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Posts posted by Publius

  1. 8 minutes ago, MCVDK said:

    UPON news of the Vice-chancellors announcement, an ambitious Raev wrote; 


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    Ever am I sad to hear the leave of statesmen mighty, yet I understand the need for simpler lives. I do like the simpler life, and so do my people; indeed, it is my culture. 


    I have recently found my nomadic lifestyle come to a halt, and I seek to foster leaves on the vine of my House, and yet I am in need of men like you, old Karovic, who need no reason. I would like to invite you to become my Rancmajstor, and in your free time tend to my hundreds of horses, for they need to be trained by a skillful man as you; or at least, so I have been told?



    Vacslav Suzecz.



    RETURNING to the Raev, a courier bore this message;





    For me, to return to the land and the horse would be a pleasure of mine hermano. I need only your location, so we may speak soon. Rancmajstor sounds interesting to be sure - if I am reading it right, it has something to do with ranching - no?


    Now that I am retired, it is easy for me to make myself available to you. Just send the word.



    Rigoberto de la Cruz



  2. Resignation of Rigoberto


    Rigoberto serving his final shift at the Fairweather Cafe, 1971




    Lo to the people of Petra!


    Over these past few decades, I have had the pleasure of serving our people. From gate guard to barman, to Mayor and Vice-Chancellor, it has been my greatest honour and pleasure to serve. Now that I am older, it is the simple things that bring me greater pleasure - and I hope soon to start a family. My focus on these endeavors require that I resign.


    For the ownership of the Fairweather Tavern, I will be giving it back to the diligent and wonderful Cassius Javaron @MeteorDragon. A true man of the people, a true friend of mine.


    Regarding the Mayorship of the city, as hard as it is to walk away after a decade, I see a clear successor in my Deputy, Pym Volkov @MrMojoMordor. May he bring life to the great Vallagne!


    As for my position as Vice-Chancellor, I am sure fair Sir Wilford will choose an able compadre! I wish him and the government enduring good fortune, so our Queen may enjoy a long and prosperous reign, and thank him for the opportunity. To said government, I will leave a second missive.


    Should you need anything of me, I will still be available to the people of our fair nation - but as a Ranchero, and nothing more.


    God Bless us all, God Bless the Petra, God Bless the Crown of St. Emma!


    Faithfully yours,

    Rigoberto de la Cruz

  3. [!] Across the realms of Man, a missive spreads. It’s read aloud by criers, and left in heaps at taverns and banks. [!]




    “Thus mankind was united in virtue, in the highlands and the heartlands, and in the farthest homes of the sons of Horen.” Gospel 6:33





    To further our goals, we hereby call upon the members of the SOCIETY OF THE EXALTED HOREN and its fellow associates to a public meeting that shall take place in the [LOCATION REDACTED]. The agenda of the Convention shall be the following one:


    I - On the Imperial Society of the Exalted Horen


    THE SOCIETY OF THE EXALTED HOREN, also known as the IMPERIAL SOCIETY, shall be officially formed as a religious society in honor of the Prophet Horen, which shall be a society of equals open to all Canonist individuals, be they laity or clergy.


    II - On the Headmaster of the Society


    THE SOCIETY OF THE EXLATED HOREN is a Society of equals, with an individual elected amongst its members serving as its HEADMASTER and, as such, as its effective leader as first amongst equals for organizational purposes.


    At the same time, given the religious nature of THE SOCIETY, the position of HONORARY CHANCELLOR of the Society is held by His Holiness the High Pontiff on an ex officio basis.


    - The current Headmaster of the IMPERIAL SOCIETY is His Excellency Rigoberto de la Cruz.


    III - On the Holy Orenian Empire


    THE PURPOSE of the SOCIETY OF THE EXALTED HOREN shall be to achieve a more perfect Union amongst the Realms of Man, both in Virtue and Spirit, and, in consequence, the Restoration of the Holy Orenian Empire, as the Exalted Godfrey’s Crown, ancestral symbol of a United Humanity.


