dear listener. But, it is through thine Confession that the sins committed by the flesh against the spirit are absolved. Therefore, I preach to you now that Confession should no longer be concealed within the confines of a  traditional wooden box laced with fine curtains. Rather, it is to be a public lamentation offered willingly before GOD in the face of the congregations. All that will exist to still the heightened beating of thine heart as transgressions are spilled from the lips of those who doth quoth them will be a shrinkage in one’s weekly sins.   



    -I speak now of the lax clergy who fail to chastise those- Nay, who do not utter a syllable on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The primary excuse no doubt delivered to the ears of the Father by the unrepentant before their separation from Him. It is not becoming of men of the cloth to withhold knowledge essential to the salvation of souls. If it be their intention to withhold knowledge of Confession, these men are false teachers who doth quaff the inebriating liqueur of the Defiler himself. However, it is not these men who must be condemned this day. For the sinner is not a victim of them, rather the close-lipped rectors are the Judgement of GOD upon us for failing to work out our own salvation and inquire of our Faith. Lest we be blind the Confessional is always visible in this house. Yet it is the sinner who gazes plainly during service and departs from it at the benediction. 



    -Pray that GOD shant count thinself within the Congregation of the Unrighteous wherein the sinners thus described are held. For it is these souls who will wish nothing more than nonexistence when their spirits meet the Consuming Fire. The Consuming Fire of Divine judgment. The flames even now rage and glow. The Defiler also stands ready to fall on the wicked and take them as his own, the moment GOD allows. It is these men who refuse Confession who belong to the Defiler, he has their souls in his possession and under his rule. The Daemons are watching you who do not confess and are always at hand, as greedy hungry wolves wait for the opportune time to devour their prey- so the Daemons stand waiting for the wicked. It is the Daemons who expect to get these souls, but are held back for the moment. 

    If GOD were to withdraw His hand of restraint from them, they would at once attack their poor souls. Iblees himself is staring at you at this very hour with his mouth open, and the mouth of the Nether so too waits to receive you. If GOD were to allow it, you would quickly be swallowed up. Be these words of grimm judgement and bleak fate our sign of parting. Forget not it is our duty to execute the judgment of the flesh on this plane and the duty of GOD to deal in your souls.


    ☩ Reverend Doctor Ludolfus Voch-Troast


  14. Spoiler




    A missa est sanguis

    Addressed to the Faithful of Arcas





    Valliant Canonists,


    Remember dear children that Horen’s kin are the rightful heirs to all authority on this Terra. All worldly praise be onto Horen’s descendants.


    With such worldly might comes equal duty- both to GOD and Humankind. As such, the task of leadership has always been the burden of the purest of Horen’s line.


    However, in this age our Father is greatly displeased by the actions of His Chosen, the sons of Horen. In their desire for unfruitful internationalism they have defied Him in bringing division to Man. This division is the antithesis of the Divine Plan and the work of the Defiler since the very beginning.


    Therefore, in an effort to bring Divine Favor to the Chosen kin of Horen, with arms outstretched in supplication to Almighty GOD let us offer now a fervent and able presanctified sacrifice to Him. Let us offer our claimed purest Horen.


    Indeed it is unfortunate that he must die. However, the goodness that is within our hearts and minds for ages to come as Children of Horen must be kept safe from warring deceivers in league with Iblees.


    I offer up a charge to all able bodied Canonists to execute, with great reverence, one Godfrey Pertinaxi [III] who descends from Horen.


    A Prayer of Sacrifice


    Almighty GOD accept this bloody sacrifice of Chosen stock.

    May his blood unlike his deeds be pure enough to expel the wickedness he foisted upon mankind.

    We pray for pity Lord but in Thy Justice, if it be Your will,

    cast him down into the outer darkness of the Void.

    LORD, do we ever so sincerely pray: spare the innocent - mothers, children, and GOD-fearing men through this act of reparation so that one may die for a multitude to live.


    ☩ Bishop Abram, (ret).

  15. Spoiler




    The Charisma of Truth






    In Nomine Deum Verum.


    Brothers and sisters in our common father Horen, it is the duty of all Churchmen to rightly divide the word of truth. That is- to clarify and elevate core teachings of the Faith not simply for the purpose of displaying the inherent beauty of the truths we hold but for the grand effect of the Salvation of Human Souls.


    The Church in all of Her faculties has the absolute monopoly on the authoritative ministry of Divinity. Canonism exists for the efficacious instruction of Humanity in the wisdom and revelation provided by Almighty GOD. Humanity has been chosen by GOD for the fullness of exaltation in both this life and the next conditionally provided we submit ourselves to the authority of Holy Mother Church. However, let us not fall into confusion- it is not Humanity who serves the Church but the Church who has the sole duty of serving Humanity. Armed with the revelations of GOD the Father, the Church is instructed to care for His children in Terra so that we may be made worthy of our highest elected potential- that of the Skies.


    Therefore, the Church’s recognition of, and exaltation of, the Human Soul is central to its necessity in society. It is imperative that Canonists recognize the inviolability of all Human lives for we possess something unique within all existence which must be safeguarded. It is possession of the Human Soul which distinguishes the children of Horen from those of any other. This distinction is so powerful that if one was to bear any other they would fall short of spending eternity in the proximity of GOD.


    These days, and in all throughout history, the Human Soul has been under great siege by agents of the Defiler. Their recognition of our innate sanctity ignites within them terrible vexation. We are truly full of grace- this charisma included within the Human Soul outshines our worldly transgressions. Coupled with His mercy, it is why in the face of our iniquity we can still be called bearers of GOD’s favor.  


    The Principle Safeguarder of Souls, a title in its own right, can be ascribed to GOD Almighty. Under Him, His celestial agents the Aenguls tasked with defending us from their corrupted kin. Within the ranks of Terra, of this land, the Principle Safeguarder of Souls is the High Pontiff, the Successor of the Exalted- delivered to Humanity by divine commission. I suggest that he dawn this title with great pride and responsibility for it is truly he who has the greatest ministerial authority [1] to dispense grace from the Church to cleanse the soul [2] to defend the soul from the attacks of the Defiler through the rites of the Church [3] and to censure those who through their words, actions, or articulated heresies seek to harm the fate of the Human Soul. It is truly he who possesses the Charisma of Truth as the grace that fills the human soul possess him via sacramental conference. Below him, his agents the episcopates serve in this same ministry and below them the presbyters… and in each and every Man grace can be found which enables one, if they choose to submit themselves to the Church, to safeguard their Human Soul.


    I humbly entreat all of my fellow brothers and sisters in Horen to submit yourselves to GOD, Holy Mother Church, and to protect your Human Souls from the Defiler.


    Look not away from the Light of GOD, the Holy Canonist Church - for in placing one’s spiritual inheritance in the trust of any wordly organization outside of the Canonist Church, one is detaching themselves from the foundation established by GOD to keep them free from the yolk of the Defiler. My dear children, there will come a time when all hope is lost and the destruction of all we know as a people is before us, but our Faith shall never end. This Faith which has lasted since the inception of the Human race shall not falter. There are yet faithful even when those who are devout are assailed by the many tribulations to come, there will see be preachers, there will still be congregants, and there will still be great rulers who will triumph through their Faith in GOD and HIS Church. All of our enemies shall be defeated by our Faith, for our Faith is a piercing blade in the face of the enemies of GOD.


    - P. Iudas Primus (JUDE ✝) Cum Circa Elevatione Pastoribus - MDCLXIX




    In obedience to GOD and Holy Mother Church.


    - Emeritus Bishop Abraham✝ (ret.)

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