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Posts posted by Gnomemancy

  1. 1 minute ago, HurferDurfer1 said:

    Bottle mourns for the Pontiff as the man sorely abuses the free will gifted to him by the grace of GOD. Using the powers gifted him by his lofty seat within the Holy Church of the Canon to further his own ends, and gain at others expense. Truly a shame Bottle thinks.


    A multitude of Martyrs within the Skies wonder how exactly one could come to this way of thinking as they watch the mourning ensue.




    Addressed to the Faithful of Atlas





    Brothers and Sisters of Humanity,


    It has come to the attention of our Holy Canonist Church and its Prelates, following a parlay in the deep South, that the Vaeyl Order wishes to deprive us of food and of shelter. This is all apart of their plan to rid us and all Descendant people from Atlas.


    As such, the Archdiocese of Villavia and accompanying prelates urge all of Humanity to begin to stockpile whatever food resources available as the cold advances from the South.


    As such, the Archdiocese of Villavia shall construct a great stock hold of grain and other jarred resources for distributive purposes to Canonist Faithful.


    May GOD guide and protect us as the unholy plot of the Vaeyl Order advances. We have great trust in the providence of He who has delivered us from all tribulation through the ages.



    Archbishop Humpfrey of Villavia

    Monsignor Wigbrecht Schulze

  3. MC Name: Novitiate_

    Character's Name: Friar Blayves Klimetuus

    Character's Age: 154


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Ghost [Haunt]


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Friar Blayves Klimetuus


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ghosts are the mirrored images of souls who have departed the world of the Descendants through death. One usually becomes a Ghost when the circumstances surrounding one’s death are abhorrent. When a Ghost is first brought into manifestation they are usually unaware of the fact that they have slipped into death. This initial phase leaves the first stage of Ghosts, known as Haunts, in a haze as they slip in and out of visibility confused as to their surroundings and the very fact of their expiry. These Ghosts oftentimes attempt to resume their daily activities with the knowledge of their death still behind them. Ghosts at this stage appear black or white in color and lack pupils or irises in their eyes. They have no ghostly powers such as floating and will not attempt to do typical ghostly things for the very reason that they are unaware of the fact that they are dead. Haunts may advance to the next level of Ghost once they come to the understanding that they are dead. When Ghosts break free from the delusion that they still live, they enter into the Revenant stage. Revenants are caught in the pure middle stage of ghosthood. At this stage they are made aware of the fact that they are no longer alive and must then deal with this newfound gloomy information in a number of ways. Revenants can begin to unlock their ghostly powers during this time and can go from invisible to visible and float, however- these powers must strengthen over a very long period of time. As a Ghost is made aware of their death through becoming a Revevant they have two paths opened to them. These paths represent the next stage of ghosthood: a Ghost may accept their death and be at peace with it, in which case they will become a Specter- a blue Ghost which is mostly peaceful, good or neutral, and possesses the desire in most cases to move on into the afterlife – a Ghost may also fail to accept their death and be enraged at this fact, in this case they will opt to become a Poltergeist. A Poltergeist is a destructive Ghost which appears red. These Ghosts are in a perpetual state of chaos and anger and do not wish to become at peace with their death. They oftentimes are known to be the Ghosts which posses objects and throw them or make horrifying noises. However, Ghosts of both forms may access their maximum powers at these stages and will grow in power as they age.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  4. A robed Monk would step forward, several monks would trail him. He’d raise the ballots up before himself, signing the cross as he read the first series of votes.  












    “Your Excellencies, the ballots appear to be real and authentic wherein Archbishop Yurii has received the majority of the College. Godspeed to His Holiness-Elect!”

  5. The College of 1672


    6th of The Grand Harvest, 1672





    Vice Chancellor Yurii of Haense, united with the College of Bishops, sat in silence. They continued to mourn the loss of their beloved spiritual father, struck down by a band of Iblees. After awhile of reflection, Yurii rose from his seat, beginning to address those gathered.


    “Brethren in GOD,


    It saddens my heart to announce that our beloved Jude I has been gone to GOD in the manner that unfolded. However, the Exalted Throne is now vacant and  it is our duty as members of the Church to find an Apostolic Successor for our Holy Mother Church. In accordance to such, I hereby call the Members of the College of Bishops to Renatus-Marna for Conclave to select a successor for the office of Vicar of GOD.”


    The Vice Chancellor then began the Supplication of the Saints, calling for the outpouring of the Holy Light to guide them in choosing a successor.


    The following electors shall cast their votes for the next High Pontiff:


    -Archbishop Yurii of Haense [Lolzboi]

    -Archbishop Bruce of Markev [BristledBoar]

    -Bishop Herman of Valaam [HabemusPapam__]

    -Bishop Milos of Nicea [Armanay]

    -Father Marcus of Judeberg [OldTortoise]


    ((Only and limiting the aforementioned individuals may post on this thread. Voting shall conclude when all eligible electors have placed their votes.))




