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Posts posted by DahStalker

  1. I hope this doesn't cause me to to get a Br because I was told this was my Final Hazard. And I didn't really

    want to Tel-nir that. But like I'm not fat ImCookies. But I guess it's ok LEO is a Warrior and 14

  2. Mare grins in satisfactory, digits scooping up few mina before using her lengthy limbs to scoop up the remains. Gaze lingering between the two individuals in disdain whom sat across the table. "I've told you my dear llirs. Anyone can defeat Courlanders, and non cannot win against those brutal raevirs. I mean besides, whom would even dare to when they've that dull minded Radoslav? He's like a wild feline catching it's prey."

  3. Marcy lofted an eyebrow hearing the return of the Warhawkes, scoffing the woman rose to her feet. Pulse quickening she'd glance around her small abode which was located in Salvus, cursing under her breath Marcy snatched few materials nearby and made her way out. The nature was a frenzy about her, visage grim she spoke to herself. "Those damned brothers, can they not allow me rest at all? Perhaps they finally decided to shave." And with such a remark she was off to the old fort, leaving behind her regret .

  4. Somewhere about within Vailor a tall elven woman stands, staring intently into licking flames of a fire. She'd shudder, silent tears streaking down her pale cheeks. "Raine..." Upon hearing the death of her dear friend only brought her guilt. Raine loved Marcy. Raine told her she'd never stop loving her. And Marcy let her get hurt, allowing her to shatter in the world like her and never was able to return the solemn feeling the Druid felt for her. Adjusting the vest around her thin frame she'd turn from the fire and begin to stroll away with an idle gait. "I promise." Marcy spoke in a voice that was hoarse, and that was all she could do. Promise. She could promise to rid the guilt away, though at the same time she knew she couldn't and already broke a promise. Shatter. She could promise to care for her children, though she knew that others were already and would've done better than her. Shatter. She could promise to become a Druid and live on happily as Raine once told her to do, though that chance was given thread to keep up but it kept getting torn. Shatter. She could promise to have hope. No shatter. No matter what happened within Marcy's life she would promise to the deceased Druid she'd have hope for all the years she had from  curse, she'd live on and have hope, have hope and live on, have hope.....
                  Marcy came to a halt before a small bit of land in the middle of a forest, kneeling down she got out a small dark oak tree seed, cupping it in one palm as her other hand worked on digging out a small hole, and she placed the seed in soon covering it back up. She knew she could promise that DIDN'T love Raine.

  5. Mare let out a long exhale of relief. She was complete with the small mixture she had been mixing up for her dear llir, Caern. The boy whom she'd claim to be either her 'husband' or 'best llir' had recently lost one of his hands during a revenge plot gone wrong within Oren, all that remained was a stub. Mare being only at the young age of nine was curious, glancing to a nearby flower earlier that day she remember how Druids could bring plants ill or sickened back to health and along with that knowledge she'd decided to make a drink that would bring his hand back. After a long evening, mixing and stirring, thinking and sweating she'd finally come up with the perfect drink. The perfect drink. Milk, it helps make your bones strong, one said; Flowers, to make your hand pretty again; Dirt, to help it grow; Apple, an apple a day keeps the doctor away; And her spit; because kisses make every boo-boo better, I can't put kisses into drinks, so this is close enough! The young mali rose to her feet quickly, hiding the contents in a jar, in her worn satchel. Rushing around Laureh'lin she'd call out to the first man she would've seen. Idem.
    "Llir! Llir! Have you seen llir Caern or his haelun Fawynn around?"
    Idem slowed the pace of his horse's trotting, facing the child with a hurt expression upon his visage.
    "She's gone. She's dead though, I spoke to her ghost. And for Caern I have not."
    "Wh-.. What, no? No, please, no! Say you're lying lliran, please, please!"

     The girl was devastated, her 'best llir' had lost his haelun. Lost his only family. She let the salty liquid roll down her plump, bronze cheeks. Idem rose from his steed, kneeling he embraced her for comfort and she allowed for to do such. Soon breaking the embrace she'd thrust a hand within her satchel to grope at the jar which contained the magical contents presumed to bring back the hand of Caern. So she swore, so the child swore that she'd help bring back Caern's hand. Pinky promising the air to be so innocent, so young, so blind of the real realm to know that she broke her promise at the start of it.

  6. "Why didn't llir Majesty add that he's the Owner of leyu Kitten..?" the girl by the name of Mare trails off, staring at only the signature of the king, unleashing her fury she'd raise a single fist to the sky. "I'm sorry llir Majesty. I'm telling my maln."

  7. You'd all likely know my response to this. Callax is clearly able to take up the job, working with lore would be a snap for him. He was here for three and a half years proving his loyalty to the server and capability within it. His work will be a huge benefit to us players and new to come. His roleplay of being a Druid is truthfully amazing and along with the understanding of the lore surrounding it is just perfect. I assume most of us can say that Werbles is perfect for the job. +1

  8. Mare Finnigan hums happily as she traded her ceremony dress of fine fabrics for an attire more suitable, skipping along out her abode she settled her small hands upon her hips. Her ears suddenly flickered, gaining that eight year old sense that something would be wrong with her plushie, staring off in the distance she grimaced... praying to the Aspects that Tristin cared for the plushie, or she would do something very bad, very bad she only did in terrible situations of the sorts.

    Tell her maln.

  9. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: TruePolloLoco

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?: LPStalker


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: I fully agree to follow the rules of this server on my new account which I'll be applying for.

    Do you understand you cannot be on both of these accounts at once? This will result in a ban if you are caught!: I understand that both of my accounts are not allowed to be logged within the server during the same time.

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will be the other(s)?: I do, I understand if one of my accounts are banned so will the other.

    How long have you been on LotC?: I've been in LOTC for quite a decent period of time. Around the mid-April of 2015

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted (including main)?: Currently LPStalker is my only whitelisted account, hopefully this will be the second.

  10. Marcy's eyes widen, freezing in place as she'd just hear of the death of an old friend. "Maxwell.." the words escape her lips in a soft whisper, he'd been almost a mentor you could say to her. Marcy blinks a few times her gaze going to her feet as she'd go back in time, her mind endlessly wrapping around the thought, in reality she'd just caught herself having stumbling back a few papers scattered on the floor that was once on her desk. "Ho-.. ow..?" Marcy cries out, falling forward onto her knees, he'd hurt her physically back in Athera, soon to become a close friend- Yet he'd been a role in her life. A friend, brother, enemy. "T-.. Three part fool, three part brave." Marcy sobs out, making a sign of the Lorriane cross on her chest her other hand reaching into a pouch and tossing two rings across the rooms she'd offer Maxwell and Yuln years ago. "I told ye to do it before it was too late."

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