    IV - On the Imperial Chapter Houses


    The members of the IMPERIAL SOCIETY shall act in all the Realms of our Canondom, and shall open Chapter Houses in every Canonist Realm, which shall represent our Society and serve both as a hub and meeting place for Society members and associates.


    Each Imperial Chapter House shall be required to regularly report on the state of their chapters to the Headmaster of the Society.


     V - Reaffirmation and Commitment of the Society Fellows


    The members of the IMPERIAL SOCIETY OF THE EXALTED HOREN shall reaffirm themselves in the Society’s purpose and in the missive The Throne of Man formerly published by the Society.


    At the same time, the members of the IMPERIAL SOCIETY shall adhere to the RIGHTS OF MAN consecrated by Emperor Joseph I in the NENZING PROCLAMATION and to the GRADIC RIGHTS that were given to the Imperial City of Felsen by Emperor John II.


    VI - Rallies and Debates


    The members of the SOCIETY OF THE EXALTED HOREN shall actively hold rallies and organize debates open to the public in all the Realms of Man of our Canondom in favor of Human Unity and in favor of a Panhuman Imperial State. Furthermore, they will endeavour to make themselves available to the Canon Princes, to both advocate for the Society, and to answer for it.


    At the convention itself, a final debate on the core tenants of our Society will take place. From the conclusions drawn there, our lasting tenants shall be proclaimed.


    We wish to remind everyone that in order to be admitted into the Imperial Society it is required to send a letter or approach our Headmaster Rigoberto de la Cruz (@Olde_Publius) or any other relevant member.







    This we submit for the furtherance of Humanity,

    Rigoberto de la Cruz, Headmaster of the Society of the Exalted Horen

  4. By a Balianite courier, a copy of the missive reached the Fairweather Cafe in Petra. Smiling broadly, Rigoberto would step to the balcony overlooking the square, and allowing the sunlight to illuminate his morning paper.


    "Our compadres are keeping busy, the passion - I feel it on the page! The will, the urgency... I will call a meeting of the Society soon, I must meet with the Cardinals first."

  5. [!] Across the realms of the old Covenant, riders left the office of a commoner diplomat from Vallagne. His writings bore on them the Sixth seal of Paridisus, reading as follows… [!]

    United Through War, and Onward Into Peace



    Auspice 3:11. Now the final command of GOD, which is the perfection of the world:
    Auspice 3:12. Thus the virtuous of other tribes are marching down from heaven, and the Skies are given over to the sons of Horen.





    Long have we fought for and sought security in the Canon realms, and long yet seems the fight and search for it.


    Word swirls across the many states across Aevos, urging us back to arms so soon after the mortal struggle the Covenant found itself locked in against the League of Veletz. Word swirls, declarations and proclamations called into question when tested again.


    These words swirl, as old treaties and affirmations are sucked down the drain.


    Wildly differing national interests pull apart our once robust allies, no principle guiding us. Where war once saw us stand together, peace sees us wander further away. Why must this be the case? Should it not be easier to stand united in Peace?


    Our Covenant must not be rendered impotent, lest we lose our unity and purpose in conflict. 


    Once already, we witnessed it waver. Its purpose is not to be our spoils, that in which we fight for. It is our sword and shield - and what do we use it to defend now?


    It cannot be the pressure of conflict, unity forever only possible in war, for us to meet only at the edges of a pool of blood. It ought instead to be in shared institutions, in developing beyond our feudal structures that make us hardly anything more than warlords with crosses. To contribute to more than a mortal realm - to create something in the image of His Kingdom.


    Upon the Crowns bestowed by our High Pontiff, from our Canon Princes and laymen, I beseech you to look upon the example of the Exalted Horen, who united humanity. We are many eons removed from his example, yet his lessons seem lost on most - our Kingdoms no larger than those tribes he once brought together, more divided than they ever were since the Prophet’s time.


    To each of you who looks upon His righteous example, feeling the urgency in this endeavor, send word to me in Vallagne, by way of the Fairweather Cafe. We must establish, for the benefit of humanity, a society that reminds our people of the virtues and principles.