    *Bishop Herman would let the bells of the Adamantine Cathedral toll as Archbishop Yurii delivers a grand funeral sermon.*




    “. . .This is definitely a time of grief indeed. . .” The Archbishop would nod, agreeing with one of the congregants “. . . seeing as Jude ordained each and every clergymen now frocked, we all have lost our father to Iblees and his servants.” Yurii would pause for a moment, moving to the Altar, delivering his homily.


    “As an astute clergymen and Archbishop of Jorenus, Elphias of Metz ascended quickly and was elected High Pontiff Jude, the first of his namesake. His task was defined by his ability to repair the credibility and image of the Church as a result of its perceived recession.”


    “He is dubbed as being one of the most prolific authors to hold the Pontificate and is noted for his steadfast institutional reform. Beginning with the abolition of priestly appointments to diocese, the High Pontiff instituted directed appointment of priests to bishops as well as introduced a census for the presbyterate and a subsequent Index of all Churchmen. He frequently saw the increase of vocations he produced as the greatest gift he could give the Church through his vocation.”


    “The deceased High Pontiff expanded the physical Church through the creation of both the Holy See and Apostolic Barony of Saint Judeberg-on-the-Baltas. Jude also codified seven renewed liturgical rites, a common Credo for the Church, and declared the Year of the Faithful and the Jubilee of Priests to celebrate the vitality of the Church’s mission. In addition, he is responsible for the certification of the Order of Saint Everard, the Order of the Exalted Throne, the Sisters of Saint Julia, who at their peak were the largest order of female monastics in history, and the Chantry.”


    “. . .All of which aforementioned demonstrated a performative work for his vocational talent. Among his other contributions is his consolidation of relics recovered during his Pontificate into the Exalted Reliquary. He shall be remembered for his strong orthodoxy, especially on his objection to lay investiture, promoting priestly authority, his interdict of anathema on the Kingdom of Haenseti-Ruska during their time of disorder, the subsequent re-canonization of Haense, and on his heavy enforcement with the Order of Saint Lucien. We must remember, High Pontiff Jude also promoted ecumenical dialogue with the Rashidun faith in the recognition of a concordat of good will as well as united the Halflings to the Canonist Faith, setting up a clergy for them as well.


    “Now he has perished. Shot down by a roving band of Saulites. The most pernicious band of creatures. He bravely stood, chanting the Rite of Abjuration, attempting to banish the creatures, but, by the Will of GOD, his future was in the Almighty’s embrace. But there are yet faithful. And they are assailed by a multitude of perversions, and there are men of ice, and of shadow, and fanged men, and yet others with skin of ash and eyes of flame.”


    “Let his bloody death by the spawn of Iblees remind us of the Faith and resolve to GOD the High Pontiff held within him. Resquiescat in Pace, Amen.” The Archbishop would conclude, tears dripping, as he began to bless the coffin of his deceased friend.


    Father Marcus would then hoist up the coffin, delivering it with Archbishop Bruce, Bishop Milos, and Father Braum to his final resting place.




    Elphias of Metz 1616 - 1672

    Pontifex Maximus Iudus Primus, MDCXLVIII - MDCLXXII

    High Pontiff Jude I (r. 1648 - 1672)




    *The seal of the empty throne of the Pontificate is stamped, announcing Jude's death.*




    18th of Horen's Welcome, 1671





    His Holiness JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Dean of the Exalted Reliquary, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth decree…

















    Out from the previous consolidation of ecclesiastical jurisdictions, the Holy Mother Church of the Canon, guided by the Pontificate and Most Holy College of Bishops, has decided that the following reforms to the structure of governance were most appropriate.


    THE METROPOLITANATE OF RHODESIA - Encompassing the Dual Kingdoms of Renatus and Marna, their respective lands and minor vassals, the Apostolic Barony of Saint Judeburg-upon-the-Baltas, and the ruined Temple of Horen within the lands of Malin’s Descendant. Administered by HIS HOLINESS,  JUDE I, as Metropolitan and HIS GRACE, YURII as Coadjutor Bishop.


    THE DIOCESE OF VILLAVIA - Encompassing the Duchy of Adria, the city of Belvitz, and the settlements along the crossroads.  Administered by HIS GRACE, MILOS as Bishop.


    THE ARCHDIOCESE OF JORENUS - Encompassing the Kingdom of Haense and its lands as well as the proclaimed Duchy of Rivia and its respective lands.  Administered by HIS EMINENCE, BRUCE as Archbishop.


    THE DIOCESE OF SANTEGIA - Encompassing the Kingdom of Santegia and its respective lands and vassals. Administered by HIS GRACE, HERMAN as Bishop.





    In an effort to bring about a more rounded College of Bishops consisting of clergymen from the vast expansion of Atlas, the following elevations have been made and are held.










