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Posts posted by Knights5544




    "Only powerful people have liberty."



    7 Spirited Works of Art Sparked by Revolution





    [!] Nailed to the wall at various parts within Providence - chiefly the front of the tavern - are copies of a rather lengthy treatise criticizing the current state of affairs within the Empire:


    Why should we abide by the rules and laws of a society which does not favor nor support the majority of which that it commands? Need I remind you that it is the working-class peasant - for lack of better words that's what we are, while not bound legally to the Empire we are certainly bound spiritually - who breaks his back tolling the fields to provide for the aristocrats of society the bounties of food for their feasts; all the while our children beg for crumbs on the streets. The lower class receive practically nothing for their dutiful efforts while they reap from our hard labor, the compensation that we receive is hardly worthwhile enough for us to consider continuing in such a way. Who allowed them to have such a control over our lives and our very souls?   


    We must only blame ourselves for losing sight of what truly makes us a functional society. We must come to realize that these leeches would be nothing without us. We have the skills that they could never master, we have the knowledge that they cannot obtain, we have the calloused hands while theirs are as soft as feathers. Where would they be without us? They would perish, simply die. It is our own selves which make this society bloom, yet we are the ones who watch it decay due to the leeches in their high towers. You all must come to understand that they fear us; with very good reasons! We could – and should - triumph over these classist walls that barricade around us, ‘less one wishes to simply accept things as they are now – for that of which we cannot do, not any longer.   


    Women watch - in horror - as their dearest sons and beloved husbands are dragged out of their homes for non-existent crimes in which they have never committed. The ISA incriminates our fellow men only so that our women must be alone and helpless for future abuse. They relentlessly beat, both spiritually and physically, the strong men we once knew until they become subservient hounds who do as they are told; they take these poor men’s souls without mercy. Throwing them into the lion's den for slaughter, most never are to be seen from again, that of which is truly a tragedy. Those soldiers, or dare I say, puppets, do not care for you nor me. They care only about domination in all aspects; they do not see you nor I as equal. They see you as a pawn to their game called oppression. You shall never win this game that they have forced you to commit to, they have already chosen the games’ rules. We must remind ourselves that much like a game of chance the house always wins.  


    Even those among us who are blind can easily see that the predicament that we face now is truly despicable. Think to our sons, who have been forced to become mindless slaves to the very same state which oppresses us, as they feel compelled to join the Empire’s military due to not having any other option for income. Having a sword put in their hands, they become the monsters that they once used to criticize. They are put into pretty, neat little uniforms so that their individuality is stripped from them. They’ve forgotten their roots. All for the sake of what? For personal financial benefit, yet even that is hardly sufficient; most of the soldiers hardly receive enough to feed their own families. It is a sad day indeed to see our fellow man resort to the very government that oppresses him. We are treated like hounds, begging for mere scraps while those leeches feast above us.   


    As we struggle to provide for ourselves, we are hit with yet another uphill battle: excessive and extravagant taxation that we simply cannot afford! Excessive and unnecessary taxation without proper justification nor explanation for such, and for the purpose of what exactly? To fund additional renovations for Joseph's immaculate palace? Perhaps to provide him additional pocket-change to splurge on manicures, and new jewelry? After all, his powdered wig has been seeming rather dull in appearance as of lately, perhaps Joseph needs a new one! Maybe the excessive taxation is to compensate the officers of the Empire’s military who need their coffers filled if they expect to have the willingness to unreasonably beat innocents?  


    Bah, I say! Where do our minas that we slave away for actually go? I see litter all over providence, the stench of filth and musk cannot be fixed if our taxes go to the Emperor of Greed and Gluttony, the Ministry of Injustice, and the House of Corruption! The system that we are crumbling under thinks of us as dirt, as scum. The rings upon Joseph’s finger are worth more than your families’ lives! This man – and likewise the other aristocrats dominating us - sits on a throne of decadence as our fellows starve to death out on the streets without a single bit of mercy from our ruler nor our government in power. How long must we suffer while they prosper? How long must our children suffer the torment of oppression? No longer, I say!  


    Look to our economy. The neglect and exploitation that our common merchants have encountered comes back onto us, the consumers, as we find it nigh impossible to purchase goods from within our own city! As I walk through our market today, I see little more than empty stalls and shops that were forced to close as a result of over taxation. What was once that of a cornucopia of wealth going between our citizens is now brought to that resemblant of a ghost town full of nothing but hungry mouths. When was the last time you’ve seen a citizen in the marketplace? Nothing but empty stalls. Emptier than what remains of the souls of those wretched nobles and bureaucrats above us. This non-existent economy further compels our fellow citizens to have no choice but to either swear their life to the military to acquire even the most basic provisions, or pay tremendous prices for internationally sold goods from the few market stalls remaining.  


    Furthermore we find that those same hungry mouths oftentimes find themselves wandering eternally as they have no place to call their homes unless they reside in the military barracks or the prison cells. Is this due to a lack of housing? Nay! Our residential district is chock full of beautiful homes that lay empty and quiet; the loudest statement being made from them being a fresh notice at the front door proudly proclaiming eviction. And for what? For no reason other than Joseph and the House of Corruption’s greed being too much for the people to fulfill as they are forced to move out of homes they paid for with what little hard earned money they had! Eviction after eviction! This is beyond reasonable!  


