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Posts posted by Knights5544

  1. 5 hours ago, Peralien said:

    The end times are here. We are truly and utterly screwed. However, I for one and quick to embrace our new overlords. All hail Caesar Tabby.

    Hail Ceasar Tabby

  2. On 11/20/2022 at 12:37 AM, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Either that or purposefully inflate minas such that your typical block costs significantly more than .1 minas per so it’s easier to price things in shops at .1 price intervals.

    This, 100%

  3. 13 hours ago, satinkira said:


    This is why it's a test. If it doesn't work well, I've no doubt that the admins will put it back

    You are far too trusting of incompetent staff members. They never should've removed the auction house in the first place without first stabilizing the economy. Years ago there used to be an economy team which was able to provide educated (I assume) guidance regarding these sorts of matters, obviously we don't have the economy team anymore. LOTC's economy was in an absolute state of turmoil prior to the removal of the auction house, this is simply the nail in the coffin. 


    13 hours ago, Laeonathan said:

    Well yeah, but the removing the whole auction house was complete overkill in my opinion.


    Sorry, but "buying wood rp" just isn't fun. It just isn't, I'm sorry. And running around trying to get wood, cobblestone...

    It's just another prime example how we de-minecraftise LOTC and reduce it to just Text-Based Roleplay with nothing else to do.

    Lotc used to be a lot more then just that...


    Roleplay on LOTC could be so much more.

    I whole heartedly agree, this is ridiculous. With each passing year LOTC seems more and more hollow and void of content. I know everybody always says this, but I feel like the direction that LOTC is going in is not going to be sustainable. There are so many issues which never get addressed. I understand that the staff team works for free and that we shouldn't expect them to be able to move mountains, but LOTC seems so neglected nowadays.

  4. I've spoken about this before, but I personally do not believe that Lord of the Craft's economy is currently stable enough to support the idea of removing the auction house. This is going to cripple the global economy as it'll only serve the purpose of limiting the opportunity to generate liquidity and create supply bottlenecks within the economy which will definitely impact the value of the mina. Currently the only instance in which additional money gets injected into the money supply is through voting alone. In prior years there was a very functional and well thought-out plugin which enabled people to become traders and deliver supplies via llamas across the map to NPCs for pocket change, this - in combination with voting - allowed for players to have multiple opportunities to acquire minas, this helped smooth out the economy as it meant that there was another means of increasing the money supply aside from voting. Maintaining liquidity is essential to creating a strong economy, the fact that the only way the money supply is increased is through voting impacts liquidity among other things - limiting the auction house is going to have a similar effect.


    Believe it or not but I'm actually a big advocate of things such as removing the auction house, but LOTC in its current state is NOT going to be capable of handling such a removal unless we create more opportunity for players to be able to gain minas/compensate for the lack of liquidity. The removal of the auction house will likely mean that the rich will get richer (due to being able to fall back on taxes) and the poor will get poorer (due to not having a convenient way to sell their goods, nor acquire convenient minas to be able to buy goods from others).


    I'm part of the economy team for a separate server, while I'm definitely not the brightest person on that team - nor the most technically minded - I feel like I can confidently say that this is a bad idea.

  5. “Probably the best mod admin this server has had” Oh boy, what could possibly go wrong from having itdontmatta take over as mod admin again? Surely there was no big controversy which caused him to “resign” from mod admin the previous time! Surely he’ll be a great and competent admin with no tendency to abuse his position! 

  6. Henry von Halsfield's expression reveals the dismay he was feeling upon learning from a servant the demands that both Balian and Urguan had issued to Acre, "It is of no surprise to me that the haughty swine who reside within Balian feel the need to make such ridiculous demands, but for Urguan to do the same? I expected better from those within Urguan's leadership .. they're acting no differently than how the Empire acted decades ago. As long as imperialism exists in the world, a lasting peace is unattainable." His words were quickly followed by an angry shake of his head and an alcoholic drink of cheap quality.

  7. It's been two, long days since I've been able to breed my cows. Two long days without food to be able to feed my digital family with on the world-famous premium Minecraft roleplay server known as Lord of the Craft; they're starving, little Jimmy is hungry. I keep on pestering the Skygods, begging them to do something about the broken breeding mechanic .. alas, my complaints seem to fall on deaf ears. Jimmy is frail and weak, and Melinda will soon be no different. They're hungry, they need cooked steak, but until the breeding mechanic is fixed it's unlikely that they'll taste delicious steak anytime soon.


    Jimmy and Melinda are starving, and their death is imminent. Their death will be on your hands, LOTC staff members. If the breeding mechanic isn't fixed by tomorrow then the two will starve to death without their steaks.

  8. desecration.png



    There is a certain element of tranquility and peacefulness that emanates in settings such as churches; the Basilica is no exception to this rule. It’s difficult to resist being overwhelmed by an almost irrefutable, loving embrace within these places of worship. Even nonbelievers who are filled with skepticism can recognize that these places of worship emit a heavenly aura—an otherworldly atmosphere. Those unfortunate enough to enter the Church this morning would be confronted with a dreadful sight: the peace and tranquility that once prevailed within the walls of this House of God no longer existed; instead, all that was left was putrid sin.