    The Tetrarchy is commissioned with the governance of the Church through the will of HIS HOLINESS, JUDE I





    In order to renew and strengthen the governance of the Most Holy Canonist Church, new appointments and retaining members are affirmed and confirmed to bring about the glory of GOD on this Plane.









    Let it be known to all that the Common Creed  has been issued, ratified, and sanctioned by the Pontificate in union with the most Holy College of Bishops. This confession of beliefs shall be recited in every liturgy of the Church and shall be a made readily available to all Canonists.


    Common Creed:

    I believe in GOD and vow my life to Him.

    I believe in the Canon of Horen, Owyn, Godfrey, and Siegmund.

    I submit to the Canonist Church and avow to my Salvation.

    I will glorify GOD in every Nation.





    In celebration of the Holy Priesthood, We, the Most Holy Canonist Church, declare the Year of the Priests. During the entirety of the year (1671-1672) the Church shall host many celebrations with the intent at glorifying the GOD-ordained Priesthood and encouraging vocations to it.


    Similarly, let it be known that by the decree of the High Pontiff conjoint with the blessing of the Most Holy College of Bishops that all Neophytes in advanced training are now elevated to the position of Priest of the Holy Canonist Church ipso facto, as Sacramentum defensor and are officially graduates of the University of Exalted Saint Siegmund in Holy Ordination.


    Prayer for Priests:


    GOD, benevolent and just,

    grant priests in abundance

    to serve as ministers of your Holy Scrolls.

    Raise up among the faithful,

    diligent and holy priests who will

    ceaselessly continue the work

    of all your saints and that of the Exalted,

    preaching the salvation of Your divine Will,

    now and until the end of the age.





    We, the Most Holy College of Bishops and Vicar of GOD, formally recognize the ascent of the Blessed High Pontiff Sixtus IV to the Fifth Skie.


    Therefore, it is herein proclaimed that We the Pontificate, by our Apostolic Authority declare and officiate High Pontiff Saint Sixtus IV, patron of theologians. His efforts in the codification of the first modern Canonist Catechism and the renewal of the liturgical tradition have merited his place in the communion of saints as a faithful witness to the Exalted’s Testaments and that of the universal Church. In this regard, we the Canonist Church recognize his fidelity and contributions made to the dogmatic and theological dimensions of the Canon which have since inspired a spirit of continued exegeses by his successors.





    With the recent complications in relations with the Diocese of Villavia in regard to the stubbornness of Belvitz’s civil servants, we the Most Holy Canonist Church wish to formally offer our hands in aid to those who feel the Church has slipped away from them.


    With the loss of vocations from the region, the Holy Mother Church of the Canon offers a Plenary Indulgence to any soul who wishes to rise up from this land in service to GOD and his homeland as a Parish Priest.


    His Holiness, High Pontiff Jude has deemed it best for himself to remain in Belvitz in order to minister to the Faithful there directly and reconcile the settlement back to the Holy Canonist Faith which it had once been a bastion of.





    With the longstanding efforts of His Holiness, High Pontiff Jude to collect and process all of the timeless relics of the Canonist Church, the heritage of all Humanity. The Pontificate and Mot Holy College of Bishops are pleased to announce the creation of the Exalted Reliquary or the Reliquia Exaltatus in Flexio.


    This Pontifical institution shall function to promote the return of relics back to the Holy Mother Church as well as promote the safekeeping and display of such relics to the Faithful masses. Therein contained shall be housed all of the major relics of the Canonist Church dating back to the very foundations of the Faith.


    The institution shall be located in the main Cathedral-Church of the Pontificate in any isle or land. It shall be overseen by the Dean of the Exalted Reliquary, the first of which being High Pontiff Jude.


    Let the fullness of our Holy Canonist Faith be expressed by this institution both now and forever.





    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.







    Sunt etiamnum fidelium


  8. Pontifical Encyclical:

    Sacerdotii in Nostra Ecclesiae


    To the Bishops, Priests,

    Neophytes, and all the Lay Faithful


    16th of Horen's Welcome, 1671






    His Holiness JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth decree…



    Brethren in GOD:


    The fraternity of the priestly ministry of GOD is a role vital to our Church. The priest is the instrument as such that GOD imparts His divine will and sacred trust to fulfill the sacramental duties as prescribed by the Holy Canon scrolls and the Apostolic tradition of my predecessors in this holy office. Firstly, we as ordained all share in the one priesthood of GOD’s church, and like the prophets and saints who illumined the path of holiness before us, are mandated to be the vessels for which such holiness may radiate.


    The parish is the essential unit of the Dominion of GOD and as such, is the aggregate component to the universal Canonist Church. All parishes share a mission with the Vicar of GOD to preach and chastise, to guide and pray in the name of the Holy scrolls. The priest is the central figure of the parish who is responsible for his community, and guided by his obedience to the bishop and to the Church, he ministers to his flock. It must be clarified that the priest is not a position of perversion for prestige among the people. Rather, he is a servant of his obedience to GOD and to the spiritual welfare of those to whom he is entrusted to minister. The parish priest is the cohesion of the local church in which the ecclesial ceremonies and requisite practices are thrust upon him to carry out. In this way, he is called to give himself wholly to the Godhead that ordains his station.