    We must not forget that in our society exists a massive social gap. Our social gap between rich and poor has become far too extreme for us to further neglect or try and rectify at this point. They differ from us in dress, behavior, courtesy, speech, diet, education; we are no longer even capable of being called the same species. This stirs discontent among us for understandable reasons. It is not the lower class – you and I – which desire for this split between layperson and aristocrat; it is the aristocrats themselves who wish to create this distinction. They do not wish to affiliate themselves with us, instead they wish to alienate. They wish to use the people beneath them as stepping stones for their own success all the while pointing and laughing at us for being beneath them, for one cannot become wealthy without the exploitation of the ones who toil their backs.  


    You must realize that - believe it or not - some of our children do not have the luxury of education, while others lack proper diet, oftentimes being malnourished from consuming only low quality bread or other inexpensive food. Many of us slave away at dead-end jobs hardly making ends meet, or risk our lives for a living .. the most that those aristocrats above us ever risk is their elongated nails breaking as they pick up a porcelain cup. Some of our clothes are tattered, others covered in dirt, some wait for years until they can afford better clothing. The upper-class have attire for every day of the year! As it is obvious, we and the upper class have such a gap in the etiquette of our speech. You may ask why that might be a problem, but it shows how different our two social classes are – simply too different. We were all created equally, we shall live equally, and shall die equally.  


    Now I turn my attention to the proud military itself. Walking through those glamorous streets one would quickly notice the disparity of treatment the soldiers give based on basic things such as class, gender and even race. Even the first few pages of the soldiers handbook enforces protocol according to such!  Let’s say a man of status commits a crime, the ISA will turn the other cheek and the victim of the situation will be left with trauma or injuries while the man of status walks proudly among us a free man. Whereas a poor man would be instantly held and killed without even a trial among his peers!  Why must the mischievous noble be free and live a life regardless of what he’s done when the poor innocent man dies? They court our women then bash them in front of their peers. They create bastard children and toss our women to the side to be with someone of their desired status. We are nothing but toys they play with and destroy for their own needs, and satisfaction.  


    A force compels me to sign this treatise, not because of pride, but because our voice needs proper representation - if nobody else will take up such responsibility, then let it be me. While I realize that I certainly don’t speak for all, I know that I speak for many. The time for change is necessary, and the time for change is now. Many of the proud citizens of Providence feel the same as I do but are too afraid to voice their opinions as they worry of persecution for their beliefs. I for one worry not, because while they might be able to bind our hands they can no longer bind our spirit. We shall not allow my voice, nay, our voice - to remain in the shadows for any longer. We mustn’t be afraid when in reality we outnumber them tenfold! We are more powerful than Joseph and the House of Corruption realizes, and cannot be cowards any longer! I know that with what I see, I cannot any longer. Our voices WILL be heard! Follow me, people of Providence! Take my hand and walk with me into a new era! This new era of Oren that we shall usher forth will be one where every one of you shall be worth as much as the emperor himself, where all of you will be able to sleep proud, in a warm bed with a belly full of food and wine.


    Dutifully signed - with great passion,

    Gustaven von Halsfield

     ((Previous post, Cries for Revolution: 

     ((Next post, The Resistance Against Oren: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/199659-the-resistance-against-oren))


  2. Billows of dense, dark smoke fill the sky above Providence; instead of the usual vibrant blue hues present in the sky the only discernable color was that of pure black - nothing else. In place of where the Ministry of Justice building once stood lies only rubble and charred remains. Far away from the city of Providence is the sound of the beating of hooves against cobblestone as a figure and his entourage gallop along the road. Cocking his head back to catch a glimpse of the spectacle behind him, the figure at the head of the pack of men snickers at the sight, calling out to those around him:

    "For at first they mocked us! Fools! They thought of us as mere fools, nothing more! Oh, how such things have changed! They shall choke down their own words soon enough, that I swear!"

  3. 4Jb4drK.png



    "I'd rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud."








    [!] A letter addressed to both Jacker Gendik and the citizenry of Providence is nailed to the front of the tavern, with multiple copies nailed elsewhere about the area.


    Would it be that a swine refuses to roll in the dirt? No, I say. A beast born in filth that lives in filth will lie in it and be absolutely content. With this knowledge, I honestly expected nothing less than the revolting swine named Jacker Gendik’s refusal of an honorable duel. Such a person should not consider themselves a man with this delinquency and disgrace towards Chivalry. Chivalry is but one of the few ways that a true gentleman can show the sincerity of his worth and the bleeding of his heart. To disregard the concept of chivalry is a dishonorable act, which promptly disgraces one's character; for if one is to not defend the honor of both himself and his lady then by default he is damning both her character and his own as well. Under a normal circumstance I would not desire to waste the bat of an eye on such a disgrace but being a man who still would hold chivalry close to his heart I have no choice but to make this farce known among the good people of Providence that you would name yourself among. I would plead to the divines that whomever may lay eyes upon this would feel the same way, as you have not only soiled your worth and spat on your soon to be bride, but you have also spat upon the proud people that you reside among. Would you really stand in the way of the person you claim to love to the degree of beginning the sanctity of marriage without proving you are worth more than the measly slimy coward that we all see you to be? As any form of man, I think not, but I see now you are no man, only a slug residing on the rear of a deceased swine. 


