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  1. So I've been to a bunch of major cities around Atlas and found nobody. Sutica has nobody, Caras Eldar has nobody, Holm has nobody, Norland has nobody, Cyrilsburg has nobody Belvitz has 7-10 people in it. The only city with activity is Carloustadt, with 40+ people in it when I checked. There are 170 people currently online, so unless 100 of them are bots, where is everybody?


    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Norland is inactive, Holm is inactive, Sutica is only a little bit active, the Wood Elves don’t live in Caras Eldar anymore, etc.


      You’ve been hitting up all the places that used to be active but are active no longer.

      Edited by NotEvilAtAll
    2. AgentMemory


      What’s Syriac? Wood Elves are moving back to Caras Eldar, I believe. Also, where are the places that do have activity now?

    3. Ivoreyy


      Most people are in aegrothond (new elven place), Haense, fenn maybe??, gladewynn is in the process of moving the welves back to Caras eldar, kadarsi could have people, same with the druids or rosenyr. 

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