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Posts posted by HurferDurfer1

  1. Minecraft Name:IDontCare_Bear


    Skype Name (This may alternatively be PMed to me for privacy purposes): thatonehurf


    Applicant Name: Ilkazar

    Race and Age: Human. Over a Hundred.

    What title are you applying for? (A lower-tiered one: Librarian, Maven, Inventor, Analyst, Phrenal): Theurgist

    List any experience you have had with matters regarding that Department: A most experienced wizard.


    Describe the reason for your interest in that position (>5 sentences): I have spent my whole life in the learning and practicing of magical arts. And do so strive to better myself any chance I can. I see this as an opportunity to further my learning on various magics. Whilst also providing my own magical knowledge for the betterment of others. With my advanced age comes years, decades even, of experiance.


    By applying, should you be accepted you are expected to utterly adhere to the Common Clauses. Do you understand this?: Most assuredly.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Luxury said:


    In an ideal enviroment, yeah I can agree that mages are more effective at long range. In minecraft, however, most fights begin within a few blocks of opposing parties. I want to be able to participate in combat, not just get bumrushed within the single emote it takes to cover ground each time a fight comes around.

    This, aye mages are supposed to be long ranger fighters, does your average swordsman give them time to cast? **** no they dont, you get insta rushed and swung at with little to no chance to defend yourself. I  have to use a sword more often then I use magic.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Pureimp10 said:

    Coltaine also remembers those fights from several decades ago, he would go on to remember Vasili Vanir being a lowborn gate guard in Akovia, recalling with a laugh that thats basically all the Vanirs do now adays, defend a gate anyone can walk around.

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