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Posts posted by DahStalker

  1. Melia struck at heated metal with a tool in-hand, using heavy strikes to cause a differ in its contour from beforehand. Suddenly a bird had soared in to perch itself with a note betwixt its beak - Examining the information it held she would've scoffed. "How unfortunate indeed - More for I as well."

  2. Student Application format:

    Format your title as follows: [Type of Magic] [MA] MC or RP name


    MC Name: MisterPapiOfLOTC


    Character's Name: Melia 


    Character's Age: 20


    Character's Race: Elf (high/ame)


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Telekinesis


    Teacher's MC Name: Toxzero


    Teacher's RP Name: Sarrion


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: no


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: I've not.


  3. Forgot a note: Dirk


    My grandson,

                           How you have grown brings me to tears. I held you as a met infant and watched you sprout into something I find pride in. Hold onto both ways - Warhawkian and High Elven. Forge it into something new and your own. Raise your sons to be like you - for it is something to be proud of. 

    I love you, mar'haelun 


  4. Spoiler

    Hi, she's finally dead my dude.



    Marcy leaned  back within a chair under the thick fabrics of crimson, creating a shield above her sickly figure from invading droplets that fell harshly to forge the heavy sounds of downpour. Her sunken cheeks puckered inwards with the brief shifting of a jaw - gaze casting to the side as a trembling exhale escaped from the elfess for she was weak, dying, and aware. 

        How could life be cruel and lack mercy that she so dearly thrived for throughout her lifetime? How could it cause one to suffer so horribly to the point where a crack was made and a rippling impact went in motion forever?

        Perhaps it could've differ from the smallest of actions. Using conflict to fix a broken elf, to make him driven into an absolute loop that he couldn't part from?

         It mattered not, now. She was going to die, and it was going to be slow and painful like the ones she use to watch others endure; karma at its best. Lithe digits dug into the wooden surface of the arms secured upon the chair she occupied, tears running forth and down her visage as harsh coughs escaped from parting lips. Orbs of lapis hue scanned over few bits of parchment that she had written notes on until after a moment of recollection the elfess sent off.



    Thalon and Ro'ya


    Dear little ones,

                              It brings me only joy to see what you have both sprouted into. To view once a seedling now a tree of the purest life. You forged love betwixt each other and had a beautiful daughter. I know of what you both had become and perhaps it is not the purest others could desire but to me you are what a mother only wishes for. Someone whom follows their own path. And for that you bring me something to hold with pride. 

     - Haelun loves you.

    The Tahn'thill Family 


    Dear Tahn'thill,

                             If you ever take my body and do some dark s*** with it. I will quite literally sacrifice you to my plenty of dead husbands. I am looking at you Dirk.



    Dear son,

                     It pains me that I have not visited often as you got older, and what you've been inflicted with due to my actions - I hope you're aware of what these are. And it is not the fault of Parion for what he was, it is mine. I beg of you to care for his child and give him a better childhood that his maln lacked. Raise him to be akin of his own kind and not what I was. And care for yourself, and keep that line strong and make sure a crack never appears to let it fade. I love you, and go to the spot where Parion lays to tell him I love him too.




    Dear Aeran,

                         Stop lacking belief in yourself, it is tiring and you seem like an Oren maiden in distress about her appearance. You've a family now, and hope. Build off of that, and do some pull ups too. Don't become pasta.



    Dear Jayce,

                         You were a lover, and an enemy. We've had our time of conflict and time of peace - But all I desire is for you to raise your coming child in your arms. For our own hadn't been blessed to endure such a life. Your real family would've been proud, Jayce. - not the blood one. You know what I mean. 

    The Druidic Order


    Dear Druids,

                         I cannot describe the remorse and sorrow that overwhelms me. All I pray for is that you maintain balance, and hope corruption is never to come. And if that boy Oliver is around, still. Tell him to grow tougher skin and not be so frightful of me. And to Barry, I am ashamed of what your reputation suffered because of me. I was a horrible student, not even worthy to embrace the given chance I had and I hope in the depth of your heart you 

    may forgive me. Taynuel, the Druid who hates the most hatred towards me than them all. I've a necklace meant for Veren before he passed - he cared for you. And you deserve it  to hold upon it for it was forged by only friendship and love. Thank you,  and may the Aspects guide you.




                 Make me proud even if we've twisted ways. Raise your children with love like some I didn't. And hold onto your recollection so I may live on - speak of us and our connection through the darkest of times. Brother, do not make me return to smack you.




                     I am proud of you, and I love you. Even through your times of conflict, you thrived and continued forth. You ambled on with such strength even I am shocked. You became wed to a strong individual, and had a beautiful daughter. Stay with the family you've now and build off of it. And paint, paint your life away until it causes those hands of yours to fade. 

    I love you, so very much my daughter.

    ps. Tell Crines I thank him for keeping an eye on you when I could not.



    Dear Chieftian, 

                             Even if it didn't appear as if I had any -  I respected you to the absolute fullest. From where you became from you developed into a strong individual, with feelings yet you hide them. I am aware of how your father was, and how strict he was. Even if you it means nothing to you. You're like a son to me, and through marriage you are. What you do for your people is unremarkable, and pride runs through me with your actions. Let your mind guide you, and continue to keep strong. 

    Even if it lacks meaning for you. I love as my son, I truly do. Take care of Isabelle for me - promise it to me.




    Dear Ray, 

                     I caused you suffer, and it pains me. Raise your children well, and do not act like your brother. Two Reis, are too much. And take this with you, it was meant for you back in Athera before the conflict. 

    Within elaborate fabric lay a mere feather of a unique blue, at the tips are a mixture of blacks and grays.

    She dead

  5. While it is true that LOTC is down. It doesn't mean we've to mope about (I'm sure you've a real life but let's have a little more fun my dudes during the wait!) So give me ideas,  for what we can do because I'm ready for some hARdcORE KaHOot

  6. 23 minutes ago, MangoArt said:

    Sucks because there's this one guy I hate but I can't get rid of him cuz he's like, friends with all my friends, so literally I get to get pissed off all day and then go home and have nothing to make me forget about it. Of course I also have Tales From The Borderlands now...so I guess I can play that instead.

    Pk him

  7. 11 hours ago, Timothion said:

    Honestly it's been pretty bad.


    Since LOTC was blacklisted I went to my local tavern (There were no elves there which was pretty good) I start talking to this girl about how much I like roleplaying. She said she also likes to roleplay with whips and stuff (ahah what an edgelord amirite?) she said she wanted to RP with me so I go back to her place.

    So there i am, looking forward to some great character development and the woman tries to cyber with me! I close my eyes, run around her living room and start screaming "Lmao cyber alert." to alert the local GM's, but they never showed.


    Her boyfriend does show up though, I tell her that she's a cyberer and that he should leave her but he just gets mad and says he's going to kick my ass. I forgot to bring my gear so i don't really have anything to lose. I tell the girl to count down for us so that the fight is completely fair. But she just stares at me (Stupid newbs not even reading the rules)


    I'm about to explain the rules to her when her boyfriend starts to pugsy me, he downs me with ease and I wake up at the cloud temple hospital. The Local GM's are absolutely worthless (They asked me what happened IC, as if i'll metagame)  but the monks there were alright, one of them gave me an extra pudding cup.


    I hope LOTC returns soon, because i've tried to RP at other places but i don't think it's working out.


    Was it good pudding?

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