    Faithfully yours,

    His Excellency Rigoberto de la Cruz, Mayor of Vallagne, Vice-Chancellor of Petra

  6. Monk Matsuda Sakuraba was disturbed by the tower, bearing both aurum dust and salt as they scoured it. Bodies in vats and all sorts of horrors were found, before the knights saw to burning it all down. He and the Julians in attendance, all in their habits, returned to the Monastery.


    The fires glowed deep into the night, visible to the monks, priests and pilgrims. These monsters hid right underneath their noses... He prayed that his order would be allowed to oversee who became their new neighbours, growing ever more suspicious of the many wanderers that passed through.


    To the Cardinal Rhosyn, he would write a missive detailing the events...

  7. Monk Matsuda Sakuraba heard of the incident from the Monastery of St. Juli'el. He received this news as he wrote a new morning prayer for his fellows, the Julians - he felt a pang of guilt and regret, hearing the circumstances. He dedicated it to the late Sixtus VI:


    This morning my soul is greater than the world since it possesses You,

    You whom heaven and earth do not contain.

    Lord, take the blindness from my eyes, the hardness from my heart,

    and draw me nearer to you than ever before. Amen.



    Rest well man, it's been a rough ride.


  8. "This is amazing - the people of Numendil are not just good neighbours, but reliable amigos..." Rigoberto de la Cruz said to his patron, trying to charm the Adunian lady sat at his bar in Vallagne. "... If you had of told me we were already allies, I would say 'obviously!' - but now that its official, we must celebrate!"

  9. Rigoberto de la Cruz was humbled by his nomination. He reached out to his family and friends to talk, to plan his next moves…


    ”Hermano, they put me against one of the good ones - a man of the people! They do not make my job easy.’ Rigoberto said to his brother, Eugencio.


    ’What made you think anything about being chancellor would be easy, cabron?’ Eugencio replied.

  10. Monk Matsuda Sakuraba was told of another man of the cloth at the Monastery of St. Juli'el who had written on marriage, and took to looking over his work. After a few moments, he had realized that Father Davide had written perhaps the first ever comprehensive Canonist reflection on the possibility of homosexual marriage! The piece caught him completely off guard and challenged his sensibilities...


    He reached out for further discussion with the young man.

  11. 1 hour ago, Karina said:

    Recently, I have been made aware of a variety of misinformation ... They claim conspiracy. They claim a vast ‘shadowy network’ has ties to nearly every nation here... Safeguard your soul from their foul lies and words...

    My name is Sermi Ulveryn. I was recently put to trial in Whitespire... for the supposed crime of being a darkspawn. Many years ago, I was cursed by warlocks; agents of iblees who lingered and hunted near Haeseni land for many years. To this effect, after an inconclusive darkspawn test (later revealed to likely be another of Iblees’ work, tampered salts unbeknownst to any involved) I was brought to court. Many were in attendance, Fathers, Bishops, Cardinals – and so forth.

    It is the Canonists Churchs TIRELESS commitment to the TRUTH that is the reason I stand a free woman today. There are those who claim darkspawn testing, aurum testing, does not work. I can assure you that in all my years of research, it does. Do not let these agents of Iblees convince you that everyone has the possibility to be a darkspawn. Whatever was put into this salt caused it to bubble and fizzle. Twisting the truth of a most sacred foundation of our society. LET IT BE KNOWN this was not the work of any mortal hands, for the salt was pure. IT WAS ONLY possible through the foul magicks of Iblees. Even now, they seek to make you doubt the words of our valiant protectors

    This troublesome plot was found after a total of five aurum tests and a templars flame... If darkspawn tests did not work, how can we be kept safe? How can we be sure that no King or Queen or Prince or Lord is touched by the shadow? It is simple. They are lying to you. I stood the templars flame, unburnt, and once proof was rendered of a clean test; this dark work began to unravel. This was only possible through the patience and good grace of the Tribunal, to ensure every aspect could be explained with reason and logic. Not just raw emotion. 

    Bishop Villorik, of the Jorenic Clergy...