    At the core of the duties of the parish priest is the celebration of the sacraments. His mandate is to faithfully adhere to the life of the Church that in these sacraments, he may impart the salvatory obligations to his faithful flock. Moreover, the parish priest is the immediate source of spiritual solidarity for a given people. When a family presents their child for baptism, the responsibility of the priest is to welcome the soul of new life into the mortal plane, christening the child’s head with the waters of Gamesh so as to usher the child into the salvation of Horen’s covenant in accordance with the formulaic instruction from the Magisterium of the Holy Canonist Church. When a couple is prepared for marriage, the priest and under the guidance of the bishop, must ensure that the man and woman are in a state of grace as as to graciously prepare them for the vows of holy matrimony. For as GOD ordained Horen and Julia under the holy institution of matrimony, it is the parish priest who must bear witness to this testament, renewing the very act of holy union that was ordained by GOD. These same precepts must be applied wherein the scrutiny of the priest’s responsibility extends to his role as a counsel. Upon hearing confession, the duty of the priest must be to act in the mercy and benevolence of GOD, calling into mind the Scroll of Virtue. He must be the witness for the faithful’s contrite heart and impart the absolution of sin so as to save and renew the baptismal vows conferred upon the people. As such, the life of the Church heavily depends on the diligence and fidelity that the parish priest exudes in performing the sacraments to the faithful flock. Lastly, the source and summit of the parish priest is his commitment to regularly celebrate the liturgy, in essence bring to the faithful the celebration of the Mass. The priest must facilitate in bringing to the forefront of his ministry in presiding over the highest form of worship in the Church, reciting the litanies and prayers most pleasing to GOD. It must be noted that the pastoral ministry of the parish is greatly dependant on him who must serve as the spiritual subsidiary of the entire Church community.


    The parish priest is defined by his ability to readily make the sacraments available to the people. We the Pontificate do also reaffirm that in this regard, the parish priest must remain stalwart in defending the sacraments. We so hereby declare them sacramentum defensor, defenders of the sacraments. In this regard, the entirety of the Church entrusts that the priest protects the dignity and stature of these sacred and ancient rituals so as to prevent their abuse or perversion on the part of those who seek to commit sacrilege and confusion.


    I, Jude,Vicar of GOD devote this prayer to the parishes of the mortal plane, devoting them to GOD and His Exalted that they may continue to proclaim the Holy Canon to all nations and all peoples:


    GOD, benevolent and just,

    grant priests in abundance

    to serve as ministers of your Holy Scrolls.

    Raise up among the faithful,

    diligent and holy priests who will

    ceaselessly continue the work

    of all your saints and that of the Exalted,

    preaching the salvation of Your divine Will,

    now and until the end of the age.






    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.







    Sunt etiamnum fidelium


  9. Spoiler






    6th of the Amber Cold, 1669



    His Holiness JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD


    In union with the College of Bishops containing the Very Most Reverend Bishops: His Eminence Yurii of Haense and His Eminence Robert Rovin doth decree…



    In accordance with the solemn promulgation of the Third Golden Bull of Rhodesia and the First Sacerdotal Census of Rhodesia, the First Church Index -known as the Index Ecclesia in Flexio- has been reverently published.


    The current structure of the clergy allows for Priests, ordained members of the cloth, and Neophytes, unordained students of the priesthood, to be assigned to specific Bishops who allot them to churches to carry out services based on necessity.


    Those names here transcribed with the prefix “High Pontiff,” “Archbishop,” “Bishop,” or “Father” are officially frocked members of the Holy Canonist Church. All names here transcribed with the prefix “Neophyte” are non-frocked members in pursuit of the cloth.


    Any and all names not included on this Index Ecclesia are non-frocked individuals regardless of previous ordinations or enthronements as is dictated in the Third Golden Bull of Rhodesia and the First Sacerdotal Census.



    High Pontiff JUDE I

    ((CardinalDolan  Discord: Adder#8119))


    Father Herman of Valaam

    ((HabemusPapam__ Discord: João#4069))


    Father Marcus of Judeberg

    ((OldTorotoise Discord: OldTortoise#0939))


    Neophyte Hargrim of Belvitz



    Neophyte Pal of Dunshire

    ((KaiserThoren Discord: KaiserThoren#7818))



    Archbishop Robert Rovin

    ((Zhulik Discord: Zhulik ✞ ?#7438))


    Neophyte Braum S Hardt

    ((FashionBeard Discord: Angry Templar#2273))


    Neophyte Terry Hardt

    ((HK47unit Discord: HK47unit#3784))



    Archbishop Yurii of Haense

    ((Lolzboi Discord: LoLzboi#4696))


    Father Mihail Palaiologos

    ((Armanay Discord: Armanay#4566))


    Neophyte Josef of Markev

    ((RideTheSky Discord: RideTheSky#0001))


    Neophyte Bruce of Haense

    ((BristledBoar Discord: Boar#7843))






    Sunt etiamnum fidelium




    8th of sun's smile 1669





    His Holiness JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD.



