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Posts posted by DahStalker

  1.  History ; back in early Axios, a group of tribal men gathered along shores from their boat of pure oak wood, filled with gathered stacks of rye. They prayed upon their God of blue, with his headdress of a deep sapphire hue and hair of glistening white. Upon arrival these native individuals traveled, often killing for sacrifices. They came from their holy birth giver; Riven, and conceived a child with his loving wife, that's right, Harrison. From there they birth their daughter, a true blessing she was, with long golden locks upon her neck as flowing as the ocean; clegg. Clegg had many suitors in a line, waiting and hoping one day thy would be wed.. And soon he stepped forth, the most gorgeous beauty of them all. Sky, but there was an issue. Mistergoosey was jealous, and space was in love with goosey. So they fought, and fought before clegg threw fresh oats at space and granted him strength. Few claim he turned into a magical beast that similar to pepe. Others say a horrific monster named morrigan stole them until her mate gallic roared and blew them away while trying to feed their kin a simple bpwl of fresh oats porridge. But that's how the children of Quaker oat was born.

    Appearance; usually overweight or extremely skinny with acne and long emo hair, orange or red eyes. Always wear blue with blue hats

    Religion; Fresh Oats


    for more information please contact me.


  2. On October 21, 2016 at 7:05 AM, Jaeden said:

    I only have two issues with the application.

    Firstly, it seems like your events will mainly focus around Oren and the Wood Elves. I prefer actors to be open-minded with their events. You should be open to expanding your roleplay and scenarios into other racial groups & guilds. You'll be expected to give events to people you may have never interacted with before, so I hope you're capable of venturing out of your comfort zone.

    Secondly, the way you've planned your first event, it seems somewhat railroaded. Planning out events is good, but keep in mind that not everything will go like how you have it written down. You will have to improvise no matter what's thrown at you. You're not telling a story (per se), you're progressing the stories of your participants. Encouraging roleplay, etc. You work your event around the people that join in on it.
    You have to be open to dynamic progression.

    Other than that, looks good.

    I had other areas in mind, yes. I've been beginning to come up with more elaborate ideas that include other races and more. And on the way I had formatted my scenarios I did have vague difficulty forming a way to show what I would do if the situations would begin to change. Though fret not I've plans for chicken related events; Daddy Chicken will not shame 

    On October 21, 2016 at 7:05 AM, Sky said:

    You muck around a lot and do things others may see as trolly, or memey, but I know you can role-play excellently and if you buckled down, I'd like to work alongside you. 

    I do not believe you understand my schedule

    * Meme 

    * Serious roleplay

    * Scream on skype and TS

    (ty for feedback) 

  3. 4 hours ago, Tsuyose said:

    the mafia mourns the loss of another; woe and behold our ricelord, kai, the godfather who clenches his jaws taut.




    heero turns to kai, bowing his head in respect as he tucks his copious amounts of asian porn beneath the table. "i know ricelord, another vote out the window. what will the mafia do?"


    kai turns back to tsuyose; "you are our only hope now."


    *heaves heavily.*


    "ty ricemaster"