    And all my Canonist brethren

    ... Look now to the Jorenic Church. I understand many have concerns, but it is men like Bishop Villorik leading the charge to purge any hint of shadow from within the clergy.



    Monk Matsuda Sakuraba read this, and was completely dumbfounded. What was the point of this missive? It seemed this lady had just announced to the world she managed to pass a Darkspawn test, then attributed her acquittal to hard work DESPITE dark magics being used to hamper it, and to trust the process, that this in itself was not an act of conspiracy?


    Befuddled, he noted the bias' of the woman, and her openly suspicious background.


    To her, he wrote this:




    Dear Lay-lady Sermi,


    You have been through a trying experience, traumatic - my sympathies to you to sit center-stage to a dehumanizing show of whether or not you are a Darkspawn. Thoroughness saved you, because there is active interference from Iblees even in the matters of testing, as you yourself attest to in this missive.


    Following such an event, I can understand being scared and needing to express yourself, but you say to blindly trust the process when you openly admit the means of testing are being hampered with. Furthermore, it is the scrutiny of that process that saw you acquitted anyhow. Had they trusted the salts in your test, you would likely be dead.


    Your points also run contrast to your solutions. It was the intervention of others that saved you, that proved the process true. Using this same logic, would we not encourage the intervention of the Church in Jorenus' work to ensure the same results? You belabor the point of how unlikely it is that you would have triumphed without thorough intervention, without more scrutiny, yet you allow bias to triumph instead when you say we should not be as thorough or intervene in the affairs of Jorenus and Haense, as a Church, which you also encourage us to trust whole-heartedly.


    You are right to note that the truth can only be found through the Tribunal.


    To say all of this, to go on at lengths about how evil magik interfered with the ability to test you for being a Darkspawn, while saying we are being lied to when people tell us to be suspicious, is honestly an insult to anyone who can read your missive. You admit to having been under the influence of Darkspawn in Haense, and that the intervention of Jorenus' clergy in your testing - which had been tampered with by Magik of Iblees (In your own words) - ensured your acquittal. You then suggest us being suspicious of such matters is what Iblees wants.


    Your points are muddled. You ask us to trust individual Diocese during this crisis, then detail how it was only through intervention that you were saved. You say to believe in the testing without reasonable scrutiny, after detailing that your testing was tampered with by dark magik, making it unreliable. Why do you say those who are doubtful are spreading misinformation when you yourself are an unreliable source? When you contradict your own points? How naive can you be?


    Your testimony only heightens my doubt in the current state of affairs. You are right - we are to trust the Church, but thoroughness will show who in our faith who would side with The Great Betrayer.


    May you not stray from His Light again,

    Monk Matsuda Sakuraba, SSJP



  12. Monk Matsuda Sakuraba read this at the Monastery of St. Juli'el, having sequestered himself away after a hectic few days of writing and travel. He nodded, smiling - he respected the earnestness of the Bishop. Taking to his desk at the study, he would pen his reply...




    Good tidings to you from Casica, Bishop Amleth,


    When I was told by the sisters here an address to the situation had come from Jorenus, I held my breath - I feared attacks on my person, I worked myself up into a fit. Your points on how there is otherness, even within our Church, rang immediately true to me. I feel some shame over this anxiety; we are brothers.


    Let me be the first to say that my blood had been running rather hot after what I had observed, what I had been tasked with addressing. I do not consider Jorenus an enemy - no, I think I would be correct in saying it is the most productive and populated of all of our Diocese (It is an Archdiocese in recognition, no?) They are not my enemy, they are not the church's enemy, and I should have been more choice with my words to make that clear.


    I do NOT think the King ought to be deposed; that is not my judgement to pass. But if he ought to be deposed, I believe it would be after investigation and address by the Auditor of the Tribunal. If what you say is true, it may still yet be a crisis and issue within the court, but not a corruption of the Crown - but a matter that imperils it, that our Church ought to endeavor to aid Haense and Jorenus with.


    Your connection of the Comet, the commission and the tale of St. Tobias was really astute, and it made me smile. I was very happy to read such a fine example of the irony of the situation, how it characterized our plight here. I would ask you not to despair and worry about attacks or accusations from me about your people.