    It is with great joy that We, the High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, with full authority from the Exalted Throne, decree by right as granted by my predecessors by Exalted Owyn, commanded by GOD himself, that the interdict upon the Dual Monarchy of Hanseti-Ruska is hereby voided.


    All excommunications and anathemas are hereby null and void and all ordained ministers may perform the sacraments, be it the sacrament of the Word, Matrimony, Consecration, Ordination, Confession etc etc.


    In exchange the Dual Monarchy of Hanseti-Ruska hereby acknowledges the supreme authority of His Holiness JUDE I in religious affairs as well as issues an apology for the persecution of the Order of Blessed Catherine and the veterans of the Order of Saint Lucien for any harm given upon their persons.




    His Holiness JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD.




    His Majesty of Hanseti and Ruska SIGMAR I, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Dules, Lahy, Sorbesborg and Slesvik, Regent of Pruvia, Grand Duke of Vanderfell, Duke of Akovia, Krajia and Aldersburg, Margrave of Rothswald, Count of Karikhov, Baranya, Kavat, Karovia, Torun, and Kaunas, Viscount of Alamar, Baron of Vsenk, Valwyk, Rostig, Esenstadt, Krepost and Kralta, Lord of

    the Westfolk, Lord of Markev, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera




  11. Spoiler







    Addressed to the Faithful of Adria and all Faithful Canonists throughout the Realm


    16th of Horen's Welcome, 1669



    His Holiness JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth decree…



    Brethren in Almighty GOD,


    For hundreds of years, the Holy Canonist Faith has persisted in the face of severe persecutions, long-lasting heresies, major schisms, and assault from malevolent spirits who seek the destruction of truth in this realm.


    One such attempted schism of the Holy Mother Church in respect to her Episcopal Appointments and Ordination of her Clergy has risen its head of corruption within the Duchy of Adria, at the hands of two city councilors of Belvitz.


    These men, Broos Willis and Sabo Gradic being the City Maer and City Clerk respectively, have put forth a heretical act, known as ‘The Belvitz Church Act of 1669’ wherein they usurp the Holy Appointment of the Bishop of their Diocese by the High Pontiff, and instead vest it within the hands of the laity.


    The full list of sins committed by these men are hereby enclosed within, to encompass the breadth and depth of their transgressions against the Holy Mother Church:


    The pair are perpetrators of  Lay Investiture as they have attempted to undermine the Most Holy Canonist Church in creating ‘pseudo-bishops’ in the form of ‘Diocesan Vicars’ lacking all but spiritual authority,


    The pair came to their trial with the intention of ‘making deals’ with regard to ecclesiastical appointments and church structure, in attempt to alter the True Faith of GOD for their own benefit,


    The pair refused to rescind their heretical Belvitz Church Act of 1669, insisting that a deal must be wagered in order for it to be cast aside instead of repenting for their transgressions,


    The pair sought to bribe the College of Bishops and Pontificate at their own trial stating that it was in the best interest of the Church to side with them for ‘two thousand mina’ per annum,


    The pair orchestrated a false Mass by a non-froked ‘Deacon’ who they intended to raise up as the ecclesiastical administrative head of the settlement of Belvitz,


    Therefore: We, the Pontificate and the Most Holy College of Bishops, therefore declare that these men shall be branded EXCOMMUNICATE and ANATHEMA. They are hereby spiritually amputated from the Holy Canonist Church and the Society of all Canonists. They shall be shunned and evicted from any and all settlements who claim union with the Holy Mother Church of the Canon.







    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.








    Sunt etiamnum fidelium






    Addressed to the Faithful of Adria and all Faithful Canonists throughout the Realm


    21st of The First Seed, 1669




    His Holiness JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth decree…



    Brethren in Almighty GOD,


    For hundreds of years, the Holy Canonist Faith has persisted in the face of severe persecutions, long-lasting heresies, major schisms, and assault from malevolent spirits who seek the destruction of truth in this realm.


    Be well assured dear children that the fruit of the tree of virtue, the Faith which the Holy Canonist Church has shepherded for these many years, shall not rot. Instead, with the promulgation of this text, let it triumph. Let schism and usurpation be quelled. Let future attempts to undermine the Divine Ordainment of the Canonist Church be shut down through the clear authority of the Holy Scrolls and Sacred Tradition of Holy Mother Church.


