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Everything posted by Skythekid

  1. Welp. Life happened, and I don't see myself playing MC anymore. I have gifted my account to one of my good friends, whom already plays on the server, and filled him in on the life of my persona's. I trust him to manage them well, and this is farewell for me I suppose. *salutes everyone* It's been fun guys.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Viper3X


      If he already has an account whitelisted, he only needs to apply using the alt application. It's very easy. :)

    3. Skythekid


      He does have his own LotC account already indeed. He's been on it for probably a month or two more than me.

    4. Skythekid


      Should I PM a GM to un-whitelist me informing him of the current situation, or should I just tell Aragorn to make the application?

  2. MC name: skythekid8888 IC name: K'abni Skype name (you can PM me this is you wish): Don't have skype yet, but you'll know when I do. Your time zone: EST Why you wish to join The Guardians: I like the idea that your guild is following. I think it is pretty bad a**. I also think that your recruitment post here was pretty bad a** as well. This is a good looking guild.
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