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Posts posted by Ioannis



    The Fennic Grand Council




    Aelthos Tundrak III


    Grand Prince

    As the Grand Prince, his duty is to lead the Princedom of Fenn as their Leader. He is sworn to maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Wyrvun’fiyem and the worship, discipline and government thereof, as by law established in the Princedom. And to solemnly promise and swear to the people of the Princedom, to lend his hand and generosity at all costs.




    Morael Atmorice


    Arch Vigilant of the Wyrvun’fiyem

    The Arch Vigilant is the head of religion. They are also known to be the real leader of the Temple of Wyrvun, for it is they that own the lands under the control of Wyrvun’fiyem - they are in charge of induction, promotion, and conversion, and run the day of the Temple. They are the only ones qualified to occupy the Wyrvun’fiyem seat on the Grand Council of Fenn.





    Velatha Sylric


    Grand Marshal

    The Grand Marshal holds their own position within the Grand Council itself and leads the Ivae’fenn. Their duty is to oversee all defenses of the Princedom and maintain internal functions within the Ivae’fenn.




    Bellara Tathvir


    High Emissary

    The Diplomat’s duty is to be conducting negotiations between representative nations and to form and maintain international relations with regards to the issue of peace and war, as well as trade and economics. The Diplomat also has the ongoing responsibility of collecting and reporting information that could affect national interests.







    Grand Steward

    The Grand Steward is responsible for all the housing within the Princedom of Fenn.





    Kailu Kaeronin


    Grand Architect

    The Grand Architect is responsible for maintaining the city and forts of Fenn, for the contruction of new buildings and for anything that needs to be built.






    Council Updates:


    Hadolph Tundrak steps down from Grand Chancellor. (1722) -


    Arevthor Tathvir is the new Grand Chancellor. (1722) +


    Aesilnoth Annungilben is the new Grand Marshal (1724) +


    Emeline Tathvir steps down from Grand Steward (1726) -


    Somhairle Sylric is the new Grand Steward (1726) +


    Hadolph Tundrak is the new Grand Treasurer (1730) +


    Airebys Sylric steps down from Grand Exchequer (1732) -


    Hadolph Tundrak assumes the role of Grand Exchequer (1732) -


    Aesilnoth steps down from Grand Marshal (1732) -


    Taal is the new Grand Marshal (1732) +


    Somhairle Sylric steps down from Grand Steward (1733) -


    Arevthor Tathvir steps down from Grand Chancellor (1734) -

    Chrom’ilvya Atmorice steps down from High Emissary (1734) -


    Hadolph Tundrak assumes the role of Grand Chancellor (1734) -


    Aldred Tundrak assumes the role of Grand Steward (1734) +


    Aerilith Oakenarrow assumes the role of Grand Advisor (1734) +


    Taal steps down from Grand Marshal (1734) -


    Thalion Drakon is the new Grand Marshal (1734) +


    Aroiia Drakon is the new Grand Marshal (1737) +


    Chrom’ilvya Atmorice is the new High Emissary (1740) +


    Aelthos Tundrak is the Grand Prince once more (1741) +


    Current Council (1741)

    - Aelthos Tundrak as Grand Prince
    - Hadolph Tundrak  as Grand Chancellor

    - Aroiia Drakon as Grand Marshal

    - Chrom’ilvya Atmorice as High Emissary

    -  Aerilith Oakenarrow as Grand Advisor


    Thalion Drakon is the new and first Grand Architect (1741) +


    Tenvar Aelthos Tundrak is the new Arch Vigilant (1741) +


    Taveric Sylric is the new Grand Exchequer (1741) +



    Current Council (1773)

    -Aelthos Tundrak as Grand Prince

    - Morael Atmorice as Arch Vigilant

    - Velatha Sylric as Grand Marshal

    - Kailu Kaeronin as Grand Architect

    - Bellara Tathvir as High Emissary


    - The roles of Grand Chancellor, Grand Treasurer and Grand Exchequer were removed. – – – 



    Mali’fenn Bloodline Reforms, 1741


    For centuries, the ancient and sacred bloodlines of Fenn have been instrumental in the running of the Grand Princedom. However, in recent times, these holy families have fallen ill to infighting, rivalry, and a lack of patriotism for the Fennic state. In order to combat the recent misfortunes of the bloodlines, Grand Prince Aelthos III has deemed it fit to reform the structure of the Fennic bureaucracy and rewrite the rules governing the bloodlines.












    The Sacred Bloodlines


    The bloodlines of the Grand Princedom of Fenn are families which have shown their dedication to the Fennic state and the Tundrak family for many years. Though this devotion usually manifests in the form of one particular service of outstanding merit, many bloodlines play an important role at different levels of the Fennic government and society. 


    The current bloodlines are as named:


    I - Tundrak

    II - Atmorice

    III - Drakon

    IV - Tathvir

    V - Sylric

    VI - Oakenarrow



    The Duties of the Sacred Bloodlines


    Although, as stated above, individuals within a bloodline are free to choose a career as they wish, each family shall have one specific duty that they are charged to perform. This duty will typically be one that they have performed for centuries and thus have perfected their craft in. It is the responsibility of the bloodline head to ensure that their family is upholding the specific task assigned to them.


    I - To the Tundraks, they are charged with leading the Grand Princedom of Fenn. It is only by the Grand Prince’s guiding hand that the Fennic state shall prosper.


    II - To the Atmorices, they are charged with the spiritual guidance of the adherents of Wyrvun as well as leading the clergy. It is only through faith and devotion to Wyrvun that the Fennic state shall be holy and blessed.