    Brethren in GOD, it is known to us as Faithful Canonists and devout attendants to the Holy Scrolls - the Most Exalted Canon - that the Prophet Owyn, whom the High Pontiff is the successor, established the first hierarchy of the Holy Church of GOD through his ordination of the brothers Saint Evaristus and Saint Clement.  The Exalted Prophet Owyn, to whom our veneration is well-placed, entrusted the pair as shepherds to humanity  in the form of Episcopates. This Great Commission by the Prophet to Sts. Evaristus and Clement is where the entire office of the episcopacy can be traced, an office that has persisted since the foundations of our Faith.


    Recently, it has come to the attention of myself that an Investiture Crisis is in the works which would utterly undermine the authority of the Successor of the Exalted in setting shepards over Humanity. In turn, this would lead many astray from the Apostolic Succession of Holy Mother Church as those elevated to administrative ranks relating to the clergy can only attain their power by he who derives his power from GOD to do so, the High Pontiff - as Inheritor of the Spiritual Authority of the Exalted.


    Therefore, let it be known that as of the solemn promulgation of this text, all those who toy with the flirtation of - or seek the elevation of directly - an administrative figure [1] outside of the episcopacy of equal status and duty  [2] or within a quasi-episcopacy ordained and enthroned by one with no Apostolic Jurisdiction shall be rightly chastised and if necessary, rightfully amputated from the Communion of Holy Mother Church and the society of all Canonists.


    There will come a time when the Great Enemy of Humanity, and all those under GOD, shall emerge from the chains and shadows that have kept him shackled. There will come a time when the merciful men and women of Terra will be slain and overtaken by the yolk of sin and the physical manifestation of it. At this time, a false priesthood will rise and lead those who cling to it to perdition. Look not away from the Light of GOD, the Holy Canonist Church - for in placing one’s spiritual inheritance in the trust of any wordly organization outside of the Canonist Church, one is detaching themselves from the foundation established by GOD to keep them free from the yolk of the Defiler. My dear children, there will come a time when all hope is lost and the destruction of all we know as a people is before us, but our Faith shall never end. This Faith which has lasted since the inception of the Human race shall not falter. There are yet faithful even when those who are devout are assailed by the many tribulations to come, there will see be preachers, there will still be congregants, and there will still be great rulers who will triumph through their Faith in GOD and HIS Church. All of our enemies shall be defeated by our Faith, for our Faith is a piercing blade in the face of the enemies of GOD.


    Therefore, all of you who harken onto the commandment of GOD and seek to live a life of purity, virtue, and zealousness I humbly entreat you- take heed to the words of your Pontiff and Most Holy College of Bishops.


    May Almighty GOD free you from the confines of lesser-thinking men in order for you to grasp the Sacred Theology here displayed. May HE who commissioned the Holy Scrolls intercede for us and enlighten us with great wisdom both now and forever. LORD, Lead us to an increase in our understanding of YOUR will. Amen.






    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.








    Sunt etiamnum fidelium


  13. High Pontiff Jude I would fill out an application, attaching it to the lists as a demonstration 


    Name: High Pontiff Jude I


    Office: High Pontiff


    Location: Rhodesia


    Age: 52


    Years of Service: 34


    Ordained by: High Pontiff Everard IV and High Pontiff Clement III

  14. Spoiler






    16th of Sun's Smile, 1668



    His Holiness JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth decree…



    In an effort to account for the various clergymen and monastics of all sorts who have consecrated their lives to service of GOD this First Sacerdotal Census of Rhodesia has been issued.


    The census will remain about the multitude of churches under the governance of the Faith for one Saint’s years time. Let it be known that those who fail to comply with this sacerdotal census will be defrocked ipso facto as is stated in the Third Golden Bull of Rhodesia.


    Those clerics or monastics who enter their person into this solemn enumeration will progress to the Index Ecclesia retaining their ordained and invested right as servants of the Holy Mother Church of the Canon.


    Therefore, all clergymen of all sorts and monastics who wish to maintain their positions within the Canonist Church must fill out the required fields with accurate and wholly veracious  information and be accepted in good standing by the College of Bishops under the direct word of the High Pontiff in order to maintain their position, jurisdiction, and duty to GOD and Holy Mother Church.



    The First Sacerdotal Census of Rhodesia


    *Failure to complete a field will result in the termination of one’s application


    Name: Your full name (including any titles)


    Office: Your position in the Clergy or Monastic ranks


    Location: Where is it that you serve?


    Age: How old are you?


    Years of Service: (Years following your ordination)


    Ordained by: Who ordained you and or who enthroned you?





    ☩ IN NOMINE PATRIS, et Horenus, et Exaltus Honorem. Amen.








    Sunt etiamnum fideli

  15. Rescheduled:

    Saint Julia’s Holy Day


    Saint Julia’s Rose, Kristoff Vekreazi






    ((Event in Senntisten Cathedral: Next Monday, 6 PM EST))




    Prayer to Saint Julia


    O Great Mother of Humanity,

    Send us thy Clarity,

    Inreat for us in our Humanity,

    Before the Throne of Immorality.

    Save us from the Defiling One,

    And grant us thy Shining Love,

    O Julia who didst Ascend Above,

    We honor thee on this Holy Day.