    From Balian's town square, a torrent of blood led directly to the Basilica, accompanied by tufts of matted hair along the way. When one entered the Church, they were met with a massive crimson streak that extended the full length from the entrance to the altar. A dismembered dog's body floated in a pool of blood-red water at the end of the crimson path. Fragments of stained glass were scattered over the floor. Worst of all, splashed in blood over a massive stained glass panel just behind the altar was the word:





    Desecration. The Creator’s temple was repugnantly slandered and defiled. An act of such blasphemy is practically unimaginable and completely incomprehensible to the vast majority of witnesses, with the exception of Euthrymandis and Trenamez. Their brains were so poisoned and deceived by their toxic beliefs that they could not see anything wrong with the heinous destruction. There were no consequences to their actions, and even if there had been, would that have stopped them? Unlikely; they embraced the concept of death as a means of escape from their "dream" world.


    The two departed, leaving behind a mess of sickly chaos. 


    Euthrymandis and Trenamez were neither freaks of nature nor demons of Hell—no, it was much worse than that: rather, they were regular, typical people; or, at least it appeared that way. They coexisted with the rest of society, keeping their beliefs hidden within the shadows. Much like everybody else, the two awoke in the morning, ate their porridge, went to work, came home, and socialized with their friends among other things—no different than what “normal” people typically do. That's the scariest part about this all:

    There was no way of knowing who Euthrymandis and Trenamez were; they could've been anybody. Your neighbor could be Euthrymandis, your local barkeep could even be Trenamez. Who's to say? The only thing that is for certain is that wherever the two went, sin followed closely.


    glodite2.png  poem.pngsdaad.png

  9. Henry von Halsfield glares at the pamphlet in his hand with grave concern, "Ah, so this is what Roffo's been up to over the past few weeks. Well, certainly it's just a harmless expenditure of his time! All this non-sensical talk about Glodites, hah! Sacrificing babies - he has such a brilliantly creative mind! I applaud him for putting his creativity to use, surely he won't allow for this to get out of hand, h-heh, right? It's all just a simple jest, yes?" the tone of Henry's voice towards the end clearly lacked confidence.

  10. mooshrom_cows.png






    Posters have been scattered around the various Elven nations. It was clear that they had been hung up quite recently as the smell of drying-glue was fresh in the air. The subject of said posters, if one were to pass by or inspect it closely, would mention the following: 










    Beneath the predatory salesman-style writing would have a section which reads:




    My Discord is Spooderpoog#1514 in case you need to reach out to me.


  11. Untitled-1.png_______________________________________________________________________




    Posters have been scattered around the continent of Almaris. It was evident that they had been hung not too long ago. The subject of said poster, if one were to pass by or inspect it closely, would mention the following: 


    In preparation for their relocation, the Halsfield family is requesting the paid-service of various servant bodies and other laborers to accompany them to their new place of residency. The family intends to provide handsome pay in addition to providing living quarters to all those interested in working. The family welcomes all applicants.


    Personal servants, cooks, guards, gardeners, and farmhands are requested and needed by the family. The pay is an annual salary of 50 minas.


    If interested, please reach out to Henry von Halsfield by bird. ((Knights5544))




    You're free to either reach out in-game via bird, or by submitting a response below to this forum post with the following information filled out.


    ((MC Name:)) 




    What is your name?

    What position do you intend to occupy within the Halsfield residency?


    In case you need to contact me, my Discord is Spooderpoog#1514


  12. There are definitely a lot of things that I disagree with you about within this post; however, I do agree with some of what you're saying. I can attest that the player base is partially responsible for some of the problems regarding the "lack of roleplay." Primarily, it seems to be that player-ran events are definitely not as frequent and common as they used to be. Furthermore, I personally feel like many communities aren't generating enough content for their playerbase; nations and towns don't seem to be offering many events or things to do nowadays. Sure, I see cities and communities offering "tavern night" left-and-right, but that gets stale after awhile. 

  13. 5 hours ago, Gridlock said:

    Allowing people who did major bad stuff just because the population of the server is in decline is the dumbest excuse I've heard in a while for letting scumbags back on. Let's unban all the groomers aswell, I mean we need all the players we can get.

    Nobody is presenting the argument that we should purposefully unban players simply to prevent the diminishing playerbase, it's wrong to try and misrepresent the purpose of the original post. There needs to be much more moderator transparency, that is the point. Over the past two years I can name you more than five influential players who were handed bans for reasons which were poorly explained, for reasons which were ingenuine. Why is that? Even in the event that such bans were warranted, the length of said bans were not. These bans were the byproduct of power hungry server staff with abusive tendencies.


    Transparency is necessary to ensure a checks and balance system is in place to prevent server staff from abusing their powers, something which seems to occur far too often over the past few years.