    III - To the Drakons, they are charged with being leaders among the Ivae’fenn so that it may be well-led and disciplined. It is only through courage and an iron will that the Fennic state will be strong.


    IV - To the Tathvirs, they are charged with learning the medicinal arts and serving as healers both in the Ivae’fenn and in the clinic. It is only through knowledge and reason that the Fennic state will advance.


    V - To the Sylrics, they are charged with running the mines and smithies of Fenn, for they are to be the main workforce. It is only through hard work and determination that the Fennic state will be able to grow and expand.


    VI - To the Oakenarrows, they are charged with protecting Fenn and its people from beasts both natural and otherwise. It is only through safety and security that the Fennic state will be able to look inwards.



    The Rights and Privileges of the Sacred Bloodlines


    For their exemplary service towards the Grand Princedom, the bloodlines are to be rewarded with special privileges that are unique to them. These privileges, however, are at the expense and mercy of the Grand Prince, so should a bloodline fail to perform their duties properly they may have them revoked at any time. Because of the bloodlines’ importance in the governance and maintenance of the Grand Princedom, these privileges primarily center around their historical, and present, ability to serve as leaders within Fenn.


    I - For the Tundraks, one of their line shall always sit atop the throne and be named Grand Prince. In kind, a Tundrak shall always be preferred for the position of Grand Treasurer.


    II - For the Atmorices, one of their line shall always serve as Arch-Vigilant of Fenn. Should there be one present, an Atmorice will always lead times of prayer, blessing, and sacrifice.


    III - For the Drakons, one of their line shall always be preferred to lead the Ivae’fenn as its Grand Marshal. The position of Sentinel shall be reserved for the Drakons, but the Grand Marshal can grant said position a non-Drakon if they deem their service worthy of such.


    IV - For the Tathvirs, one of their line shall always be put in charge of the city’s clinic should they be capable of such matters. Should they need any supplies or materials, the cost will be paid for by the Fennic Treasury.


    V - For the Sylrics, one of their line shall always be preferred for the position of Grand Exchequer of Fenn. All means of production shall be run and operated by the Sylrics and their employees.


    VI - For the Oakenarrows, one of their line shall always serve as beastmaster of Fenn. They will be allowed to construct a den or dungeon to keep any creatures they capture, so long as said creature does not pose such a threat that demands its immediate execution.



    The Laws Governing Bloodline Disputes


    It is no secret that the Mali’fenn are a militant and outspoken people. Although they produce fine soldiers, thoughtful councilors, and zealous priests, Mali’fenn are apt to fight and bicker amongst each other. Most of the time this bickering is no worse than a few petty arguments and insults, but on rare occasions certain ‘fenn of a heated temperament may resort to violence. Thankfully, no deaths as a result of bloodline violence have occurred in recent memory, but there have been a number of injuries that have resulted from these rivalries. In order to prevent blood from being spilled in the future, Grand Prince Aelthos III has created a list of regulations for bloodline disputes.


    I - If two bloodlines have a dispute, the conflict will first be mediated by the Grand Prince. Violence and further fighting will try to be avoided at all costs.


    II - Should the Grand Prince deem the situation serious enough to warrant it, the two bloodlines will be allowed a duel to determine the outcome of the dispute. The two primary instigators of the conflict will engage in a duel to first blood. Whichever bloodline wins the duel will be allowed to impose their terms, after confirming them with the Grand Prince, upon the other bloodline.


    III - Should there be no two primary instigators of the conflict, the bloodline heads will be allowed to name a champion for the duel.


    IV - Once the duel is complete, the two bloodlines will partake in a feast of reconciliation overseen by the Grand Prince. Gifts will be exchanged, talk will be made, and the feast shall not end until the Grand Prince deems that amends have been made. 



    Laws Governing Bloodline Heads


    The leaders of the Fennic bloodlines, better known as bloodline heads, are tasked with guiding and directing their families so that they may serve the Grand Princedom with distinction. Therefore, the expectations of the bloodline heads are even higher than that of their normal family members. In action, conduct, and word, the bloodline heads represent the Fennic state and are thus expected to act as such. To better-establish the legal and cultural position of the bloodline heads, Grand Prince Aelthos III has written a list of laws to govern the bloodline heads.


    I - When the head of a bloodline dies or is stripped of their position, their family is allowed to choose a member within their bloodline to become the new head. This nomination is then either confirmed or denied by the Grand Prince. 


    II - Bloodline heads must make an active effort to involve themselves and their family in the affairs of the Grand Princedom. Should a bloodline head not be making genuine attempts to contribute to the Fennic state then they are liable to be removed from their position of bloodline head by the Grand Prince.


    III - Bloodline heads must reside within the Fennic capital. They are allowed to own properties outside of the city, but their primary residence should be within Fenn itself. Should a bloodline head choose to move outside of the Grand Princedom, they immediately forfeit their position as bloodline head.


    IV - Should a bloodline head go absent for a period of seven Elven Days without first notifying the Grand Prince, they are liable to be removed from their position of bloodline head.





    The Mali’fenn of the Princedom of Fenn and the Mali’ame of the Forest Realm of Irrinor would like to thank those of the Silver State of Haulun’or for the good gesture in offering us the beetroots, even though we have not yet received the shipment.


    Now, since you are our dear friends and allies, we would like to provide some sorts of help aswell as thats what great friends do!


    The Princedom of Fenn is willing to provide you with a few copies of our family and bloodline books, where you can find on how we track our bloodlines and families as we heard you have some issues with cousins marrying each other. Also, we would also like to offer you fresh horse manure so you can use it as a fertilizer for your beet-root farms.