    With Jubilant joy the Holy Mother Church of the Canon announces that the Saint Julia’s Day celebration and festivities have been postponed until the next Saint’s Week. This postponement allows the planners and sisters more time to prepare for the expected masses. May Almighty GOD keep you safe and sound as you await the most Holy Festival!



    His Holiness JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD


    Adette Schulze, Countess of Aldenburg

    Lih-_yyREL48XZEKJBrfPFTFn-hmMaVdtdoqAf227Kvw5KidqVRfp_H9WFbxFcS-W2lI88-EDfkGy0uRfBuuzOmFISpqmanMR9ZFDNQ6eegvTv6kYVJZx0yKD4TcVmIb1-XONYEB     jWZb8_1yejz4-uW2qnn8RWrbB30OpcqG1FzKF-R_bGslCwpY4LXANYT0p98SrM7tOpWRK6DjUrctARhrJJfnewBp7OuFtuE9m9lL4UG5RWeVzSgoEhxRpI4lAKz5y4q5DEHbeC4i

  16. Y0TY_VeQ23vJWBLFJC42H2myYxfMyBUkLFfNzXswn21WS1wXihWlZ2cFv8wXxyy3TODBMTPISj684l08aCcXe8-UGBdBLUmWVmReWw9IyCitZUutLlBY9HxHpba9wrO__Swfcd71



    I, JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD, do, henceforth, under the sight of GOD and the Synod, enfeoff the Apostolic Barony of Judeburg-upon-the-Baltas to one child of GOD Horad of Andest.


    I, JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD, grant the honour of styling himself as Baron to Horad of Andest, to collect taxes in my name and to raise levies to serve Holy Mother Church.


    I, JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD, shall give Baron Horad of Andest protection from threats to his fief and spiritual succour to the Apostolic Barony.



    JUDE I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Metropolitan of Rhodesia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Pilgrim to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD


    Baron Horad Cain var Andest, Apostolic Baron of Judeburg-upon-the-Baltas and Commander of the Chantry.


  17. Qui Exaltatus, Sanctificamini, et Benedictus

    Those Exalted, Sanctified, and Blessed

    Last promulgated by His Holiness, Everard IV, 7th of the Grand Harvest, 1629


    Codified and Updated by His Holiness, Jude I

    As of the 15th of the Amber Cold, 1667




    Among mankind, there are those who have acted with utmost piety and compassion, and the Church has recognized them for their valor. Whilst paragons of virtues have graced the realm since ancient times, it was only under the High Pontiff Marcus I where a canonization process was established, to deliberate those beautified and saintly. However, with the great heathen sack of the Liberian Pontificate, the canon list of the sainthoods had been lost. It was under only High Pontiff Everard where a tradition of universally recognized sainthoods were restored.  Above the saints are, the four Exalted are those foretold in the Holy Scrolls, known formerly as the Divine, whom would restore humanity in this life and beyond. Only the exalted have ever held full dialogue with the Creator, and all have performed countless miracles and acts of greatness, standing aside the Creator in the Seventh Sky.


    All these canonized figures are not to be worshiped, but revered, whether for their fulfillment of the Creator’s prophecies, or for their exceptional degree of holiness. They may be asked to pray for us as they act in intercession, close to the Creator himself.





    The Prophets


    The Prophets, or Exalted, are determined by the Canon and are noted for receiving their respective Scrolls from the Aenguls Artifai and Tesion, along with innumerable acts of faith, good works, and miracles.





    Horen I “the Father” - Golden Laurel

    Patron of Humanity, Covenants, and Humility.


    Owyn I “the Purifier” - Flaming Sword

    Patron of Purity, War, and Fire.


    Godfrey I “the Redeemer” - Silver Scepter

    Patron of Dominion, Glory and Justice.


    Siegmund I “the Preserver” - Globus Cruciger

    Patron of Clairvoyance, Wisdom, and Sight.





    Those Sanctified


    One is sainted if he or she lives a wholly pious and virtuous life and has proven he or she is in the highest skies by traditionally performing at minimum two miracles posthumously. They are often attributed symbols.





    St. Godwin of Paradisus - Skull

    Patron Saint of the Deceased, the Afterlife, Ghosts, the Supernatural and Heartlanders.


    St. Julia of Paradisus - Golden Rings

    Patron Saint of Mothers, Matrimony, and Exorcism.


    St. Joren of Paradisus - Iron Shackles

    Patron Saint of the Mountains, Winter, the Imprisoned, and Highlanders.


    St. Lothar of Balian - Lorraine Cross

    Patron Saint of  the Lorraine Cross, Princes, Courage, and Heraldry.


    St. Daniel of Al'Khazar - Wooden Staff

    Patron Saint of Peace, Cities, Pilgrims, and Travel.


    High Priest St. Everard I of Al'Khazar - Red Cross

    Patron Saint of Tradition and Persecution.