    You've butchered the concept of Chivalry, tossing my proposal to duel you for your relinquishment of Faux Amati's hand in marriage down the drain along with any sense of your honor and pride. A prideless man deserves no woman. A prideless man deserves no glory. A prideless man deserves nothing short of bitter shame and regret. You deserve not her hand in marriage, nor any woman's, for you have dishonored Faux Amati immensely with your cowardice. Why should a graceful woman of her standing resort to rolling around in the mud with somebody such as yourself, Jacker? That of which she won't do, she values herself far too much. I demand that you either duel me as I insisted, or you dissolve your intentions to marry Faux immediately.  

    Oh, and Jacker? Good luck 'forming the beast with two backs' without a spine of your own. 

    Humbly signed,
    Peter Schewitt

  4. criesforrev.thumb.png.fdb7e6bc1237a30c82f96fb0246ceb64.png


    "The only way for drastic change is through armed struggle."








    Illuminated by only the moonlight provided by the beaming radiance entering through the window and a crackling flame making itself known from the fireplace behind him stands a bold figure, darkness shadowing much of the dark man's features. Situated in front of him stands a crowd of people of all sorts. While at first many within the room were initially involved in side-conversation with one another, the dark man standing on the brim of the podium clears his throat. A silence sets in among the crowd, tensions as well as angst slowly entered the minds of those wondering; that of which is soon broken, though it isn't mere words that are spoken which have alleviated the silence in the room, no, instead it is passion:



    "All of you standing within this room right now I consider to be friends, if not family - while not derived by birth from the same mother nor the same father, We are bound together by the same ideals and the same passions, that of which yields Us a bond stronger than blood. We're brothers and sisters, that of which is true. You nor I are different from one another. We all come from the same roots that have brought us to this existence, and We will depart from this realm all the same. 

    You may be wondering what has compelled me to speak in front of you today, it is to speak the upmost truths; that things cannot go on well in Oren, nor can they ever again, until everything shall be in equilibrium and in common with eachother, when there shall be no distinction between vassal nor lord, for such has been levelled; where the lords themselves shall be no more masters than we are our ownselves for We are autonomous beings. That We shall no longer allow Them the opportunity to exploit our struggle, for there will no longer exist any such struggle.

    How ill it is of the treatment that They've bestowed upon us, such wretched people. They entitle themselves to fine wines and exquisite meals .. most of us are left with only rye and straw to keep us satiated; if We so desire to have a drink, it's seldom We taste wine .. it's shite water. They have the luxury of manors and other pleasantries to keep Them satisfied, while most of us must brave the outdoors in our labors in the field; but, it is through OUR labor they derive the luxuries from which they take advantage of.

    One might say that it is the law of society, that Their blood is superior to ours, but might I ask: "who brought such a law into fruition?" Unfortunately we're at fault. Though, one should realize that these men and women - with their fancy wigs and handsomely built houses - shed the same blood as ours. They would be nothing without the labors of the men that they believe is beneath them. While I have stated that We are the ones who have created this divide, that We are guilty of such travesties, We are also capable of destroying it; this is what They fail to realize, that We can tear down the detriments brought on as a result of the emphasis placed on aristocracy. 

    You may feel powerless, but allow me to tell you that each and every one of you standing before me has more power than They ever will; we now stand United, never shall Tyranny divide Us again. Why should another man take the fruits of our labor that we struggle to work for? What gives Them the damned right to create such a classist divide all while in actuality they desperately need Us? They need Our strength, Our souls, Our skills to survive; without Us, They’d perish. 

    They oppress us out of shear fear of us regaining the power that has been within us this entire time. For centuries, the common people have dealt with the humiliation and shame of being underneath such privileged aristocrats. How long must we suffer? How long should our children suffer, growing up so innocent and pure; not realizing that their futures have already been chosen by the very people that forced us into our current state? Why should the future incriminate these innocent children capable of so much more than we truly realize? Alas, they won’t have the opportunities to provide such potential due to restrictions brought on by their social class, arbitrarily decided by Those above him.

    Initially, Man - by nature - was created by the Creator to be alike with one another. It was the unjust exploitation and subsequent oppression by arrogant men which led to our bondage of servitude, bogged down by the shackles of such. If the Creator would have had any bondmen from the start, He himself would have appointed who ought to be bonded, and who ought to be free - leaving no such right to the arrogance of man. Therefore, I urge for you to consider that the time has come - dictated as such by the Creator himself - in which you may, if you so desire, remove the shackles of restraint from our slaved spirit and recover the liberties which were once taken from us.