    It is also the desire of the Forest Realm of Irrinor to extend a similar gesture to show our gratitude to the Silver State. While we were not signalled out to receive a shipment, our dear friends and allies in the Princedom have pledged to share the bountiful gift they expect to receive. As such, the Forest Realm of Irrinor will send to the Silver State a crate full of wreaths made of various rainbow coloured flowers. It is the assurance of my druii that these wreaths shall invoke the Mother’s blessings in efforts of bringing love to you and your people.




    HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Aelthos of the Tundrak Bloodline, third of his name, Grand Prince of the Princedom of Fenn and Mali’Fenn, Patriarch of the Tundrak Bloodline, Protector of the Idhren’tirn, Hesin’fin, Commander of the Citadel of Acael, Protector of Tahu’lareh, the chosen of Wyrvun


    Lyemar Aureon, Blessed Descendant of Elenwë, High Chieftain of the Forest Realm of Irrinor, Sovereign of the Mali’ame,  Chieftain of the Aureon Seed, Brother Red Panda, Priest of the El’Narnsae’ame.

  4. HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Aelthos of the Tundrak Bloodline, third of his name,

    Grand Prince of the Princedom of Fenn and Mali’Fenn, Patriarch of the Tundrak Bloodline, Protector of the Idhren’tirn, Hesin’fin, Commander of the Citadel of Acael, Protector of Tahu’lareh, the chosen of Wyrvun signs.






    A Missive to the Llyrians

    Issued upon the 13th of the Amber Cold, 1727



    It seems that in your eagerness to avoid war with us, you failed to properly accept any of the demands we set forth:


    1. We demanded that you evict the spider cultists yourselves, rather than allow our armies passage through your lands. Seeing as how these cultists are inhabiting your land, it is the responsibility of the Concord of Llyria to deal with these brigands. Intervention by the Ivae’fenn would mean a declaration of war on Llyria; for if Fennic boots must trod to Llyria to handle an infestation that the Llyrians are complicit in for harboring such cultists, Llyria will be punished accordingly.

    2. We demanded that the Ivae’fenn be allowed to fully occupy the cave that the spider cultists have taken residence in. Although you did give the Ivae’fenn permission to enter Llyrian lands, you failed to clarify whether you agreed to its continued occupation of the lands taken from the spider cult. It is evident that you are incapable of policing your own land, and thus, for the safety of Fenn and the realm, such a duty ought to be relinquished for the given area.

    3. We demanded that the Concord of Llyria issue a formal apology for the actions of the spider cult. Regardless of if you were truly unaware of their presence on your lands - an unbelievable notion itself - it was by your negligence and incompetence that our citizens were harmed. Your response lacked an apology entirely, and you only repeated the claim that Llyria did not know of the habitation of their lands by the spider cultists. 


    However, we are not a people without mercy, and we recognize that the overtures you made were in good faith. Instead of reiterating our demands, we wish to discuss a proper settlement of the issue at hand within the walls of our grand city. The Lordly Council of Llyria is hereby invited to the Princedom of Fenn in order to negotiate the terms of your submission. 


    Unless a new set of terms is agreed upon, the time limit to accept the current demands remains.



    HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Aelthos of the Tundrak Bloodline, Third of his Name, Grand Prince of the Princedom of Fenn and Mali’Fenn, Patriarch of the Tundrak Bloodline, Protector of the Idhren’tirn, Hesin’fin, Commander of the Citadel of Acael, Protector of Tahu’lareh, the chosen of Wyrvun, etc.







    The windswept halls of the Citadel rang silent as the convocation of the Fennic Grand Council sat, awaiting the arrival of the Grand Prince. Snow flurried outside in a great torrent, one that made the warmth of the hall all the more welcoming to the Grand Councillors. They had been called in the middle of the night by their Prince for reasons they knew not, though the inviting, hospitable atmosphere inside of the Citadel soon turned the tired quietness into a lively chatter. A few good minutes later and the heavy footsteps of the Grand Prince could be heard just outside the door. With a heavy groan, the door guarding the hall from the blizzard outside opened to reveal His Majesty- Aelthos Tundrak III. Adorned in the finest of plate, with a thick yet soft woolen cloak to defend him from the frost, the imposing Tundrak entered the hall, a look of pure fury upon his features. 


    The Grand Prince’s chilling gaze turned the veins of the Mali’fenn in the room to ice, a freeze far harsher than even the blizzard. As he sauntered to the edge of the table at the center of the room he stood before his councillors, clearing his throat as he prepared to speak.


    “They’ve tested my patience for the last time,” the Grand Prince began, his clear, peremptory voice rising above the raging storm outside. “ These ‘spider cultists’ are malformations- deserving of naught but the death we are to bring to them. It is a mercy, all things considered, as such creatures do not deserve a quick demise” he spat, his gauntleted hands gripping the edge of the table.


    The councillors said not a word, opting to simply nod in agreement. It was evident to them all that to test the Tundrak’s patience would be a folly. His temper was a beast to be feared more than any wyvern, twice so when the lives of his subjects were on the line.


    “I will admit that it was my fault in not dealing with this scourge earlier. My inaction has led to the kidnapping and killing of my people. However, this ends now. These vermin will be exterminated by the hand of the Ivae’fenn, their blood will fill the vile pits which they call home.”


    He then paused, biting the interior of his cheek as he studied the faces of each and every one of his councillors. Was he looking for weakness? Resolve? Hesitation? Whatever it may have been, he found it, for the Grand Prince smiled for the first time that night. However, his grin was not one of joy or warmth, rather it was of a cocksure determination. The vigor and boldness of youth had not yet left Aelthos, for within his heart was the passion, the desire to eradicate these foul murderers- to free his people from their worries when traveling about Arcas. 


