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Posts posted by D4NNA

  1. 1865002-bigthumbnail.jpg

    “I see, ye've come here t' embark on a new quest! Do nah fret, descendant, fer I Sailor o' th' Zwiellicht 'ave a whole plethora

    o' adventures that wait fer poor scrubber's like ya'
    Unfortunately, Lady Luck hasn't been nice t' me, so yer 'ave t' take th' chances 'n find th' shipwrecks that are from long forgotten crews...

    Th' loot thar will be plenty, 'n fer our term o' th' deal will nah let our greed take th' good o' us, or ye... in that case!”


    Wanted: “Booty ‘Arr!”

    Threat level: Challenging

    Suggested party number: 5-7+ for each shipwreck.


    Description of beasts: “Beasts? Oi, nobodeh’ spoke about beasts!”
    Altough no beasts were specified by the pirate, the open sea would be unpredictable,
    most of the life beneath the surface of the ocean would be unknown to the common descendant. Be prepared to face the ocean and possibly the leaders of the sea-foodchain!





    Gold Doubloons and More!


    Message D4NNA#6850 on Discord to schedule this event.

  2. **Description**
    I’ve had my Inventory wiped/overwritten after exiting the /menu

    **Date of occurance**
    31.03.2019 6-7PM CEST

    **In game specifications**
    I tried to Change emote Colors, typed the command /me and Right after that /menu which were inputted at the same time due to a lag.

    **Steps to Reproduce**
    use /me & /menu at the same time.

    **Expected Behavior**

    /menu Shows up after /me, and would close and return to the normal inventory.

    **Actual Behavior**

    it would overwrite or wipe your inventory, or not restore the items from before accessing one of the commands.

    **Additional Information**

    Relogged Right after but the items were still lost.

    **Error Message**

  3. Child RP, and especially family RP can be nice, but I honestly suggest you shouldn’t play a child, instead play a more Independent young character. You might start out on your own, or return for your long lost Family, … key is, you can do much more logically as a Teenager than a child.


    I know, your new character might eventually grow into a Teenager, but is childhood really that fun to Play? It’s a challenge to say the least, but that is up to you ^^


  4. **Description**
    I’ve found that my Vault items were not restored/overwritten.

    **Date of occurance**
    About a week ago when the notice papers were given out.

    **In game specifications**
    I was on my Main Persona when I tried to get the items, for good measure I’ve looked if any other persona had the items stored eventually.

    **Steps to Reproduce**
    1. Fill enderchest with 3-5 and a half stacks of cobblestone.
    2. Forget About them and wait for your items to be restored.
    3. find out that they we’re not restored, instead you should find your cobblestone.
    4. ???

    **Expected Behavior**
    Items that were in the Enderchest before should be overwritten

    **Actual Behavior**
    The Enderchest didn’t have enough Slots and instead kept the items that were already inside.

    **Additional Information**
    I’ve tried /vault and /ec | /enderchest, None of these work of course. 

    **Error Message**

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