    I desire a Ruler who recognizes his power and embraces such without ever abusing the principle, nor should we fear such a thing. One must realize, it is not power that corrupts; it is fear which corrupts - usually the fear of losing such power. For too long have the nobles in Oren lived with such fears which have corrupted their souls truly. We shan't be afraid of power, only the abuse of power, for a strong Ruler is necessary to ensure ourselves a strong future.

    I also desire a Ruler with power derived from the consent of those he rules - a Ruler who is wanted, not needed. A Ruler who is no different from us commoners, one who truly sees Us as equals. A Ruler who can lead, A Ruler who can fight amongst his fellow man in battles, one to lead us to a prosperous future, a Ruler who respects us as we respect him. A Ruler who has no regard for the principles of the nobility for he himself is unaligned with any class, one who sees himself in us and we see ourselves in him.


    I urge you, Kinfolk, brothers and sisters: We deserve change, We demand change; and We will have change. Such is true. If it isn't words that they will listen to, then let it be BLOOD."



    With the figure's confident demeanor, the stature of the man gave off the impression of fierce devotion to what he was preaching, the man radiated an aura of intensity and infatuation; he was on a mission. The message was told with that same intention and aura, infecting the crowd with merely his words. The speech seemed to have been perfectly rehearsed, as if it had been spoken many times before this night; that of which is seemingly true, for word of his declaration had soon spread throughout the realm. The crowd of people standing before him aren't the first to have heard his message, nor are they the last either. Change is necessary, and the time for change is now.







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    "The preservation of Justice is necessary in a world where Evil typically triumphs over Good."







    The Black Crow is a non-partisan, international criminal investigative organization which specializes in: the orchestration and supervision of independent investigations; matters of security; and matters pertaining to the gathering of intelligence and counterintelligence. Additionally, the organization functions as a for-hire law enforcement entity for ill-equipped nations lacking such, as well as functioning as a bounty-hunter service depending on the circumstance. The organization operates on a contractual basis where members are assigned - either individually or alongside other members - the responsibility of fulfilling tasks relative to the contract at hand. 


    Lacking any political affiliation as a non-partisan, politically-independent organization, the expectation is that the Black Crow will benefit from the absence of potential bias which can - for example - arise from being a function of a political entity such as a nation state. As one can imagine, bias has an obvious impact on the integrity of research and data collection; bias influences our actions and thoughts, which can translate into one's research thus rendering it improper and reducing the amount of credibility as a result. In the current political climate of Almaris where government corruption is far too common it is a necessity that there exists some sort of credible entity which can independently investigate matters without being weighed down by the burden of bias. 


    Internally the organization functions much like a typical mercenary organization, with a system of military hierarchy in place in the form of ranks and such. Members are promoted based on their performance in the field, and are paid accordingly. Eventually members will be able to form their own squads where they, as squad leaders, will be able to decide which contracts they'd like to accept and who assists them while doing so. Payment will be based on the completion of each contract, pay varying depending on the complexity of the assignment.


    It shouldn't come as a surprise that considering the subject matter of this organization that competently intelligent 'outside the box' style thinkers are primarily desired as opposed to more of the brute-force type. If such a description describes you then you're encouraged to apply for a position within the Black Crow. As part of the application process new applicants will be given a brief test assessing basic logic capabilities. 


    ((Basically, in short, the Black Crow is an organization which handles investigations independent of any and all government control - at least as much as possible. Matters concerning murders, potential government corruption, and even kidnappings are all examples of things that the Black Crow actively investigates or has investigated before in the past.))




    ((Can be posted as a response on the forum post, or as a direct message to me on either the forums or on Discord: Pharmaceutical Grade Chlymydia#1514))



    ((MC Name: ))
    ((Discord: ))
    ((Timezone: ))



    What is your name?

    Why do you wish to become involved with the Black Crow?

    What do you wish to achieve by joining the Black Crow?



  6. 3 hours ago, snoopie12 said:

    Hmmm. Honestly a tough one. I would say just remove them temporarily, however I am worried about Tuturial Island. Now established players don't have a lot with this, but for newly accepted players it's the first they see. And the entire island consists out of NPC's to explain certain topics. 


  7. Not meaning this in a rude way, but perhaps you should've thought about this stuff and organised your ideas clearly before you posted unfinished and unrefined ideas?

    I accidentally alt + tabbed while writing this and did not want to contact a FM to delete the post so I quickly finished this.

    But thanks fam.

    Edit: Almost done fixing this up.

    Edit #2: I'm removing a large block of this idea, replacing it with less of the blood-portion of Boh'ka . . . The word count will be quite high . . . I wonder if the LMs will actually read a 2,000 word introduction to Boh'ka :^)

  8. I haven't a clue as to why you'd want to conjure blood, it's not like it's an effective tool in...anything at all really.



    I don't believe that it fits within this fantasy setting.


    Overall I think you should just be thinking "what am I trying to achieve" and then examining your method. I really fail to understand why or how using blood to achieve the same thing that you can do with your hands (or an abundance of other magics) is anything short of horrifying. I am not seeing the "why" of this magic.