    “I inherited the most disciplined, experienced army in all of elvendom. It would be a shame if I were to die before utilizing their prowess at least once,” the youthful monarch mused, shooting a look to one his councillors, Aesilnoth Annungilben. “Grand Marshal, see to it that the Ivae’fenn is ready within the fortnite. These cultists may be diabolical, but I have full faith that they will break easily under our might.”


    “It will be done,” the aged marshal responded, rising from his seat. “Am I get to it straight away, Your Majesty?”


    “Indeed. I give you leave to begin preparations. I’ll not have a single soldier with a want for proper gear.”


    As Grand Marshal Aesilnoth strode out of the Citadel, the Grand Prince turned to face his remaining councillors. His countenance, now graced by a grin of satisfaction, eased the tension of the others. His Majesty, though prone to outbursts, was by no means difficult to be around. Procuring a wine flask from his cloak, the Grand Prince took a hearty swig whilst looking to the windows that revealed the world outside- which was now far calmer than it had been before.


    “The end of this blizzard has shown us a fine night indeed. I shall allow you to enjoy it in your homes and with your families. I will not bother you all with the details of this operation for now- just know that it will demand all of our efforts,” he concluded, giving a nod of goodbye as he turned to depart. As he reached the gates, the Grand Prince paused, allowing himself a final look back to his council. A towering Elf, shrouded in a blanket of shadows stood among the Mali’fenn councillors. The unknown Elf lifted his chin, to which a gem upon his crown winked in the light of a distant torch.


    “The Princedom of Fenn is at war once again.”


    When Wyrvun stirs, the little spiders will be trampled beneath his taloned feet.




    Type of War & CBs (if applicable)

    Multiplue Attack on Leadership, kidnapping and openly attacks against the Princedom of Fenn

    Conquest War Goal


    Princedom of Fenn & Allies


    Spider Elves & Allies


    The destruction of the Spider Elf Stronghold


    Location & Proposed Time

    Add me on Discord to discuss this further Ioannis#9788





  7. QS7kQk8x9FL6QD0vMgXGrKbDsvz5khC75y7cShDt_2frU6YQjAjfNC_P0RZCtQZRgtQwm2ZKtHPW1ZxmyMFXuZU4rJ2lv0Y4B3PBrc83EzYdY8SMxIH9sv_k7y52EG9ZQax1n9fA



    (+) Banishment Decree (+)


    Magnus of Llyria is hereby banished from the Princedom of Fenn for assaulting a Grand Council member and for conspiring against the Princedom.



    If he enters Fennic lands, they are to be brought in front of the grand prince. Where they will stand trial.


    Any found to be aiding them in the entry to the Fennic lands shall face harsh punishment.


    These orders are official as of 4th of the First Seed 1727.


    HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Aelthos of the Tundrak Bloodline, third of his name,

    Grand Prince of the Princedom of Fenn and Mali’Fenn, Patriarch of the Tundrak Bloodline, Protector of the Idhren’tirn, Hesin’fin, Commander of the Citadel of Acael, Protector of Tahu’lareh, the chosen of Wyrvun


    Grand Marshal Aesilnoth of the Annungilben Bloodline, Drakon Valkyr of Fenn, High Justiciar of Tahu’lareh, Patriarch of the Annungilben Bloodline


  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k3casyhOis



    The Fenn-Oren-Urguan Peace Treaty of 1725



    Snow Elves, Dwarves and Humans are all gathered beneath the Citadel in Tahu’Lareh, their armies standing together, side by side, their eyes focused upwards, waiting for their leaders to appear. Some were old friends, some old enemies; but a new day has risen. The conflicts of the old are over and with that, new alliances will emerge, new friendships will be built. As the sun is about to dusk, the Holy Oren Emperor emerges from the halls of the Citadel, accompanied by the Grand King of Urguan and the Grand Prince of Fenn, holding a parchment. He would then clear his throat as he yells. “Peace upon our times!”





    I. The signatory parties shall agree to the following terms to be grouped under a “Common Sense” clause with the purpose of explicitly stating a variety of mutual agreements to be adhered to by both nations.

    • The free and unhindered traffic of goods and services between either nation shall agreed to and enforced by this document.

    • The extradition of wanted criminals to the nation seeking their punishment.

    • The unhindered traffic of citizens between the cities of the signatory parties.


    II. The Under-Realm of Urguan, the Holy Orenian Empire and the Princedom of Fenn shall enter a state or perpetual peace.


    IV. The Under-Realm of Urguan, the Holy Orenian Empire and the Princedom of Fenn shall enter a both defensive and offensive military alliance.


    V. The Under-Realm of Urguan, Holy Orenian Empire and the Princedom of Fenn shall mutually recognize the Under-Realm of Urguan as the proper ruler of Da Arakh Agnarmar, and those territories held underneath as well as those which may be gained by conquest.


    VI. The Under-Realm of Urguan, Holy Orenian Empire and the Princedom of Fenn shall recognize the right and lawful lordship of the Princedom of Fenn over the region of Snowy Cliffs as well as those which may be gained by conquest.


    VII. The Under-Realm of Urguan, Holy Orenian Empire and the Princedom of Fenn shall recognize the right and lawful lordship of the Holy Orenian Empire over the region of the heartlands as well as those which may be gained by conquest.


    VIII. The Under-Realm of Urguan and the Holy Orenian Empire recognise the Princedom of Fenn and their leadership as the one and only true representative of the Snow Elven people.


    IX. The Princedom of Fenn and the Holy Orenian Empire recognise the The Under-Realm of Urguan and their leadership as the one and only true representative of the Dwarven people.


