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Posts posted by Vege

  1. "It is important to remind the realm of man, that it was we, the Courlandic people who sought peace during the two Imperial diets of Saltstone, rather than resort to war, and it was the Empire who brought the war to the lands of Staunton. The Stauntons did not seek to fight, but would do so if prompted. For the slaughter of thousands of innocents, it is the duty of every Courlander and non Courlander to stand up against this tyrannical and evil Empire, to enforce a justice that only we, the people can deliver.


    House Horen and all Imperials will be purged in this, the cleansing of the Empire. We were kind and merciful the first time round, and this was thrown back in our faces. This time we will be hard and unyielding to the cause, to topple this, the so called Ivory Tower of Empire.


    Through their deceptive propaganda, they paint us, the people of Courland to be the evil aggressors, who seek to pillage and destroy the beautiful and perfect Empire of Oren, yet, if one were to examine the evidence, ye would find that this is far from the truth. 



    House Staunton brought this, the fifth Empire into this world, with Percival Staunton's support for John I, now it is only fitting that they should be the ones to take it out." Proclaims Aleksander, King of Courland. 

  2. Format your title as follows: [Type of Creature] [CA] MC or RP name


    MC Name: Vegetarianism


    Character's Name: Stauntatron


    Character's Age: 0


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): N/A


    Transformed form: Golem


    Creator's MC Name: Lhindir


    Creator's RP Name: Lhindir


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: A golem is a large, statue like creature created by Golemancers. They are powered by a core of Thanium or a soul bound core, where a soul is used inplace of a thanic crystal. Golems are sluggish creatures that dont need to eat or breath, but they are bound to obey the will of their Impera, as a golem cannot have free will, and they would deem that as unfulfilling. Golems talk. Slowly. Due. To. Their. Runes. Being. Unable. To. Produce. Anything. More. Then. A. Monotone. Along with this, their bodies are covered with runes that convey power to the rest of the golem. Golems must be humanoid and can stand up to eight or so feet in height, although the larger the golem, the more dim it is. A golem must have its optical, vocal, and hearing runes exposed and damage done to these will result in the respective sense being hindered or destroyed entirely. A golem whos core is damaged, also has a chance of turning red where it will mis interpret orders from its Impera and go out of its way to destroy.  If a golem is destroyed, it must be re-built by a golemancer or the death will result in a PK. A golem is weak to weapons such as pickaxes and warhammers, as they are some of the few weapons that can truely damage the stone they are created from.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No



  3. Land charter (cart) or Sea charter (boat):
    Island: (Tahn- Oren/Dwarves/Elves, Ceru - Sutica, Asul - Haria)
    Point A: (Name of city, settlement, capitall, etc.)
    Exact co-ordinates of Point A: 3288 67 449
    Point B:  (Name of city, settlement, capitall, etc.)
    Exact co-ordinates of Point B: Just off the Dwarven boat from CT


    stop signing plz

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