    Sorry, I was just mentally-exhausted when writing this. Boh'ka doesn't just refer to blood altering, Boh'ka is the magic of providing opposite-charges (the least technical term I could think of).


    I'm still fixing up the idea, so later on I'll make it clear what else Boh'ka can do. Sorry again for providing non-finished information. ;-;

  9. We already have a ‘blood magic’ that can ‘control' their blood to a general degree (expansing their magical prowess via using their own or others’ blood), I believe. Either way it seems too similar to that. Sorry, but -1.


    However, that being said, this is a bare-bones idea at the moment, perhaps you can edit it? Or would it alter the basis of the lore too much?



    -1   i dislike everything you stand for

    but i still love yourself



    If I'm being honest, I don't think this would go well, sorry! Only considering the fact that we already have blood magic in which you can control your blood to a certain degree. -1



    Blood Magic is odd and your font is bad. Sorry.


    You're commenting on a post in which I accidentally hit tab+enter

    Also, blood magic ISN'T even REMOTELY close to this.

    Please understand blood magic.

    Also, I believe it's quite unfair to post -1's on a non-finished post in which I accidentally hit tab+enter and posted it.




    Check your blood magic privilege, cislord. 

    So, please, wait until I finish this post.


    Edit: Post is moderately finished, fire away.

  10. {{WIP, it'll be finished at the end of Spring Break/the 18th-ish}}




    Magic idea with contributions from




















    Introduction to Boh'ka:


    A magical-sensitivity exists in our blood, our hemoglobin to be exact. This magical-sensitivity, when altered by an outside-force, shows signs of magnetism. 


    Any student specializing in human physiology would be able to tell you that hemoglobin, the red-blood muscle cells in our body, contains traces of iron. Any scientist specializing in chemistry would also be able to inform you of ferromagnetism, or the relationship/attraction of materials like copper and iron to magnets.


    What one can infer from above is that ferromagnetism can exist as a process within our hemoglobin, though it is unlikely for the effects of ferromagnetism to occur unless an outside force is acted upon the hemoglobin: That's where Boh'ka plays a role.


    By channeling energy/mana from the void, a mage can bring-forth an oppositely-charged amount of polar-energy which thus begins the process of ferromagnetism.


    With an outside force acting upon the mage's blood, a magnetic-effect takes place. By exerting more energy/mana upon their blood, the mage can semi-control their blood and use it for what they see fit. (if, and only if, the blood is exposed from an open-wound.)


    Boh'ka Regarding Distance:

    As you can probably infer, 'shooting' blood at a target that is tens-upon-tens of feet/meters/yards/miles/light-years away is quite implausible. The further you 'shoot' the blood, the lesser of a force the magnetic-charge yields.
    The furthest that blood could travel would be around 10-20 meters, and that's for Tier-5!
    • A master/learner of the art of Boh'ka is able to conjure simple-to-complex attacks and defenses to aid them in combat.
    • Boh'ka is simple to conjure . . . As long as you're at a high-tier!
    • A novice who is unaware of how much blood he can conjure/use at once can easily die from blood-loss.
    • The magic at a low-tier proves to be partially-useless to a mage, it's not until the mage reaches a higher-tier in which the magic proves it's use.
    • Runs on blood. (Could be a strength, though!)
    • Blood only travels a short distance.
    • While most mages can initially experience the magnetic-energy that is present within our bodies, it is quite difficult to alter it to our own needs: Boh'ka is hard to learn and even more difficult to master.
    What's Required to Learn Boh'ka:
    • Like most magics require, Boh'ka requires intelligence to learn/master.
    • To begin even the most simple-forms of a Boh'ka attack/spell a grasp of the science behind Boh'ka must be understood. (If not, you'll have no idea how to alter your blood/provide a negative/positive charge.)


    Tiers & Levels of Understanding!


    • Novice Tier-1: This novice, with a good-grasp upon the science of Boh'ka, can provide an opposite-charge upon their blood and control it within the air for a few seconds before becoming extremely fatigued. [0-2 weeks]
    • Apprentice Tier-2: An apprentice is a step-ahead of a novice. A better understanding of the science of Boh'ka allows this mage to control their blood within the air for as long as ten seconds. An apprentice is able to conjure EXTREMELY tiny balls of blood, trying to 'shoot' these balls would prove futile, though. [3-4 weeks]
    • Journeyman Tier-3: A journeyman is most likely going to be a scholar of some-sorts whose devoted a portion of his life to understanding Boh'ka. A journeyman can control his blood quite-well, being able to hold his blood within the air for well-over twenty seconds. A journeyman, unlike a novice and an apprentice, can actually form moderately-sized balls of blood and be able to 'shoot' these blood-balls up to five meters. Not only can a journeyman form balls of blood, but he can also form basic weaponry from blood, an example being a blade-like fang of blood which is connected to the body at a blood-source (look at the video). 
      [6-8 weeks]
    • Expert Tier-4: An expert of Boh'ka is rare to find. An expert is a step-above a journeyman. An expert of Boh'ka is able to keep his blood within his control for well-over thirty seconds, sometimes even being able to control it up to a minute! Experts can form large-balls of blood which can prove deadly to an enemy as the mage can 'shoot' these balls up to ten meters. Experts can form better blood-weaponry, like stronger blade-like fangs of blood (refer to the video). 
      [10-12 weeks]
    • Master Tier-5Woah there, cowboy! You've devoted all your free-time to Boh'ka, congratulations I guess! As a master of Boh'ka, one can control his blood up to a minute + and even be able to 'shoot' large-balls of blood up to twenty meters! A master is only limited by how much blood he/she contains in their body. Masters of this fine-art can also form the most pristine quality of edge-weaponry weaponry. [20-28 weeks]