    X. The Under-Realm of Urguan and the Princedom of Fenn recognise the Holy Orenian Empire and their leadership as the one and only true representative of the Human people.




    HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Aelthos of the Tundrak Bloodline, third of his name,

    Grand Prince of the Princedom of Fenn and Mali’Fenn, Patriarch of the Tundrak Bloodline, Protector of the Idhren’tirn, Hesin’fin, Commander of the Citadel of Acael, Protector of Tahu’lareh, the chosen of Wyrvun



    Under-King of the Under-Realm of Urguan, Grand King of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, King of Agnarum, Az’adar, and Ord, Lord of Kal’Varoth, Kal’Azgaryum, Kal’Omith, Kal’Nikaer, Kal’Akash, Kal’Karaad, Kal’Agnar, Kal’Klad, Kal’Arkon, Kal’Ithrun, Kal’Azgoth, Kal’Karik, and Kal’Urguan, Defender of the Dwedmar, Beloved of the Brathmordakin, Elder of Clan Irongrinder, Longbeard of Grand Legion, etcetc.


    His Imperial Majesty, Alexander II, Holy Orenian Emperor, Prince of Helena





    The Alliance of Sun and Snow


    “Inactivity is death.”

    -Ancient Dwarven Proverb




    1. The signatory parties shall agree to a binding non-aggression standard between the armed forces of either nation.


    1. The signatory parties shall agree to the following terms to be grouped under a “Common Sense” clause with the purpose of explicitly stating a variety of mutual agreements to be adhered to by both nations.


      1. The free and unhindered traffic of goods and servicesa between either nation shall agreed to and enforced by this document.


      1. The extradition of wanted criminals to the nation seeking their punishment.


      1. The unhindered traffic of citizens between the cities of the signatory parties.


    1. The signatory parties shall enter into a full military alliance, promising the whole of their forces in the instance of conflict or aggression towards either nation.


    1. The Princedom of Fenn shall recognize the right and lawful lordship of the Under-Realm of Urguan over Da Arakh Agnarmar*, the tunnels beneath them, and the Autumn Tree as well as those which may be gained by conquest.


      1. “Da Arakh Agnarmar” or The White Mountains: The mountain range to the west of the outer ring road of the Cloud Temple as it stretches from the sea in the south to the borderlands in the far north.


    1. The Under-Realm of Urguan shall recognize the right and lawful lordship of the Princedom of Fenn over the region of Snowy Cliffs as well as though which may be gained by conquest.


    1. This treaty shall last for a total of 12 Stone Weeks, at the conclusion of which the leaders of both signatory parties shall meet to renegotiate this agreement.




    Charged as we are by Yemekar,



    Under-King of the Under-Realm of Urguan, Grand King of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, King of Agnarum, Az’adar, and Ord, Lord of Kal’Varoth, Kal’Azgaryum, Kal’Omith, Kal’Nikaer, Kal’Akash, Kal’Karaad, Kal’Agnar, Kal’Klad, Kal’Arkon, Kal’Ithrun, Kal’Azgoth, Kal’Karik, and Kal’Urguan, Defender of the Dwedmar, Beloved of the Brathmordakin, Elder of Clan Irongrinder, Longbeard of Grand Legion, etcetc.



    HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Aelthos of the Tundrak Bloodline, third of his name,

    Grand Prince of the Princedom of Fenn and Mali’Fenn, Patriarch of the Tundrak Bloodline, Protector of the Idhren’tirn, Hesin’fin, Commander of the Citadel of Acael, Protector of Tahu’lareh, the chosen of Wyrvun



    “The Merciful”,  Lord Chancellor and Rikkin in the Council of the Elective Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and the Under-Realm of Urguan, Arch-Runelord of the Temple of Az’adar, Lord of Kal’Az’adar, The Citadel, Jarnstrand, Kjellingrad, Khaz’Varekan, and the Westmarch, Master of the Kal’Varak, Hero of the Brathmordakin, Father of Clan Irongrinder, Arbiter of The Age of Industry, Slayer of Setherian and The Dharok


    Dimlin Irongut,

    Clan Father of Clan Irongut, Rikkin in the Council of the Elective Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and the Under-Realm of Urguan, Holder of the Hammer of Urguan



    Son of Kazrin Starbreaker, Clan-Lord of Elder Clan Starbreaker, ruling head of the Line of Gotrek, Commanding Officer within the Dwarven Legion, and Battle-Brother within the Legion of Mercy, Rikkin at the Council of the Elective Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and the Underrealms of Urguan, Founder of the Libertarian Guild, Owner of Starbreaker Family Armory



    Father of Clan Ireheart, Grand Marshal of the Legion of Urguan, and Rikkin in the Council of the Elective Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and the Under-Realm of Urguan


    Son of Norkai ‘of the High Tower’
    Clan Father of the Grandaxe Clan, Commander of the Legion of Urguan, Rikkin in the Council of the Elective Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and the Under-Realm of Urguan, Lord of Thumrilgrad, Forge Father of Drogan’Var

