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Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Harri

  1. Right, so this is probably gonna be a hard request/ quite a challenge to do. I don't want the head or anything changed really, just the armour/clothing. 


    I basically want something a bit like this:




    Now, as for fine details and an overview of what it is exactly I want, let's begin:

    The hood up like in the picture would be nice, but if you do include a hood up, a hood down skin would also be nice.

    The original cape my skin already has won't be needed, so you can leave that.

    On the chest-plate, or somewhere else that would be suitable, I'd need a Lorraine cross (the double crossed gold crucifix on my original skin's tabard if you're not sure what one is,


    Otherwise, just try and follow the reference picture as much as possible, I don't need every little fine detail either, so don't slave yourself over it if you're struggling. And since this is quite the task, I'm fine with paying you as much as I can if you'd like.



  2. Stig is an excellent role-player with a level headed atmosphere and is also tons of fun to be around. And he has the widest variety of smirks I've ever seen on the server. Definitely a plus one from me, as I feel he deserves the position as well as a GMT Event team member being needed.


    +1 and good luck.

  3. How much do you love me?

    How many of those anime I listed have you watched yet?

    How many people have you killed with a banner yet?

    Why is your tavern filled with edgy people?

    Do you like croissants?

    How is it in an earthquake prone zone?


    And just to be that guy...

    Opinions on me and my characters?


    Forum Accounts:
    IGN Names:
    Team Name:
    We Support VAs :^)
    Team Leader Skype (Can be PM'ed):
    What does 'watchable LotC forum account.' mean?


    You forgot Steam names you pleb... This is why /I/ shoulda been the leader...

  5. squeaker's an invalid insult dude cause it doesn't fit me anymore, you can piss off jax with it


    other than that


    7/10, weeaboo otaku whatever you are good goy.

    but 4 real



    everyone loves you agruka even when they say they hate you especially me


    OOC Name: ThumperJack_

    RP Name: Salendys and Demagol

    Description of what you'd like drawn: I dunno, something all lovvy dubby.

    Reference picture (if possible): Nope, go crazy

    Any extra things you'd like to add:




    Other than that you are my fam.


    I might throw up... (But sure I'll do it.)

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