    Red Flags:

    • Obviously no power-gaming of my fine form of magic.
    • Drinking blood does not benefit your 'skills' at Boh'ka.
    • Tier-1 and Tier-2's should not be using this magic as an attack, they haven't learned it yet.
    • Not passing out/dying from using a liter + of blood is PG'ing x1,000
    • Regarding the dying/passing out: Yes, you must pass out/die if you've used too much blood. It's PG if you do not do this.
    • It is power-gaming to learn this magic without understanding the science. This is because if you don't understand the science then you'll have no idea what you're doing when you're trying to actually conjure objects and such. To understand the science, I urge you to find a tutor in-game.

    Woah, woah, woah - Wait a second! N-no, p-please hold your questions! N-no, d-don't hit me there LMs! P-please, senpai!




    • Can I drink blood and become powerful with this?

    No, why would you even think that.

    • Does drinking blood allow me to conjure better Boh'ka spells and such?

    You can be a totally weird edgy and drink blood and then go use Boh'ka and taint my nice idea for magic. Yes . . . Go along little Johnny, taint my magic. 

    No. Drinking blood only makes you look like an edgy.

    • Pffft, this magic sounds edgy!

    I'm really trying my hardest to make this a non-edgy magic . . . Yes, edgies can use this as long as they follow my parameters and don't taint my nice magic. I'd be delighted to have clerics use this magic, too!


    Videos of Boh'ka in use:


    Ignore the crappy-animu, I couldn't think of any better examples.





    Dust and ash spew upward from the ancient-grounds of the floating island as the ill-creature slams his armored-boot into it, pieces of stone shattering as he does so. A hoarse-chuckle echoes outward from the half-empty suit of armor accompanied by the wind-whistling through the being's visor.


    There is something odd, though, about this creature. This creature is different from the rest. This sickening-beast wears a different suit of armor . . . Instead of a red-banner across his cuirass, there's a green one. Not only that, but this sinister-spirit possesses a different helmet from that of the others. Why is this "thing" as many call it be different from the others?

    Only time will tell.


    The creature begins to solemnly-trot around the island, until he is greeted by a voice from behind.


    "You have returned to your home too early, Virjor." hisses the voice.


    "Indeed I have . . ."


    "For what reason, though?" hisses the voice.




    "We are glad you have come back from your ever-so-deep slumber, Virjor . . ." hisses the voice, gradually echoing throughout the lands, ". . . Welcome back."



    The creature turns around in hopes of finding the source of the sound, only to be greeted by nothing except the towering-spire that stands before him. Virjor begins to feel the walls of the ancient-structure, thinking back upon his childhood . . . Their childhood . . . Our childhood . . .


    . . . No noises have ever emitted from the desolate island in the sky. However, there was an exception . . .

    Thump. Thump. Thump.

    Thump. Thump.




    Razi a ubyz blothr, burz, undere serthekhur,


  12. (do these posts mean anything)

    (Related to my player-event-line, though it seems a lot of people don't care about it -shrug- . . . We did have a nice first-event turn-out . . . The 'awakening' posts are for the next event-part . . . Read all of them (more will be added) if you wish to know more of the 'creatures'.)


    A shadowy-figure darts from building-to-building in Petrus at night, making sure he is concealed in the darkness, he hangs from the highest-tower of the church, taking in his surroundings before calling uopn his falcon, Atzviel, to send a letter.

    The shadowy-figure slowly crawls down from the church's tower, gazing around the vacant-town until he departs for the night, slowly hopping from building-to-building yet again; like liquid, Altiare's robed-form shifts slightly from each jump.


    This so-called 'Creature of the Night' by rumor is seldom in a pack, usually taking the path of the lone-wolf with both honor and vigilance. This ill-reputed being begins the long-trek to his home . . . Their home . . . Our home . . .


    What seems to be loud-whispers spread throughout the evening, stretching from small-farms to populated taverns. The inhabitants can make out only a single-word from the strangely-audible whisper.


    ". . . Altiare . . ."


    The townspeople are almost /too/ acquainted with this aura of darkness and mystery spreading  through-out Athera. The conversations at the tavern die young, and the people soon begin whispering themselves of 'Altiare', some even saying that they were able to understand the whole whisper yet refuse to explain what was said.


    As the townspeople make their way to their houses for the evening, the sound of boots against gravel are echoed across the lands . . .

    Clunk. Clunk Clunk.

