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Posts posted by Kalehart

  1. Denied. 


    Large portions of this app are plagiarized from other sources on this forum. You're going to be disallowed from making further phantom applications for 2 OOC months. If you choose to after this period, please be sure to do so entirely in your own words. This goes for all other applications as well, though since you're new, I won't be providing any restriction on posting those.

  2. Denied. 


    I'd like to see some more detail put into the description of the magic and its capabilities.


    Not taking points off for this, but I'd appreciate seeing a more complex spell for your example, summon weapon doesn't provide much by way of a sample of your RP.


    I find the explanations in the teaching emotes pretty vague as well, and the grammar could be improved. I'd like to see the student given some idea of techniques involved, and generally instructed more thoroughly on relevant limitations and mechanics of the ability.

  3. The former Okarir'tir, and now former Lord Marshal, looks over the notice with curious eyes and a pensive hum. Upon spotting the Sohaer's invitation at the bottom, however, his expression swiftly sours, and the elf crumples the paper, and looks about his private office, now nearly empty,


    "Beginning his reign by breaking bread with the tarnished state, is he? An ill omen indeed."

  4. Denied. 


    With the acceptance of the new rewrite, Gravens have been shelved.


    For an initial phantom app, you'll need to apply as a revenant and provide a description of each phantom type based on the new lore found here:


  5. Denied. 


    First off, I do want to commend the effort here. I can see that you did read the lore through, you referenced a reasonable variety of sections from each phantom type and did cover all of them as requested, so I appreciate that.


    There's only really one inaccuracy, which is in regards to Revenants (they aren't always invisible), but more broadly, the reason for denial is that the grammar and spelling aren't quite up to par with what I need to see for phantom RP.


    A good effort nonetheless, so don't be discouraged, you're welcome to apply again in the future. I just need to see the spelling and grammar be cleaned up, and it also wouldn't hurt to touch on some of the general strengths and weaknesses of phantoms.


    A new rewrite for the lore has gone through today as well, which you can find here.


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