  10. Council Updates:


    Hadolph Tundrak steps down from Grand Chancellor. (1722) -


    Arevthor Tathvir is the new Grand Chancellor. (1722) +


    Aesilnoth Annungilben is the new Grand Marshal (1724) +


    Emeline Tathvir steps down from Grand Steward (1726) -


    Somhairle Sylric is the new Grand Steward (1726) +


    Hadolph Tundrak is the new Grand Treasurer (1730) +


    Airebys Sylric steps down from Grand Exchequer (1732) -


    Hadolph Tundrak assumes the role of Grand Exchequer (1732) -


    Aesilnoth steps down from Grand Marshal (1732) -


    Taal is the new Grand Marshal (1732) +


    Somhairle Sylric steps down from Grand Steward (1733) -


    Arevthor Tathvir steps down from Grand Chancellor (1734) -

    Chrom’ilvya Atmorice steps down from High Emissary (1734) -


    Hadolph Tundrak assumes the role of Grand Chancellor (1734) -


    Aldred Tundrak assumes the role of Grand Steward (1734) +


    Aerilith Oakenarrow assumes the role of Grand Advisor (1734) +


    Taal steps down from Grand Marshal (1734) -


    Thalion Drakon is the new Grand Marshal (1734) +


    Aroiia Drakon is the new Grand Marshal (1737) +


    Chrom’ilvya Atmorice is the new High Emissary (1740) +


    Aelthos Tundrak is the Grand Prince once more (1741) +


    Current Council (1741)

    - Aelthos Tundrak as Grand Prince
    - Hadolph Tundrak  as Grand Chancellor

    - Aroiia Drakon as Grand Marshal

    - Chrom’ilvya Atmorice as High Emissary

    -  Aerilith Oakenarrow as Grand Advisor




    The Reformed Ivae’Fenn of Wyvurn


     Grand Prince Aelthir, when told of Haelunor’s plans to destroy the Mali’Fenn.



    The Princedom of Fenn has always been a militaristic nation. Bred in the harsh conditions of the tundras of Fenn, the Mali’Fenn are known for their tenacity and unwillingness to surrender. Young Mali’Fenn are trained in the matters of survival and combat so that they may survive the unforgiving place they call home. Loyal only to their Grand Prince, they would gladly die to defend their home and their people. For centuries the Ivae’Fenn has been the shield of the Princedom, serving it proudly and ably in the many conflicts it found itself embroiled in. However, recent decades of strife and warfare have reduced much of the current Ivae’fenn, for many of its veteran footman and officers have perished in the foreign wars of the past century. To prevent itself from falling behind the rest of the world, the Princedom must adapt its ways. By decree of Grand Prince Aelthos, the Ivae’fenn is to undergo a set of reforms in order to remain a stalwart, reliable force for the near future.




    Ranks, Duties, & Payment


    Grand Marshal


    The Grand Marshal holds a position within the Grand Council and leads the Ivae'fenn. It's his duty to oversee all defenses of the Princedom, maintain internal functions within the Ivae'fenn, make sure that the Citadel is secure  and do all else required in order to benefit the realm. Like all other positions on the Grand Council, this duty is delegated from the Grand Prince, signifying that at any time the Grand Prince may override the Grand Marshal's decisions. It is not uncommon for the Grand Prince or his heir to take direct command of the Ivae'fenn.





    The Wardens hold equivalent rank to sergeants. There are several of them, and it is their responsibility to train the soldiers and help lead them into battle as well. Wardens must have superb leadership skills and vast experience in combat. Seeing as these soldiers are considered to be junior officers, they will occasionally be consulted regarding higher military matters and decisions.


    Duties: The Wardens are required to host at least 1 specialization training and 1 Initiate trainings per two Elven weeks and attend/host 1 combat training per elven week. They are also required to lead 1 patrol per elven week.


    Payment: (2 coins and 15 iron)






    The Valkyrim are the highest ranked individuals amongst the enlisted soldiers. Hand-picked from the ranks of the Guardians, the Valkyrim are the most dedicated enlisted soldiers of the Ivae'fenn, and the most skilled. It is for these reasons that they are tasked with the personal protection of the Grand Prince, serving as his royal guards. Due to this task, the Valkyrim often operate under the direct jurisdiction of the Grand Prince. While they are able to lead Vanguards, Guardians, and Initiates, it is not their primary task.


    Duties: The Valkyrim are required to guard the Grand Prince at all times, safeguard the Citadel and the Temple, and escort the royal family if outside of Fenn.


    Payment: (2 coins and 10 iron)





    Guardians are the average soldiers of the Ivae'fenn, and its very backbone. They fight in tight units during battles, guard the Princedom, and do all else the Commander, Sentinels, and Wardens require of them. While they are able to lead Initiates, it's rare they are put in positions of leadership.


    Duties: Guardians are required to take part in at least 1 missions and 1 patrol per Elven week. They are also required to do 1 gate duty hour per week and attend 1 pvp training and 1 spec training per 2 weeks. They are also tasked with keeping the city quiet and work as the local police.


    Payment: (1 coins and 10 iron)



    Initiates are citizens who have just joined the Ivae'fenn. During this stage, they are given intense training in commands, weaponry, formations, and other concepts that will be vital for their success. Until such a time as they are ready, they perform menial labor within the ranks of the Ivae'fenn, though they shall still fight in battles when their presence is deemed necessary.




    General Rules

    • Initiates who do not get promoted within an Elven month will be removed from the Ivae’fenn.

    • Members of the Ivae’fenn who miss their periodic (once per Elven month)  mandatory combat training will be demoted.

    • Payment is dependent upon activity.

    • 2 Wardens at all times.

    • Extra-ordinary performances will reward with a small statue in the hall of fame in the Ivae’Fenn barracks.




    Ivae’fenn Specializations


    Amongst the soldiers of the Ivae’fenn, each soldier has proven that they each have their own individual capabilities and specialties. To expand upon these abilities, the Ivae’fenn has created specializations for those enlisted to show off their abilities, take part in missions suited for them, and to expand their skills. Specialization statistics and logging of patrols and gate duty hours are largely the responsibility of Wardens, but the Commander may also perform this task. Such statistics must be submitted to them. 


