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Everything posted by Vectrious

  1. https://gyazo.com/72a9458a8ff5ee3203bd92def8fb7621 Get a load of the best PKer on the server. ;)

    1. idiot
    2. InfamousGerman


      shakin in my boots

    3. Mj.


      you're welcome to contest that na.badlion.net message me when your balls drop

  2. ((And for the purpose of why not create a assassins guild hate if you want))
  3. ((Alright pertaining to this I know its name is a copyright of the BlackHand. Although this is true I'm not RPing it in any way like the blackhand I'm setting up different ways of communication and application processes to join and different ways of marking kills I know I'm gonna recieve hate for this but why not follow in the footsteps of one of the most beloved assassins guilds from Skyrim the DarkBrotherHood))
  4. ~TheBlackRose~ }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{ *Pinned to a tree is a piece of yellowing parchment held to the trunk with gruesome black nails in the 4 corners of the parchment. Upon closer inspection the words "TheBlackRose" can be read across the top with a rose unlike any other seeming to of been burned into the parchment. Beneath this there seems to be more writing though it is not in the same black ink but in blood...* }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{ Remember these words upon this paper for they may just be the last you will ever read. If you are willing to take the steps necessary to fulfill the duty of TheBlackRose; I ask of you to take one of the ravens that sits below and tie a note to its leg with a petal from the rose that rests above crested within the parchment. You must write in blood upon this note the following; Name, Age, and Race. Release the raven at day break upon the sealing of the blood note. Sincerely yours, TheBlackRose }~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{ *Beneath the tree’s trunk lies a cage made of Ferrum, it is rusted and the hinges creak with every movement. Within the cage sits ravens each screeching horribly loud at the approach of any who come near. Their appears to be signs of blood dripped upon the ground around and on the bars of the rusted cage* ((Just a extra note, within the note you leave here on the forum please list what I already said including; Skype, and Ingame Username so I can message you with a bird responding to the application ingame.)) Background Lore: TheBlackRose was formed from a need to create a better and brighter future by assassinating the evils of the land through means of payment and other sacrifice. The location of where exactly TheBlackRose plan and coordinate assassinations from is unknown except to the few who associate with them. A assassination by TheBlackRose can always be recognized by the black rose placed upon the body in any piece of the clothing. Initiation involves burning a rose imbued with black ink taken from dark resin right above the heart upon the chest.
  5. Application: MC Name: Vectrious Skype Name: q5z5y87l TeamSpeak?: Yes RP Name: Telperian Faroar Age: 274 Old Jobs and Work: Reporter, Guard, Inn Keeper Skills for odd jobs? (Mining/Lumberjacking/Etc): Smithing slightly Weapon of Choice and ye mastery with that?: A light nimble blade Why do ye wish to Join the Lances?: To protect the lands of oren, and learn the skills of the lances to better myself and others Do ye take the Oath?: Aye
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