    i like rice 

    • Minecraft ; PapiPollo/LPStalker
    • Skype ID: lpstalker3
    • Timezone: EST, a dirty american 
    • Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions? ; No
    • What MMORPG/video games have you/do you play (past and present)? Other rp servers, GTA 5, cs;go, dancing games and tbh nothing else. I only read most of my time 
    • What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a event team member?; Farah wife to Vittalius de Capua, Eva Anaa Horen wife to Ser Leopold, Mare the savage elf wife to Eridan Taloha and some high elf Teivya. I'm willing to kill Farah or Teivya 
    • What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain.; Elves and Humans. Maybe Halflings
    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?;Focus on all individuals whom are partaking in the event and not just one in particular. Do give out decent event items according to the event but not op. And enjoyable got those who partake. 
    • What strengths could you contribute to the event department? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?; I'm great at organizing and go with the flow of events. My knowledge upon lore is decent enough that I understand the capabilities and functions of few creatures.
    • Why do you want to be part of the ED?; I wish to be apart of the Event Department because I believe I can bring few changes and more events. I've always enjoyed eerie roleplay and bringing glee to few individuals whom have interests in such activities. And especially for Oreners I do think I'm capable of granting them and others non-magical based events, too and even events that are a building story to cause a plot that can add on more and different players over the course of time. In general I believe to give others events out of nowhere properly or even perhaps try new techniques that few might enjoy! ;^J
    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the managers and the lead, not to the community. Note: not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.
    • 5-7 people; Within the Dominion of Malin everything is at ease for the time being. The few and rare Malin children skip and play about; women gossiping about certain things and Artimec flirting with some lone elf lady. Though suddenly from the center nearby the fountain a shrill cry of agony is heard. Upon so various Sirame and few brave citizens rush to the commotion only to stand before an eerie figure don in the worn attire of faded green and browns. The ground rumbles as roots shoot upward and about a woman tightening and squeezing firmly yet her abdomen is free, and swollen. Eyes fixate and jaws fall agape at the sight, though no time wasted as swords were pulled from sheathes and concentrations built with the abnormally shining eyes. Releasing a hoarse cry the Draoi spins to face the others to drop the woman in the fountain not to flee but focus on those whom gathered. With a jolt of his hand roots come upwards like a wall, curling and straining with few spaces in between with a trembling man hid behind. If men where to attack the roots they'd be struck until feeble and destroyed, the man given time to back away though the Druid nearby able to hold him in place for hopes of trapping him. With difficulty as the Druid then fought back with brutal might and ease.
    • (it depends really on the direction is assume.) As the men fight and break at the roots and various plant life thrown at them they finally manage to slay the Druid with a final inspection they find they slice through a pouch filled with poisonous arrows covered at the head to seal it for now. They gladly take the rewards.
    • 2-4 people; Eerie clanks of metal groan and wheeze, large thumps atop planks of wood aged from years are heard as three armored figures with the house of an old House enter Oren, the gate had been unattended. Few guard nearby barely take notice as they are busy bickering with other things. The trio sit down at a table within the nearest tavern for a drink at ease and lacking care for the others that were about. Soon enough though a guard trotted up to them inquiring for them to remove of their helmets and with that they look. With a tilt of the heads they look away, and the giard
    • continued to pursuit in making them remove their helmets or at the least their visors. "Remove your helmet!" He'd suddenly shout, hand jolting out to grip his shoulder and with that a hand set upon his shoulder the angered individual don in metal then reached upwards to strike him and then chaos begun. 
    • 20+ or less people; A man of an old age strolls about with a visage of wrinkles, and debris a kindred expression cracked across his worn features. He hums out a tender
    • melody, clickering and clanking a pair of bells together through leather strings strewn on, lithe digits moving with rhythm. "Come one, come all. Heroes arise, and citizens fall. Puzzles for all that shall determine whom is thee fearless boar and trembling mouse." He'd interject with a quiet singing as if a sugar-sweet lullaby which caused many to gather and cluster around the man. The old man then grinned when satisfied, hands becoming together to press the once jingling bells together to crush them into
    • dust of a deep crimson hue that transfixed into a slick substance and trailed down his hands. Those that gathered appeared within a temple of various rooms and tests they had to complete in order to receive prizes and find the end.
    • How long do you plan to stay on the ED? As long as I can possibly can
    • Tell me a joke! - Oren




    What is your favourite Color? Rainbow color 

    What’s your favorite pizza topping? Meat

    Do you believe in magic? no

    Is bisexuality a myth, in your opinion? (stop triggering me parion) stop triggering my wife

    Curly hair or straight hair? curly ( you saw our hair, Parion.)


    The Final Round:

    Who is the better half of the memedom?



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