    • For an Initiate to rank up to Guardian, they must be adept in melee (Spear/Sword) and scoutting. Then, they must have passed the Formations Training and the Combat Training.

    • For a Guardian to rank up to Warden, they must be Expert on the Melee (Spear/Sword) and Expert on the Cavalry spec. Then, they also need 15 hours of gateduty, 10 patrols and 3 missions.


    * All Ivae’Fenn members, from Guardian and above are required to take the Oath of Fealty.





    Melee (Sword/Spear)




    The Cavalry are those who wish to take a mounted approach to fighting, using their expertise on horseback to gain an advantage over those on foot. With the right weapons and movements, the cavalry are able to flank around the enemies, spread them out, or even charge into them head on, making them a very useful asset.
    The cavalry specialization is tiered between Novice, Adept, and Expert. 
    - 1 Cavalry Training -
    - 1 Cavalry Training -
    - 1 Cavalry Training-
    - Judgement of Cavalry Skill -

    - 3 Cavalry Trainings -
    - Judgement of Skill -

    -=Basic Training=-

    Basic Training, as in the title, covers the basics of Cavalry. During Basic Training, one will be taught how to correctly ride and fight on a horse. They will also learn how to use basic cavalry weapons, such as a lance and a bow on horseback. One will also be taught the in and outs of how to care for a horse, the prized possession of any rider.
    -=Advanced Training=-
    In Advanced Training, different techniques and skills are learned by each individual to help during different tasks. Different situations are learned, and how to appropriately use a variety of weapons on horseback during each. Instead of using the usual Lance equipped by the Novice or Adept Cavalry, the Cavalry are taught to use Javelins and swords on horseback. To complete the training successfully and move closer to an Expert Cavalry, one must perfect the situational skills, and be able to correctly use the weapons given to them.




    The scout specialization is for those who like scouting. Scouting is incredibly important for the Ivae’fenn. They are the eyes and ears of any army, without scouts, you run the risk of going into battle blind, giving you a disadvantage compared to those who have them.
    The scout specialization is tiered between Novice, Adept, and Expert. 
    - 1 Scout Training -
    - 1 Scout Training -
    - 1 Scout Training-
    - Judgement of Scouting Skill -

    - 3 Scout Trainings -
    - Judgement of Skill -

    -=Basic Training=-

    Basic Training, as in the title, covers the basics of Scouting. During Basic Training, one will be taught how to analyze terrain. They will learn to move quietly, quickly, and efficiently in light or no armour, as well as tracking.
    -=Advanced Training=-
    In Advanced Training, different techniques and skills are learned by each individual to help during different tasks. Different situations are learned, and how to appropriately scout during each. Scouts are also taught how to use small weapons such as daggers and knives.To complete the training successfully and move closer to an Expert Scout, one must perfect the situational skills, be able to correctly analyze terrain, and possess the skills of a professional tracker.


    Siege Engineer


    The Siege Engineers are those who wish to be the support and backbone to any siege, or incoming attack on a settlement. Those who are able to take control of the Siege, are those who are able to conquer the opposition.
    The Siege Engineer specialization is tiered between Novice, Adept, and Expert. 
    - 1 Siege Engineer Training -
    - 1 Siege Engineer Training -
    - 1 Siege Engineer Training-
    - Judgement of Siege Engineering Skill -

    - 3 Siege Engineer Trainings -
    - Judgement of Skill -

    -=Basic Training=-

    The Basic Training for Siege Engineers revolves mostly around learning the ins and outs of the machines they use. In their first practices, the engineers will focus on learning the mechanics of the basic engines - Trebuchets and Ballista.
    -=Advanced Training=-
    The Advanced Training moves on from the basics and mechanics, and focuses more on the creation and upkeep of the engines. In Advanced Training, engineers are expected to learn how to properly repair an engine, and also focus on the different types of ammunition, and when to use each type.




    Definitions, Clarifications, and Requirements



    Each patrol ought to last at least 15 Elven minutes. Standard patrol routes include patrolling to the northern fort, around it and back; a patrol of the northeast area beyond the wall; and the most common, being a patrol around the walls and along the roads from the Alderyn crossroad to the Curon crossroad. Further patrol routes can be dealt out by Wardens and Sentinels. A patrol is going from point A to point B.


    Gate Duty

    Gate Duty guidelines are to be found in the Ivae'fenn Gate Duty Manual.



    Missions are special assignments tasked by Commander/Sentnel. These assignments can be anywhere from detailed scouting reports, to outpost construction, to defensive probing, mapping new settlements or special tasks that need to be done.








    Activity Rating (How many days/hours do you play per week?):






    Place of residence:


    Do you swear obedience to the Princedom of Fenn and the Grand Prince?:


  12.   It wont hurt to try them out. Hopefully, some dynamic RP will be created out of them. The community has been complaining that the Moderation Team is uncapable of doing wars/raids. Well, these new changes will get the Moderation Team to take a step away and let us do our own things. Also, it does make sense as the communities/playerbases who are about to fight should be ones who decide on what actually happens. +1


    Last part, finally no more “We will destroy what you worked for years” attitude. 



  13. The Grand Stables of Fenn



    “Hear our hooves and despair” 

    - An Ivae’Fenn proverb


     The Ivae’Fenn of Fenn has always been known to utilise some of the finest horse archers and heavy lancers this world has seen. Many of which were part of the Hordes of Dunamis! In times of war, each Ivae’Fenn would own two war horses; one to use for traveling and one to fight with. But in times of peace, those majestic war-beasts are usually inside the stables, unused and forgotten. 


     The Princedom of Fenn however believes it's high time to allow the rest of the people of Arcas to be able to own one, as the wars are finally over. The Fennic stable is located in the marketplace, just beside the gatehouse. 