    St. Amyas of Yore - Wild Herb

    Patron Saint of Medicine, Healing, Botany, and Wild Herbs.


    St. Godwein of Huntshill - Oaken Shield

    Patron Saint of Honesty, Woodworkers, Fungi, and Skin Afflictions.


    St. Tobias of Sarkoz – Silver Comet, Gold Coins

    Patron Saint of Merchants, Comets, Wealth, and Charity.


    High Pontiff St. Lucien I of Ulmsbottom – Kaedreni Cross

    Patron Saint of Crusaders, Change, and the Family.


    St. Adrian of Leuvaarden - Open Book

    Patron Saint of Statesmen, Lawyers, and Politics.


    St. Thomas of Gaekrin -White Rose

    Patron Saint of Leadership, Discipline, Frontiersmen, and Kaedrin.


    St. Peter of Gaekrin - Flaming Rose

    Patron Saint of Order and Victory.


    St. Humbert of Bar - Sun’s Smile

    Patron Saint of Capitulation.


    St. Edmond of Lachsin – Knight on Horseback

    Patron Saint of Sailing, the Navy, Horses, and the Auvergnian People.


    St. Theodosius of Istiam - Gray Pigeon

    Patron Saint of Messengers, Birds, Translators, and the Raevir People.


    St. Wilfriche of Hanseti - Black Mace

    Patron Saint of Brotherhood, Chancellors, Opposition of Setherin, and Franciscan Martyrs.


    High Pontiff, St. Daniel I - An Aged Scroll

    Patron Saint of Scholarship, Fate, and Literature.


    St. Otto ‘the Bald’ of Vanderfell - Bald Eagle

    Patron Saint of the Schism War, Fate, Ward Fathers, and Northern Peoples.


    St. Charles of Haense - Golden Crow

    Patron Saint of Strength, Fortitude, and Prisoners’ of War.


    St. Michael of Cordobe - White Bull

    Patron Saint of Passion, Exiles, Service and the Eighteen Years’ War.


    St. Emma of Woldzmir - White Sword

    Patron Saint of the Schism War, Loyalty, Valour, and Adrians.


    Saint Henry Otto of Alban - Brown Shoes

        Patron Saint of Commoners, Justice, and Fatherhood.


    Saint Kristoff of Hanseti - Silver Skull

        Patron Saint of Martyrs, Victims of Strife, and Bishops.


    Saint  Johannes de Rutyer - Green Staff

        Patron Saint of the innocent and Missionaries to Foreign Lands.


    Saint Malcolm of Fjordhem - Purple Cross

        Patron Saint of the Daelanders, Storms, and the Conversion of Heathens.


    Saint Jude of Cyranium - Monastery

        Patron Saint of Scholastics, Authors, and Monasteries.





    Those Beautified


    One is beautified if he or she lives a wholly pious and virtuous life and is either martyred for his or her faith, or posthumously performed a miracle upon a High Pontiff's prayer.





    Blessed Patrick Denims

    Blessed High Pontiff Adeodatus

    Blessed Hunwald

    Blessed Francis Karovic

    Blessed Lorethos Basileus

    Blessed Damon Kovacevic

    Blessed Vladislav

    Blessed Zacarias Mosquera

    Blessed Father Stephen

    Blessed Frederick Royce

    Blessed Dmitri of the Dreadfort

    Blessed Jon of the Whirlwind

    Blessed Peter

    Blessed Lendus

    Blessed Jan Jeremi

    Blessed William the Beggar

    Blessed High Pontiff Daniel I

    Blessed Thomas Denims

    Blessed Richard de Bar

    Blessed Humbert de Bar

    Blessed Radovid of Blaviken.

    Blessed Marius Baruch

    Blessed Vytenis of Visiga

    Blessed Leon of Amaury

    Blessed Baldwin de Bar

    Blessed Wilhelm of Hermann

    Blessed Stephan Himmel

    Blessed High Pontiff Daniel II

    Blessed Rafael de Cordobe

    Blessed High Pontiff Everard II

    Blessed Adrian of Kaedrin

    Blessed Johannes de Rutyer

    Blessed Foltest of Aeldin

    Blessed High Pontiff Sixtus III

    Blessed High Pontiff Lucien III

    Blessed Publius Bracchus

    Blessed Andrik Vydra

    Blessed Jack Rovin

    Blessed Polycarp of Aeldin

    Blessed Noah Wheezer

    Blessed High Pontiff Pius II

    Blessed Adelran Coulthard

    Blessed Sigismund of Couentre

    Blessed Jon Renault de Savoie

    Blessed George de Bar

    Blessed Ari of Abresi

    Blessed High Pontiff Owyn II

    Blessed Enoch

    Blessed High Pontiff Sixtus IV

    Blessed High Pontiff Clement II

    Blessed Nafis Yar

    Blessed Catherine Francesce Horen

    Blessed Vladimir the Golden-handed

    Blessed High Pontiff Adrian



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