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Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Harri

  1. Character name: Dorian

    Description: 5'9 Guy with brownish-red hair, one eye and in an Amyas uniform with a black hooded cloak behind him.

    What you want: Him trying to pick up Dark Elf chicks (or any race really, something along those lines).




    And maybe use this as the background:



    But instead of looking scared, more cocky/confident.



  2. Probably one of the best Human role-players on the server, definitely up there for best Human Noble role-player too. He was great before, will be great again for sure, with Events that look like they'll cater well to Humans and their allies, along with bringing some nice competition between factions.


    +1 For sure.

  3. Despite the blunt attitude, stubborn outside and general aggressive stance to most things he even slightly dislikes... 

    Actually, those are the things I like about Leo. He gets straight to the point, not pulling stuff out of his arse, doesn't just give up on something he actually wishes to accomplish, barely taking No as an answer and will get into something with quite the fire burning inside him if he wishes for it. Now, of course these things can be taken as rude, snarky, pig-headed and such in certain circumstances, but I feel Leo could control that and keep it to a healthy amount. I personally haven't really spoken to Leo much before. The most I've spoken to him was about our similar stance on VA's and having a chat about them. We seemed to agree on every point we could propose to each-other, and I could tell Leo knew what he was talking about. I mean, he got nearly the whole active player-base to sign the Anti-VA petition, something no one else would've done. Leo did, because he's not afraid to be blunt and put something like that up.

    So, I think he'd make a good FM, as he'd stay committed, hard working and would get down to business when he needs to.


    TL;DR : Leo's a stubborn guy who gets straight to the point, and would be great for this position, if he controls his attitude to not come off as rude.


    +1 From me.

  4. Gonna keep this short and simple: Zero's a friendly guy, easily approachable and friendly, and he builds well good, as well as efficiently/quickly. Within a day or two of his old tavern closing down, a new, triple size of the old one, sprung out of nowhere, ready to go.


    +1 from me, as well as a good luck.

  5. Whilst I've only RPed once or twice properly with Arzota, I can definitely vouch for them. Their RP is great, fun to play along with, and intriguing. One of the times I RPed with them, they had me on the edge of my seat in anticipation, as well as three of four little theories pondering in the back of my mind as to what would happen next, all of them being disproved as they surprise me with another great plot twist in the RP session.


    Overall, great RPer, friendly person and suitable for an ET position. +1 from me, as well as a good luck.

  6. As long as forced conquest is kept to being reasonable (which I'm sure it will be) then we shouldn't really have a problem with it. I mean, one 'troll' nation can only go around force conquering people for so long, as they'll soon just have conquered the server if they keep winning.

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