    We ought to meet and discuss this world we inhabit. I think we share similar views, frustrations, reservations, and despite my temper in my earlier writings, outlooks.


    Love, respect, and peace upon you!


    May we have the luck of St. Tobias,

    Monk Matsuda Sakuraba, SSJP

  13. Monk Matsuda Sakuraba prayed at the Orange Chapel at the Monastery of Juli'el. He had mediated there for days, intent on joining the Society of Saint Julia of Parasidius, the 'Julians'. After his third day, he climbed down the mountain and returned to the main hall of the complex, where a courier delivered this very missive to him.


    In his many years on Aevos, the aging elf had not interacted much with his kinsmen, the Oyashimans. Reading, he was filled with pride an melancholy. It was not easy for this man, who practiced his faith much more comfortably as a hermit, but knew his work was not yet finished. As he took on a new habit, he would reach out to Father Callahan as the missive advised, and another to Father Villorik


    His thoughts lingered on a potential pilgrimage to see the wise Denzen...

  14. Rigoberto de la Cruz worked the Fairweather Cafe in Petra, looking over his Ausecan helm. It was a slow day it seemed. Peering towards the once ever-closed gate, a courier stepped by and dropped a stack of papers off, ordered a drink, then went on his way. This very missive was that stack of papers.


    "Wait... They surrender to the Covenant? The war is over?" At that, the happy Hyspian poured himself a shot, and enjoyed his peaceful afternoon!

  15. 7 minutes ago, PrimnyaQuorum said:



    [!] Monk Matsuda Sakuraba received this missive in better spirits, wandering around the Monastery when he was approached by the Courier. Noting the contents with satisfaction, he penned a quick reply! [!]




    Lord-Magister Haus,


    I pray this reaches you in good health. I would be happy to sit and discuss these matters. I did not pen this missive to slander Valindra, or the arcane arts. I penned it to highlight the absurdity of the situation in our faith.


    Magic is a realm I understand on only a basic level, like many devoted Canonists. This commission was to be a handy tool. But the work is not finished. This report was submitted in the time immediately following a horrible scandal in which the King of Haense and his family stand accused of being darkspawn. Our Pontiff released this commission, unfinished, rather than addressing this immediate crisis. You surely should understand how absurd it is for us, as clergy, to even comment on magic right now, considering the state of affairs.


    My observation of Valindra was done, primarily, to highlight both the unclear nature of her exemption, the concern we as Canonists feel that it is done arbitrarily because there is no proper elaboration. Furthermore, that her relationship with and regarding the Church is the one the Pontiff has chosen to recently observe. How if we are to exempt an individual on an issue that is otherwise very clear, how we are to assuage the concern that an exemption may be given to a King who represents the largest army in the Covenant, may also be handled despite clear doctrine with far greater consequence.


    We should meet soon, and I would even be willing to meet and speak with Valindra. I apologize if my address seems to attack those of you who take up arcane studies. With a complete commission, I think the issue will be laid to rest entirely. 


    Again, my reference to it is simply to highlight how absurd it is that a darkspawn might be leading a whole Canonist nation, during a war led by both it and the Church, and how an incomplete address to Arcanum ends up the priority.


    Write to me any location, time, I will try to arrive at a time suitable to you. I would love to dispel any perceived ignorance.


    Warm regards,

    Monk Matsuda Sakuraba

  16. Rigoberto de la Cruz sat at the tavern, working a double shift as a server and gatehouse guard when his brother Eugencio came running over.


    "Hermano Berto, you get the news?" Said the man, breathless as he happened by.


    "No - what, Gio, did the war end?"


    "Berto, you won - you are the Mayor!"


    The two brothers looked at each other, mouths agape, smiling and barely able to squeak out a word as they roared with laughter and collided into an embrace. They laughed and they laughed until they were nearly in tears. After a few moments though, the duo took a moment to relax and assess.


    "Time to do more than just spin ideas then, Gio. Let's put together a celebration, let's put together a plan..."


    Quickly, they would send out letters to several of their compadres...

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