  14. This is an issue which most people will shrug off until it winds up affecting them as well. This is an issue which needs to be acknowledged and there needs to be something done to actively change this issue. I'm sick and tired of members within the community receiving astronomically long bans for reasons which are illegitimate. I'll refrain from putting forth my own personal tinfoil-hat opinions into this conversation, but it is a known fact that throughout the past few years that there have been several incidents where these kinds of excessive bans were handed out by moderators who undoubtedly acted with bias; usually done to benefit the community that they are biased towards.


    Is that what happened with some of the players who were discussed within this post? Maybe, maybe not. I'm not going to mention my opinion. Either way:


    Excessive, long-term bans with questionable reasonings behind them need to stop.

  15. 5 hours ago, GMRO said:

    have you tried scrolling to the bottom whilst on phone and changing it to bravo 6 as a theme? It does help a fair bit in terms of navigation.

    Still tends to be pretty problematic at times despite that. Especially on my 20 year old Nokia phone:


  16. R

    17 minutes ago, Borin said:

    minimum sentence requirement is cringe

    needing consent to mention someone's rp name is cringe

    please reform forum warnings, having them stay around for 1 year+ is utterly bonkers

    I second this, requiring consent to include somebody's character within a forum post will likely prove to be a very slippery slope that will only come back to bite many in the rear-end. I understand entirely as to why this rule exists, but it isn't practical. Many people have biases - me included - towards others from an OOC perspective; these OOC biases might easily affect the person's ability to make a forum post which happens to involve the other's character. All it takes to prevent said person from releasing their forum post is to say, "Hey, I don't like you, I don't want you to mention my character in your post." It's restrictive to roleplay, and I personally don't believe that roleplay should ever be restricted, not unless it is unfair to another player. 

    I've rustled quite a lot of feathers throughout my time playing Lord of the Craft. I've also made quite a few forum posts which IRPly directly mention people who dislike me OOCly. If I went to them and asked for permission to include their IRP name within my post then I'm nearly certain that they would've said no. It's simply impractical.

  17. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason




    What circumstances led to this ban?


    Rather than pursuing the appropriate approach of calmly confronting them or notifying a staff member, I verbally assaulted somebody via Discord who I had assumed was metagaming. I acted with unnecessary hostility and bitterness towards the person, the circumstances at the time did not warrant my behavior. I was clearly acting with toxic intentions. In reality I should've confronted a staff member to discuss this matter, or to serve as a middleman in the situation between myself and the other person. At the time I had a strong distrust towards many staff members and felt that they would've ignored my accusations against the other person and therefore I took matters into my own hands which ultimately lead me to my ban. I acknowledge my toxicity and will avoid becoming so emotionally reactive in the future.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I understand that I should've reached out to a staff member to handle my concerns against the other player rather than to take matters into my own hands, I should not have been so emotionally reactive towards the other person. I acted with emotions rather than with logic.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    I wish to make a legitimate difference both OOCly as well as IRPly due to me having a lot more free time as of recently. I want to positively uplift the community.


    Attach other relevant information.


  18. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason




    What circumstances led to this ban?


    Quite frankly the details regarding the ban had happened so long ago that it's a bit difficult to recall. Basically the long and the short of it is that I confronted a friend of mine for metagaming and then subsequently lying about the incident. This 'friend', in collusion with another person who disliked me, went to moderators who were already not fond of me at the time due to me constantly causing drama and informed them that I was harassing the friend. My tone with this 'friend' was certainly not formal, and I was upset considering the circumstances, but I personally did not feel that I was /harassing/ them. This was a FRIEND of mine, so of course my tone wasn't going to be extremely professional in my communication with them. Personally, I felt that the ban was biased and unwarranted, but I had no opportunity to debate that. Following the ban I quit the server, hence why it's taken a year for me to appeal it.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    Personally I disagree with the entirety of the ban, though I suppose that many people would say something along the lines of that. It's a fact that I've rubbed many staff members the wrong way, and many players wanted me gone because I was very oppositional. It's a fact that even at one point a very prominent player on the server who is close to the staff members attempted to get me banned on a separate occasion with illegitimate evidence. I feel that my situation was looked at out of context and as a result I was banned for my interaction which was misinterpreted. Whether there was bias involved or not within the decision to ban me is a separate matter I suppose.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    I want to make a difference. The same reason as to why I returned the last time before being banned. I want to help create positive change within the community, and this time take a much more proactive approach to how I can make a difference within LOTC.


    Attach other relevant information.


    Chicken nuggets

  19. Fundamentally at its core, staff transparency is something that is undeniably necessary for the sake of ensuring LOTC's longevity. The community over the past few years has become radically dissatisfied with the current status quo implemented by the staff team. Left-and-right are instances of staff bias and abuse. The simplest solution is to introduce greater amounts of transparency regardless of the circumstance or sector. The only people who oppose the concept of staff transparency are staff members themselves who are afraid of receiving repercussions for their actions; in most cases, these staff members possess bias and abusive tendencies - they're afraid of said bias and abusive tendencies being openly exposed for others to witness.


    I can recall at least two instances over the past few years where staff bias prevented roleplay groups from having the ability to receive a settlement despite them truly deserving it.


    It is time for LOTC to take the steps necessary to begin healing the fragmented community, and staff transparency is the first step.

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