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Posts posted by Ioannis

  1. MC Name: Ioannis

    Character's Name: Frerir Irongrinder

    Character's Age: 223


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    Runesmithing is an ancient Dwarven magic that consists of markings or runes that are shaped by special tools on various surfaces . The origins of the magic itself are lost today and thats why Master Runesmiths are held high within the Dwarven society. The special tools are given to the Runesmith via a secret binding ritual. The runes are based on an ancient language. Runesmithing is dangerous and should someone make a mistake, it could cost them their lives.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:


    As Frerir was reaching his castle, after a long time of exploring the new lands, he would stop by its entrance and smile. After a while, he would quickly make his way to the library. A young dwarf who saw him walking in would follow him around, rather curious of why Frerir returned. Frerir , too occupied to even notice the young dwarf, would walk around the castle, collecting all sorts of items from the shelves. Once he collected everything, he would sit by the table while dropping the items on it. He then looks to the young dwarf and nod.


    • "Maybe its time to teac' ye runesmifin' lass." Frerir speaks out with a smile while placing a drawing of a rune on the table.
    • She nods aswell, eager to learn and quickly sits down beside Frerir while placing her special tools on the table. "So, how do we start t'en?"
    • Frerir shakes his head as he throws lots of papers infront of her. "I wouldn't be so happeh if I were ye lass. Runesmifin' ois dangerous, ye can kill us bot' oif ye arent carefull."
    • She rolls her eyes and laughs as she places the papers infront of her. "So wut, are ye gonna keep talkin' or are ye gonna teac' me?"
    • Frerir shook his head again as he then looks at her. "Ye might have yer tools but I wont let ya ruin t'em. Ye woill copy t'at rune on the drawin' until ye eithah make it exactleh like t'at or until yer hands bleed." Without saying anything else, he would stand up and leave.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.

             I have never applied before.

  2. xjOt8dK.png

    Hello everyone!


    I would like to notify everyone that a few rules were edited while a couple more were added.


    The edits on the current rules are:

    • The raiding party may initiate 3 attempts of lockpicking/breaking in/thievery, with a maximum of three rolls per attempt.
    • The victor may choose to revive knocked out players following the end of combat. (/d40ing to avoid being captured once downed is not allowed).
    • You must have sufficient role-play leading up to mechanics-combat. The attacker must be close to the person they wish to attack and emote trying to stop them. (Halting alone is not sufficient role-play, emoting blocking their way//tackling them after halting is). You must /countdown 10 once mechanics combat is agreed upon both sides. Both sides must be ready for the countdown to begin.
    • Failing To Uphold Treaty Terms MAJOR -> MINOR


    The new additions are:

    • In order for a player to spectate a raid (/status recording), the player must be at the general area of the raid and already statused before the PvP begins. While with status recording, the player may not try to interfere with the PvP at all. (Let it be reviving/blocking arrows/place blocks or supply items).
    • If you die during a raid, you may not return the the settlement while the raid is occurring. You must wait for the raid to be over in order to return.


    If anyone wishes to suggest another edit or addition to the rules, they may always PM me on Discord. (Ioannis#0001)








  3. Update


    A section on raid spectating was added.

    A section of returning to the raid area after dying during PvP was added.

    A clarification about lock-picking/thievery was added.

  4. Update


    Extensive usage of buttons on a settlement/castle is not allowed. Only a layer of buttons may be placed at the base of each wall, representing spikes or for decoration/redstone usage only.

  5. ay3aAm9.jpg

    Hello everyone!


    Following the end of the poll I made a week ago, I would like to announce some changes on the rules.


    First change is on ladders during raids. 


    • “Raiding-Ladders may be used in any territory. Each raider/s may carry up to 6 raiding-ladders each. (18 ladders max). Before the raid-ladders are placed down, the raider/s must emote placing them and roll(Sensible ladder placement only). For Nation Tiles/Regions, the ladders will be given to the overseeing GM in order to get placed down.


    1. Raiding-ladders can be accuired from the Cloud Temple War Camp.
    2. To successfully place the ladders upon the walls, you need to roll 7+ (The roll affects the whole ladder column, not every ladder placed.”


    After reading the poll comments, we noticed that button placement is overused, not just because they make the walls ladder-proof but also because of aesthetics. So the following rule is about buttons!


    • "Extensive usage of buttons on a settlement/castle is not allowed. Only a layer of buttons may be placed at the base of each wall, representing spikes or for decoration/redstone usage only."


    And last change is on raid couldowns.


    • “You may not attack a settlement for 5 days following a raid. Defenders should use /modreq to have a sign placed indicating when a raid has occurred”


  6. nPz5Xg1.jpg


    Hello everyone!


    Alright so, just two quick questions for you. As it currently stands, ladders may be used either on Freebuild raids or rescue raids. That means that in Nation Tiles, you simply cannot use ladders to raid. I would like for you to vote on the poll but also share with us of why you voted yes/no. I will count votes only if they are followed by a comment.


    1. The first question is simple. Should we allow ladders in Nation Tiles/Regions(Basicly in all raids) aswell or not
    2. The second question, I find it more interesting. Should we allow only sensible ladder placing? Example below.






    (First poll I make show mercy if its broken)

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