    Clunk. Clunk.



    . . . All that's certain is that 'Altiare' is a part of this darkness that spreads like wild-fire . . .



    Razi a ubyz blothr, burz, undere serthekhur,



    The sound of armor clanking echoes throughout yet another night, the sound travelling across the lands. The townspeople, being well-aware of what accompany's such despicable-noise, have boarded up their windows, doors and all of the sorts. However, this clanking is not from Aeglos at all . . . This clanking is from a different source . . . A new source . . .


    "I am Zhorak, Brother to Aeglos, knight of our cause! Hear my name, for it shall be echoed throughout the annals of Existence!"


    . . . With that being said, the clanking creature departs for the night, his ancient-armor's clanking heard as he trots away . . .

    Clank. Clank. Clank.

    Clank. Clank.




    Razi a ubyz blothr, burz, undere serthekhur,


  15. (Thank you for the format, Novastral.)

    ~ House av Huwaard ~


    ~ Colors of our House ~

    Red and White


    ~ Arms of our House ~




    ~ ~ ~


     (oy vey)  "Buy Low, Sell High." (oy vey)


    ~ ~ ~


    ~ House Lands ~

    County av Huwaard

    Kingdom av Huwaard (Self-claimed)(Believed to not exist anymore)


    ~ Living Members of the House av Huwaard ~

    Duke Gustaven II: (17) Duke av Huwaard, son of Tigre, human.- knights5544

    Prince Tigre av Huwaard: (47) Prince av Huwaard, father of Gustaven, human. -TehKingV

    Apollo: (14) Son of Wolfe av Huwaard, he is missing, human. - knights5544

    Aeglos: (506) Unknown origins, once human. - knights5544

    Zhorak: (627) Unknown origins, once an Elf. - MPCommander

    Delfigalo av Huwaard: (21) Brother of Wolfe and Tigre, missing, human. - BerglySanders (not accepted yet)


    ~ Family Tree ~

    (Small Family Tree)



    ~ House Lore~

    An ancient house, with records of kinsmen stretching back as far as Aegis. The House av Huwaard is known for it's corrupted-politicians and 'bankers', who schemed only to steal the populace's minas. Oy vey. The House av Huwaard was also well-known for providing fresh mea- I mean soldiers to Petrus and neighboring cities. The House av Huwaard is the home of Aeglos and Zhorak, two Gravens who are quite-known in Athera for their . . . Incidents.

    In the past, there have been many, many births in the house. Much of the av Huwaards were slaughtered in battle or in duels and put into a nasty condition, left to rot on the battlefields. Because of the House's incidents regarding wars and deaths, it is very likely that an av Huwaard will not live past the age of fifty.

    The House av Huwaard also composed almost all of the ancient-Graven 'Baron's' military back in Aegis, taking part in the gruesome wars that followed the lord's reign until his unexpected demise which propelled the av Huwaards to separate themselves from his township, moving all across Aegis at the time, with them their Huwaardian-blood.



    ~ Family Heirlooms ~


    Gem of Immortality

    "It is unknown if the Gem of Immortality, a heirloom of the av Huwaards, is even a gem. It is believed that the Gem of Immortality, which is now lost, is actually a soul-gem containing some ancient-form of a wraith. Then again . . . I heard this from some petty-drunkard at a pub, I think his name was Wolfe . . ." - Into The Mouths av Huwaard, an assignment written by Apollo while at his academy-school. ((No one will get this joke.))




    ~ House av Huwaard Traits ~

    While the House av Huwaard isn't blessed with stunning strength or towering heights, they are well-known for their handsome features. Their elegant faces with their good-sense of fashion has made them for what they are slightly-recognized for today.

    The most common features of a Huwaard is the combination of brown-hair or dirty-blonde hair and blue-eyes. Most Huwaards are around 5'6 to 6'0 tall with slender, skinny bodies.


    ~ How to Join House av Huwaard~


    MC Name:

    Character you are applying for and relation to family(Cousin, Bannermen, etc):


    Skype(Feel free to pm if you like):

    Will this be your main character?:

    How often do you plan to play this character?:


    *You will be provided with more information about the family once you are accepted*

  16. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    Giffmy'gnu zu'ghaaz,


    Giffmy'gnu zu'pzym,



    The peaceful evening is broken by a ghastly-scream. The sound of thundering-hooves echo throughout the night, accompanied by more ear-piercing screams. The agonizing screams do not end at that point. The gruesome sound of iron upon bone is heard from miles away, it's almost as if you can feel the pain of the townspeople. Wails from children, grieving from now-widows, inarticulate yelling from fathers.

    "Why does the Creator do this to us?" ponder many.




    Flames lick the sky, allowing all to see from around the realm. The sound of buildings collapsing delight's the warriors' ears as they pillage and kill the women and children, torturing them, making their last moments as painful as their own deaths were. Many of the townspeople try and escape the carnage, sluggishly-running past the foul creatures that stood before them, only to have their efforts met with the creature's blade.

    "Why does the Creator do this to us?" ponder many.




