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About MrMojoMordor

  • Birthday 02/04/1998

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    Somewhere where not many ppl live
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    The Sparrowl/Bon
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  1. Pym Volkov sighs - gazing down at his still obliterated arm. He wish he could help. Hopefully they won't be showing up anytime soon. 'Sir Sparrow' - who heard the news from a local peasant near Vallagne however, gleefully skips across the fields towards Marginan. His hook-hand caressing the head's of wheat & a smile on his face, as wide and bright as the one on his helmet. "Ve Von Theonus sure keep getting into trouble! Luckily - ve Captain i Ve RiverGuard is here!" the short, muscular and half-naked man declares - still not knowing that neither it nor The Kingdom of Petra are a thing anymore.
  2. FULL NAME: Pym Volkov AGE: 37 RACE: Human? PRIOR EXPERIENCE, IF APPLICABLE: Coalition War, Silver Crusade METHOD OF CONTACT: ultradepresseddog (discord)
  3. The combined hallucination of Petra's citizens known as 'Sparrow' nods satisfied. Putting 'Sir' in front of his name with totally make people take him more seriously.
  4. After court, Pym Volkov goes back to his tower. For a while he just sits there, staring at a wall. "Skuke Aaun ag ve United Heartland's skravi!" the tall knight finally blurts out, feeling betrayed once more - throwing his helmet across the room in frustration. He still remember Stran & how everything around it & his family were handled. No where he goes, can he be at peace nor build something for himself - it's like GODAN himself truly is punishing him for his sullied lineage.
  5. The tall, freshly sworn in Petran knight rubs his hand togeather "Joust huh - perhaps ea win over some hearts!" he says to himself and goes to pick out his BEST fur hat.
  6. A certain very tall man with a fur hat, puts the missive down - his hand going to the silver necklace around his neck. "Auwn noble is leaving ve Commonwealth - perhaps a chance va restore ve House i Volkov honor like it was before vyr death, mamej?" he ponders for a moment, "Ludr another war is beginning va cast it's shadow..." Sir Pym Volkov clasps his hands & offers a prayer: "Brightna ve aela, darkna ve teny novd asere kursain, zlamanyed ag pobytyed!"
  7. On the beaches of Aveos - A VERY short, hook-handed man sunbathes in his undergarments & a round metal helmet with a smile and a red clown nose on. He digs through his assortment of random thing's he's brought with him - til he finds one of the cigars his frenemy gave him so long ago. "This' for vy, Tall man." he muses quietly, before snapping his fingers - lighting the cigar. Puffing more clouds to the 7 skies, for his old brother-in-arms to rest.
  8. ~PETRAN MACH~ (Depiction of two youngsters racing in Solland) || Imperial 1972|| Atstana de Regne Petrère 117 || I invite all people of Petra to compete in Petran Mach! A race on horseback across the landscape of The Commonwealth! There will be both drinks & much merriment provided both before & after the race near the Tournament Grounds. All does who wish to participate will be given a horse to ride on, to keep the competition fair. The route for the competition will also be shown to all the participants before the start of the race. (The estimate route) The prize pool will be 175 mina: 1st place 100 mina & horse. 2nd place 50 mina & horse. 3rd place 25 mina & horse. [OOC:Sunday 14th April at 5pm EST] Signed by Lord Mayor Pym Volkov of House Volkov Mayor of Vallagne & Horse Lord
  9. Pym Volkov furrows his brow - 'A wolf? Perhaps another unheard of cousin?' the socially inept man ponders to himself as he looks for his mother's fur-coat for the occasion. Silly Pym, little does he know, he's about to meet the source of his childhood NIGHTMARE!!
  10. Lord Mayor Pym Volkov, unlike the rest - actually skims the missive. "Well, it's niet like ve 'Oren' ea have heard I - but it shares some similarities. Let's hope Haense donniet strong arm everyone into doing what they want..." Just in case however - Pym puts up a few nooses at his home, ready to hang anyone going too imperialistic.
  11. Pym Volkov, the usually serious & emotionally stunted man can't help but feel his eyes get a little teary. He understands and feels for The Petran Queen, being the same age & spending most of his youth in war. He signs a little Lorraine's cross over his chest, offering a prayer for her journey of self-discovery.
  12. - A missive is put out onto the Vallagne notice-board - ~VE PRIVESK I VE NAU-MAYOR ~ Penned by Pym Volkov || Imperial 1971|| Astana de Regne Petrere 166 || PREVJA, DORBY OSOBAZ I VALLAGNE! Yam sure vy have heard that Mister Rigoberto de la Cruz has retired ag given mea, Pym Volkov ve duty i Mayor. He came va position iv ve last years i ve long war - there was much work va do. We can all agree, he has done so quite well! He has niet only revitalized Vallagne but Ve Commonwealth as a whole - dlum JOBS ag BUILDINGS va GOVERMENT ag SOCIAL LIFE. He has certainly left rather large shoes va fill - Yam niet sure even mea 13 size feet can fit them. However, he has certainly earned his retirement ag Y wish him ve best iv his future endeavors. THUS Y Pym Volkov call all ve citizens, gentry ag others va approach mea with offers, ideas ag troubles. Ea wish va hear I it all ag begin work - va get a grasp I things ag orient meaself. Psalm send mea a bird, approach mea iv person or contact mea through ve 'diskordium' realm. (a non-threatening rough sketch of Pym Volkov) REMINDER! Psalm, if vy wish work - be sure va look at ve job's offering board iv ve Vallagne Tavern, 'FAIR WEATHER'! If vy wish va offer work - come va mea! Signed by Pym Volkov of House Volkov Mayor of Vallagne
  13. Pym Volkov, after returning from Lotusgrad SWEATS as he hears the news - He knew it would come, but it was still sudden. The relatively inexperienced man would begin to scurry and write a missive of his own. Hopefully he'll live up to his predecessor.
  14. A bit of a swing & a miss. Giving me 'Veletz-Flashbacks' of 2 months of barely any RP because everyone hiding in their houses & bad faith banditry by Veletz-side because they kept taking L's almost every WC & were hurting for gear.
  15. I've very much gone from someone who's OK with banditry to someone who doesn't really like it in the span of the long-ass war we had when banditry was plenty. Mainly as mentioned before - it just comes out of nowhere while i'm minding my own buisiness & often it has 0 consequences or gain RP wise to the one who loses. Not to say i haven't had good bandit RP happen to me. I've enjoyed getting ran down and pockets emptied time-to-time by the road or bonked & injured or whatnot. However, my experience has definitly suffered due to my own sourness over getting constantly bombarded with raids & banditry for months & pet peeves i've developed with it. It's hard to enjoy it when half your side dips or doesn't care, because they don't want to deal with it & you know the rag-tag group of bandits are for some reason carrying around weapons made of x material or use magic that will 1 shot you. Because everyone NEEDS to win CRP, which i think is also a big problem. People don't like taking L's, especially in banditry because often it mean's you lose most of your shit. Is it silly to get heated over a pixel game? Yes. But i can't help it to become a salty ***** from sometime for spending x amount of hours & get nothing from it.
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