    Prices and Speeds:

    12.8 to 12.6 are 500 minas!

    12.6 to 12.4 are 400 minas!

    12.4 to 12.2 are 300 minas!

    For lower or higher quality horses, you may send a letter to the stablemasters!

    With each horse bought, you get a free copy of the horse guide, written by the best horse breeder to ever walk the mortal plane, Officer Grudgebeard!


    *We sell saddles as well, 55 minas each! (5 minas Fennic Tax)


    ((To acquire a horse, simply PM Goonhz (EST) or Ioannis(GMT)!))


  14. On 6/30/2019 at 6:14 AM, Pun said:

    - Potts24 stepped down from  Moderation Staff 

    He unbanned a perma’ed player + messed up an entire LotC Discord.


    On 6/30/2019 at 6:14 AM, Pun said:

    - Nectorist removed from Moderation Staff 

    He used his pex to turn stone to cobblestone (Which was done by many before him).





    Players/Group Requesting: Fenn (Nation)


    What kind of Event are you looking for?: Whatever is possible. Just a simple request, no polar bear killing please!


    Approximately, what time/date you want the Event to take place?: I would prefer in a weekend so people can join, if not, whenever possible I guess.


    Organizer's Discord:  I will provide a Discord invite to the person who wants to take up the task!

  16. The Grand Feast Memorial of Fenn


    “The famous Fennic Acrobats performing at the square of Tahu’Lareh” The Deep Cold of 1721


     The Fennic people are proud people, who devote all their lives for the Princedom of Fenn. In the past and near history, the Princedom has lost lots of Mali’Fenn, heroes who gave their lives so Fenn can thrive and prosper. In their memory, the Grand Prince has announced that on the upcoming days, everyone is invited to join the Grand Feast dedicated to all those heroes.


     From Sigirath Tundrak, who’s skill in diplomacy and trade helped Fenn to grow to Sulien Annungilben, the warrior maiden who defended Fenn until her last breath. Celaena Sylric, the medic who helped so many injured and wounded Mali’Fenn and anyone who was brought to the tavern. And then Aelthir Tundrak, the longest standing Grand Prince of Fenn, the one who held Fenn at its toughest. In their memory, we should celebrate and drink, as they have given their lives so Fenn can exist.


     The Feast will start at the Temple, where the Arch Vigilant will bless everyone there and then perform a few sacrifices. Later, everyone will move to the graveyard where the blood of the sacrifices will be placed as an offering to the statue of Wyvurn. After all that, everyone will move to the tavern so they can eat and drink and lastly, a small tournament will take place and the winner will be rewarded with a Tundrak shield and 500 minas.


    Invitations will be sent to any other major nation or settlement:


    The Holy Orenian Empire and its people.

    The Under-realm of Urguan and its people.

    The Kingdom of Curon and its people.

    The Crown of Elvenesse and its people.

    The Silver State of Haelun’or and its people.

    The Golden City of Ves and its people.

    The Principality of the Vira’Ker and its people.

    Every single Elven nation and settlement out there.

    And last, Omar the womaniser


    (( OOC: The date of the Feast is 28th of June and 5pm EST))



    HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Aelthos of the Tundrak Bloodline, third of his name, Grand Prince of the Princedom of Fenn and Mali’Fenn, Patriarch of the Tundrak Bloodline, Protector of the Idhren’tirn, Hesin’fin, Commander of the Citadel of Acael, Protector of Tahu’lareh, the chosen of Wyrvun



    The Ivae'Waleh


    “Fenn’s True Protectors” -Aelthos talking about the doctor at the Clinic


    Long have the Ivae'fenn stood guard over the Snow Elven people. They have served, for many ages, as the military of the Princedom of Fenn. The cold tundra that surrounds all Mali’Fenn cities, the militaristic nature and the restlessness paved the way for a new profession to arrise, the profession of the field medic. All Mali lives are important and thus, medicine in Fenn is highly praised and rewarded. The field medics can be from the rank of Guardian, all the way to Sentinel. Their equipment is the same as every other Ivae’Fenn member except they also receive additional medic supplies, a mule to carry them and they are always placed in the middle of the formation. Each Ivae’Fenn who is a trained medic also receive additional payment of 1 gold bar per elven week and instead of doing guard duty, they can do clinic duty.


    Ranks, Duties & Payment


    Warden of the Clinic


    The Warden of the Clinic has the same duties as the rest of the Wardens but slightly altered to fit his role. They must be at Expert Level in Healer.

    Duties: The Warden of the Clinic is required to host at least 1 medic training and report all Medic activity to the Sentinels/Commander and attend/host 1 combat training per elven week. They are also required to lead 1 patrol per elven week.


    Medic of the Ivae’Fenn


    The Medics of the Ivae’Fenn are the ones who man the clinic and do clinic duty. They are responsible for all operations within the clinic (Tathvir Medics have the same level clearance as this rank) and must make sure that the Clinic is always clean and well-stocked. The rank is divided in two divisions. The Senior Medic who is Expert on Healer and the simple Medic who is Adept on Healer.


    Duties: The Medic duties have the same duties as every other Ivae’Fenn member (Depending on the rank) but instead of doing missions, they can instead do clinic duty. (2 hours of clinic Duty = Mission).


    Payment: An Additional Gold Coin + Main Rank Payment




    The Trainees are the Ivae’Fenn members who are Novice in Healer. They receive no additional payment nor have any Medic duties. 


    Additional Info


    1 hour of Clinic Duty = 1 hour of Guard Duty

    2 hours of Clinic Duty = 1 Mission

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