    Only a few peasants, that of unknown identity, have managed to escape their supposed doomed-fates at the township, running through the damned-battlefield until they reached a town; Petrus. The peasants, frantic, collapse onto the benches of the church, begging and crying at the guards to believe their stories of the horrifying-scene while allowing the others to rest. 

    "Why does the Creator do this to us?" ponder many.







    Udolin zu'Iblees,


    Doo'mah zu'kraemsal,



    Back at the city of the damned rest the souls of the many, killed by these creatures that many of the townspeople refer to as "spawn of Iblees", "creatures of the night" and some even refer to them as the old folk-tale creature known as the blood-omen.

    While the townspeople converse at the church, there sits one wise-man riddled with wisdom as shown by his wrinkles upon his body.




    "Those creatures 'ou speak 'f . . . They not be what 'ou believe they are. Dese creatures be damned, creatures that 'xist only to walk 'em paths they walked 'fore-hand. Most folk call 'em Gravens . . ."


    "Dese Gravens . . . Nay . . . They be somethin' of an ill nature, tainted." the wise peasant would start rubbing his chin, "Yes . . . Yes . . . Dese be from 'nother happenin' . . . Recently . . . I be at the church and a man donnin' armor be yellin' of Iblees, left afterthat 'ough." the wise peasant rubs his head, "Thing is 'ough, is that the man was by 'imself yet he had some sort 'f crown . . . Yea . . . Those creatures, they be his." the wise peasant places his staff onto the bench next to him, laying down onto the bench and falling into a deep slumber.

    "Why does the Creator do this to us?"  says the wise peasant in his sleep.





    Razi a ubyz blothr, burz, undere serthekhur,


    Ya'lerikah koparrn eg vor,



     With the village destroyed, the creatures depart; these creatures are only mildly-content, these creatures wish for more then just a lick . . . Horses neighing echoes throughout the solemn-night is accompanied with the embers from the still-burning inferno which has engulfed the surrounding lands.

    If any of the townspeople were still semi-conscious, the sound of thousands of hooves hitting stone would be heard, just a hint of it though, before their souls departed from their bodies.

    The townspeople, however, were not the only ones who heard the terrifying hooves. In fact, if you perk your ears it is said that even you will hear the creatures stirring and the horses neighing and galloping throughout the night.

    Trot. Trot. Trot.

    The galloping is heard by many, gaining speed towards Petrus.

    Trot. Trot. Trot.

    The galloping can be heard from as-far as the ruins of Aesterwald are.

    Trot. Trot. Trot.

    The scene of heavily-armored creatures upon fearsome-looking cavalry are vaguely seen by the guards at Petrus, looking from the tower.

    Trot. Trot.

    The creatures are still not within range of Petrus, making themselves semi-visible, stirring up dust to conceal themselves within the night . . . An armored creature, donning a crown, steps in-front of the rest of the creatures, raising his gauntlet into the air, speaking in a hiss,

    "I am Aeglos, the creature you so-wish to destroy. I have slaughtered your children, bedded your wives, and beheaded your kinsmen. I have no regrets, Descendants."

    With that being said, Aeglos walks back to his horse, mounting it and leading the rest of the creatures away from the lands.

    Trot. Trot. Trot.

    "Fear me, Descendants!"

    Trot. Trot.

    "I will conquer this realm!"


    The night dies young, with light beginning to shine throughout the lands. As this beautiful-light shines ever-so-brightly, the trotting dies.

    "Why does the Creator do this to us?" ponder many.



    Razi a ubyz blothr, burz, undere serthekhur,



    ((This was the second installment in my Aeglos event-line I'm working on! The event will be based off of forum-posts and IC events, etc. At the moment, there will be peasants residing in Petrus who are from the town that was burned. These peasants will be spreading the word of Aeglos, etc. Enjoy!))

  17. You don't have the attitude for it.


    It seems that you like to piss people off.

    Your Graven is apparently "almost immune" to conventional weapons using an apparently "approved" method. You described it yourself as a "Dread Knight Graven".

    It looks like you PG to me.

    I also saw you arguing when RP did not go your way.

    You came inside Petrus as an Undead creature, literally preaching the word of Iblees, and then complained OOCly about being attacked.


    Unless you change your attitude, it's a -1 for me.


    Holy kekkle.


    P-PG? Really Dark? No. I never said YET that he's immune. I said I was trying to. H-hey Dark, i-it's called Necromancy. G-Gravens can use it. Do not call PG on something like that until you ACTUALLY know what the case is, I wasn't going to tell you the whole story because I'm not spoiling anything but alas now I must.


    Anywho, other than that ... My attitude is something I'm changing.

  18. I'm going to toss this out here, if you're pissing people off by frequently visiting a place, you need to stop going there. An ET's duty is to bring events that are enjoyable to the playerbase, not just themselves. If the Petrusians were getting annoyed by your visits, that's a clear sign you fucked up.

    Yes, I am aware of that. I stopped doing that when the Petrusians started to -1 the app. On top of that, I hosted a nice-event-sort-of-thing there yesterday where a lot of the Petrusians participated.

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